957 resultados para Stimuli KPA


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In everyday life, our sensory system is bombarded with visual input and we rely upon attention to select only those inputs that are relevant to behavioural goals. Typically, humans can shift their attention from one visual field to the other with little cost to perception. In cases of, unilateral neglect', however, there is a persistent bias of spatial attention towards the same side as the damaged cerebral hemisphere. We used a visual orienting task to examine the influence of functional polymorphisms of the dopamine transporter gene (DAT1) on individual differences in spatial attention in normally developing children. DAT1 genotype significantly influenced spatial bias. Healthy children who were homozygous for alleles that influence the expression of dopamine transporters in the brain displayed inattention for left-sided stimuli, whereas heterozygotes did not. Our data provide the first evidence in healthy individuals of a genetically mediated bias in spatial attention that is related to dopamine signalling.


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Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism are two neurodevelopmental disorders associated with prominent executive dysfunction, which may be underpinned by disruption within fronto-striatal and fronto-parietal circuits. We probed executive function in these disorders using a sustained attention task with a validated brain-behaviour basis. Twenty-three children with ADHD, 21 children with high-functioning autism (HFA) and 18 control children were tested on the Sustained Attention to Response Task (SART). In a fixed sequence version of the task, children were required to withhold their response to a predictably occurring no-go target (3) in a 1-9 digit sequence; in the random version the sequence was unpredictable. The ADHD group showed clear deficits in response inhibition and sustained attention, through higher errors of commission and omission on both SART versions. The HFA group showed no sustained attention deficits, through a normal number of omission errors on both SART versions. The HFA group showed dissociation in response inhibition performance, as indexed by commission errors. On the Fixed SART, a normal number of errors was made, however when the stimuli were randomised, the HFA group made as many commission errors as the ADHD group. Greater slow-frequency variability in response time and a slowing in mean response time by the ADHD group suggested impaired arousal processes. The ADHD group showed greater fast-frequency variability in response time, indicative of impaired top-down control, relative to the HFA and control groups. These data imply involvement of fronto-parietal attentional networks and sub-cortical arousal systems in the pathology of ADHD and prefromal cortex dysfunction in children with HFA. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A specific impairment in phoneme awareness has been hypothesized as one of the current explanations for dyslexia. We examined attentional shifts towards phonological information as indexed by event-related potentials (ERPs) in normal readers and dyslexic adults. Participants performed a lexical decision task on spoken stimuli of which 80% started with a standard phoneme and 20% with a deviant phoneme. A P300 modulation was expected for deviants in control adults, indicating that the phonological change had been detected. A mild and right-lateralized P300 was observed for deviant stimuli in controls, but was absent in dyslexic adults. This result suggests that dyslexic adults fail to make shifts of attention to phonological cues in the same way that normal adult readers do. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Although much is now known about eye movement detection, little is known about the higher cognitive processes involved in joint attention. We developed video stimuli which when watched, engender an experience of joint attention in the observer. This allowed us to compare an experience of joint attention to nonjoint attention within an fMRI scanning environment. Joint attention was associated with activity in the ventromedial frontal cortex, the left superior frontal gyrus (BA10), cingulate cortex, and caudate nuclei. The ventromedial frontal cortex has been consistently shown to be activated during mental state attribution tasks. BA10 may serve a cognitive integration function, which in this case seems to utilize a perception–action matching process. The activation we identified in BA10 overlaps with a location of increased grey matter density that we recently found to be associated with autistic spectrum disorder. This study therefore constitutes evidence that the neural substrate of joint attention also serves a mentalizing function. The developmental failure of this substrate in the left anterior frontal lobe may be important in the etiology of autistic spectrum disorder.


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It has been suggested that there are systematic distortions in children's memory for temporal durations, such that children's memory is not just less accurate than that of adults but qualitatively different. Experiment I replicated the memory distortion effect by demonstrating developmental change in the tendency to confuse a reference duration with one that is shorter rather than longer than it. When the long-term memory demands of the task were reduced by providing reminders of the reference duration on every trial, there were no such qualitative changes in error patterns (Experiment 2). Further evidence for developmental changes in memory distortion was found in the temporal generalization task of Experiment 3, in which stimuli were spaced logarithmically rather than linearly. In Experiment 4, a similar distortion pattern was absent in a task in which children made judgments about the pitch rather than the duration of stimuli, suggesting the effect may be specific to time estimation. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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According to the diversity principle, diverse evidence is strong evidence. There has been considerable evidence that people respect this principle in inductive reasoning. However, exceptions may be particularly informative. Medin, Coley, Storms, and Hayes (2003) introduced a relevance theory of inductive reasoning and used this theory to predict exceptions, including the nondiversity-by-property-reinforcement effect. A new experiment in which this phenomenon was investigated is reported here. Subjects made inductive strength judgments and similarity judgments for stimuli from Medin et al. (2003). The inductive strength judgments showed the same pattern as that in Medin et al. (2003); however, the similarity judgments suggested that the pattern should be interpreted as a diversity effect, rather than as a nondiversity effect. It is concluded that the evidence regarding the predicted nondiversity-by-property-reinforcement effect does not give distinctive support for relevance theory, although this theory does address other results.


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Introduction In acute lung injury, repair of the damaged alveolar-capillary barrier is an essential part of recovery. Endostatin is a 20 to 28 kDa proteolytic fragment of the basement membrane collagen XVIII, which has been shown to inhibit angiogenesis via action on endothelial cells. We hypothesised that endostatin may have a role in inhibiting lung repair in patients with lung injury. The aims of the study were to determine if endostatin is elevated in the plasma/bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of patients with acute lung injury and ascertain whether the levels reflect the severity of injury and alveolar inflammation, and to assess if endostatin changes occur early after the injurious lung stimuli of one lung ventilation and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) challenge.


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PURPOSE. It has been argued that the threshold for detecting frequency-doubling (FD) technology perimeter stimuli differs from the threshold for perceiving spatial structure (pattern) in the same targets. Thresholds for perceiving spatial structure have typically been assessed using orientation-identification experiments. The authors investigated the influence of orientation, edge profile, and psychophysical method on the origin of the reported differences in detection and orientation-identification thresholds for FD gratings.

METHODS. Detection and orientation-identification thresholds were determined in 12 observers with the use of FD stimuli (0.25 cyc/deg, 25 Hz) presented centrally and at 15° eccentricity. Edge profile (square- and Gaussian-windowed) and orientation (horizontal, vertical, and oblique) were independently modified. Detection thresholds were also measured for spatially uniform flickering targets (25 Hz). Orientation-identification thresholds using a two-alternative forced choice (2-AFC) and a two-interval forced choice (2-IFC) method were also compared in five experienced observers.

RESULTS. Orientation-identification and detection thresholds did not significantly differ under any condition tested. Orientation-identification thresholds obtained with 2-AFC were not significantly different from those obtained with 2-IFC. Thresholds for spatially uniform flicker were significantly lower than for FD stimuli.

CONCLUSIONS. The authors found that orientation-identification and detection thresholds for FD gratings did not differ and argue that recent findings to the contrary arise from the inappropriate use of spatially uniform flicker targets as alternatives in 2-IFC experiments.


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Importance of the field: Conventional dosing methods are frequently unable to deliver the clinical requirement of the patient. The ability to control the delivery of drugs from implanted materials is difficult to achieve, but offers promise in diverse areas such as infection-resistant medical devices and 10 responsive implants for diabetics. Areas covered in this review: This review gives a broad overview of recent progress in the use of triggers that can be used to achieve modulation of drug release rates from implantable biomaterials. In particular, these can be classified as being responsive to one or more of the following stimuli: a 15 chemical species, light, heat, magnetism, ultrasound and mechanical force. What the reader will gain: An overview of the potential for triggered drug delivery to give methods for tailoring the dose, location and time of release of a wide range of drugs where traditional dosing methods are not suitable. Particular emphasis is given to recently reported systems, and important 20 historical reports are included. Take home message: The use of externally or internally applied triggers of drug delivery to biomaterials has significant potential for improved delivery modalities and infection resistance.


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Nociception is the ability to perceive a noxious stimulus and react in a re flexive manner and occurs across a wide range of taxa. However, the ability to experience the associated aversive sensation and feeling, known as pain, is not widely accepted to occur in nonvertebrates. We examined the responses of a decapod crustacean, the prawn, Palaemon elegans, to different noxious stimuli applied to one antenna to assess reflex responses (nociception) and longer-term, specifically directed behavioural responses that might indicate pain. We also examined the effects of benzocaine, a local anaesthetic, on these responses. Noxious stimuli elicited an immediate reflex tail flick response, followed by two prolonged activities, grooming of the antenna and rubbing of the antenna against the side of the tank, with both activities directed specifically at the treated antenna. These responses were inhibited by benzocaine; however, benzocaine did not alter general swimming activity and thus the decline in grooming and rubbing is not due to general anaesthesia. Mechanical stimulation by pinching also resulted in prolonged rubbing, but this was not inhibited by benzocaine. These results indicate an awareness of the location of the noxious stimuli, and the prolonged complex responses indicate a central involvement in their organization. The inhibition by a local anaesthetic is similar to observations on vertebrates and is consistent with the idea that these crustaceans can experience pain.


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Background: Glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-8) is a serine/threonine protein kinase, the activity of which is inhibited by a variety of extracellular stimuli including insulin, growth factors, cell specification factors and cell adhesion. Consequently, inhibition of GSK-3 activity has been proposed to play a role in the regulation of numerous signalling pathways that elicit pleiotropic cellular responses. This report describes the identification and characterisation of potent and selective small molecule inhibitors of GSK-3.


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We have previously identified differentially expressed genes in cell models of diabetic nephropathy and renal biopsies. Here we have performed quantitative DNA methylation profiling in cell models of diabetic nephropathy. Over 3,000 CpG units in the promoter regions of 192 candidate genes were assessed in unstimulated human mesangial cells (HMCs) and proximal tubular epithelial cells (PTCs) compared to HMCs or PTCs exposed to appropriate stimuli. A total of 301 CpG units across 38 genes (similar to 20%) were identified as differentially methylated in unstimulated HMCs versus PTCs. Analysis of amplicon methylation values in unstimulated versus stimulated cell models failed to demonstrate a >20% difference between amplicons. In conclusion, our results demonstrate that specific DNA methylation signatures are present in HMCs and PTCs, and standard protocols for exposure of renal cells to stimuli that alter gene expression may be insufficient to replicate possible alterations in DNA methylation profiles in diabetic nephropathy.


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Intermedin (IMD) is a novel peptide related to calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and adrenomedullin (AM). Proteolytic processing of a larger precursor yields a series of biologically active C-terminal fragments, IMD1–53, IMD1–47 and IMD8–47. IMD shares a family of receptors with AM and CGRP composed of a calcitonin-receptor like receptor (CALCRL) associated with one of three receptor activity modifying proteins (RAMP). Compared to CGRP, IMD is less potent at CGRP1 receptors but more potent at AM1 receptors and AM2 receptors; compared to AM, IMD is more potent at CGRP1 receptors but less potent at AM1 and AM2 receptors. The cellular and tissue distribution of IMD overlaps in some aspects with that of CGRP and AM but is distinct from both. IMD is present in neonatal but absent or expressed sparsely, in adult heart and vasculature and present at low levels in plasma. The prominent localization of IMD in hypothalamus and pituitary and in kidney is consistent with a physiological role in the central and peripheral regulation of the circulation and water-electrolyte homeostasis. IMD is a potent systemic and pulmonary vasodilator, influences regional blood flow and augments cardiac contractility. IMD protects myocardium from the deleterious effects of oxidative stress associated with ischaemia-reperfusion injury and exerts an anti-growth effect directly on cardiomyocytes to oppose the influence of hypertrophic stimuli. The robust increase in expression of the peptide in hypertrophied and ischaemic myocardium indicates an important protective role for IMD as an endogenous counter-regulatory peptide in the heart.


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Self-categorization theory stresses the importance of the context in which the metacontrast principle is proposed to operate. This study is concerned with how 'the pool of psychologically relevant stimuli' (Turner, Hogg, Oakes, Reicher & Wetherell, 1987, p. 47) comprising the context is determined. Data from interviews with 33 people with learning difficulties were used to show how a positive sense of self might be constructed by members of a stigmatized social category through the social worlds that they describe, and therefore the social comparisons and categorizations that are made possible. Participants made downward comparisons which focused on people with learning difficulties who were less able or who displayed challenging behaviour, and with people who did not have learning difficulties but who, according to the participants, behaved badly, such as beggars, drunks and thieves. By selection of dimensions and comparison others, a positive sense of self and a particular set of social categorizations were presented. It is suggested that when using self-categorization theory to study real-world social categories, more attention needs to be paid to the involvement of the perceiver in determining which stimuli are psychologically relevant since this is a crucial determinant of category salience.


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Single-cell recording studies have provided vision scientists with a detailed understanding of motion processing at the neuronal level in non-human primates. However, despite the development of brain imaging techniques, it is not known to what extent the response characteristics of motion-sensitive neurons in monkey brain mirror those of human motion sensitive neurons. Using a motion adaptation paradigm, the direction aftereffect, we recently provided evidence of a strong resemblance in the response functions of motion-sensitive neurons in monkey and human to moving dot patterns differing in dot density. Here we describe a series of experiments in which measurements of the direction aftereffect are used to infer the response characteristics of human motion-sensitive neurons when viewing transparent motion and moving patterns that differ in their signal-to-noise ratio (motion coherence). In the case of transparent motion stimuli, our data suggest suppressed activity of motion-sensitive neurons similar to that reported for macaque monkey. In the case of motion coherence, our results are indicative of a linear relationship between signal intensity (coherence) and neural activity; a pattern of activity which also bears a striking similarity to macaque neural activity. These findings strongly suggest that monkey and human motionsensitive neurons exhibit similar response and inhibitory characteristics.