903 resultados para Search Based Software Engineering
Creating high-quality quad meshes from triangulated surfaces is a highly nontrivial task that necessitates consideration of various application specific metrics of quality. In our work, we follow the premise that automatic reconstruction techniques may not generate outputs meeting all the subjective quality expectations of the user. Instead, we put the user at the center of the process by providing a flexible, interactive approach to quadrangulation design. By combining scalar field topology and combinatorial connectivity techniques, we present a new framework, following a coarse to fine design philosophy, which allows for explicit control of the subjective quality criteria on the output quad mesh, at interactive rates. Our quadrangulation framework uses the new notion of Reeb atlas editing, to define with a small amount of interactions a coarse quadrangulation of the model, capturing the main features of the shape, with user prescribed extraordinary vertices and alignment. Fine grain tuning is easily achieved with the notion of connectivity texturing, which allows for additional extraordinary vertices specification and explicit feature alignment, to capture the high-frequency geometries. Experiments demonstrate the interactivity and flexibility of our approach, as well as its ability to generate quad meshes of arbitrary resolution with high-quality statistics, while meeting the user's own subjective requirements.
Consider the NP-hard problem of, given a simple graph G, to find a series-parallel subgraph of G with the maximum number of edges. The algorithm that, given a connected graph G, outputs a spanning tree of G, is a 1/2-approximation. Indeed, if n is the number of vertices in G, any spanning tree in G has n-1 edges and any series-parallel graph on n vertices has at most 2n-3 edges. We present a 7/12 -approximation for this problem and results showing the limits of our approach.
A deep theoretical analysis of the graph cut image segmentation framework presented in this paper simultaneously translates into important contributions in several directions. The most important practical contribution of this work is a full theoretical description, and implementation, of a novel powerful segmentation algorithm, GC(max). The output of GC(max) coincides with a version of a segmentation algorithm known as Iterative Relative Fuzzy Connectedness, IRFC. However, GC(max) is considerably faster than the classic IRFC algorithm, which we prove theoretically and show experimentally. Specifically, we prove that, in the worst case scenario, the GC(max) algorithm runs in linear time with respect to the variable M=|C|+|Z|, where |C| is the image scene size and |Z| is the size of the allowable range, Z, of the associated weight/affinity function. For most implementations, Z is identical to the set of allowable image intensity values, and its size can be treated as small with respect to |C|, meaning that O(M)=O(|C|). In such a situation, GC(max) runs in linear time with respect to the image size |C|. We show that the output of GC(max) constitutes a solution of a graph cut energy minimization problem, in which the energy is defined as the a"" (a) norm ayenF (P) ayen(a) of the map F (P) that associates, with every element e from the boundary of an object P, its weight w(e). This formulation brings IRFC algorithms to the realm of the graph cut energy minimizers, with energy functions ayenF (P) ayen (q) for qa[1,a]. Of these, the best known minimization problem is for the energy ayenF (P) ayen(1), which is solved by the classic min-cut/max-flow algorithm, referred to often as the Graph Cut algorithm. We notice that a minimization problem for ayenF (P) ayen (q) , qa[1,a), is identical to that for ayenF (P) ayen(1), when the original weight function w is replaced by w (q) . Thus, any algorithm GC(sum) solving the ayenF (P) ayen(1) minimization problem, solves also one for ayenF (P) ayen (q) with qa[1,a), so just two algorithms, GC(sum) and GC(max), are enough to solve all ayenF (P) ayen (q) -minimization problems. We also show that, for any fixed weight assignment, the solutions of the ayenF (P) ayen (q) -minimization problems converge to a solution of the ayenF (P) ayen(a)-minimization problem (ayenF (P) ayen(a)=lim (q -> a)ayenF (P) ayen (q) is not enough to deduce that). An experimental comparison of the performance of GC(max) and GC(sum) algorithms is included. This concentrates on comparing the actual (as opposed to provable worst scenario) algorithms' running time, as well as the influence of the choice of the seeds on the output.
Robust analysis of vector fields has been established as an important tool for deriving insights from the complex systems these fields model. Traditional analysis and visualization techniques rely primarily on computing streamlines through numerical integration. The inherent numerical errors of such approaches are usually ignored, leading to inconsistencies that cause unreliable visualizations and can ultimately prevent in-depth analysis. We propose a new representation for vector fields on surfaces that replaces numerical integration through triangles with maps from the triangle boundaries to themselves. This representation, called edge maps, permits a concise description of flow behaviors and is equivalent to computing all possible streamlines at a user defined error threshold. Independent of this error streamlines computed using edge maps are guaranteed to be consistent up to floating point precision, enabling the stable extraction of features such as the topological skeleton. Furthermore, our representation explicitly stores spatial and temporal errors which we use to produce more informative visualizations. This work describes the construction of edge maps, the error quantification, and a refinement procedure to adhere to a user defined error bound. Finally, we introduce new visualizations using the additional information provided by edge maps to indicate the uncertainty involved in computing streamlines and topological structures.
A long-standing problem when testing from a deterministic finite state machine is to guarantee full fault coverage even if the faults introduce extra states in the implementations. It is well known that such tests should include the sequences in a traversal set which contains all input sequences of length defined by the number of extra states. This paper suggests the SPY method, which helps reduce the length of tests by distributing sequences of the traversal set and reducing test branching. It is also demonstrated that an additional assumption about the implementation under test relaxes the requirement of the complete traversal set. The results of the experimental comparison of the proposed method with an existing method indicate that the resulting reduction can reach 40%. Experimental results suggest that the additional assumption about the implementation can help in further reducing the test suite length. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This work presents major results from a novel dynamic model intended to deterministically represent the complex relation between HIV-1 and the human immune system. The novel structure of the model extends previous work by representing different host anatomic compartments under a more in-depth cellular and molecular immunological phenomenology. Recently identified mechanisms related to HIV-1 infection as well as other well known relevant mechanisms typically ignored in mathematical models of HIV-1 pathogenesis and immunology, such as cell-cell transmission, are also addressed. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We study quasi-random properties of k-uniform hypergraphs. Our central notion is uniform edge distribution with respect to large vertex sets. We will find several equivalent characterisations of this property and our work can be viewed as an extension of the well known Chung-Graham-Wilson theorem for quasi-random graphs. Moreover, let K(k) be the complete graph on k vertices and M(k) the line graph of the graph of the k-dimensional hypercube. We will show that the pair of graphs (K(k),M(k)) has the property that if the number of copies of both K(k) and M(k) in another graph G are as expected in the random graph of density d, then G is quasi-random (in the sense of the Chung-Graham-Wilson theorem) with density close to d. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Random Struct. Alg., 40, 1-38, 2012
We obtain boundedness and asymptotic behavior of solutions for semilinear functional difference equations with infinite delay. Applications to Volterra difference equations with infinite delay are shown. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The boundedness of penalty parameters in an augmented Lagrangian method with constrained subproblems
Augmented Lagrangian methods are effective tools for solving large-scale nonlinear programming problems. At each outer iteration, a minimization subproblem with simple constraints, whose objective function depends on updated Lagrange multipliers and penalty parameters, is approximately solved. When the penalty parameter becomes very large, solving the subproblem becomes difficult; therefore, the effectiveness of this approach is associated with the boundedness of the penalty parameters. In this paper, it is proved that under more natural assumptions than the ones employed until now, penalty parameters are bounded. For proving the new boundedness result, the original algorithm has been slightly modified. Numerical consequences of the modifications are discussed and computational experiments are presented.
Aspects related to the users' cooperative work are not considered in the traditional approach of software engineering, since the user is viewed independently of his/her workplace environment or group, with the individual model generalized to the study of collective behavior of all users. This work proposes a process for software requirements to address issues involving cooperative work in information systems that provide distributed coordination in the users' actions and the communication among them occurs indirectly through the data entered while using the software. To achieve this goal, this research uses ergonomics, the 3C cooperation model, awareness and software engineering concepts. Action-research is used as a research methodology applied in three cycles during the development of a corporate workflow system in a technological research company. This article discusses the third cycle, which corresponds to the process that deals with the refinement of the cooperative work requirements with the software in actual use in the workplace, where the inclusion of a computer system changes the users' workplace, from the face to face interaction to the interaction mediated by the software. The results showed that the highest degree of users' awareness about their activities and other system users contribute to a decrease in their errors and in the inappropriate use of the system.
[ES] El Detector de Efectos Stroop (SED - Stroop Effect Detector), es una herramienta informática de asistencia, desarrollada a través del programa de investigación de Desarrollo Tecnológico Social de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, que ayuda a profesionales del sector neuropsicológico a identificar problemas en la corteza orbitofrontal de un individuo, usándose para ello la técnica ideada por Schenker en 1998. Como base metodológica, se han utilizado los conocimientos adquiridos en las diferentes materias de la adaptación al grado en Ingeniería Informática como Gestión del Software, Arquitectura del Software y Desarrollo de Interfaces de Usuario así como conocimiento adquirido con anterioridad en asignaturas de Programación e Ingeniería del Software I y II. Como para realizar este proyecto sólo el conocimiento informático no era suficiente, he realizado una labor de investigación acerca del problema, teniendo que recopilar información de otros documentos científicos que abordan el tema, consultas a profesionales del sector como son el Doctor Don Ayoze Nauzet González Hernández, neurólogo del hospital Doctor Negrín de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria y el psicólogo Don José Manuel Rodríguez Pellejero que habló de este problema en clase del máster de Formación del Profesorado y que actualmente estoy cursando. Este trabajo presenta el test de Stroop con las dos versiones de Schenker: RCN (Reading Color Names) y NCW (Naming Colored Words). Como norma general, ambas pruebas presentan ante los sujetos estudios palabras (nombres de colores) escritas con la tinta de colores diferentes. De esta forma, el RCN consiste en leer la palabra escrita omitiendo la tonalidad de su fuente e intentando que no nos influya. Por el contrario, el NCW requiere enunciar el nombre del color de la tinta con la que está escrita la palabra sin que nos influya que ésta última sea el nombre de un color.
La progettazione sismica negli ultimi anni ha subito una forte trasformazione, infatti con l’introduzione delle nuove normative tecniche si è passati dallo svolgere una verifica delle capacità locali dei singoli elementi ad una progettazione con un approccio di tipo probabilistico, il quale richiede il soddisfacimento di una serie di stati limite ai quali viene attribuita una certa probabilità di superamento. La valutazione dell’affidabilità sismica di una struttura viene condotta di solito attraverso metodologie che prendono il nome di Probabilistic Seismic Design Analysis (PSDA) in accordo con la procedura del Performance Based Earthquake Engineering (PBEE). In questa procedura di tipo probabilistico risulta di notevole importanza la definizione della misura d’intensità sismica, la quale può essere utilizzata sia come predittore della risposta strutturale a fronte di un evento sismico, sia come parametro per definire la pericolosità di un sito. Queste misure d’intensità possono essere definite direttamente dalla registrazione dell’evento sismico, come ad esempio l’accelerazione di picco del terreno, oppure sulla base della risposta, sia lineare che non, della struttura soggetta a tale evento, ovvero quelle che vengono chiamate misure d’intensità spettrali. Come vedremo è preferibile l’utilizzo di misure d’intensità che soddisfino certe proprietà, in modo da far risultare più efficace possibile le risoluzione del problema con l’approccio probabilistico PBEE. Obbiettivo principale di questa dissertazione è quello di valutare alcune di queste proprietà per un gran numero di misure d’intensità sismiche a partire dai risultati di risposta strutturale ottenuti mediante analisi dinamiche non lineari nel tempo, condotte per diverse tipologie di strutture con differenti proprietà meccaniche.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is the next industrial revolution: we will interact naturally with real and virtual devices as a key part of our daily life. This technology shift is expected to be greater than the Web and Mobile combined. As extremely different technologies are needed to build connected devices, the Internet of Things field is a junction between electronics, telecommunications and software engineering. Internet of Things application development happens in silos, often using proprietary and closed communication protocols. There is the common belief that only if we can solve the interoperability problem we can have a real Internet of Things. After a deep analysis of the IoT protocols, we identified a set of primitives for IoT applications. We argue that each IoT protocol can be expressed in term of those primitives, thus solving the interoperability problem at the application protocol level. Moreover, the primitives are network and transport independent and make no assumption in that regard. This dissertation presents our implementation of an IoT platform: the Ponte project. Privacy issues follows the rise of the Internet of Things: it is clear that the IoT must ensure resilience to attacks, data authentication, access control and client privacy. We argue that it is not possible to solve the privacy issue without solving the interoperability problem: enforcing privacy rules implies the need to limit and filter the data delivery process. However, filtering data require knowledge of how the format and the semantics of the data: after an analysis of the possible data formats and representations for the IoT, we identify JSON-LD and the Semantic Web as the best solution for IoT applications. Then, this dissertation present our approach to increase the throughput of filtering semantic data by a factor of ten.
Negli ultimi anni le tecnologie informatiche sono state al centro di uno sviluppo esponenziale. Fra le incalcolabili innovazioni presentate, ha preso sempre più campo il paradigma per la programmazione ad agenti, che permette la realizzazione di sistemi software complessi, i quali, nell'informatica moderna, ricoprono un ruolo di fondamentale importanza. Questi sistemi, denominati autonomi, mostrano caratteristiche interessanti per scenari dinamici; essi infatti devono essere robusti e resistenti, in grado di adattarsi al contesto ambientale e quindi reagire a determinate modifiche che si verificano nell'ambiente, comportandosi di conseguenza. Indicano perciò la pro-attività dell'entità presa in considerazione. In questa tesi saranno spiegate queste tipologie di sistemi, introdotte le loro caratteristiche e mostrate le loro potenzialità. Tali caratteristiche permettono di responsabilizzare i soggetti, rendendo il sistema auto-organizzato, con una migliore scalabilità e modularità, riducendo quindi le elevate esigenze di calcolo. L'organizzazione di questo documento prevede i primi capitoli atti a introdurre il mondo dei sistemi autonomi, partendo dalle definizioni di autonomia e di agenti software, concludendo con i sistemi multi-agenti, allo scopo di permettere al lettore una comprensione adatta ed esaustiva. I successivi capitoli riguardano le fasi di progettazione delle entità prese in esame, le loro forme di standardizzazione e i modelli che possono adottare, tra i quali il più conosciuto, il modello BDI. Ne seguono due diverse metodologie per l'ingegneria del software orientata agli agenti. Si conclude con la presentazione dello stato dell'arte degli ambienti di sviluppo conosciuti, contenente un'esauriente introduzione ad ognuno di essi ed una visione nel mondo del lavoro del loro apporto negli applicativi in commercio. Infine la tesi terminerà con un capitolo di conclusioni e di riflessioni sui possibili aspetti futuri.
A new multimodal biometric database designed and acquired within the framework of the European BioSecure Network of Excellence is presented. It is comprised of more than 600 individuals acquired simultaneously in three scenarios: 1) over the Internet, 2) in an office environment with desktop PC, and 3) in indoor/outdoor environments with mobile portable hardware. The three scenarios include a common part of audio/video data. Also, signature and fingerprint data have been acquired both with desktop PC and mobile portable hardware. Additionally, hand and iris data were acquired in the second scenario using desktop PC. Acquisition has been conducted by 11 European institutions. Additional features of the BioSecure Multimodal Database (BMDB) are: two acquisition sessions, several sensors in certain modalities, balanced gender and age distributions, multimodal realistic scenarios with simple and quick tasks per modality, cross-European diversity, availability of demographic data, and compatibility with other multimodal databases. The novel acquisition conditions of the BMDB allow us to perform new challenging research and evaluation of either monomodal or multimodal biometric systems, as in the recent BioSecure Multimodal Evaluation campaign. A description of this campaign including baseline results of individual modalities from the new database is also given. The database is expected to be available for research purposes through the BioSecure Association during 2008.