940 resultados para Stabilization ponds


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Molecular motors are proteins that convert chemical energy into mechanical work. The viral packaging ATPase P4 is a hexameric molecular motor that translocates RNA into preformed viral capsids. P4 belongs to the ubiquitous class of hexameric helicases. Although its structure is known, the mechanism of RNA translocation remains elusive. Here we present a detailed kinetic study of nucleotide binding, hydrolysis, and product release by P4. We propose a stochastic-sequential cooperative model to describe the coordination of ATP hydrolysis within the hexamer. In this model the apparent cooperativity is a result of hydrolysis stimulation by ATP and RNA binding to neighboring subunits rather than cooperative nucleotide binding. Simultaneous interaction of neighboring subunits with RNA makes the otherwise random hydrolysis sequential and processive. Further, we use hydrogen/deuterium exchange detected by high resolution mass spectrometry to visualize P4 conformational dynamics during the catalytic cycle. Concerted changes of exchange kinetics reveal a cooperative unit that dynamically links ATP binding sites and the central RNA binding channel. The cooperative unit is compatible with the structure-based model in which translocation is effected by conformational changes of a limited protein region. Deuterium labeling also discloses the transition state associated with RNA loading which proceeds via opening of the hexameric ring. Hydrogen/deuterium exchange is further used to delineate the interactions of the P4 hexamer with the viral procapsid. P4 associates with the procapsid via its C-terminal face. The interactions stabilize subunit interfaces within the hexamer. The conformation of the virus-bound hexamer is more stable than the hexamer in solution, which is prone to spontaneous ring openings. We propose that the stabilization within the viral capsid increases the packaging processivity and confers selectivity during RNA loading. Finally, we use single molecule techniques to characterize P4 translocation along RNA. While the P4 hexamer encloses RNA topologically within the central channel, it diffuses randomly along the RNA. In the presence of ATP, unidirectional net movement is discernible in addition to the stochastic motion. The diffusion is hindered by activation energy barriers that depend on the nucleotide binding state. The results suggest that P4 employs an electrostatic clutch instead of cycling through stable, discrete, RNA binding states during translocation. Conformational changes coupled to ATP hydrolysis modify the electrostatic potential inside the central channel, which in turn biases RNA motion in one direction. Implications of the P4 model for other hexameric molecular motors are discussed.


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A wealth of information available from x-ray crystallographic structures of enzyme-ligand complexes makes it possible to study interactions at the molecular level. However, further investigation is needed when i) the binding of the natural substrate must be characterized, because ligands in the stable enzyme-ligand complexes are generally inhibitors or the analogs of substrate and transition state, and when ii) ligand binding is in part poorly characterized. We have investigated these aspects i? the binding of substrate uridyl 3',5'-adenosine (UpA) to ribonuclease A (RNase A). Based on the systematically docked RNase A-UpA complex resulting from our previous study, we have undertaken a molecular dynamics simulation of the complex with solvent molecules. The molecular dynamics trajectories of this complex are analyzed to provide structural explanations for varied experimental observations on the ligand binding at the B2 subsite of ribonuclease A. The present study suggests that B2 subsite stabilization can be effected by different active site groups, depending on the substrate conformation. Thus when adenosine ribose pucker is O4'-endo, Gln69 and Glu111 form hydrogen-bonding contacts with adenine base, and when it is C2'-endo, Asn71 is the only amino acid residue in direct contact with this base. The latter observation is in support of previous mutagenesis and kinetics studies. Possible roles for the solvent molecules in the binding subsites are described. Furthermore, the substrate conformation is also examined along the simulation pathway to see if any conformer has the properties of a transition state. This study has also helped us to recognize that small but concerted changes in the conformation of the substrate can result in substrate geometry favorable for 2',3' cyclization. The identified geometry is suitable for intraligand proton transfer between 2'-hydroxyl and phosphate oxygen atom. The possibility of intraligand proton transfer as suggested previously and the mode of transfer before the formation of cyclic intermediate during transphosphorylation are discussed.


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The bonding nature of metallocene acetylene complexes Cp2M(eta(2)-H3SiC2SiH3) 1M and CP2M (eta(2)- HC2H) 1M' (M = Ti, Zr, Hf) wits studied by density functional theory method. It is found that this acetylene complex has indeed it metallacyclopropene moiety with two in-plane M-C sigma-bonds and one out-of-plane pi-bond interacting with the metal center, resulting in the formation of it delocalized three-center and two-electron (3c-2e) system. Along with its delocalized out-of-plane bonding, this complex has been characterized its aromatic on the basis of the computed stabilizing energy and negative nucleus-independent chemical shifts (NICS). The aromatic stabilization increases from Ti to Zr and Hf, and this is because of the increased charge separation between the CP2M fragment and the H3SiC2SiH3 (also HC2H) unit. The decrease of the M-C bond length from Zr to Hf is ttributed to the increased s character of both M and C hybridization of the M-C a-bonds.


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Individuals in distress emit audible vocalizations to either warn or inform conspecifics. The Indian short-nosed fruit bat, Cynopterus sphinx, emits distress calls soon after becoming entangled in mist nets, which appear to attract conspecifics. Phase I of these distress calls is longer and louder, and includes a secondary peak, compared to phase II. Activity-dependent expression of egr-1 was examined in free-ranging C. sphinx following the emissions and responses to a distress call. We found that the level of expression of egr-1 was higher in bats that emitted a distress call, in adults that responded, and in pups than in silent bats. Up-regulated cDNA was amplified to identify the target gene (TOE1) of the protein Egr-1. The observed expression pattern Toe1 was similar to that of egr-1. These findings suggest that the neuronal activity related to recognition of a distress call and an auditory feedback mechanism induces the expression of Egr-1. Co-expression of egr-1 with Toe1 may play a role in initial triggering of the genetic mechanism that could be involved in the consolidation or stabilization of distress call memories.


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The effect of solvent on chemical reactivity has generally been explained on the basis of the dielectric constant and viscosity. However a number of spectroscopic studies, including UV-VIS, IR and Raman, has led to numerous empirical parameters to define solvent effect based on either solvating ability or polarity scale. These parameters include solvent polarizability, dipolarity, Lewis acidity and Lewis basicity, E-T(30), pi*, alpha, beta etc. However, from a structural point of view, we can separate solvation as static and dynamic processes. The static solvation basically relates to stabilization of the molecular structure by the solvent to attain the equilibrium structure, both in the intermediate and ground state. Dynamic solvation relates to solvent reorganization-induced dynamics prior to the structural reorganization to reach the equilibrium state. In this paper, we present (a) structural distortions induced by the solvent due to preferential solvation of the triplet excited state, and (b) the importance of dynamic solvation induced by vibronic coupling (pseudo-Jahn-Teller coupling). The examples include the effect of solvent on structure and reactivity of excited states of 2,2,2-trifluoroacetophenone (TFA). Based on the comparison of time resolved resonance Raman (TR3) data of TFA and other substituted acetophenone systems, it was found that change in solvent polarity indeed results in electronic state switching and structural changes in the excited state, which explains the trend in reactivity. Further, a TR3 study of fluoranil (FA) in the triplet excited state in solvents of varying polarities indicates that the structure of FA in the triplet excited state is determined by vibronic coupling effects and thus distorted structure. These experimental results have been well supported by density functional theoretical computational studies.


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The dispersion of aqueous γ-Y2Si2O7 suspensions, which contain only one component but have a complex ion environment, was studied by the introduction of two different polymer dispersants, polyethylenimine (PEI) and polyacrylic acid (PAA). The suspension without any dispersant remains stable in the pH range of 9-11.5 because of electrostatic repulsion, while it is flocculated upon stirring due to the readsorption of hydrolyzed ions on the colloid surface. However, suspensions with 1 dwb% PEI exhibit greater stability in the pH range of 4-11.5. The addition of PEI shifts the isoelectric point (IEP) of the suspensions from pH 5.8 to 10.8. Near the IEP (pHIEP=10.8), the stability of the suspensions with PEI is dominated by the steric effect. When the pH is decreased to acid direction, the stabilization mechanism is changed from steric hindrance to an electrosteric effect little by little. PAA also has the effect of reducing the hydrolysis speed via a "buffer effect" in the basic pH range, but the lack of adsorption between the highly ionized anionic polymer molecules and the negative colloid particle surfaces shows no positive effect on hydrolysis of colloids and on the stabilization of Y2Si 2O7 suspensions.


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The integral diaphragm pressure transducer consists of a diaphragm machined from precipitation hardened martensitic (APX4) steel. Its performance is quite significant as it depends upon various factors such as mechanical properties including induced residual stress levels, metallurgical and physical parameters due to different stages of processing involved. Hence, the measurement and analysis of residual stress becomes very important from the point of in-service assessment of a component. In the present work, the stress measurements have been done using the X-ray diffraction (XRD) technique, which is a non-destructive test (NDT). This method is more reliable and widely used compared to the other NDT techniques. The metallurgical aspects have been studied by adopting the conventional metallographic practices including examination of microstructure using light microscope. The dimensional measurements have been carried out using dimensional gauge. The results of the present investigation reveals that the diaphragm material after undergoing series of realization processes has yielded good amount of retained austenite in it. Also, the presence of higher compressive stresses induced in the transducer results in non-linearity, zero shift and dimensional instability. The problem of higher retained austenite content and higher compressive stress have been overcome by adopting a new realization process involving machining and cold and hot stabilization soak which has brought down the retained austenite content to about 5–6% and acceptable level of compressive stress in the range −100 to −150 MPa with fine tempered martensitic phase structure and good dimensional stability. The new realization process seems to be quite effective in terms of controlling retained austenite content, residual stress, metallurgical phase as well as dimensional stability and this may result in minimum zero shift of the diaphragm system.


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Stroke, ischemic or hemorrhagic, belongs among the foremost causes of death and disability worldwide. Massive brain swelling is the leading cause of death in large hemispheric strokes and is only modestly alleviated by available treatment. Thrombolysis with tissue plasminogen activator (TPA) is the only approved therapy in acute ischemic stroke, but fear of TPA-mediated hemorrhage is often a reason for withholding this otherwise beneficial treatment. In addition, recanalization of the occluded artery (spontaneously or with thrombolysis) may cause reperfusion injury by promoting brain edema, hemorrhage, and inflammatory cell infiltration. A dominant event underlying these phenomena seems to be disruption of the blood-brain barrier (BBB). In contrast to ischemic stroke, no widely approved clinical therapy exists for intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH), which is associated with poor outcome mainly due to the mass effect of enlarging hematoma and associated brain swelling. Mast cells (MCs) are perivascularly located resident inflammatory cells which contain potent vasoactive, proteolytic, and fibrinolytic substances in their cytoplasmic granules. Experiments from our laboratory showed MC density and their state of granulation to be altered early following focal transient cerebral ischemia, and degranulating MCs were associated with perivascular edema and hemorrhage. (I) Pharmacological MC stabilization led to significantly reduced ischemic brain swelling (40%) and BBB leakage (50%), whereas pharmacological MC degranulation raised these by 90% and 50%, respectively. Pharmacological MC stabilization also revealed a 40% reduction in neutrophil infiltration. Moreover, genetic MC deficiency was associated with an almost 60% reduction in brain swelling, 50% reduction in BBB leakage, and 50% less neutrophil infiltration, compared with controls. (II) TPA induced MC degranulation in vitro. In vivo experiments with post-ischemic TPA administration demonstrated 70- to 100-fold increases in hemorrhage formation (HF) compared with controls HF. HF was significantly reduced by pharmacological MC stabilization at 3 (95%), 6 (75%), and 24 hours (95%) of follow-up. Genetic MC deficiency again supported the role of MCs, leading to 90% reduction in HF at 6 and 24 hours. Pharmacological MC stabilization and genetic MC deficiency were also associated with significant reduction in brain swelling and in neutrophil infiltration. Importantly, these effects translated into a significantly better neurological outcome and lower mortality after 24 hours. (III) Finally, in ICH experiments, pharmacological MC stabilization resulted in significantly less brain swelling, diminished growth in hematoma volume, better neurological scores, and decreased mortality. Pharmacological MC degranulation produced the opposite effects. Genetic MC deficiency revealed a beneficial effect similar to that found with pharmacological MC stabilization. In sum, the role of MCs in these clinically relevant scenarios is supported by a series of experiments performed both in vitro and in vivo. That not only genetic MC deficiency but also drugs targeting MCs could modulate these parameters (translated into better outcome and decreased mortality), suggests a potential therapeutic approach in a number of highly prevalent cerebral insults in which extensive tissue injury is followed by dangerous brain swelling and inflammatory cell infiltration. Furthermore, these experiments could hint at a novel therapy to improve the safety of thrombolytics, and a potential cellular target for those seeking novel forms of treatment for ICH.


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Dispersibility of colloidal barium titanate suspensions is reviewed with an emphasis on the use of various polyelectrolytes as dispersants. The fundamentals of colloidal stability are discussed followed by the colloidal properties of barium titanate powder. Dispersion behavior of BaTiO3 in both nonaqueous and aqueous media has been reviewed. Several studies on the stabilization of micron and nano-sized barium titanate using various polymeric dispersants and a rhamnolipid biosurfactant are presented and discussed. The article attempts to provide a comprehensive review of the current state-of-the-art in the area of colloidal processing of barium titanate.


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We find sandwiched metal dimers CB5H6M–MCB5H6 (M = Si, Ge, Sn) which are minima in the potential energy surface with a characteristic M–M single bond. The NBO analysis and the M–M distances (Å) (2.3, 2.44 and 2.81 for M = Si, Ge, Sn) indicate substantial M–M bonding. Formal generation of CB5H6M–MCB5H6 has been studied theoretically. Consecutive substitution of two boron atoms in B7H−27 by M (Si, Ge, Sn) and carbon, respectively followed by dehydrogenation may lead to our desired CB5H6M–MCB5H6. We find that the slip distorted geometry is preferred for MCB5H7 and its dehydrogenated dimer CB5H6M–MCB5H6. The slip-distortion of M–M bond in CB5H6M–MCB5H6 is more than the slip distortion of M–H bond in MCB5H7. Molecular orbital analysis has been done to understand the slip distortion. Larger M–M bending (CB5H6M–MCB5H6) in comparison with M–H bending (MCB5H7) is suspected to be encouraged by stabilization of one of the M–M π bonding MO’s. Preference of M to occupy the apex of pentagonal skeleton of MCB5H7 over its icosahedral analogue MCB10H11 has been observed.


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In this article, a new flame extinction model based on the k/epsilon turbulence time scale concept is proposed to predict the flame liftoff heights over a wide range of coflow temperature and O-2 mass fraction of the coflow. The flame is assumed to be quenched, when the fluid time scale is less than the chemical time scale ( Da < 1). The chemical time scale is derived as a function of temperature, oxidizer mass fraction, fuel dilution, velocity of the jet and fuel type. The present extinction model has been tested for a variety of conditions: ( a) ambient coflow conditions ( 1 atm and 300 K) for propane, methane and hydrogen jet flames, ( b) highly preheated coflow, and ( c) high temperature and low oxidizer concentration coflow. Predicted flame liftoff heights of jet diffusion and partially premixed flames are in excellent agreement with the experimental data for all the simulated conditions and fuels. It is observed that flame stabilization occurs at a point near the stoichiometric mixture fraction surface, where the local flow velocity is equal to the local flame propagation speed. The present method is used to determine the chemical time scale for the conditions existing in the mild/ flameless combustion burners investigated by the authors earlier. This model has successfully predicted the initial premixing of the fuel with combustion products before the combustion reaction initiates. It has been inferred from these numerical simulations that fuel injection is followed by intense premixing with hot combustion products in the primary zone and combustion reaction follows further downstream. Reaction rate contours suggest that reaction takes place over a large volume and the magnitude of the combustion reaction is lower compared to the conventional combustion mode. The appearance of attached flames in the mild combustion burners at low thermal inputs is also predicted, which is due to lower average jet velocity and larger residence times in the near injection zone.


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The Antarctic system comprises of the continent itself, Antarctica, and the ocean surrounding it, the Southern Ocean. The system has an important part in the global climate due to its size, its high latitude location and the negative radiation balance of its large ice sheets. Antarctica has also been in focus for several decades due to increased ultraviolet (UV) levels caused by stratospheric ozone depletion, and the disintegration of its ice shelves. In this study, measurements were made during three Austral summers to study the optical properties of the Antarctic system and to produce radiation information for additional modeling studies. These are related to specific phenomena found in the system. During the summer of 1997-1998, measurements of beam absorption and beam attenuation coefficients, and downwelling and upwelling irradiance were made in the Southern Ocean along a S-N transect at 6°E. The attenuation of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) was calculated and used together with hydrographic measurements to judge whether the phytoplankton in the investigated areas of the Southern Ocean are light limited. By using the Kirk formula the diffuse attenuation coefficient was linked to the absorption and scattering coefficients. The diffuse attenuation coefficients (Kpar) for PAR were found to vary between 0.03 and 0.09 1/m. Using the values for KPAR and the definition of the Sverdrup critical depth, the studied Southern Ocean plankton systems were found not to be light limited. Variabilities in the spectral and total albedo of snow were studied in the Queen Maud Land region of Antarctica during the summers of 1999-2000 and 2000-2001. The measurement areas were the vicinity of the South African Antarctic research station SANAE 4, and a traverse near the Finnish Antarctic research station Aboa. The midday mean total albedos for snow were between 0.83, for clear skies, and 0.86, for overcast skies, at Aboa and between 0.81 and 0.83 for SANAE 4. The mean spectral albedo levels at Aboa and SANAE 4 were very close to each other. The variations in the spectral albedos were due more to differences in ambient conditions than variations in snow properties. A Monte-Carlo model was developed to study the spectral albedo and to develop a novel nondestructive method to measure the diffuse attenuation coefficient of snow. The method was based on the decay of upwelling radiation moving horizontally away from a source of downwelling light. This was assumed to have a relation to the diffuse attenuation coefficient. In the model, the attenuation coefficient obtained from the upwelling irradiance was higher than that obtained using vertical profiles of downwelling irradiance. The model results were compared to field measurements made on dry snow in Finnish Lapland and they correlated reasonably well. Low-elevation (below 1000 m) blue-ice areas may experience substantial melt-freeze cycles due to absorbed solar radiation and the small heat conductivity in the ice. A two-dimensional (x-z) model has been developed to simulate the formation and water circulation in the subsurface ponds. The model results show that for a physically reasonable parameter set the formation of liquid water within the ice can be reproduced. The results however are sensitive to the chosen parameter values, and their exact values are not well known. Vertical convection and a weak overturning circulation is generated stratifying the fluid and transporting warmer water downward, thereby causing additional melting at the base of the pond. In a 50-year integration, a global warming scenario mimicked by a decadal scale increase of 3 degrees per 100 years in air temperature, leads to a general increase in subsurface water volume. The ice did not disintegrate due to the air temperature increase after the 50 year integration.


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We describe an investigation of (Ba3MMWO9)-M-II-W-IV oxides for M-II = Ca, Zn, and other divalent metals and M-IV = Ti, Zr. In general, a 1:2-ordered 6H (hexagonal, P6(3)/mmc) perovskite structure is stabilized at high temperatures (1300 degrees C) for all of the (Ba3MTiWO9)-Ti-II oxides investigated. An intermediate phase possessing a partially ordered 1:1 double perovskite (3C) structure with the cation distribution, Ba-2(Zn2/3Ti1/3)(W2/3Ti1/3)O-6, is obtained at 1200 degrees C for Ba3ZnTiWO9. Sr substitution for Ba in the latter stabilizes the cubic 3C structure instead of the 6H structure. A metastable Ba3CaZrWO9 that adopts the 3C (cubic, Fm (3) over barm) structure has also been synthesized by a low-temperature metathesis route. Besides yielding several new perovskite oxides that may be useful as dielectric ceramics, the present investigation provides new insights into the complex interplay of crystal chemistry (tolerance factor) and chemical bonding (anion polarization and d(0)-induced distortion of metal-oxygen octahedra) in the stabilization of 6H versus 3C perovskite structures for the (Ba3MMWO9)-M-II-W-IV series.


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The research focuses on client plan in the field of health care and social work on families with children. The purpose of the plan is to create objectives for helping the client and to assist in coordinating the ever-increasing multi-professional work. In general, the plan is understood in terms of assignments and as a contract specifying what to do in client cases. Taking this into consideration, the plan is outsourced into a written document. Instead of understanding the plan as a tool that stabilizes the objectives of action, documents it and facilitates evaluation, the client plan is conceptualized in this study as a practice. This kind of practice mediates client work as being itself also a process of action that focuses on an object whose gradual emergence and definition is the central question in multi-professional collaboration with a client. The plan is examined empirically in a non-stabilized state which leads to the research methodology being based on the dynamics between stabilization and emerging, non-stabilized entities the co-creation and formulation of practice and context. The theoretical approach of the research is the micro analytic approach of activity theory (Engeström R. 1999b). Grounding on this, the research develops a method of qualitative analysis which follows an emerging object with multiple voices. The research data is composed of the videotaped sessions from client meetings with three families, the interviews with the client and the workers as well as client documents that are used to follow up on client processes for at least one year. The research questions are as follows: 1) How is the client plan constructed between the client and different professional agents? 2) How are meanings constructed in a client-centred plan? 3) What are the elements of client-employee relationships that support the co-configuration necessitated by the changes in the client s everyday life? The study shows that the setting of objectives were limited by the palette of institutional services, which caused that the clients interpretations and acts of giving meaning to the kinds of help that was required were left out of the plan. Conceptually, the distinctions between client-centred and client-specific ways of working as well as an action-based working method are addressed. Central to this action-based approach is construing the everyday life of the client, recognizing different meanings and analyzing them together with the client as well as focusing attention on developing the prerequisites for social agency of the clients. The research portrays the elements for creating an action-based client plan. Key words: client plan, user perspective, multi-voiced meaning, multi-professional social work with children and families, agency


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The crystal structure determination of three heptapeptides containing alpha-aminoisobutyryl (Aib) residues as a means of helix stabilization provides a high-resolution characterization of 6-->1 hydrogen-bonded conformations, reminiscent of helix-terminating structural features in proteins. The crystal parameters for the three peptides, Boc-Val-Aib-X-Aib-Ala-Aib-Y-OMe, where X and Y are Phe, Leu (I), Leu, Phe (II) and Leu, Leu (III) are: (I) space group P1, Z = 1, a = 9.903 A, b = 10.709 A, c = 11.969 A, alpha = 102.94 degrees, beta = 103.41 degrees, gamma = 92.72 degrees, R = 4.55%; (II) space group P21, Z = 2, a = 10.052 A, b = 17.653 A, c = 13.510 A, beta = 108.45 degrees, R = 4.49%; (III) space group P1, Z = 2 (two independent molecules IIIa and IIIb in the asymmetric unit), a = 10.833 A, b = 13.850 A, c = 16.928 A, alpha = 99.77 degrees, beta = 105.90 degrees, gamma = 90.64 degrees, R = 8.54%. In all cases the helices form 3(10)/alpha-helical (or 3(10)helical) structures, with helical columns formed by head-to-tail hydrogen bonding. The helices assemble in an all-parallel motif in crystals I and III and in an antiparallel motif in II. In the four crystallographically characterized molecules, I, II, IIIa and IIIb, Aib(6) adopts a left-handed helical (hL) conformation with positive phi, psi values, resulting in 6-->1 hydrogen-bond formation between Aib(2) CO and Leu(7)/Phe(7) NH groups. In addition a 4-->1 hydrogen bond is seen between Aib(3) CO and Aib(6) NH groups. This pattern of hydrogen bonding is often observed at the C-terminus of helices proteins, with the terminal pi-type turn being formed by four residues adopting the hRhRhRhL conformation.