913 resultados para Territorial discourse
This paper describes methods and results for the annotation of two discourse-level phenomena, connectives and pronouns, over a multilingual parallel corpus. Excerpts from Europarl in English and French have been annotated with disambiguation information for connectives and pronouns, for about 3600 tokens. This data is then used in several ways: for cross-linguistic studies, for training automatic disambiguation software, and ultimately for training and testing discourse-aware statistical machine translation systems. The paper presents the annotation procedures and their results in detail, and overviews the first systems trained on the annotated resources and their use for machine translation.
This article discusses the detection of discourse markers (DM) in dialog transcriptions, by human annotators and by automated means. After a theoretical discussion of the definition of DMs and their relevance to natural language processing, we focus on the role of like as a DM. Results from experiments with human annotators show that detection of DMs is a difficult but reliable task, which requires prosodic information from soundtracks. Then, several types of features are defined for automatic disambiguation of like: collocations, part-of-speech tags and duration-based features. Decision-tree learning shows that for like, nearly 70% precision can be reached, with near 100% recall, mainly using collocation filters. Similar results hold for well, with about 91% precision at 100% recall.
In many territorial species androgen hormones are known to increase in response to territorial intrusions as a way to adjust the expression of androgen-dependent behaviour to social challenges. The dear enemy effect has also been described in territorial species and posits that resident individuals show a more aggressive response to intrusions by strangers than by other territorial neighbours. Therefore, we hypothesized that the dear enemy effect may also modulate the androgen response to a territorial intrusion. Here we tested this hypothesis in male cichlid fish (Mozambique tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus) using a paradigm of four repeated territorial intrusions, either by the same neighbour or by four different unfamiliar intruders. Neighbour intruders elicited lower aggression and a weaker androgen response than strangers on the first intrusion of the experiment. With repeated intrusions, the agonistic behaviour of the resident males against familiar intruders was similar to that displayed towards strangers. By the fourth intrusion the androgen response was significantly reduced and there was no longer a difference between the responses to the two types of intruders. These results suggest that the dear enemy effect modulates the androgen response to territorial intrusions and that repeated intrusions lead to a habituation of the androgen response.
Studies on different vertebrate groups have provided evidence that androgen levels in males increase after competitive social interactions during the breeding season, as postulated by the Challenge Hypothesis. However, social modulation of androgen levels may vary with latitude and may differ between species holding seasonal versus year-round territories. Here, we tested the Challenge Hypothesis on a seasonal tropical damselfish, Abudefduf sexfasciatus, where males temporarily defend territory and eggs against both intra- and interspecific individuals. Carrying out simulated territorial intrusions (STIs) in the laboratory, we document for the first time a consistent increase in the plasma level of the androgen precursor 11-ketoandrostenedione (11KA) in fish confronted to either intra- or interspecific challenges. Collecting samples in the field also revealed higher 11KA levels in fish facing frequent territorial interactions than in non-territorial individuals. Levels of 11-ketotestosterone (11KT) were high in territorial males in the field, but were not incremented after simulated territorial intrusions in the laboratory. Plasma levels of cortisol and testosterone were not affected by challenges but were different in wild and captive specimens. Although the endocrine responses to STIs did not differ between intra- and interspecific challenges, agonistic displays expressed by resident fish were more intense towards intraspecific intruders. Taken together, our study emphasizes the need to incorporate androgen precursor concentrations to advance our understanding on the physiology of territorial interactions.
Both latitude and mating system have been proposed to shape relationships between steroid hormone levels and social behavior. Recently it has been postulated that species with long lasting non-seasonal territorial behavior have low androgen responsiveness. Tropical damselfishes are an ideal family to test this proposition because they show a large variety in mating systems. Here we contribute to the comparative dataset by measuring the response in steroid levels after social modulation in the banded sergeant, Abudefduf septemfasciatus, a species with non-seasonal territoriality. In highly territorial and brooding males, we found low androgen and cortisol levels that did not increase after experimental intraspecific simulated territorial intrusions (STI tests). No relationship was found between the variation in steroid hormone levels and territorial responses to naturally occurring territorial intrusions. Although steroid levels were low, male A. septemfasciatus were highly territorial both to STI challenges and to fishes that passed the territory. They often chased intruders for several meters away from the territory. This indicates that during nest defence in a non-seasonal territorial damselfish species, territorial behaviors are shown independent of variation in androgen and cortisol levels.