938 resultados para Template Matching


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En este trabajo se exploran los condicionantes sociológicos e institucionales del mercado del servicio doméstico en Europa. Para ello se trabajó, básicamente, en tres líneas de investigación que aun están en curso. La primera, consiste en una exploración filosófica republicana, histórica y jurídica de la familia y la empresa capitalistas como instituciones que tienen una raigambre histórica común –la antigua domus, donde se desarrollaban todas las actividades productivas y reproductivas y que se caracterizaba constitutivamente por relaciones de dominación entre el propietario de los medios de producción y todos aquéllos que dependían de éste para subsistir-. Bajo el capitalismo, la familia –entendida ya como el hombre, su mujer e hijos legítimos- se constituyó en una institución eminentemente privada y las actividades desarrolladas en su seno quedaron fuera de lo que se consideró trabajo susceptible de reconocimiento económico. En este sentido, la normativa que regula al servicio doméstico como una relación laboral de carácter “especial” es un reflejo de la desvalorización socioeconómica de que ha sido objeto el trabajo reproductivo y la asociación conceptual entre la “improductividad” del ama de casa y la empleada doméstica. En la segunda línea del trabajo se exploraron las variaciones cuantitativas del mercado del servicio doméstico en Europa, cuya trayectoria presenta una forma de U entre la década de 1880 y mediados de la década de 1990. También mediante el análisis de fuentes secundarias de datos se pudieron establecer las profundas diferencias regionales que ha comportado este resurgimiento del empleo en servicios domésticos y su peso dentro de la estructura de empleo de cada sociedad. Por último, en la tercera se indagó la fluctuación histórica y geográfica de la oferta de trabajadoras domésticas en Europa, que pasó de las migraciones internas a las internacionales, coincidiendo con periodos de fuerte desigualdad económica entre las zonas expulsoras y receptoras.


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Der Beitrag untersucht soziale und politische Aspekte digitaler politischer Partizipation. Einerseits müssen die Optionen für MyPolitics ausgeschöpft werden, indem Instrumente für elektronische Abstimmungen und Wahlen bereitgestellt werden. Andererseits sollte das Potenzial politischer Partizipation genutzt und Plattformen für OurPolitics gefördert werden. Solche Plattformen, ergänzt durch geeignete Matching-Verfahren, bringen Interessierte mit ähnlichen Anliegen zusammen und fördern politische Gestaltungskraft. Sie sind ein erster Schritt zum Public Memory einer digitalen Gesellschaft und bereichern nachfolgende Generationen mit ihrem Gedankengut.


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Este trabajo desarrolla el proceso de diseño e implementación de una interfaz web que permite la exploración en detalle de las relaciones entre genomas completos. La interfaz permite la comparación simultánea de nueve genomas, representando en cada gráfica las relaciones entre cada par de genomas junto los genes identificados de cada uno de ellos. Es capaz de trabajar con genomas del dominio Eukaryota y se adapta a la capacidad de cómputo de la máquina cliente. La información representada son MUMs (Maximal Unique Matching, secuencia máxima y única encontrada en ambos genomas) y SuperMUMs (agrupación de MUMs mediante Approximate String Matching). Los datos son previamente calculados y accesibles desde un servidor web.


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Aquest projecte és una anàlisi d'algunes tècniques de reconeixement d'objectes en 2D, la seva comparació i equivalència. La solució presentada en aquesta memòria ha estat implementada en C++ per a poder avaluar els resultats així com les diferents problemàtiques aparegudes durant tot el procés. La resolució de puzzles és tan sols un exemple dels múltiples casos d'objectes bidimensionals que ens podem trobar que necessiten tècniques de matching per obtenir un objecte global.


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An increasing number of studies have sprung up in recent years seeking to identify individual inventors from patent data. Different heuristics have been suggested to use their names and other information disclosed in patent documents in order to find out “who is who” in patents. This paper contributes to this literature by setting forth a methodology to identify them using patents applied to the European Patent Office (EPO hereafter). As in the large part of this literature, we basically follow a three-steps procedure: (1) the parsing stage, aimed at reducing the noise in the inventor’s name and other fields of the patent; (2) the matching stage, where name matching algorithms are used to group possible similar names; (3) the filtering stage, where additional information and different scoring schemes are used to filter out these potential same inventors. The paper includes some figures resulting of applying the algorithms to the set of European inventors applying to the EPO for a large period of time.


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We consider a market where firms hire workers to run their projects and such projects differ in profitability. At any period, each firm needs two workers to successfully run its project: a junior agent, with no specific skills, and a senior worker, whose effort is not verifiable. Senior workers differ in ability and their competence is revealed after they have worked as juniors in the market. We study the length of the contractual relationships between firms and workers in an environment where the matching between firms and workers is the result of market interaction. We show that, despite in a one-firm-one-worker set-up long-term contracts are the optimal choice for firms, market forces often induce firms to use short-term contracts. Unless the market only consists of firms with very profitable projects, firms operating highly profitable projects offer short-term contracts to ensure the service of high-ability workers and those with less lucrative projects also use short-term contracts to save on the junior workers' wage. Intermediate firms may (or may not) hire workers through long-term contracts.


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A better understanding of the factors that mould ecological community structure is required to accurately predict community composition and to anticipate threats to ecosystems due to global changes. We tested how well stacked climate-based species distribution models (S-SDMs) could predict butterfly communities in a mountain region. It has been suggested that climate is the main force driving butterfly distribution and community structure in mountain environments, and that, as a consequence, climate-based S-SDMs should yield unbiased predictions. In contrast to this expectation, at lower altitudes, climate-based S-SDMs overpredicted butterfly species richness at sites with low plant species richness and underpredicted species richness at sites with high plant species richness. According to two indices of composition accuracy, the Sorensen index and a matching coefficient considering both absences and presences, S-SDMs were more accurate in plant-rich grasslands. Butterflies display strong and often specialised trophic interactions with plants. At lower altitudes, where land use is more intense, considering climate alone without accounting for land use influences on grassland plant richness leads to erroneous predictions of butterfly presences and absences. In contrast, at higher altitudes, where climate is the main force filtering communities, there were fewer differences between observed and predicted butterfly richness. At high altitudes, even if stochastic processes decrease the accuracy of predictions of presence, climate-based S-SDMs are able to better filter out butterfly species that are unable to cope with severe climatic conditions, providing more accurate predictions of absences. Our results suggest that predictions should account for plants in disturbed habitats at lower altitudes but that stochastic processes and heterogeneity at high altitudes may limit prediction success of climate-based S-SDMs.


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We show that the full version of the so-called 'rural hospital theorem' (Roth, 1986) generalizes to many-to-many matching where agents on both sides of the market have separable and substitutable preferences.


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For the execution of the scientific applications, different methods have been proposed to dynamically provide execution environments for such applications that hide the complexity of underlying distributed and heterogeneous infrastructures. Recently virtualization has emerged as a promising technology to provide such environments. Virtualization is a technology that abstracts away the details of physical hardware and provides virtualized resources for high-level scientific applications. Virtualization offers a cost-effective and flexible way to use and manage computing resources. Such an abstraction is appealing in Grid computing and Cloud computing for better matching jobs (applications) to computational resources. This work applies the virtualization concept to the Condor dynamic resource management system by using Condor Virtual Universe to harvest the existing virtual computing resources to their maximum utility. It allows existing computing resources to be dynamically provisioned at run-time by users based on application requirements instead of statically at design-time thereby lay the basis for efficient use of the available resources, thus providing way for the efficient use of the available resources.


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The Bacillus subtilis strain 168 chromosomal region extending from 109 degrees to 112 degrees has been sequenced. Among the 35 ORFs identified, cotT and rapA were the only genes that had been previously mapped and sequenced. Out of ten ORFs belonging to a single putative transcription unit, seven are probably involved in hexuronate catabolism. Their sequences are homologous to Escherichia coli genes exuT, uidB, uxaA, uxaB, uxaC, uxuA and uxuB, which are all required for the uptake of free D-glucuronate, D-galacturonate and beta-glucuronide, and their transformation into glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and pyruvate via 2-keto-3-deoxygluconate. The remaining three ORFs encode two dehydrogenases and a transcriptional regulator. The operon is preceded by a putative catabolite-responsive element (CRE), located between a hypothetical promoter and the RBS of the first gene. This element, the longest and the only so far described that is fully symmetrical, consists of a 26 bp palindrome matching the theoretical B. subtilis CRE sequence. The remaining predicted amino acid sequences that share homologies with other proteins comprise: a cytochrome P-450, a glycosyltransferase, an ATP-binding cassette transporter, a protein similar to the formate dehydrogenase alpha-subunit (FdhA), protein similar to NADH dehydrogenases, and three homologues of polypeptides that have undefined functions.


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The forming recommendation tool provides a template to record the recommendations and how they will be implemented by the decision-maker


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This tool provides a template to monitor the implementation of the HIA recommendations by identified decision-makers


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In 2004 an interagency team consisting of members the North Western Health Board and Donegal County Council commissioned the IPH to conduct a HIA screening exercise on planning policy in Donegal. This involved an overview of literature, analysis of policy documents, contact with Planning Officers and observation of public consultation meetings. Following completion of the final report, the intention is to produce a user-friendly template to enable planners to incorporate a health dimension into their decision making.


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BACKGROUND: Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) substantially impacts the management of psoriatic disease. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to generate an interdisciplinary national consensus on recommendations of how PsA should be managed. METHODS: Based on a systematic literature search, an interdisciplinary expert group identified important domains and went through 3 rounds of a Delphi exercise, followed by a nominal group discussion to generate specific recommendations. RESULTS: A strong consensus was reached on numerous central messages regarding the impact of PsA, screening procedures, organization of the interaction between dermatologists and rheumatologists, and treatment goals. CONCLUSION: These recommendations can serve as a template for similar initiatives in other countries. At the same time, they highlight the need to take into account the impact of the respective national health care system. © 2015 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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BACKGROUND: To evaluate the safety and clinical feasibility of focal irreversible electroporation (IRE) of the prostate. METHODS: We assessed the toxicity profile and functional outcomes of consecutive patients undergoing focal IRE for localised prostate cancer in two centres. Eligibility was assessed by multi-parametric magnetic resonance imaging (mpMRI) and targeted and/or template biopsy. IRE was delivered under transrectal ultrasound guidance with two to six electrodes positioned transperineally within the cancer lesion. Complications were recorded and scored accordingly to the NCI Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events; the functional outcome was physician reported in all patients with at least 6 months follow-up. A contrast-enhanced MRI 1 week after the procedure was carried out to assess treatment effect with a further mpMRI at 6 months to rule out evidence of residual visible cancer. RESULTS: Overall, 34 patients with a mean age of 65 years (s.d.=±6) and a median PSA of 6.1 ng ml(-1) (interquartile range (IQR)= 4.3-7.7) were included. Nine (26%), 24 (71%) and 1 (3%) men had low, intermediate and high risk disease, respectively (D'Amico criteria). After a median follow-up of 6 months (range 1-24), 12 grade 1 and 10 grade 2 complications occurred. No patient had grade >/= 3 complication. From a functional point of view, 100% (24/24) patients were continent and potency was preserved in 95% (19/20) men potent before treatment. The volume of ablation was a median 12 ml (IQR=5.6-14.5 ml) with the median PSA after 6 months of 3.4 ng ml(-1) (IQR=1.9-4.8 ng ml(-1)). MpMRI showed suspicious residual disease in six patients, of whom four (17%) underwent another form of local treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Focal IRE has a low toxicity profile with encouraging genito-urinary functional outcomes. Further prospective development studies are needed to confirm the functional outcomes and to explore the oncological potential.