We investigate the absorption and dispersion properties of a two-level atom driven by a polychromatic field. The driving field is composed of a strong resonant (carrier) frequency component and a large number of symmetrically detuned sideband fields (modulators). A rapid increase in the absorption at the central frequency and the collapse of the response of the system from multiple frequencies to a single frequency are predicted to occur when the Rabi frequency of the modulating fields is equal to the Rabi frequency of the carrier field. These are manifestations of the undressing or a disentanglement of the atomic and driving field states, that leads to a collapse of the atom to its ground state. Our calculation permits consideration of the question of the undressing of the driven atom by a multiple-modulated field and the predicted spectra offer a method of observing undressing. Moreover, we find that the absorption and dispersion spectra split into multiplets whose structures depend on the Rabi frequency of the modulating fields. The spectral features can jump between different resonance frequencies by changing the Rabi frequency of the modulating fields or their initial phases, which can have potential applications as a quantum frequency filter.
Each primary olfactory neuron stochastically expresses one of similar to1000 odorant receptors. The total population of these neurons therefore consists of similar to1,000 distinct subpopulations, each of which are mosaically dispersed throughout one of four semi-annular zones in the nasal cavity. The axons of these different subpopulations are initially intermingled within the olfactory nerve. However, upon reaching the olfactory bulb, they sort out and converge so that axons expressing the same odorant receptor typically target one or two glomeruli. The spatial location of each of these 1800 glomeruli are topographically-fixed in the olfactory bulb and are invariant from animal to animal. Thus, while odorant receptors are expressed mosaically by neurons throughout the olfactory neuroepithelium their axons sort out, converge and target the same glomerulus within the olfactory bulb. How is such precise and reproducible topographic targeting generated? While some of the mechanisms governing the growth cone guidance of olfactory sensory neurons are understood, the cues responsible for homing axons to their target site remain elusive.
hlx1 is a related homeobox gene expressed in a dynamic spatiotemporal expression pattern during development of the zebrafish brain. The homologues of hlx1, mouse dbx1 and Xenopus Xdbx, are known to play a role in the specification of neurons in the spinal cord. However, the role of these molecules in the brain is less well known. We have used two different approaches to elucidate a putative function for hlx1 in the developing zebrafish brain. Blastomeres were injected with either synthetic hlx1 mRNA in gain-of-function experiments or with antisense morpholino oligonucleotides directed against hlx1 in loss-of-function experiments. Mis-expression of hlx1 produced severe defects in brain morphogenesis as a result of abnormal ventricle formation, a phenotype we referred to as fused-brain. These animals also showed a reduction in the size of forebrain neuronal clusters as well as abnormal axon pathfinding. hlx1 antisense morpholinos specifically perturbed hindbrain morphogenesis leading to defects in the integrity of the neuroepithelium. While hindbrain patterning was in the most part unaffected there were select disruptions to the expression pattern of the neurogenic gene Zash1B in specific rhombomeres. Our results indicate multiple roles for hlx1 during zebrafish brain morphogenesis.
Background Paid employment is increasingly undertaken by mothers as their children age, with the majority of women being in employment by the time their offspring are adult. Opportunities to engage in employment appear to be reduced for mothers of children with disabilities; however, little is known about the employment of mothers or fathers of adults with disabilities. Method Data were collected regarding the employment decisions of parents of a young adult with multiple disabilities and contrasted with those of parents whose children were all developing normally. Twenty-five mothers and 12 fathers of a young adult with multiple disabilities were interviewed, as were 25 comparison mothers and 19 comparison fathers. Data collected included hours of work, reasons for employment status, attitudes towards work and child care, and psychological well-being. Results Clear differences were found between the two groups. Mothers and fathers of a child with multiple disabilities showed different engagement patterns with the paid workforce from comparison parents. Hours of work for fathers of a young adult with multiple disabilities showed a bi-modal distribution, with some fathers working fewer hours than usual and others working very long hours. For mothers in both groups, the number of hours in paid employment was negatively associated with reports of psychological problems. Conclusions Increased attention needs to be given to the employment opportunities of parents of children with disabilities since employment appears to play a protective role for mothers, in particular. Services provided to adults with disabilities will need to change if parents are to have the same life chances as parents without adult offspring with a disability.
Optimised gradient reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry (LC/MS) methods, in combination with a [H-3]-brevetoxin binding assay (RLB), revealed multiple ciguatoxins in a partially purified extract of a highly toxic Lutjanus sebae (red emperor) from the Indian Ocean. Two major ciguatoxins of 1140.6 Da (I-CTX-1 and -2) and two minor ciguatoxins of 1156.6 Da (I-CTX-3 and -4) were identified. Accurate mass analysis revealed that I-CTX-1 and -2 and Caribbean C-CTX-1 had indistinguishable masses (1140.6316 Da, at 0.44 ppm resolution). Toxicity estimated from LC/MS/RLB responses indicated that I-CTX-1 and -2 were both similar to 60% the potency of Pacific ciguatoxin-1 (P-CTX-1). In contrast to ciguatoxins of the Pacific where the more oxidised ciguatoxins are more potent, I-CTX-3 and -4 were similar to 20% of P-CTX-1 potency. Interconversion in dilute acid or on storage, typical of spiroketal and hemiketal functionality found in P-CTXs and C-CTXs, respectively, was not observed to occur between I-CTX-1 and -2. The ratio of CTX-1 and -2 varied depending on the fish extract being analysed. These results suggest that I-CTX-1 and -2 may arise from separate dinoflagellate precursors that may be oxidatively biotransformed to I-CTX-3 and -4 in fish. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
Our understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying the tumorigenesis of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) has partially come from studies of RCC related familial cancer syndromes such as von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) disease and hereditary papillary RCC (HPRC). These studies have led to the identification of RCC related genes, which, besides allowing accurate diagnosis of these diseases, have been found mutated or abnormally expressed in the sporadic counterparts of these familial renal tumours. To date, a number of renal tumour related syndromes have been described. We review recent advances in this field and discuss a genetic approach to managing familial cases of renal tumours occasionally encountered by cancer geneticists and urologists.
We report a case of a patient with the triad of retinoblastoma, dysplastic naevus syndrome (DNS) and multiple cutaneous melanomas. The combination of retinoblastoma and DNS is a significant risk factor for the development of cutaneous melanoma. This risk extends to family members. We recommend that survivors of (inherited) retinoblastoma and their relatives are closely screened for the presence of dysplastic naevi. (C) 2002 Lippincott Williams Wilkins.
The aim of this study was to assess the variation between neuropathologists in the diagnosis of common dementia syndromes when multiple published protocols are applied. Fourteen out of 18 Australian neuropathologists participated in diagnosing 20 cases (16 cases of dementia, 4 age-matched controls) using consensus diagnostic methods. Diagnostic criteria, clinical synopses and slides from multiple brain regions were sent to participants who were asked for case diagnoses. Diagnostic sensitivity, specificity, predictive value, accuracy and variability were determined using percentage agreement and kappa statistics. Using CERAD criteria, there was a high inter-rater agreement for cases with probable and definite Alzheimer's disease but low agreement for cases with possible Alzheimer's disease. Braak staging and the application of criteria for dementia with Lewy bodies also resulted in high inter-rater agreement. There was poor agreement for the diagnosis of frontotemporal dementia and for identifying small vessel disease. Participants rarely diagnosed more than one disease in any case. To improve efficiency when applying multiple diagnostic criteria, several simplifications were proposed and tested on 5 of the original 210 cases. Inter-rater reliability for the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease and dementia with Lewy bodies significantly improved. Further development of simple and accurate methods to identify small vessel lesions and diagnose frontotemporal dementia is warranted.
The purpose of this study was to determine the pharmacokinetics of [C-14]diclofenac, [C-14]salicylate and [H-3]clonidine using a single pass rat head perfusion preparation. The head was perfused with 3-[N-morpholino] propane-sulfonic acid-buffered Ringer's solution. Tc-99m-red blood cells and a drug were injected in a bolus into the internal carotid artery and collected from the posterior facial vein over 28 min. A two-barrier stochastic organ model was used to estimate the statistical moments of the solutes. Plasma, interstitial and cellular distribution volumes for the solutes ranged from 1.0 mL (diclofenac) to 1.6 mL (salicylate), 2.0 mL (diclofenac) to 4.2 mL (water) and 3.9 mL (salicylate) to 20.9 mL (diclofenac), respectively. A comparison of these volumes to water indicated some exclusion of the drugs from the interstitial space and salicylate from the cellular space. Permeability-surface area (PS) products calculated from plasma to interstitial fluid permeation clearances (CLPI) (range 0.02-0.40 mL s(-1)) and fractions of solute unbound in the perfusate were in the order: diclofenac>salicylate >clonidine>sucrose (from 41.8 to 0.10 mL s(-1)). The slow efflux of diclofenac, compared with clonidine and salicylate, may be related to its low average unbound fraction in the cells. This work accounts for the tail of disposition curves in describing pharmacokinetics in the head.
To determine which species and populations of Anopheles transmit malaria in any given situation, immunological assays for malaria sporozoite antigen can replace traditional microscopical examination of freshly dissected Anopheles. We developed a wicking assay for use with mosquitoes that identifies the presence or absence of specific peptide epitopes of circumsporozoite (CS) protein of Plasmodium falciparum and two strains of Plasmodium vivax (variants 210 and 247). The resulting assay (VecTest(TM) Malaria) is a rapid, one-step procedure using a 'dipstick' test strip capable of detecting and distinguishing between P. falciparum and P. vivax infections in mosquitoes. The objective of the present study was to test the efficacy, sensitivity, stability and field-user acceptability of this wicking dipstick assay. In collaboration with 16 test centres world-wide, we evaluated more than 40 000 units of this assay, comparing it to the standard CS ELISA. The 'VecTest(TM) Malaria' was found to show 92% sensitivity and 98.1% specificity, with 97.8% accuracy overall. In accelerated storage tests, the dipsticks remained stable for >15 weeks in dry conditions up to 45degreesC and in humid conditions up to 37degreesC. Evidently, this quick and easy dipstick test performs at an acceptable level of reliability and offers practical advantages for field workers needing to make rapid surveys of malaria vectors.
Members of the GATA transcription factor gene family have been implicated in a variety of developmental processes, including that of the vertebrate central nervous system. However, the role of GATA proteins in spinal cord development remains unresolved. In this study, we investigated the expression and function of two GATA proteins, GATA2 and GATA3, in the developing chick spinal cord. We show that both proteins are expressed by a distinct subpopulation of ventral interneurons that share the same dorsoventral position as CHX10-positive V2 interneurons. However, no coexpression is observed between the two GATA proteins and CHX10. By in vivo notochord grafting and cyclopamine treatment, we demonstrate that the spatially restricted pattern of GATA3 expression is regulated, at least in part, by the signaling molecule Sonic hedgehog. In addition, we further show that Sonic hedgehog induces GATA3 expression in a dose-dependent manner. Using in ovo electroporations, we also demonstrate that GATA2 is upstream of GATA3 in the same epigenetic cascade and that GATA3 is capable of inducing GATA2 expression in vivo. Furthermore, the ectopically expressed GATA proteins can repress differentiation of other ventral cell fates, but not the development of progenitor populations identified by PAX protein expression. Taken together, our findings strongly suggest an important role for GATA2 and GATA3 proteins in the establishment of a distinct ventral interneuron subpopulation in the developing chick spinal cord. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA).
We review investigations that have lead to a model of how the ventral spinal cord of higher vertebrate embryos is patterned during development. Central to this model is the secreted morphogen protein, Sonic hedgehog. There is now considerable evidence that this molecule acts in a concentration-dependent manner to direct the development of the spinal cord. Recent studies have suggested that two classes of homeodomain proteins are induced by threshold concentrations of Sonic hedgehog. Reciprocal inhibition between the two classes acts to convert the continuous gradient of Sonic hedgehog into defined domains of transcription factor expression. However, a number of aspects of ventral spinal cord patterning remain to be elucidated. Some issues currently under investigation involve temporal aspects of Shh-signalling, the role of other signals in ventral patterning and the characterisation of ventral interneurons. In this review, we discuss the current state of knowledge of these issues and present some preliminary studies aimed at furthering understanding of these processes in spinal cord patterning.
We studied the variation in toxin profiles of purified extracts of 10 individual specimens and two pools of ciguateric Caranx latus. High-performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (HPLC/MS) identified in all individual samples at least seven Caribbean ciguatoxins (C-CTXs) comprising C-CTX-1 and its epimer C-CTX-2 ([M + H](+) m/z 1141.58), and five new C-CTX congeners with pseudo-molecular ions at m/z 1141.58, 1143.60, 1157.57, 1159.58, and 1127.57. In some samples, additional C-CTX isomers were detected with [M + H](+) ions at m/z 1141.58 (two), 1143.60 (one) and 1157.57 (two). The two low-toxic pools contained only four to six ciguatoxins. The comparison in relative proportions of four different mass classes ([M + H](+) at m/z 1141, 1143, 1157 and 1127) showed that the group at m/z 1157 increased (2-20%) with flesh toxicity. More than 80% of group m/z 1141 comprised C-CTX-1, C-CTX-2 and their isomer C-CTX-1 a whose level in this group correlated with fish toxicity. Contrary to low-toxic fishes, high-risk specimens had C-CTX-1 levels