923 resultados para Social Action
Le corps demeure un sujet d'études en vogue de nos jours. Une multitude d'articles et d'ouvrages abordent la représentation du corps au cinéma. Notre étude se concentre précisément sur le corps du héros du film d'action américain pendant la période classique des années 80. Il sera ainsi question de la musculature hyperbolique d’Arnold Schwarzenegger et de Sylvester Stallone. L'hypothèse de notre recherche est que la mise en scène du physique de l’acteur dans le film d’action demeure représentative de la conception héroïque de son époque. Premièrement, nous explorons la construction héroïque spécifique au film d'action classique. Nous posons que cette figure de héros américain évoque une glorification de la corporalité qui renvoie à la conception mythologique du héros occidental, celle-ci relative à notre imaginaire collectif. Une attention particulière sur la performance de Stallone dans son rôle de John Rambo servira pour appuyer notre réflexion. Deuxièmement, une analyse de la représentation du corps de Schwarzenegger dans ses premiers rôles nous permettra de vérifier à quel point le physique de cet acteur correspond à un nouveau paradigme, un nouveau modèle corporel pour incarner une figure héroïque au cinéma. Troisièmement, nous considérons le contexte socio-politique américain pendant les années 80 afin de constater l'influence de la société dans la construction d'une figure héroïque au cinéma. Une étude de la figure héroïque « reaganienne » sera développée en fonction de la comparaison de ces deux stars. Nous pourrons appréhender comment la représentation du corps dans le film d'action américain peut contribuer à la construction sociale du corps dans notre société occidentale contemporaine.
Abstract Introduction: The practice of active citizenship, ethical-moral courses of action and civic, moral and ethics education are essentials for ethical decision making in health. Objetive: To determine if gender influences students’ ethical- moral course of action. Methods: Descriptive study with a non-probabilistic sample of 85 students enrolled in the 1st cycle of the health degree. Results: Of the participants surveyed 61.2% were found to say that action should take into account their moral principles, with ethical/ moral subjectivism prevailing; 44.7% consider that one should “Do what will have the best consequences for the greatest number of people”, with the principle of utilitarianism being significant; 55.3% think that “An action is ethically good” if “It is in accordance with morality”, thereby highlighting subjectivism/relativism; 45.9% believe that “ethical-moral values” “are relative and vary from society to society” agreeing with relativism as an explanatory principle for action. Males showed a greater tendency to support their decision-making with the principle of objectivism, (Fischer=.010). Conclusion: The results suggest that students’ ethical-moral education is required to promote an ethical-moral course of action in their professional practice. Thus, universities with their health courses should be at the forefront of this education, making their graduates ambassadors/interveners of a way of knowing and of being as well as promoters of the dignity of the citizen of the modern world.
Community development is centrally concerned with people in communities working together to achieve a common goal, that is, to collaborate, whether within local geographical communities, in communities of shared interests or among groups sharing a common identity. Its overarching goal is one of progressive transformational social change. As Belfast transitions from a conflict to a post-conflict society, there is a need for greater, more effective work at local community level in order to address a range of ongoing social and economic issues facing communities, including high levels of disadvantage and division. Given the significance of leadership in building effective collaboration and the centrality of collaboration for community development, it is important to understand how leadership is currently enacted and what kinds of leadership are required to support communities to collaborate effectively to bring about social change. This thesis thus centers on the kind of leadership practised and required to support collaboration for social change within the community sector in Belfast, a city that contains an estimated 28% of the total number of community and voluntary sector (CVS) organisations in Northern Ireland (Northern Ireland Council for Voluntary Action, 2012). Through a series of qualitative, in-depth interviews with people playing leadership roles in local communities, the study critically explores and analyses their experiences and perceptions in relation to leadership and collaboration. Community development in Belfast today is practised within a wider context of neoliberal policies, characterised by austerity and public spending cuts. Whilst not the only influencing factor, this context has had a particular and profound impact on the nature and role of community development practised, and on the kind of leadership enacted within it. The space for reflection and transformative action appears to be shrinking as the contraction of resources to support community development in local communities continues unabated. Those playing leadership roles increasingly find themselves compelled to spend time seeking resources and managing complex funding arrangements rather than focusing on the social change dimensions of their work. Collaboration as promoted by the state seems to have become an instrumental tactic used to implement its austerity measures and curtail the potential of the community sector. Despite this, local leaders are driving initiatives that attempt to push back, helping the sector refocus on its transformational goals of social change. To do this requires support. Those playing leadership roles require resources, including time, to encourage and enable communities to reconnect with the purpose and underpinning values of community development. Leaders also need support to develop and promote new, progressive narratives and visions and pursue these through building collaboration and solidarity.
As a relatively new phenomenon in 2009, Swedish nonprofit social service providers proposed quality improvement as a way to reduce mistakes, use resources more effectively and meet the needs and expectations of clients in a better way. Although similar experiences have been studied in health care, the transfer of quality improvement to nonprofit social services gives a possibility for more knowledge on what enables, and constrains, systematic quality improvement in this specific context. This thesis is based on five years of supporting quality improvement in the Swedish nonprofit welfare sector. Specifically, it builds knowledge on which active mechanisms and enabling or constraining structures exist for nonprofit social service quality improvement. By studying quality improvement projects that have been conducted in the development program Forum for Values, critical cases and broad overviews are found valuable. These cases have resulted in four papers on quality improvement in nonprofit social services. The papers include: critical cases from a nursing home for elderly and a daycare for disabled children (Paper I); a critical case from a sheltered housing (Paper II); an overview of performance measurements in 127 quality improvement projects (Paper III); and an analytical model of how improvement policy and practice are bridged by intermediaries (Paper IV). In this thesis, enabled or constrained events and activities related to Deming's system of profound knowledge are identified from the papers and elaborated upon. As a basis for transforming practice into continuous improvement, profound knowledge includes the four knowledge domains: appreciation of a system, theory of knowledge, understanding of variation and psychology of change. From a realist perspective, the identified events are seen as enabled or constrained by mechanisms and underlying regularities, or structures, in the context of nonprofit social services. The emerging mechanisms found in this thesis are: describing and reflecting upon project relations; forming and testing a theory of action; collecting and displaying measurable results over time; and engaging and participating in a development program. The structures that enable these mechanisms are: connecting projects to shared values such as client needs; local ownership of what should be measured; and translating quality improvement into a single practice. Constraining structures identified are: a lack of generalizable scientific knowledge and inappropriate or missing infrastructure for measurements. Reflecting upon the emergent structures of nonprofit social services, the role of political macro structures, reflective practice, competence in statistical methods and areas of expertise becomes important. From this discussion and the findings some hypotheses for future work can be formulated. First, the identified mechanisms and structures form a framework that helps explain why intended actions of quality improvement occur or not. This frameworkcan be part of formulating a program theory of quality improvement in nonprofit social services. With this theory, quality improvement can be evaluated, reflected upon and further developed in future interventions. Second,new quality improvement interventions can be reproduced more regularly by active work with known enablers and constraints from this program theory. This means that long-lasting interventions can be performed and studied in a second generation of improvement efforts. Third, if organizations integrate quality improvement as a part of their everyday practice they also develop context-specific knowledge about their services. This context-specific knowledge can be adopted and further developed through dedicated management and understanding of variation. Thus, if enabling structures are invoked and constraining structures handled, systematic quality improvement could be one way to integrate generalizable scientific knowledge as part of an evidence-creating practice.
Shared management between businesses, governments and society in the historic town of São Paulo city began concurrently with the growth of nonprofit organizations (NGOs) in the 1990s. The program Ações Locais, coordinated by the NGO Associação Viva o Centro is housed in this context and its mission is to bring together individuals, businesses and local governments for economic, social and political development as to build up the citizenship in that area. This study provides a historical background on formation of Brazilian citizenship and, from that reference, analyzes the performing citizenship in the program Ações Locais. The main conclusion of the analysis identified that the program have been consolidated, despite the enormous quotidian difficulties, especially in the social inclusion actions for the poor. The dilemma about how bring in the excluded segments of the population may indicate a new field of research and future studies.
Knowledge organization (KO) research is a field of scholarship concerned with the design, study and critique of the processes of organizing and representing documents that societies see as worthy of preserving (Tennis, 2008). In this context we are concerned with the relationship between language and action.On the one hand, we are concerned with what language can and does do for our knowledge organization systems (KOS). For example, how do the words NEGRO or INDIAN work in historical and contemporary indexing languages? In relation to this, we are also concerned with how we know about knowledge organization (KO) and its languages. On the other hand, we are concerned with how to act given this knowledge. That is, how do we carry out research and how do we design, implement, and evaluate KO systems?It is important to consider these questions in the context of our work because we are delegated by society to disseminate cultural memory. We are endowed with a perspective, prepared by an education, and granted positions whereby society asks us to ensure that documentary material is accessible to future generations. There is a social value in our work, and as such there is a social imperative to our work. We must act with good conscience, and use language judiciously, for the memory of the world is a heavy burden.In this paper, I explore these two weights of language and action that bear down on KO researchers. I first summarize what extant literature says about the knowledge claims we make with regard to KO practices and systems. To make it clear what it is that I think we know, I create a schematic that will link claims (language) to actions in advising, implementing, or evaluating information practices and systems.I will then contrast this with what we do not know, that is, what the unanswered questions might be (Gnoli, 2008 ; Dahlberg, 2011), and I will discuss them in relation to the two weights in our field of KO.Further, I will try to provide a systematic overview of possible ways to address these open questions in KO research. I will draw on the concept of elenchus - the forms of epistemology, theory, and methodology in KO (Tennis, 2008), and framework analysis which are structures, work practice, and discourses of KO systems (Tennis, 2006). In so doing, I will argue for a Neopragmatic stance on the weight of language and action in KO (Rorty, 1982 ; 2000). I will close by addressing the lacuna left in Neopragmatic thought – the ethical imperative to use language and action in a particular good and moral way. That is, I will address the ethical imperative of KO given its weights, epistemologies, theories, and methods. To do this, I will review a sample of relevant work on deontology in both western and eastern philosophical schools (e.g., Harvey, 1995).The perspective I want to communicate in this section is that the good in carrying out KO research may begin with epistemic stances (cf., language), but ultimately stands on ethical actions. I will present an analysis describing the micro and the macro ethical concerns in relation to KO research and its advice on practice. I hope this demonstrates that the direction of epistemology, theory, and methodology in KO, while burdened with the dual weights of language and action, is clear when provided an ethical sounding board. We know how to proceed when we understand how our work can benefit the world.KO is an important, if not always understood, division of labor in a society that values its documentary heritage and memory institutions. Being able to do good requires us to understand how to balance the weights of language and action. We must understand where we stand and be able to chart a path forward, one that does not cause harm, but adds value to the world and those that want to access recorded knowledge.
Dans certains milieux syndicaux québécois, des initiatives porteuses destinées à prévenir les problèmes de santé mentale au travail ont vu le jour. Des représentants syndicaux pionniers ont mis en place des structures d’entraide opérantes, obtenu des jurisprudences importantes et développé des approches innovantes pour corriger ou bonifier l’organisation du travail, et ce depuis plus de trois décennies. Alors que la montée de l’idéologie néolibérale et les principes d’organisation du travail qu’elle sous-tend engendrent une intensification du travail qui fragilise la psyché des travailleurs et que le rapport de force des syndicats s’effrite, il apparaît porteur d’interroger l’expérience de ces représentants syndicaux pour mieux comprendre comment se structure l’action syndicale en santé mentale au travail. Cette thèse fait l’étude de réalisations syndicales québécoises en matière de santé mentale au travail visant à prévenir et à corriger les problèmes de détresse psychologique, d’épuisement professionnel, de harcèlement, de dépression, de violence, de suicides reliés au travail, etc. Pour ce faire, un cadre théorique mixte a été utilisé. D’une part, une perspective large a été adoptée pour comprendre les enjeux entourant les rapports humains au travail et l’action. Pour ce faire, quatre auteurs influents de la philosophie des Lumières et de la philosophie contemporaine ont été sélectionnés, soit Thomas Hobbes, Adam Smith, Karl Marx et Hannah Arendt. Dégager ces différentes perspectives du monde, de l’action et du lien social avait pour objectif de mettre en place une grille d’analyse susceptible de relier l’expérience de représentants syndicaux à ces visions du monde. Il est apparu essentiel de mieux saisir les bases idéologiques sur lesquelles ces derniers ont construit leur action pour comprendre comment elles ont influencé leur démarche singulière et collective. D’autre part, la théorie de l’expérience sociale a été retenue (Dubet, 2009; 1994) pour analyser plus finement le travail des représentant syndicaux. Celle-ci distingue trois logiques d’action complémentaires et en tension avec lesquelles doivent composer les acteurs sociaux : une logique d’intégration, une logique stratégique et logique appuyée sur la subjectivation. La coexistence de ces trois logiques signifie que l’expérience que les individus font du monde n’est pas une simple reproduction de déterminismes qui les précèdent. Les acteurs sont aussi sujets de leur expérience et capables de prendre une distance du social pour comprendre les significations de leur agir; ils s’inscrivent dans le monde dans une dialectique critique. Cette théorie apporte un éclairage permettant de dégager à la fois ce qui freine et ce qui facilite l’action individuelle et collective en matière de santé mentale au travail et de décrire comment des représentants syndicaux se mobilisent pour répondre aux nombreuses attentes des membres. Cette recherche qualitative s’est appuyée sur une méthodologie de récit de vie (Rhéaume 2008; Bertaux 2006). Vingt représentants syndicaux ont témoigné de la souffrance au travail (Dejours, 2008) vécue par leurs membres et ont présenté des actions déployées pour leur venir en aide. Les réalités décrites par les participants montrent comment certains éléments de l’organisation du travail sont associés à des expériences de domination (Martuccelli, 2004): les méfaits du productivisme et de l’hyperflexibilité, les accidents de travail, les maladies professionnelles et les situations d’horreur au travail, les rapports sociaux au travail devenus délétères et les utilisations abusives de l’appareil judiciaire. L’étude démontre aussi à quel point des initiatives portées par des représentants syndicaux contribuent à une résolution de problèmes dans une perspective d’interdépendance, de développement du pouvoir d’agir, de justice sociale et de lutte pour la dignité. Quatre catégories d’initiatives ont été retenues : l’entretien du lien social dans l’entraide au quotidien, la défense juridique et légale des membres, les clauses de convention collective et les actions sur l’organisation du travail. Enfin, la recherche dégage trois profils de représentants syndicaux : la militance qui tente de former un nous, la professionnalisation qui tente de faire reconnaitre son utilité et sa compétence, et l’entraide qui cherche à développer une action engageant le Je. Leur rencontre laisse entrevoir le développement d’une praxis syndicale qui vise à promouvoir et protéger la dignité du travail et des travailleurs.
Over the last decade, social media has become a hot topic for researchers of collaborative technologies (e.g., CSCW). The pervasive use of social media in our everyday lives provides a ready source of naturalistic data for researchers to empirically examine the complexities of the social world. In this talk I outline a different perspective informed by ethnomethodology and conversation analysis (EMCA) - an orientation that has been influential within CSCW, yet has only rarely been applied to social media use. EMCA approaches can complement existing perspectives through articulating how social media is embedded in everyday life, and how its social organisation is achieved by users of social media. Outlining a possible programme of research, I draw on a corpus of screen and ambient audio recordings of mobile device use to show how EMCA research can be generative for understanding social media through concepts such as adjacency pairs, sequential context, turn allocation / speaker selection, and repair. In doing so, I also raise questions about existing studies of social media use and the way they characterise interactional phenomena.
Este estudio de caso busca evaluar los alcances y limitaciones que tiene la movilización social para lograr transformaciones en las instituciones a partir del estudio de la movilización social en Egipto durante el período 2010-2013. Se analiza y se explica en qué sentido las instituciones de movimiento lento, como las estructuras de poder y estructuras mentales, han frustrado lo acontecido en Egipto conocido como la primavera árabe. Siguiendo la perspectiva de las instituciones de Gérard Roland y Alejandro Portes, se avanza hacia el resultado de la investigación de que las instituciones de movimiento lento tienen en cuenta aspectos estructurales de una sociedad tales como el poder y la cultura. Por ello, no pueden ser cambiadas con facilidad ya que cuentan con bases sólidas que han sido construidas mediante procesos históricos fundamentados en ideologías y valores.
Este es un estudio sobre la garantía y aplicabilidad de los derechos humanos de las poblaciones indígenas colombianas durante los primeros cuatro años de mandato de la administración Santos. La investigación busca explicar la manera en que las adversas condiciones socio económicas que caracterizan el desarrollo de las poblaciones indígenas, denotan la incapacidad del Estado Social de Derecho para garantizar la protección y aplicabilidad de los derechos fundamentales de estas comunidades. Las disposiciones constitucionales han tenido un desarrollo truncado debido a las escasas medidas proferidas por diferentes gobiernos frente a las necesidades de estos grupos en particular. En razón de lo anterior, el estudio se inscribe dentro del marco teórico referente al neo constitucionalismo debido al alto valor explicativo que ofrecen los postulados de Gustavo Zagrebelsky y Luigi Ferrajoli en relación al fenómeno que se pretende analizar. Se concluye que frente a la persistencia de los factores que afectan el desarrollo de las poblaciones indígenas, el reconocimiento constitucional debe ser complementado por una efectiva normatividad que asegure la aplicabilidad de los derechos fundamentales por parte de las administraciones políticas: no debe existir un desfase entre las nociones de principio y la ley.
El concepto de actividad física es concebido de diferentes formas. Mostrando que existen varios factores que afectan de manera directa e indirecta la percepción que los sujetos construyen entorno a él, generando así una aproximación a diferentes definiciones de la actividad física desde varias perspectivas y dimensiones, donde predomina una noción netamente biológica. Este estudio pretende analizar, como desde las clases sociales se concibe la actividad física en sus conceptos y prácticas considerando los modelos de determinantes y determinación social para la salud. Con fin de comprender como los autores de la literatura científica conciben la actividad física y la relación con las clases sociales, desde una perspectiva teórica de los determinantes sociales de la salud y la teoría de la determinación social, se realizó una revisión documental y análisis de contenido de los conceptos y prácticas de la actividad física que se han considerado en los últimos 10 años. Para ello se seleccionaron las bases de datos PubMed y BVS (Biblioteca Virtual de Salud) por sus énfasis en publicaciones de salud mundialmente. Mostrando que la actividad física es concebida dominantemente desde una perspectiva biológica que ejerce una mirada reduccionista. Las relaciones entre actividad física y las clases sociales están claramente establecidas, sin embargo, estas relaciones pueden discrepar teniendo en cuenta el concepto de clase social, el contexto y la orientación de los autores y las poblaciones objetos de estudio. Obteniendo como resultado que los estudios documentados, revisados y analizados muestran una clara tendencia al modelo de determinantes; no obstante, algunos estudios en sus análisis se orientan hacia el modelo de determinación social. En cuanto al concepto de clases sociales los autores consideran una combinación de factores culturales y económicos sin atreverse a adoptar un concepto específico.
Resumo: Este artigo é uma súmula de um diagnóstico social, coordenado pelos autores, que teve como objetivo compreender as dinâmicas e as relações inter e intra organizacionais das Misericórdias do distrito de Évora. O trabalho desenvolvido tem por base uma metodologia de diagnóstico desenvolvida pelos autores deste artigo, tendo como estratégia analítica a análise de redes sociais e a análise prospetiva, através das quais se elabora um quadro sobre o estado atual das Misericórdias, procede-se a um mapeamento da rede e perspetivam-se estratégias de ação coletiva para as instituições. Palavras-Chave: Misericórdias, diagnóstico social, estratégias de ação coletiva. Abstract: This article is a summary of a social diagnosis, coordinated by the authors, which aimed to understand the dynamics and inter and intra organizational relationships of the Mercies of the Évora district. The work is based on a diagnostic methodology developed by the authors of this article, the analytical strategy to social network analysis and prospective analysis, through which draw up a picture of the current state of Mercies, proceed to a mapping network and perspetivam up collective action strategies for the institutions. Keywords: Mercies, social diagnosis, collective action strategies.
No século XXI, fatores socioeconómicos dão origem a uma diminuição da atividade física (AF) (TV, internet, etc.). Estima-se que 50% da população da União Europeia (EU) tem excesso de peso ou obesidade devido a uma dieta inadequada e sedentarismo, que fazem disparar a ocorrência de doenças crónicas (cardiovasculares, músculo esqueléticas, psicológicas, diabetes tipo 2, cancro, etc.) e uma consequente ameaça para a sustentabilidade dos sistemas de saúde e segurança social. A degradação da saúde nos países desenvolvidos, derivada dos estilos de vida atuais, apresenta também alterações no modelo de vivência familiar (famílias menos numerosas e monoparentais com crescimentos na ordem dos 36%). As famílias têm ainda que lidar com a escassez de tempo, a competitividade feroz no trabalho, o stress diário e os perigos em que os elementos mais jovens do agregado familiar incorrem (consumo substâncias ilícitas, distúrbios alimentares, depressão, suicídio e isolamento social) decorrentes do uso das novas tecnologias. “Atualmente, conforme as economias crescem as pessoas param de se movimentar. É urgente, apresentar uma estrutura para a ação, para que os stakeholders, revertam a situação de modo a combater os impactos desta epidemia de inatividade física, construindo ações preventivas e inovadoras, com impacto positivo no desenvolvimento humano”. Objetivo: Pretende-se através da oferta de actividade física e desportiva (AFD) planeada para famílias, promover além da saúde e estilos de vida saudáveis e resilientes, a coesão familiar. Dar resposta científica às preocupações da UE, intervindo como medida de implementação de políticas publicas consideradas prioritárias, de promoção da AF e estilos de vida saudáveis e resilientes, para assegurar um alto nível de proteção da saúde, com repercussão na diminuição dos custos com as doenças e suas consequências.
The developmental progression of emotional competence in childhood provides a robust evidence for its relation to social competence and important adjustment outcomes. This study aimed to analyze how this association is established in middle childhood. For this purpose, we tested 182 Portuguese children aged between 8 and 11 years, of 3rd and 4th grades, in public schools. Firstly, for assessing social competence we used an instrument directed to children using critical social situations within the relationships with peers in the school context - Socially in Action-Peers (SAp) (Rocha, Candeias & Lopes da Silva, 2012); children were assessed by three sources: themselves, their peers and their teacher. Secondly, we assessed children’s emotional understanding, individually, with the Test of Emotion Comprehension (Pons & Harris, 2002; Pons, Harris & Rosnay, 2004). Relations between social competence levels (in a composite score and using self, peers and teachers’ scores) and emotional comprehension components (comprehension of the recognition of emotions, based on facial expressions; external emotional causes; contribute of desire to emotion; emotions based on belief; memory influence under emotional state evaluation; possibility of emotional regulation; possibility of hiding an emotional state; having mixed emotions; contribution of morality to emotion experience) were investigated by means of two SSA (Similarity Structure Analysis) - a Multidimensional Scaling procedure and the external variable as points technique. In the first structural analysis (SSA) we will consider self, peers and teachers’ scores on Social Competence as content variables and TEC as external variable; in the second SSA we will consider TEC components as content variables and Social Competence in their different levels as external variable. The implications of these MDS procedures in order to better understand how social competence and emotional comprehension are related in children is discussed, as well as the repercussions of these findings for social competence and emotional understanding assessment and intervention in childhood is examined.
Le Social Street sono gruppi di vicini di casa che vogliono ricreare legami di convivialità avendo notato un indebolimento delle relazioni sociali nei loro quartieri. Nascono come gruppi online, tramite la piattaforma Facebook, per materializzarsi in incontri offline andando a costruire legami conviviali grazie pratiche di socialità, inclusività e gratuità. Questa Tesi ha come obiettivo l’analisi dei profili socio-demografici degli Streeter e dei quartieri coinvolti per comprendere come sia possibile creare convivialità e come la variabile urbana intervenga in questi processi. Inoltre, si vuole comprendere le dinamiche di attaccamento al quartiere, gli interessi portati avanti dagli Streeter, il loro profilo civico e il posizionamento di quest’esperienza rispetto all’associazionismo tradizionale. Per perseguire l’obiettivo della ricerca, sono state studiate le tre città che vedono la maggiore presenza di Social Street: Milano, Bologna, Roma. La ricerca ha previsto sia un’analisi degli Streeter grazie a un questionario online replicato in tutti i contesti. Inoltre, sono state realizzate 131 interviste ad amministratori e fondatori di Social Street e condotte osservazioni etnografiche e netnografiche. I risultati mostrano come gli Streeter siano appartenenti alle classi medio-alte, tra trenta e cinquanta anni, che hanno sperimentato la mobilità tra un quartiere e l’altro o tra diversi contesi nazionali ed internazionali e trovano nelle Social Street un modo per creare legami di vicinato che hanno perso nei loro trasferimenti. Gli stessi quartieri dove si diffondono le Social Street sono agiati e vi è una buona corrispondenza tra Streeter e modello della centralità sociale elaborato da Milbrath (1965) per cui anche la partecipazione civica è molto sentita tra gli aderenti alle Social Street. Il contributo di questa Tesi al dibattito sociologico risiede nell’aver offerto un’analisi empirica di un’azione collettiva a livello urbano, quella delle Social Street, mostrando come vi sia circolarità tra azione e contesto grazie all’azione mutualistica conviviale.