952 resultados para Sigismund, emperor of Germany, d. 1437.
Formulation and Implementation of Air Quality Control Pogrammes : Patterns of Interest Consideration
This article investigates some central aspects of the relationships between programme structure and implementation of sulphur dioxide air quality control policies. Previous implementation research, primarily adopting American approaches, has neglected the connections between the processes of programme formulation and implementation. 'Programme', as the key variable in implementation studies, has been defined too narrowly. On the basis of theoretical and conceptual reflections and provisional empirical results from studies in France, Italy, England, and the Federal Republic of Germany, the authors demonstrate that an integral process analysis using a more extended programme concept is necessary if patterns of interest recognition in policies are to be discovered. Otherwise, the still important question of critical social science cannot be answered, namely, what is the impact of special interests upon implementation processes.
Introduction The Andalusian Public Health System Virtual Library (Biblioteca Virtual del Sistema Sanitario Público de Andalucía, BV-SSPA) was set up in June 2006. It consists of a regional government action with the aim of democratizing the health professional access to quality scientific information, regardless of the professional workplace. Andalusia is a region with more than 8 million inhabitants, with 100,000 health professionals for 41 hospitals, 1,500 primary healthcare centres, and 28 centres for non-medical attention purposes (research, management, and educational centres). Objectives The Department of Development, Research and Investigation (R+D+i) of the Andalusian Regional Government has, among its duties, the task of evaluating the hospitals and centres of the Andalusian Public Health System (SSPA) in order to distribute its funding. Among the criteria used is the evaluation of the scientific output, which is measured using bibliometry. It is well-known that the bibliometry has a series of limitations and problems that should be taken into account, especially when it is used for non-information sciences, such us career, funding, etc. A few years ago, the bibliometric reports were done separately in each centre, but without using preset and well-defined criteria, elements which are basic when we need to compare the results of the reports. It was possible to find some hospitals which were including Meeting Abstracts in their figures, while others do not, and the same was happening with Erratum and many other differences. Therefore, the main problem that the Department of R+D+i had to deal with, when they were evaluating the health system, was that bibliometric data was not accurate and reports were not comparable. With the aim of having an unified criteria for the whole system, the Department of R+D+i ordered the BV-SSPA to do the year analysis of the scientific output of the system, using some well defined criteria and indicators, among whichstands out the Impact Factor. Materials and Methods As the Impact Factor is the bibliometric indicator that the virtual library is asked to consider, it is necessary to use the database Web of Science (WoS), since it is its owner and editor. The WoS includes the databases Science Citation Index (SCI), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) and Arts & Humanities Citation Index. To gather all the documents, SCI and SSCI are used; to obtain the Impact Factor and quartils, it is used the Journal Citation Reports, JCR. Unlike other bibliographic databases, such us MEDLINE, the bibliometric database WoS includes the address of all the authors. In order to retrieve all the scientific output of the SSPA, we have done general searches, which are afterwards processed by a tool developed by our library. We have done nine different searches using the field ‘address’; eight of them including ‘Spain’ and each one of the eight Andalusian Regions, and the other one combining ‘Spain’ with all those cities where there are health centres, since we have detected that there are some authors that do not use the region in their signatures. These are some of the search strategies: AD=Malaga and AD=Spain AD=Sevill* and AD=Spain AD=SPAIN AND (AD=GUADIX OR AD=BAZA OR AD=MOTRIL) Further more, the field ‘year’ is used to determine the period. To exploit the data, the BV-SSPA has developed a tool called Impactia. It is a web application which uses a database to store the information of the documents generated by the SSPA. Impactia allows the user to automatically process the retrieved documents, assigning them to their correspondent centres. In order to do the classification of documents automaticaly, it was necessary to detect the huge variability of names of the centres that the authors use in their signatures. Therefore, Impactia knows that if an author signs as “Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena”, “HVM” or “Hosp. Virgin Macarena”, he belongs to the same centre. The figure attached shows the variability found for the Empresa Publica Hospital de Poniente. Besides the documents from WoS, Impactia includes the documents indexed in Scopus and in other databases, where we do bibliographic searches using similar strategies to the later ones. Aware that in the health centres and hospitals there is a lot of grey literature that is not gathered in databases, Impactia allows the centres to feed the application with these documents, so that all the SSPA scientific output is gathered and organised in a centralized place. The ones responsible of localizing this gray literature are the librarians of each one of the centres. They can also do statements to the documents and indicators that are collected and calculated by Impactia. The bulk upload of documents from WoS and Scopus into Impactia is monthly done. One of the main issues that we found during the development of Impactia was the need of dealing with duplicated documents obtained from different sources. Taking into account that sometimes titles might be written differently, with slashes, comas, and so on, Impactia detects the duplicates using the field ‘DOI’ if it is available or comparing the fields: page start, page end and ISSN. Therefore it is possible to guarantee the absence of duplicates. Results The data gathered in Impactia becomes available to the administrative teams and hospitals managers, through an easy web page that allows them to know at any moment, and with just one click, the detailed information of the scientific output of their hospitals, including useful graphs such as percentage of document types, journals where their scientists usually publish, annual comparatives, bibliometric indicators and so on. They can also compare the different centres of the SSPA. Impactia allows the user to download the data from the application, so that he can work with this information or include them in their centres’ reports. This application saves the health system many working hours. It was previously done manually by forty one librarians, while now it is done by only one person in the BV-SSPA during two days a month. To sum up, the benefits of Impactia are: It has shown its effectiveness in the automatic classification, treatment and analysis of the data. It has become an essential tool for all managers to evaluate quickly and easily the scientific production of their centers. It optimizes the human resources of the SSPA, saving time and money. It is the reference point for the Department of R+D+i to do the scientific health staff evaluation.
The hepatitis C virus (HCV) NS3 protease has been one of the molecular targets of new therapeutic approaches. Its genomic sequence variability in Brazilian HCV isolates is poorly documented. To obtain more information on the magnitude of its genetic diversity, 114 Brazilian HCV samples were sequenced and analysed together with global reference sequences. Genetic distance (d) analyses revealed that subtype 1b had a higher degree of heterogeneity (d = 0.098) than subtypes 1a (d = 0.060) and 3a (d = 0.062). Brazilian isolates of subtype 1b were distributed in the phylogenetic tree among sequences from other countries, whereas most subtype 1a and 3a sequences clustered into a single branch. Additional characterisation of subtype 1a in clades 1 and 2 revealed that all but two Brazilian subtype 1a sequences formed a distinct and strongly supported (approximate likelihood-ratio test = 93) group of sequences inside clade 1. Moreover, this subcluster inside clade 1 presented an unusual phenotypic characteristic in relation to the presence of resistance mutations for macrocyclic inhibitors. In particular, the mutation Q80K was found in the majority of clade 1 sequences, but not in the Brazilian isolates. These data demonstrate that Brazilian HCV subtypes display a distinct pattern of genetic diversity and reinforce the importance of sequence information in future therapeutic approaches.
The relationship between calcium and cardiovascular diseases (CVD) has been explored for a long time. Studies exploring the effect of calcium intake or calcium supplementation on cardiovascular risk suggest that systolic blood pressure increases under low calcium intake and decreases with calcium supplementation. A lower calcium intake has been associated with an increased risk of stroke. However, the impact of calcium supplementation on stroke risk remains unclear. Calcium supplementation may increase the risk of myocardial infarction. The relationship between vitamin D and CVD has been explored more recently. Negative correlations between vitamin D levels and the risk of hypertension, myocardial infarction, and stroke have been reported in several observational studies. The effect of vitamin D supplementation on blood pressure is still unclear and no effect of vitamin D supplementation on coronary heart disease or stroke has been clearly demonstrated. There is a lack of randomized clinical trials primarily addressing the effect of these parameters on CVD. Therefore, the real impact of calcium and vitamin D on cardiovascular outcomes remains to be documented by appropriate experimental data.
Via a transcription factor, Foxp3, immunoregulatory CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells (T reg cells) play an important role in suppressing the function of other T cells. Adoptively transferring high numbers of T reg cells can reduce the intensity of the immune response, thereby providing an attractive prospect for inducing tolerance. Extending our previous findings, we describe an in vivo approach for inducing rapid expansion of T reg cells by injecting mice with interleukin (IL)-2 mixed with a particular IL-2 monoclonal antibody (mAb). Injection of these IL-2-IL-2 mAb complexes for a short period of 3 d induces a marked (>10-fold) increase in T reg cell numbers in many organs, including the liver and gut as well as the spleen and lymph nodes, and a modest increase in the thymus. The expanded T reg cells survive for 1-2 wk and are highly activated and display superior suppressive function. Pretreating with the IL-2-IL-2 mAb complexes renders the mice resistant to induction of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis; combined with rapamycin, the complexes can also be used to treat ongoing disease. In addition, pretreating mice with the complexes induces tolerance to fully major histocompatibility complex-incompatible pancreatic islets in the absence of immunosuppression. Tolerance is robust and the majority of grafts are accepted indefinitely. The approach described for T reg cell expansion has clinical potential for treating autoimmune disease and promoting organ transplantation.
The prevalence of occult hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection was investigated in 149 hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) negative injecting drug users (IDUs) in the Central-West Region of Brazil. Of these individuals, 19 were positive for HBV DNA, resulting in an occult HBV infection prevalence of 12.7% (19/149); six of these 19 individuals had anti-HBV core and/or anti-HBV surface antibodies and 13 were negative for HBV markers. All IDUs with occult hepatitis B reported sexual and/or parenteral risk behaviours. All HBV DNA-positive samples were successfully genotyped. Genotype D was the most common (17/19), followed by genotype A (2/19). These findings reveal a high prevalence of occult HBV infection and the predominance of genotype D among IDUs in Brazil's Central-West Region.
INTRODUCTION Vitamin D deficiency produces inadequate bone mineralization, proximal muscle weakness, abnormal gait and increased risk of falls and fractures. Moreover, in epidemiological studies, has been associated with increased risk of cancer, autoimmune diseases, type 1 and 2 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, infectious diseases, cardiovascular diseases and depression. When synthesis through the skin by sun exposure is not possible and the patient can not eat by mouth, as in the advanced stages of various neurological diseases, the supply of vitamin D has to be done by enteral nutrition. OBJECTIVES The aim of this study is to review the role of vitamin D in a common group of neurological conditions that often require artificial nutrition and analyze whether the vitamin D of different enteral nutrition formulas is adequate to meet the needs of this group of patients. RESULTS Numerous studies have shown the association between vitamin D deficiency and increased incidence of dementia, stroke and other neurodegenerative diseases. Interventions aimed to increase levels of vit. D and its effects on functional (falls, pain, quality of life) and cardiovascular goals (cardiovascular death, stroke, myocardial infarction, cardiovascular risk factors) have obtained as highlight data a clear reduction of falls and fractures, while the evidence for the other parameters studied is still limited and inconsistent. The content of calcium and vitamin D of enteral formulas is legislated in our country. The total amount of vitamin D for a daily intake of 1,500-2,000 kcal ranges between 300 and 1,600 IU/d (mean ± SD: 32.9 ± 8.5 mg/100 kcal) in the complete formulas for enteral nutrition most commonly used. 50% of the diets studied, for an intake of 2,000 kcal/d, and 90% for an intake of 1,500 kcal/d, provide less than 600 IU/d of vitamin D. DISCUSSION Some revised recently guidelines published recommendations of daily intake of vitamin D. The document published by the U.S. Institute of Medicine recommended for adults between 19 and 70 years, 600 IU/d and up from 70, proposes 800 IU/d of vitamin D. These amounts are deemed insufficient by other scientific societies to state that to achieve blood levels of 25 (OH) D equal or greater than 30 ng/ml may be required a daily intake of 1,500-2,000 IU and a number two or three times higher if previous deficiency exists. CONCLUSIONS Further controlled studies are needed to ascertain which is the appropriate dose of vitamin D in advanced stages of neurological disease, where sun exposure is difficult and unlikely. We suggest that the vitamin D content should probably be reconsidered in enteral nutrition formulas, which, in light of recent publications appear as clearly insufficient for standard energy intakes (1,500-2,000 kcal).
The phytochrome-interacting factor PIF3 has been proposed to act as a positive regulator of chloroplast development. Here, we show that the pif3 mutant has a phenotype that is similar to the pif1 mutant, lacking the repressor of chloroplast development PIF1, and that a pif1pif3 double mutant has an additive phenotype in all respects. The pif mutants showed elevated protochlorophyllide levels in the dark, and etioplasts of pif mutants contained smaller prolamellar bodies and more prothylakoid membranes than corresponding wild-type seedlings, similar to previous reports of constitutive photomorphogenic mutants. Consistent with this observation, pif1, pif3, and pif1pif3 showed reduced hypocotyl elongation and increased cotyledon opening in the dark. Transfer of 4-d-old dark-grown seedlings to white light resulted in more chlorophyll synthesis in pif mutants over the first 2 h, and analysis of gene expression in dark-grown pif mutants indicated that key tetrapyrrole regulatory genes such as HEMA1 encoding the rate-limiting step in tetrapyrrole synthesis were already elevated 2 d after germination. Circadian regulation of HEMA1 in the dark also showed reduced amplitude and a shorter, variable period in the pif mutants, whereas expression of the core clock components TOC1, CCA1, and LHY was largely unaffected. Expression of both PIF1 and PIF3 was circadian regulated in dark-grown seedlings. PIF1 and PIF3 are proposed to be negative regulators that function to integrate light and circadian control in the regulation of chloroplast development.
CD8αβ plays crucial roles in the thymic selection, differentiation, and activation of some, but not all, CD8(+) T cells, whereas CD8αα does not. To investigate these roles, we produced mice that expressed transgene P14 T-cell receptor β (TCRβ) chain and CD8β or did not (WT and KO mice, respectively). The primary CD8(+) T-cell response to acute lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) infection was predominantly D(b)/GP33 specific and CD8 independent in KO mice and was mostly CD8 dependent in WT mice. Cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) from KO mice failed to mobilize intracellular Ca(2+) and to kill via perforin/granzyme. Their strong Fas/FasL-mediated cytotoxicity and IFN-γ response were signaled via a Ca(2+)-independent, PI3K-dependent pathway. This was also true for 15-20% of CD8-independent CTL found in WT mice. Conversely, the perforin/granzyme-mediated killing and IFN-γ response of CD8-dependent CTL were signaled via a Ca(2+), p56(lck), and nuclear factor of activated T cells-dependent pathway. Deep sequencing of millions of TCRα chain transcripts revealed that the TCR repertoires of preimmune CD8(+) T cells were highly diverse, but those of LCMV D(b)/GP33-specific CTL, especially from KO mice, were narrow. The immune repertoires exhibited biased use of Vα segments that encoded different complementary-determining region 1α (CDR1α) and CDR2α sequences. We suggest that TCR from WT CD8-independent T cells may engage MHC-peptide complexes in a manner unfavorable for efficient CD8 engagement and Ca(2+) signaling but permissive for Ca(2+)-independent, PI3K-dependent signaling. This duality of the CD8 compartment may provide organisms with broader protective immunity.
Vitamin D deficiency is highly prevalent worldwide and in our country estimated un 60% in the adult population and closer to 80% in the elderly population and the fractured hip.
The rat adrenal gland contains ganglion cells able to synthesize nitric oxide (NO). This messenger molecule controls and modulates adrenal secretory activity and blood flow. The present study analyzed the number, size, and distribution of NO-producing adrenal neurons in adulthood and during postnatal development by means of beta-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-diaphorase (NADPH-d) histochemistry. This method reliably visualizes the enzyme responsible for NO generation. The reactive neurons per adrenal gland were 350-400 in both male and female adult rats. The positive nerve cell bodies were mostly located in the medulla, few being detected within the cortex and the subcapsular region. Dual labeling with anti-microtubule-associated protein 2 antibody, specific for neuronal elements, confirmed this distribution. Anti-microtubule-associated protein 1b antibody identified a subset of NADPH-d-positive neurons, displaying different degrees of maturation according to their position within the adrenal gland. At birth, there were about 220 NADPH-d-labeled neurons per adrenal gland in both sexes. As confirmed by dual immunocytochemical labeling, their great majority was evenly distributed between the cortex and the subcapsular region, the medulla being practically devoid of stained neurons. After birth, the number of adrenal NADPH-d-positive ganglion cells displayed a strong postnatal increase and reached the adult-like distribution after 1-2 months. During the period of increase, there was a transient difference in the numbers of these cells in the two sexes. Thus we present here evidence of plasticity in the number, size, and distribution of NADPH-d-positive adrenal neurons between birth and adulthood; in addition, we describe transient sex-related differences in their number and distribution during the 2nd postnatal week, which are possibly related to the epigenetic action of gonadal hormones during this period.
The Himalayan orogen is the result of the collision between the Indian and Asian continents that began 55-50 Ma ago, causing intracontinental thrusting and nappe formation. Detailed mapping as well as structural and microfabric analyses on a traverse from the Tethyan Himalaya southwestward through the High Himalayan Crystalline and the Main Central Thrust zone (MCT zone) to the Lesser Himalayan Sequence in the Spiti-eastern Lahul-Parvati valley area reveal eight main phases of deformation, a series of late stage phases and five stages of metamorphic crystallization. This sequence of events is integrated into a reconstruction of the tectonometamorphic evolution of the Himalayan orogen in northern Himachal Pradesh. The oldest phase D-1 is preserved as relies in the High Himalayan Crystalline. Its deformational conditions are poorly known, but the metamorphic evolution is well documented by a prograde metamorphism reaching peak conditions within the upper amphibolite facies. This indicates that D-1 was an important tectonometamorphic event including considerable crustal thickening. The structural, metamorphic and sedimentary record suggest that D-1 most probably represents an early stage of continental collision. The first event clearly attributed to the collision between India and Asia is documented by two converging nappe systems, the NE-verging Shikar Beh Nappe and the SW-verging north Himalayan nappes. The D-2 Shikar Beh Nappe is characterized by isoclinal folding and top-to-the NE shearing, representing the main deformation in the High Himalayan Crystalline. D-2 also caused the main metamorphism in the High Himalayan Crystalline that was of a Barrovian-type, reaching upper amphibolite facies peak conditions. The Shikar Beh Nappe is interpreted to have formed within the Indian crust SW of the subduction zone. Simultaneously with NE-directed nappe formation, incipient subduction of India below Asia caused stacking of the SW-verging north Himalayan Nappes, that were thrust from the northern edge of the subducted continent toward the front of the Shikar Beh Nappe. As a result, the SW-verging folds of the D-3 Main Fold Zone formed in the Tethyan Himalaya below the front of the north Himalayan nappes. D-3 represents the main deformation in the Tethyan Himalaya, associated with a greenschist facies metamorphism. Folding within the Main Fold Zone subsequently propagated toward SW into the High Himalayan Crystalline, where it overprinted the preexisting D-2 structures. After subduction at the base of the north Himalayan nappes, the subduction zone stepped to the base of the High Himalayan Crystalline, where D-3 folds were crosscut by SW-directed D-4 thrusting. During D-4, the Crystalline Nappe, comprising the Main Fold Zone and relies of the Shikar Beh Nappe was thrust toward SW over the Lesser Himalayan Sequence along the 4 to 5 kms thick Main Central Thrust zone. Thrusting was related to a retrograde greenschist facies overprint at the base of the Crystalline Nappe and to pro-grade greenschist facies conditions in the Lesser Himalayan Sequence. Simultaneously with thrusting at the base of the Crystalline Nappe, higher crustal levels were affected by NE-directed D-5 normal extensional shearing and by dextral strike-slip motion, indicating that the high-grade metamorphic Crystalline Nappe was extruded between the low-grade metamorphic Lesser Himalayan Sequence at the base and the north Himalayan nappes at the top. The upper boundary of the Crystalline Nappe is not clearly delimited and passes gradually into the low-grade rocks at the front of the north Himalayan nappes. Extrusion of the Crystalline Nappe was followed by the phase D-6, characterized by large-scale, upright to steeply inclined, NE-verging folds and by another series of normal and extensional structures D-7+D-8 that may be related to ongoing extrusion of the Crystalline Nappe. The late stage evolution is represented by the phases D-A and D-B that indicate shortening parallel to the axis of the mountain chain and by D-C that is interpreted to account for the formation of large-scale domes with NNW-SSE-trending axes, an example of which is exposed in the Larji-Kullu-Rampur tectonic window.
This paper studies whether firms' use of R&D subsidies and R&D tax incentives is correlated to two sources of underinvestment in R&D, financing constraints and appropriability. We find that financially constrained SMEs are less likely to use R&D tax credits and more likely to obtain subsidies. SMEs using legal methods to protect their intellectual property are more likely to use tax incentives. Results are ambiguous for large firms. For both having previous experience in R&D increases the likelihood of using tax incentives, while it reduces the likelihood of using exclusively subsidies, suggesting that the latter induce entry into R&D. Results imply that direct funding and tax credits do not have the same ability to address each source of R&D underinvestment, and that on average subsidies may be better suited than tax credits at least for SMEs. From a policy perspective these tools may be complements rather than substitutes.
The quasi-ubiquitous distribution of vitamin D receptors in the human tissues and the high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency worldwide have generated much enthusiasm about the opportunity of cardiovascular disease prevention through vitamin D supplementation. However, reported associations between vitamin D and cardiovascular disease present important limitations and are prone to confounding and reverse causation. Results from ongoing randomized clinical trials testing the efficacy of vitamin D supplementation to reduce cardiovascular events will not be available before year 2015. This article reviews the epidemiology of vitamin D and provides a brief overview on the relationship between vitamin D and cardiovascular disease.
Inhibition of PKB (protein kinase B) activity using a highly selective PKB inhibitor resulted in inhibition of cell cycle progression only if cells were in early G1 phase at the time of addition of the inhibitor, as demonstrated by time-lapse cinematography. Addition of the inhibitor during mitosis up to 2 h after mitosis resulted in arrest of the cells in early G1 phase, as deduced from the expression of cyclins D and A and incorporation of thymidine. After 24 h of cell cycle arrest, cells expressed the cleaved caspase-3, a central mediator of apoptosis. These results demonstrate that PKB activity in early G1 phase is required to prevent the induction of apoptosis. Using antibodies, it was demonstrated that active PKB translocates to the nucleus during early G1 phase, while an even distribution of PKB was observed through cytoplasm and nucleus during the end of G1 phase.