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Bakgrund: Att förlora en anhörig är något som är väldigt traumatiskt och omtumlande. Reaktioner på krisen brukar visa sig enligt olika faser, dessa är chockfasen, reaktionsfasen, bearbetning- och reperationsfasen samt nyorienteringsfasen. Det är viktigt att kommunikationen är ärlig och ska alltid vara hjälpande för patienten eller anhöriga. Syfte: Syftet med den här studien är att sammanställa befintliga vetenskapliga artiklar för att belysa situationen för anhöriga och personal vid plötsligt dödsfall. Metod: En litteraturstudie gjordes som baserades på 13st vetenskapliga artiklar. Litteratursökningen gjordes med hjälp av databaserna CINAHL och PubMed. Resultat: Resultatet av studien visade på att anhöriga behövde olika stöd i olika stadier och att informationen gavs på ett så rakt och ärligt sätt. Personalen upplevde att utbildning var viktigt för hantering av omhändertagande och att de sökte stöd och kunskap hos mer erfarna kollegor. Slutsats: Informationen om dödsorsaken till de anhöriga var mycket viktig och att personalen var öppna och ärliga. Anhöriga uppskattade att personalen fanns tillgängliga. Att som sjuksköterska ha tillräcklig utbildning gör att självförtroende ökar och hanteringen av svåra situationer underlättas samt kunskapen hjälper att kunna stödja anhöriga bättre.


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A incontinência fecal é a incapacidade de manter o controle da eliminação do conteúdo intestinal em local e tempo socialmente adequados, resultando em escape de gases e fezes. Esta condição acarreta grande prejuízo na vida social dos acometidos. A causa conhecida mais comum é o trauma perineal, porém em uma grande proporcão a incontinência é idiopática. A avaliação da função esfincteriana anal é fundamental para o diagnóstico e para a conduta terapêutica na incontinência fecal. Para o entendimento da fisiopatologia desta condição desenvolveram-se vários exames de investigação. A manometria ano-retal é considerado imprescindível na avaliação. A correlação dos dados da manometria com a gravidade da doença e com estudos eletrofisiológicos ainda não estão bem estabelecidos. O objetivo deste estudo é correlacionar os dados da manometria ano-retal e o estudo do tempo de latência motora terminal do nervo pudendo com a incontinência fecal e comorbidades. Foram estudados prospectivamente todos os pacientes com queixa clínica de incontinência fecal atendidos no ambulatório de Serviço de Coloproctologia do Hospital Nossa Senhora da Conceição, de Porto Alegre (RS), entre março de 1997 e junho de 2000. De todos os pacientes foram coletados dados da anamnese que os classificaram segundo escore de incontinência proposto por JORGE & WEXNER (1993). Todos foram submetidos a manometria ano-retal, estudo do tempo de latência motora terminal do nervo pudendo bilateralmente e exame proctológico. Foram excluídos os pacientes que não concluíram toda a investigação, com cirurgias colo-retais baixas prévias ou neoplasia de reto e canal anal. Para análise estatística, os pacientes foram separados em grupos segundo a manometria normal ou alterada (hipotonia), presença ou não de neuropatia de nervo pudendo, por idade e por sexo. Foram estudados 39 pacientes, 85,6% do sexo feminino com idade média de 60,1 anos (±12,89). A média do escore de incontinência fecal foi de 9,30±4,93. À manometria ano-retal, vinte e três pacientes (59%) apresentaram pressões reduzidas. As pressões foram significativamente mais elevadas nos pacientes do sexo masculino. O tempo de latência motora terminal do nervo pudendo (neuropatia) foi prolongado em 14 doentes (35,9%). A idade e o tempo de latência motora terminal do nervo pudendo correlacionaram-se significativamente, r=0,422, (P=0,007). A demais correlações entre idade, pressões da manometria, tempo de latência motora terminal do nervo pudendo e escore de incontinência não foram estatisticamente significativas.


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Introdução e Objetivos: O sistema nervoso central (SNC) é o um sítio freqüente de recaída na criança com leucemia linfocítica aguda (LLA). Existe evidência de que a punção lombar traumática (PLT) pode representar um risco adicional de recaída no SNC quando ocorre inoculação de blastos no liqüido céfalorraquidiano (LCR). Este estudo tem por objetivo determinar se a ocorrência da PLT ao diagnóstico afeta o prognóstico de pacientes com essa patologia. Material e Métodos: Setenta e sete pacientes com diagnóstico de LLA, tratados entre 1992 a 2002, foram incluídos na análise. Quimioterapia intratecal (QIT) foi instilada imediatamente após a PL inicial (precoce), ou na segunda PL (tardia), realizada no período de 24 a 48 horas após a realização da PL inicial. Foi feita análise da influência da PLT e do momento (precoce x tardia) de administração da QIT em relação a recaída no SNC. Resultados: Entre os 19 pacientes que apresentaram PLT ao diagnóstico e receberam QIT tardia, seis tiveram recaída isolada no SNC e dois recaída combinada em SNC e medula óssea (MO). Entre os nove pacientes que tiveram PLT e receberam QIT precoce, somente um apresentou recaída combinada em SNC e MO (P=0,20); não houve, portanto, influência estatisticamente significativa da PLT na sobrevida livre de eventos (SLE) (55% para QIT precoce x 49% para QIT tardia) (P=0,37). Entretanto, em análise estratificada, de acordo com grupos de risco, observamos que para pacientes de baixo ou médio risco o OR foi de 0,8 quando recebiam QIT tardia (P=0,99) e 0,17 quando recebiam QIT precoce (P=0,47). Por outro lado, entre pacientes de alto risco o OR para recaída foi de 21,0 para aqueles que recebiam QIT tardia (P=0,09) e 1,5 para o grupo que recebia Q IT precoce (P=0,99). Conclusão: Os resultados do presente estudo são sugestivos de que a ocorrência da PLT tem uma influência adversa no prognóstico de pacientes com LLA de alto risco de recaída. Como estes resultados são decorrentes de um estudo retrospectivo, recomenda-se que sejam confirmados em estudos prospectivos randomizados.


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Pretende-se no presente trabalho avaliar a gestão do processo de negociação complexa da 5ª Conferência Ministerial da Organização Mundial do Comércio em Cancún, ocorrida entre os dias 10 e 14 de setembro de 2003, no México, apontando os problemas e questões que resultaram no colapso de um possível acordo. O futuro da OMC é incerto e mudanças traumáticas sofridas por muitos países que vivem sob as regras da OMC indicam que alguma coisa na OMC terá que mudar, principalmente nos processos de negociação complexa, de forma que a integridade da organização não seja comprometida. Buscou-se respostas na análise e avaliação da gestão do processo de negociação, estudando e pesquisando os conceitos de barganha posicional, detalhando o processo de negociação baseado em princípios, explorando em profundidade o estado da arte para gestão de conversas difíceis. Dissecando a questão dos conflitos e das coalizões, mostrando a dificuldade existente na resolução de disputas públicas e no uso de instrumentos para quebrar o impasse nas negociações buscou-se estabelecer o instrumental teórico que possibilitasse aprofundar o diagnóstico da situação atual na OMC. Como recomendação explorou-se a avaliação de conflitos, com base na eficiência - teoria dos jogos-, justiça e na eqüidade, a melhor forma de negociação baseada em princípios, de gestão de público demandante, no diálogo dos multistakeholders, a importância das conversas informais paralelas, o ambiente da complexidade e a visão ampla que proporciona o enfoque do funcionamento de sistemas decisórios autopoiéticos.


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O presente trabalho procura investigar como se configura atualmente o campo da disputa memorial sobre a participação da Força Expedicionária Brasileira (FEB) durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Para isso, foi preciso levar em conta não apenas os sujeitos políticos que atuam nesse processo – entre outros: Estado, Exército, Associações de veteranos e sociedade – como também as flutuações e apropriações de memória das quais se valem. As memórias traumáticas que os veteranos guardam desse episódio ganham voz através das diversas modalidades da escrita de si – com destaque para os diários, as correspondências e entrevistas – e remetem à noção do dever de memória na luta por reparação e reconhecimento.


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A intenção deste trabalho é efetuar uma leitura do romance O Mensageiro, do autor inglês L.P. Hartley, na forma de uma jornada ao país estrangeiro do passado do protagonista-narrador. Tal leitura é uma espécie de convite aceito para a viagem, que esteticamente deixa sugestões sob a forma de truques, fragmentos de mensagens veladas, expressões ambíguas, sombras, vazios no caminho. Todavia, Mercúrio, o mensageiro dos antigos deuses, o protetor dos viajantes, o trapaceiro, é agora um ser indistinto, cuja imagem e função passou por grandes transformações ao longo da viagem até a modernidade. Guerras, restos de experiências traumáticas coletivas e pessoais são recuperadas na rota movediça do narrador melancólico, sob a forma de substância própria para a narração. Nietzsche e Walter Benjamin são companheiros na trajetória, provendo o suporte teórico básico para a viagem.


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Several lines of evidence converge to the idea that rapid eye movement sleep (REMS) is a good model to foster our understanding of psychosis. Both REMS and psychosis course with internally generated perceptions and lack of rational judgment, which is attributed to a hyperlimbic activity along with hypofrontality. Interestingly, some individuals can become aware of dreaming during REMS, a particular experience known as lucid dreaming (LD), whose neurobiological basis is still controversial. Since the frontal lobe plays a role in self-consciousness, working memory and attention, here we hypothesize that LD is associated with increased frontal activity during REMS. A possible way to test this hypothesis is to check whether transcranial magnetic or electric stimulation of the frontal region during REMS triggers LD. We further suggest that psychosis and LD are opposite phenomena: LD as a physiological awakening while dreaming due to frontal activity, and psychosis as a pathological intrusion of dream features during wake state due to hypofrontality. We further suggest that LD research may have three main clinical implications. First, LD could be important to the study of consciousness, including its pathologies and other altered states. Second, LD could be used as a therapy for recurrent nightmares, a common symptom of depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. Finally, LD may allow for motor imagery during dreaming with possible improvement of physical rehabilitation. In all, we believe that LD research may clarify multiple aspects of brain functioning in its physiological, altered and pathological states.


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The contemporary conjuncture based on the capitalistic knowledge converges to the corporal consciousness that makes us see, feel, taste and hear, be in/to pieces. Disembodied reason legitimate and legislate ways of being and living socially and its development is the dehumanization of human relations causing pain and suffering. The objective of this work is to discuss the body as pedagogical matrix through imagistic/artistic elements: music, painting and literature. Metaphors lead to self knowledge of human subjectivity and approach us to the kaleidoscope of sensitive knowledge and enables learning to learn with the infinite combinations of images, knowledge, feelings and worldviews. The song Memória da Pele comes in the voice of Maria Betânia speak of the memories that are not mine, but are tattooed in me in the memory of skin, singing the memories of a love lived by who tries to forget rationally, but the body insists on remembering. It is password to think about what we are. The short story by Clarice Lispector, entitled Miss Algarve, narrates the life story of an unmarried and virgin woman, and her encounter with an alien called Ixtlan. Until then, she who lived as if every day were a Monday, found herself seduced by the pleasure of having a body in contact with another body, which also allowed her to give visibility to the bodies of others. She had repudiation by the immorality that her body and the other s perspired. The discovery of the body brings important lessons for nursing, involving our body and the others'. The painting the flying bed or Henry Ford Hospital, by Frida Kahlo, is our final metaphor. The traumatic experience of abortion is shown in this painting trough the picture of the artist naked in a hospital bed. This painting invites us to reflect on our work process. We need to think in multiple dimensions of the being and accept the invitation of art, so that the lightness confronts us with the weight imposed by the hegemonic ideology. I believe it is not a single view, but the many views that should justify the knowledge and practices of nursing; what matters is that they are woven into the dialogue, democracy, provided that protagonism of those individuals involved in this process, in the wandering and uncertainty, in the rewiring, solidarity, plurality. To this end, the body must be the great pedagogue that is able to be viewed not as a tapestry seen by the right view, as the logical knowledge sees, but seen by the opposite side in its singular, irregular, discontinuous weavings


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Leprosy as a public health problem , there is still quite some time , even with treatment for decades . Your health-disease process is marked by a historical backdrop of stigma , prejudice, social exclusion and authoritarian decisionducts , in order to extinguish the disease milieu under the regime of compulsory confinement of the patient. In this perspective , the Brazilian public health twentieth century adopted policies of compulsory isolation , which meant that those who receive a diagnosis of leprosy were isolated from society and their families in hospitals colonies . Objective is, to the study, rescue the trajectory of health professionals in the Colony Hospital St. Francis of Assisi , in Natal / RN ; Identify the policy was perceived as compulsory institutionalization imposed for leprosy patients by health professionals ; describe the behaviors Professional Hospital adopted in Cologne ; Retrieve information about the existence and functioning of the Hospital and Create a documentary of historical fragments of leprosy from the point of view of professionals from a former colony. Exploratory - descriptive method with a qualitative approach , using the methodological framework thematic oral history was used . Obtained approval by the IRB of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, under Protocol No 461 403 and CAAE 19476913.9.0000.5537 . Be interviewed during the period of November and December 2013 , five health professionals who worked in the hospital colony , using audio recorder and images to capture and record the statements. The interviews were transcribed , textualized, transcriadas and sent to reviewers to step conference of the reports. Subsequently , analysis of the stories was made from the proposed content analysis of Bardin . The results and discussion are presented in the form of article: Opinion of nursing professionals who worked in a hospital for leprosy colony , which aimed to : identify the opinion of nurses who worked in hospital colony on the lives of patients . In this article, three main themes were highlighted and discussed from the reports of colaboradoes : I - The socialization process of internal II - 16 Prejudice , stigma and discrimination III - Social exclusion versus inclusion . We conclude that , in the context of the colony hospital, the performance of health professionals contributed significantly to that stigma , prejudice and social exclusion would be minimized and that the experience of asylum seekers in the colony were not seen more traumatic


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This dissertation analyses, within a psychoanalytical e literary perspective, the enigma of blindness in Graciliano Ramos s work. The approach takes into account, mainly, the narratives of Histórias de Alexandre (Alexandre s tales) and Infância (Childhood memories) as both books speak of the same theme: the injured eye. The writer s work is scourged so that a broaden symbolism regarding the hurt eye can be found. The subject is discussed from three significant elements: fragmentation, helplessness and melancholy; all these form the creative aesthetic of Graciliano, merging into a single object. Fragmentation representing the internal shattered world of his characters, which is reflected in the environment; helplessness, directly related to feelings of rejection; and melancholy, characterized by a strong feeling of emptiness. The theme of isolation and loss is discussed based on Mourning and melancholy, by Freud, and other theorizers. There is also a brief dialogue with the Romantic and philosophical theories, which tries to explain the melancholic condition in the individual before moments of distress. Such theories are the support for the understanding of the helplessness of the hero in Graciliano Ramos´s literature and for the assumption that the blindness in the mistreated boy of the book Infância could be the language of the traumatic aspect that colors the entire text of the writer. As matter of fact, it constitutes in the lost object represented in the anguish of the author s characters


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Aim: To determine the frequency and type of complications related to removable partial denture (RPD) less, Kennedy Class I, over time . Materials and Methods: This observational study consisted of a sample of 65 users PPR lower arches in Kennedy Class I and dentures, rehabilitated in the Department of Dentistry, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). Patients were followed through periodic controls during periods of 60 days, 6 months and 1 year from installation. After the first year of control had other returns annually. The occurrence of complications or prosthetic failure was observed and recorded in a specific clinical record over 39 months. The patterns of failures observed were classified in the following situations: occurrence of traumatic ulcers after 2 months of installation, lack of retention, fracture or caries in the rest, fracture or dislocation of the artificial teeth, the larger connector fracture, fracture clip fracture support, poor support (need to reline the denture) and prosthesis fracture. Results: The incidence of complications was low frequency, being higher in the second year of use of the prosthesis. Among the complications that occurred more is the loss of retention (31.57%). Failures more severe and difficult to solve as the fracture elements of the metal structure of the PPR had low occurrence and were represented by only one case of the larger connector (5.3%) fractures. Conclusion: Removable partial dentures mandibular free end opposing of the conventional dentures have a low complication rate after 39 months of use when subjected to periodic controls


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A luxação traumática isolada da articulação tibiofibular proximal é rara. Esta lesão pode não ser reconhecida ou diagnosticada no atendimento inicial. A ausência de suspeita clínica pode causar problemas para o diagnóstico. O diagnóstico necessita de história precisa do mecanismo e sintomas da lesão, avaliação clínica e radiográfica adequada de ambos joelhos. Casos não reconhecidos são fonte de alterações crônicas. O tratamento é feito por redução fechada e imobilização ou, em casos irredutíveis ou instáveis, redução aberta com fixação interna temporária. Um caso raro de luxação tibiofibular proximal isolada em um jogador de basquetebol é relatado para ilustrar essa lesão.


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Aim. Lower-limb traumatic injury associated with ischemia and followed by reperfusion (I/R) is a common severe situation in muscle lesions due to trauma and hypoxia followed by local and systemic injuries induced by oxygen-derived free radical release during reperfusion. The aim of this study was to evaluate the attenuating effects of trimetazidine (TMZ) and N-acetylcysteine (NAC) in such situation.Methods. The muscles at the root of the right hind limb of Wistar rats were cross-sectioned, preserving femoral vessels and nerves and clamping the femoral artery for four hours. The clamp was then released and the femoral artery has been reperfused for 2 hours. Rats were randomly divided in groups of ten as follows: Group 1: sham I/R, treated with saline; Group 2: I/R, treated with saline; Group 3: sham I/R, treated with TMZ (7.5 mg/kg/dose); Group 4: sham I/R, treated with NAC (375 mg/kg/dose); Group 5: I/R treated with TMZ (7.5 mg/kg/dose); Group 6: I/R treated with NAC (375 mg/kg/dose). All rats received two intravenous bolus injections of the drugs, one before ischemia and one before reperfusion. Oxidative stress in plasma (MDA, total, oxidized and reduced glutathione), creatinephosphokinase (CPK), optical and electron microscopy and pelvic extremity circumference and volume were studied.Results. No statistical differences were found between the groups for MDA or total and reduced glutathione. Oxidized glutathione increased significantly in groups 5 and 2. Limb circumference as well as limb volume increased in all groups over time, mainly in groups 5, 2 and 1. CPK increased in all groups, being highest in groups 5, 6 and 2. Histological lesions were present in all but sham groups, being less severe in group 6. Soleus muscle analyses at electron microscopy exhibit some degree of alteration in all groups.Conclusion. This experimental model simulated severe limb trauma associated with ischemia and reperfusion, and, as such, it was aggressive, causing severe injury and local inflammatory reaction. The model did not show antioxidant action from NAC, and possible antioxidant action from TMZ was insufficient to attenuate tissue injuries. [Int Angiol 2009;28:412-7]


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A 49-year-old renally transplanted man, under a five-year course of immunosuppressive therapy with prednisone and cyclosporine A, experienced a subcutaneous phaeohyphomycosis caused by Phaeoacremonium parasiticum. The clinical presentation consisted of impressive, large, inflammatory and draining cystic tumors on the left foot that had been present for one year. A significant improvement was obtained with itraconazole plus intralesional injection with amphotericin B. Drug interaction was observed between itraconazole and cyclosporine A causing a severe hypertensive crisis and requiring a temporary sharp reduction in cyclosporine administration. Subcutaneous phaeohyphomycosis caused by P. parasiticum is uncommon among major organ transplant patients but several cases have previously been published and some patterns are emerging, e. g., limbs are generally involved but no known traumatic event has preceded lesion development. The identification of the case isolate was confirmed using a recently published online system based in part on beta-tubulin sequence comparison.