955 resultados para Urban Spatial Transformation


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Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Acceptance of the IT LEISH(r) and direct agglutination test- made in the Laboratório de Pesquisas Clínicas (DAT-LPC) by healthcare professionals and patients suspected of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) in Ribeirão das Neves was evaluated. METHODS: Ninety-two patients and 47 professionals completed three questionnaires. RESULTS: Eighty-eight (96%) patients considered fingertip blood collection a positive test feature, and 86% (37) and 91% of professionals considered the IT LEISH(r) easy to perform and interpret, respectively. All professionals classified the DAT-LPC as simple and easy. CONCLUSIONS: Patients and healthcare professionals in Ribeirão das Neves demonstrated a high degree of acceptance of the IT LEISH(r) and DAT-LPC.


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PURPOSE: To study the gastric and colorectal cancer mortalities and their relation to the urban-industrialization in Baixada Santista, located in the southeastern region of Brazil. METHODS: Selected from the registries of the State System of Data Analysis Foundation (SEADE) were 1105 deaths due to gastric cancer (ICD 153--154) and 690 due to colorectal cancer (ICD 151) that occurred from 1980 to 1993 in males, above 10 years of age, residing in Baixada Santista. For each of these types of cancer, the standardized mortality rates, age-adjusted by world population in the 1960s, for 4 industrialized and 4 non-industrialized urban communities in that region were calculated. The ratios among those rates were calculated in order to compare the mortality in the periods 1980--93, 1980--1986, and 1987--1993. RESULTS: Standardized mortality rates for colorectal cancer were significantly higher in industrialized area, with ratios of 1.6 [95% CI 1.22 -- 2.29], 1.6 [95% CI 1.2 -- 2.0], and 1.6 [95% CI 1.3 -- 2.0] in the periods 1980--86, 1987--1993 and 1980--93, respectively. Gastric cancer did not show any statistical difference between the industrialized and non-industrialized areas, but there was a significant decrease in BS from the period 1980--1986 to 1987--1993. CONCLUSIONS: The significant elevation of colorectal cancer mortality in the industrialized area could be related to exposure to numerous carcinogens such as aromatic hydrocarbon, organic-chloride, metals, and industrial-port dust present in the region. Alternatively, the non-significant difference in gastric cancer between industrialized and non-industrialized areas and significant decrease in the last few years could be predominately reflecting the advances in the quality of life in urban areas. These results require further case-control studies that could help with the analysis of the associations among cancer and environmental factors (occupational, urban-industrial, habit, and life condition) and genetic susceptibility.


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Many municipal activities require updated large-scale maps that include both topographic and thematic information. For this purpose, the efficient use of very high spatial resolution (VHR) satellite imagery suggests the development of approaches that enable a timely discrimination, counting and delineation of urban elements according to legal technical specifications and quality standards. Therefore, the nature of this data source and expanding range of applications calls for objective methods and quantitative metrics to assess the quality of the extracted information which go beyond traditional thematic accuracy alone. The present work concerns the development and testing of a new approach for using technical mapping standards in the quality assessment of buildings automatically extracted from VHR satellite imagery. Feature extraction software was employed to map buildings present in a pansharpened QuickBird image of Lisbon. Quality assessment was exhaustive and involved comparisons of extracted features against a reference data set, introducing cartographic constraints from scales 1:1000, 1:5000, and 1:10,000. The spatial data quality elements subject to evaluation were: thematic (attribute) accuracy, completeness, and geometric quality assessed based on planimetric deviation from the reference map. Tests were developed and metrics analyzed considering thresholds and standards for the large mapping scales most frequently used by municipalities. Results show that values for completeness varied with mapping scales and were only slightly superior for scale 1:10,000. Concerning the geometric quality, a large percentage of extracted features met the strict topographic standards of planimetric deviation for scale 1:10,000, while no buildings were compliant with the specification for scale 1:1000.


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Portugal implemented a large number of structural reforms in the recent years, which are expected to enhance the allocation of resources in the economy, namely from the non-tradable to tradable sector. We argue that the methodology to identify the tradable sector used by some international institutions is outdated and may hamper an accurate assessment of the progress achieved so far. Based on an enhanced methodology to identify the tradable sector, we are able to provide a more accurate, clearer picture of the recent structural developments of the Portuguese economy.


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A presente investigação debruça-se sobre o estudo dos grandes conjuntos urbanos, tendo como referência a área de Lisboa no período entre 1945 e 1974. O seu objetivo principal é compreender o padrão espacial e respetivas variantes destas formas urbanas relativamente recentes bem como avaliar o seu impato na estrutura global da cidade e da sociedade. Tomando como ponto de partida a história de arte como história da cidade, a tese toma como objeto o grande conjunto urbano e aponta a hipótese do estudo da relação forma-fundo como meio de obter informações relevantes que relacionem o uso e função com respeito ao desenho do espaço aberto. Como diferentes arranjos entre espaços abertos e fechados implicam tipos espaciais distintos (Medeiros 2013), o estudo da relação entre a forma (cheio) e o fundo (vazio) dos grandes conjuntos urbanos e respetivas variações, pode fornecer-nos informação espacial relevante, que nos permitem compreender melhor estas formas urbanas recentes. Usando a abordagem própria da teoria da sintaxe espacial (Hillier e Hanson 1984), do tipo configuracional, determinam-se as relações entre os vários elementos constituintes dos sistemas espaciais formados nestas urbanizações. Essas relações são depois analisadas através de medidas e variáveis topológicas que nos permitem identificar qualidades e valores espaciais para a sociedade. Os resultados obtidos a partir dessas variáveis e medidas permitem-nos, depois, avaliar os graus de ‘formalidade’ e ‘urbanidade’ em cada sistema (Holanda 2002). Consequentemente, a avaliação qualitativa das características espaciais que se pretendem obter nesta investigação, tem como base a avaliação quantitativa, permitindo assim comparar mais facilmente os diversos casos de estudo. De entre o conjunto de casos analisados, o estudo revela uma série de características comuns, que nos permitem identificar um padrão específico de urbanismo modernista que reflete claramente um conjunto de ideologias associadas a uma visão reformista da sociedade através do espaço. Mas por outro lado, existem também um conjunto de características particulares de cada caso, que reportam para a estrutura morfológica da cidade tradicional. No que reporta à hipótese de estudo levantada nesta investigação sobre a relação forma-fundo, verifica-se através da amostra que esta relação aparece invertida. Esta diferenciação deve-se ao abandono dos tradicionais sistemas de rua e de quarteirão, ainda presentes nas urbanizações de Alvalade e do Areeiro e a sua substituição pelo bloco livre em espaço aberto como nos casos de Alfragide, Portela e Olivais. Tal facto, como prova a teoria da Sintaxe Espacial ou Lógica Social do Espaço, traduziu-se necessariamente em diferentes modos de vida pública e privada e consequentemente de vida espacial e social. Assim concluímos, através da análise dos casos de estudo apresentados, que embora fazendo parte duma mesma ideologia urbana com características comuns (genótipo modernista), os mesmos apresentam resultados espaciais totalmente diferenciados o que justifica a dificuldade da sua análise comparativa.


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A cooperação transfronteiriça é vista na União Europeia como um modelo de integração territorial e como uma alternativa para o desenvolvimento das regiões de fronteira, devido ao seu afastamento em relação aos grandes centros urbanos. No início da década de 90 foi lançado o programa do INTERREG tendo em vista a maior permeabilidade da fronteira e o desenvolvimento destes territórios, entre os quais o das regiões do Alto Alentejo e da Extremadura. A grande proximidade territorial entre Elvas e Badajoz permitiu desde sempre relações de cooperação mais ou menos intensas e consentidas, mesmo antes da abertura da fronteira, motivadas sobretudo pela diferença de valor entre as duas moedas. Contudo, com a entrada conjunta dos países ibéricos na CEE (1986), essas relações intensificaram-se ao nível do comércio, do emprego, do turismo, do lazer e da procura de serviços. Impactos territoriais como a procura e utilização conjunta de infraestruturas e de espaços públicos pelas populações das duas cidades, a promoção e realização de espetáculos culturais, a prática de cross-border shopping, a procura de uma segunda residência, em ambos os lados da fronteira, e a tendência para uma urbanização contínua no futuro, justificaram a criação da Eurocidade Elvas-Badajoz (2013). Esta iniciativa tem como principais objetivos promover a conceção, gestão e prestação conjunta de serviços, desenvolver projetos de cooperação em áreas de interesse comum, estimular a cooperação entre empresas e atrair investimentos geradores de novos postos de trabalho. No entanto os desafios para ambas as cidades prendem-se com a existência de um quadro jurídico e legal distinto que tem condicionado algumas das ações ou iniciativas e o desenvolvimento territorial conjunto ainda carece de uma proposta estratégica.


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Urban mobility is one of the main challenges facing urban areas due to the growing population and to traffic congestion, resulting in environmental pressures. The pathway to urban sustainable mobility involves strengthening of intermodal mobility. The integrated use of different transport modes is getting more and more important and intermodality has been mentioned as a way for public transport compete with private cars. The aim of the current dissertation is to define a set of strategies to improve urban mobility in Lisbon and by consequence reduce the environmental impacts of transports. In order to do that several intermodal practices over Europe were analysed and the transport systems of Brussels and Lisbon were studied and compared, giving special attention to intermodal systems. In the case study was gathered data from both cities in the field, by using and observing the different transport modes, and two surveys were done to the cities users. As concluded by the study, Brussels and Lisbon present significant differences. In Brussels the measures to promote intermodality are evident, while in Lisbon a lot still needs to be done. It also made clear the necessity for improvements in Lisbon’s public transports to a more intermodal passenger transport system, through integration of different transport modes and better information and ticketing system. Some of the points requiring developments are: interchanges’ waiting areas; integration of bicycle in public transport; information about correspondences with other transport modes; real-time information to passengers pre-trip and on-trip, especially in buses and trams. After the identification of the best practices in Brussels and the weaknesses in Lisbon the possibility of applying some of the practices in Brussels to Lisbon was evaluated. Brussels demonstrated to be a good example of intermodality and for that reason some of the recommendations to improve intermodal mobility in Lisbon can follow the practices in place in Brussels.


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The spatial and temporal distribution of a guild of eight diurnal tiger beetle species was studied on a 105 m long transect near the field station of the Reserva Florestal A. Ducke near Manaus (AM), Brazil. The transect followed a path that included both shaded and an open areas. Five of the species, restricted to primary forest, occurrred only in shaded areas of the transect, and three species occurred in open areas. Of all eight species only two of the open habitat species showed no clear seasonality in adult activity. In six species the activity of adults was limited to the rainy season. The most pronounced annual rhythm was found in Pentacomia ventralis, an open habitat species. Activity of adults was limited to October/November. First in-star larvae appeared shortly thereafter. Larval development mainly took place from January to May. The third instar larva entered a dormancy which lasted up to 10 months, and which enabled the synchronisation of emerging adults with annual seasons.


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This paper presents a simulation model, which was incorporated into a Geographic Information System (GIS), in order to calculate the maximum intensity of urban heat islands based on urban geometry data. The method-ology of this study stands on a theoretical-numerical basis (Okeâ s model), followed by the study and selection of existing GIS tools, the design of the calculation model, the incorporation of the resulting algorithm into the GIS platform and the application of the tool, developed as exemplification. The developed tool will help researchers to simulate UHI in different urban scenarios.


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Following detailed studies of Portuguese vernacular building typologies, this paper deals with buildings located in historical urban centres. An analysis of the history of the urban centre and, in particular, of some vernacular buildings is enhanced. Additionally, a discussion on the influence of changes of the geometry, and on added built volumes to original buildings in the seismic vulnerability of the buildings is also provided.


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Today recovering urban waste requires effective management services, which usually imply sophisticated monitoring and analysis mechanisms. This is essential for the smooth running of the entire recycling process as well as for planning and control urban waste recovering. In this paper we present a business intelligence system especially designed and im- plemented to support regular decision-making tasks on urban waste management processes. The system provides a set of domain-oriented analytical tools for studying and characterizing poten- tial scenarios of collection processes of urban waste, as well as for supporting waste manage- ment in urban areas, allowing for the organization and optimization of collection services. In or- der to clarify the way the system was developed and the how it operates, particularly in process visualization and data analysis, we also present the organization model of the system, the ser- vices it disposes, and the interface platforms for exploring data.


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Tese de Doutoramento em Tecnologias e Sistemas de Informação


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Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências da Educação (Área de Conhecimento: Educação ambiental e para a Sustentabilidade)