954 resultados para Technical education.
This document reports the importance of the category of consciousness and education for sustainability in the school environment. Education in school has a potential to make the benefits of the building construction visible for society and media, showing to the students, parents and communities how sustainability in built environment could improve the people life in economic, social and environment aspects. Thus, this paper addresses the main events related to sustainability, such as the Stockholm Conference, the Brundtland report, United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) and Agenda 21, until reaching the necessity of the elaboration of Methodologies for environmental assessment of building, and later, the development of the specific methodologies according to the buildings. It is also described some examples of sustainability in schools in Germany, Finland and Italy and what kind of sustainable systems those countries are currently using.
This paper provides an overview of properties and application of natural fibre composites. Natural fibre market, merits and demerits, surface treatment techniques, properties of some recently developed natural fibre composites and applications have been discussed.
Although past reviews uniformly criticized the efficacy and effectiveness of sexual abstinence in adolescents, new studies dispute the earlier findings. Studies that unpackage intervention programs provide one means of understanding why they succeed in some settings and not in others. This study examined 3183 students spread over 35 schools on the number of hours that they received in sexual abstinence education, in a context of health behaviors promotion. A multi-level analysis (HLM) was performed. The number of hours did not appear to make any difference in the outcome scores. Reasons for this finding are presented and their implications are provided.
[Extrat] The advent of thc internet raised questions about the role of radio in a fast-changing media environment. Many voices forecast its end but in the summer of 2008 the Swedish Radio and TV Authority published a study named 'The Future of Radio', which clearly opposed the pessimism of recent analysis. While the study anticipates the exhaustion of the FM model, it clearly broadens perspectives for DAB and internet radio, highlighting digitalization as the key element for the future relevance of radio. The Portuguese researcher and radio professional João Paulo Meneses states that 'the future of radio relies upon the internet', calling the broad service offerings of the net the pathway for the survival of radio from the threats to its two essential aspects: rnobility and accumulation (Meneses 2008). Accumulation is radio's capability to be used in a nonexclusive manner, which means that a listener can use the radio while performing other activities, like cooking, sewing, reading, writing or jogging.
Expanding access to preschool education is a particularly important policy issue in developing countries, where enrollment rates are generally much lower, and where private institutions constitute a much larger share of the formal preschool sector, than in developed countries. This paper examines if an expansion in the supply of public preschool crowds-out private enrollment using rich data for municipalities in Brazil from 2000 to 2006, where federal transfers to local governments change discontinuously with given population thresholds. Results from a regression-discontinuity design reveal that larger federal transfers lead to a significant expansion of local public preschool services, but show no evidence of crowding-out of private enrollment, nor of negative impacts on the quality of private providers. This finding is consistent with a theory in which households differ in willingness-to-pay for preschool services, and private suppliers optimally adjust prices in response to an expansion of lower-quality, free-of-charge public supply. In the context of the model, the absence of crowding-out effects of more public preschool providers can be rationalized by the existence of relatively large differences in willingness-to-pay for preschool services across different demand segments. Our theoretical and empirical findings therefore suggest that in developing country settings characterized by relatively high income inequality, an expansion in public preschool supply will likely significantly increase enrollment among the poorest segments of society, and need not have adverse effects on the quantity or quality of local private supply.
The use of construction and demolition waste (C&DW) in the construction industry is an important contribution to attain sustainability in the sector. The roads are among the civil engineering works which can use larger quantities of C&DW recycled aggregates. In Portugal, the limit values for the properties of C&DW recycled aggregates that can be used in the roads of Portuguese Road Network are defined by two Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC) technical specifications (TS), in accordance to Portuguese Decree-law no. 46/2008 of May 12th. Municipal and rural roads and trenches have specific characteristics that can enable the use of C&DW of lower quality than those required by existing LNEC TS, and even then ensuring an adequate performance. However, given the absence of specific regulation for those applications, the Portuguese Environment Agency requires compliance with the existing LNEC TS, which represents an obstacle to recycling a significant part of the C&DW, in particular at a local government level. This paper presents guidelines for the recycling of C&DW in municipal and rural roads and in trenches, which could be considered in a new forthcoming LNEC TS. In the preparation of the guidelines, the bibliography collected and analysed, the information gathered from the application of C&DW in a municipal and rural roads of a Portuguese municipality and in the roadways of a Portuguese resort, and the results of laboratory tests carried out on samples collected in the Portuguese municipality were taken into consideration.
Noble metal powders containing gold and silver have been used for many centuries, providing different colours in the windows of the medieval cathedrals and in ancient Roman glasses. Nowadays, the interest in nanocomposite materials containing noble nanoparticles embedded in dielectric matrices is related with their potential use for a wide range of advanced technological applications. They have been proposed for environmental and biological sensing, tailoring colour of functional coatings, or for surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Most of these applications rely on the so-called localised surface plasmon resonance absorption, which is governed by the type of the noble metal nanoparticles, their distribution, size and shape and as well as of the dielectric characteristics of the host matrix. The aim of this work is to study the influence of the composition and thermal annealing on the morphological and structural changes of thin films composed of Ag metal clusters embedded in a dielectric TiO2 matrix. Since changes in size, shape and distribution of the clusters are fundamental parameters for tailoring the properties of plasmonic materials, a set of films with different Ag concentrations was prepared. The optical properties and the thermal behaviour of the films were correlated with the structural and morphological changes promoted by annealing. The films were deposited by DC magnetron sputtering and in order to promote the clustering of the Ag nanoparticles the as-deposited samples were subjected to an in-air annealing protocol. It was demonstrated that the clustering of metallic Ag affects the optical response spectrum and the thermal behaviour of the films.
The ternary aluminium oxynitride (AlNxOy) system offers the possibility to obtain a wide range of properties by tailoring the ratio between pure Al, AlNx and AlOy and therefore opening a significant number of possible applications. In this work the thermal behaviour of AlNxOy thin films was analysed by modulated infrared radiometry (MIRR), taking as reference the binary AlOy and AlNx systems. MIRR is a non-contact and non-destructive thermal wave measurement technique based on the excitation, propagation and detection of temperature oscillations of very small amplitudes. The intended change of the partial pressure of the reactive gas (N2 and/or O2) influenced the target condition and hence the deposition characteristics which, altogether, affected the composition and microstructure of the films. Based on the MIRR measurements and their qualitative and quantitative interpretation, some correlations between the thermal transport properties of the films and their chemical/physical properties have been found. Furthermore, the potential of such technique applied in this oxynitride system, which present a wide range of different physical responses, is also discussed. The experimental results obtained are consistent with those reported in previous works and show a high potential to fulfil the demands needed for the possible applications of the systems studied. They are clearly indicative of an adequate thermal response if this particular thin film system is aimed to be applied in small sensor devices or in electrodes for biosignal acquisition, such as those for electroencephalography or electromyography as it is the case of the main research area that is being developed in the group.
Tese de Doutoramento em Sociologia
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências da Educação (Especialidade de Tecnologia Educativa)
Tese de Doutoramento em Tecnologias e Sistemas de Informação
A survey of European Microbial Biological Resource Centers and their users provided an overview on Microbiology education and training. The results identified future increases in demand despite several shortcomings and gaps in the current offer. Urgent adjustments are needed to match users' needs, integrate innovative programs, and adopt new technologies.
Inter-individual heterogeneity is evident in aging; education level is known to contribute for this heterogeneity. Using a cross-sectional study design and network inference applied to resting-state fMRI data, we show that aging was associated with decreased functional connectivity in a large cortical network. On the other hand, education level, as measured by years of formal education, produced an opposite effect on the long-term. These results demonstrate the increased brain efficiency in individuals with higher education level that may mitigate the impact of age on brain functional connectivity.
Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Ensino de Informática
Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Políticas Comunitárias e Cooperação Territorial