991 resultados para Rosenthal Compact
In recent years, technological advancements in microelectronics and sensor technologies have revolutionized the field of electrical engineering. New manufacturing techniques have enabled a higher level of integration that has combined sensors and electronics into compact and inexpensive systems. Previously, the challenge in measurements was to understand the operation of the electronics and sensors, but this has now changed. Nowadays, the challenge in measurement instrumentation lies in mastering the whole system, not just the electronics. To address this issue, this doctoral dissertation studies whether it would be beneficial to consider a measurement system as a whole from the physical phenomena to the digital recording device, where each piece of the measurement system affects the system performance, rather than as a system consisting of small independent parts such as a sensor or an amplifier that could be designed separately. The objective of this doctoral dissertation is to describe in depth the development of the measurement system taking into account the challenges caused by the electrical and mechanical requirements and the measurement environment. The work is done as an empirical case study in two example applications that are both intended for scientific studies. The cases are a light sensitive biological sensor used in imaging and a gas electron multiplier detector for particle physics. The study showed that in these two cases there were a number of different parts of the measurement system that interacted with each other. Without considering these interactions, the reliability of the measurement may be compromised, which may lead to wrong conclusions about the measurement. For this reason it is beneficial to conceptualize the measurement system as a whole from the physical phenomena to the digital recording device where each piece of the measurement system affects the system performance. The results work as examples of how a measurement system can be successfully constructed to support a study of sensors and electronics.
O Brasil vem conquistando o mercado externo de sucos de frutos tropicais, com destaque para o açaí, muito procurado por ser conhecido como um alimento funcional, devido à concentração de antocianinas, fibras dietéticas e ácidos graxos monoinsaturados. Entretanto, o açaí é altamente perecível, necessitando de intervenções tecnológicas para prolongar sua vida de prateleira. Nesse caso, o uso da Alta Pressão Hidrostática (APH) pode ser uma alternativa aos processamentos tradicionais, por sua capacidade de ativar ou inativar enzimas. Peroxidases (POD) e polifenoloxidases (PFO) são as principais enzimas responsáveis por alterações indesejáveis das características originais de produtos vegetais e, com a sua inativação pela APH, pode-se evitar o escurecimento enzimático e manter as suas propriedades sensoriais. Com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da APH em POD e PFO de polpa de açaí, adotaram-se as variáveis de pressão, temperatura e tempo. As atividades enzimáticas expressas em percentuais revelaram a POD mais estável, atingindo percentuais próximos a 100% (controle). As menores atividades foram a 90,74%, e quando se aplicaram 300 e 500 MPa a 25 °C por 5 minutos, as atividades aumentaram (112,34 e 132,98%, respectivamente). A atividade da PFO aumentou até 83,03% em relação ao controle, embora apresentasse inativação na maioria dos processos, evidenciando-se atividade a 35 °C/5 minutos de 53,25 e 53,75% a 300 e 500 MPa, respectivamente. Diante das condições experimentais, a APH mostrou-se eficaz na inativação parcial de oxidases na polpa de açaí.
A Alta Pressão Hidrostática (APH) consiste em uma tecnologia inovadora de processamento de alimentos com utilização de pressões elevadas (100 a 900 MPa) que possui vantagens em relação às tecnologias térmicas convencionais, pois mantém as características sensoriais do alimento próximas do original e garante segurança do ponto de vista microbiológico, por prolongado período de vida útil. No presente estudo, foi avaliada a aplicação de alta pressão a presunto de peru nos processos oxidativos, em particular na oxidação de lipídios e os efeitos na cor do produto, quando tratados a pressões de 200 a 400 MPa, por 5, 10 e 15 minutos em temperatura ambiente. Dos resultados obtidos, pode-se observar que não foram verificadas diferenças significativas (p > 0,05) entre amostras controle e pressurizada para o índice de TBA e índice de peróxido. Foi observado também alteração da cor decorrente de reações oxidativas aos 45 e 65 dias de armazenamento em amostras tratadas com pressões de 400 MPa a 5 e 15 minutos
Abstract In most industrialized countries, the sodium intake exceeds the nutritional recommendations. In this sense the search for healthier foods has led the food industry to review their formulations in relation to food components such as salt, which is associated with increased risk of chronic diseases. As a result, different strategies for reducing salt levels in processed foods have been investigated. Among the technological options available, the high-pressure processing has stood out by presenting intrinsic technological advantages that can contribute to optimization of food formulations with low / reduced sodium contents. This review provides a brief overview of the key strategies and use of high pressure in the development of reduced-salt products.
The aim of this work was to study the changes induced by BG in the behaviour of wheat starch, and observe the influence of these variations on the quality of a basic white bread. The effect of four BG addition levels in the wheat flour functional characteristics (WAI, WSI, and pasting properties) and bread quality (physical parameters, crumb grain structure, moisture and hardness) was investigated. The highest levels of BG (1% and 2%) decreased the peak viscosity, and increased the stability and setback of the flour. This was due to a lower gelatinization of the starch granules, caused by a competition for water between the hydrocolloid and starch. These changes influenced the bread quality. The loaves added with 1% and 2% of BG presented smaller alveoli: this resulted in more compact, hard and less airy crumbs. Nevertheless, the moisture of the samples at 1% and 2% of added gum was higher than the control bread. However, the incorporation of BG at 0.5% did not affect the pasting parameters and bread quality, but increased moisture of crumb, so this concentration would be most recommended for baking, since higher humidity could favour the shelf- life of the product.
Com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito do atraso da colheita na qualidade fisiológica de sementes de quatro cultivares de aveia-branca (Avena sativa L.), foi instalado um experimento no Centro Agropecuário da Palma CAP/UFPel, no ano agrícola 1999/2000. Utilizou-se uma combinação fatorial de quatro cultivares (CTC 5, UPF 18, UFRGS 15 e UFRGS 19) e sete épocas de colheita, em delineamento experimental blocos completos casualizados, com três repetições. As colheitas iniciaram quando as panículas estavam com a umidade em torno de 30% (maturação fisiológica) e as demais colheitas a intervalos regulares de sete dias. Avaliou-se os teores de umidade, rendimento de sementes, percentagem de germinação, teste de envelhecimento acelerado, primeira contagem do teste de envelhecimento acelerado, índice de velocidade de germinação, peso de mil sementes, teor de proteína e rendimento industrial, em cada época de colheita. A umidade das sementes decresceu acentuadamente até 14 dias após a maturação fisiológica, em todas as cultivares. O retardamento da colheita ocasionou uma redução do rendimento de sementes de 30kg/ha por dia de atraso, a partir da maturação fisiológica. Não se verificou efeito do retardamento da colheita na percentagem de germinação, índice de velocidade de emergência, peso de mil sementes, rendi-mento industrial e teor de proteína. O vigor das sementes de aveia-branca, medido pelos testes de envelhecimento acelerado e de primeira contagem, diminui a medida que a colheita foi atrasada.
Tämä diplomityö tehtiin Valmet Technologies Oy:n Järvenpään toimipisteelle. Työn tavoitteena oli tutkia miten pituusleikkureiden 3D-suunnittelua voidaan tehostaa hyödyntämällä uuden 3D-CAD -järjestelmän ominaisuuksia optimaalisesti. Työ koostuu teoriaosuudesta, haastattelututkimuksesta sekä käytännön osuudesta. Teoriaosuudessa perehdytään pituusleikkurin toimintaan ja rakenteeseen, 3D-suunnittelun teoriaan sekä CATIA-järjestelmään. Teoriaosuudessa etsitään myös uusia näkökulmia 3D-suunnitteluun. Haastattelututkimuksessa kartoitetaan nykyinen suunnitteluprosessi, suunnittelun kehitettäviä kohteita, sekä käytössä olevia suunnittelumenetelmiä, jotka ovat todettu toimiviksi. Haastattelututkimuksessa haastatellaan Valmet Technologies Oy:n Järvenpään toimipisteessä työskenteleviä pituusleikkureiden pääsuunnittelijoita sekä heidän esimiehiään. Lisäksi erillisten haastattelujen avulla kerätään kokemuksia CATIA V6 -ohjelmiston käytöstä sekä suunnitteluohjelmiston vaihtumisesta. Käytännön osuuden tavoitteena on arvioida pituusleikkurin parametroitujen mallirakenteiden siirtämiseen sekä korjauksiin kuluvia aikamääriä kyseisiin toimenpiteisiin tarvittavien resurssien määrittämiseksi. Käytännön osuudessa siirretään kaksi Valmet OptiWin Drum Compact -pituusleikkurin parametroitua osakokonaisuutta uuteen CAD-järjestelmään ja niille suoritetaan tarvittavat korjaustoimenpiteet Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella yhteisen mallinnusmetodologian puuttuminen on merkittävin kehityskohde suunnittelun kehittämisessä. Lopuksi luotiin kehitysehdotukset sekä implementointisuunnitelma, joiden avulla pituusleikkureiden 3D-suunnittelua voidaan kehittää ja CATIA V6 -ohjelmisto voidaan ottaa käyttöön tehokkaasti.
O presente estudo teve por objetivo analisar o efeito do tratamento químico, com diferentes concentrações de calda fungicida, sobre a qualidade fisiológica e sanitária das sementes de arroz, durante período de seis meses de armazenamento hermético. Foram utilizadas sementes de arroz, variedades BR-IRGA 410, BRS PELOTA e EMBRAPA 7 TAIM, colhidas na região de Pelotas, RS, na safra 2001/2002. As sementes foram tratadas com o fungicida Carboxin/Thiram, na dose de 300mL.100kg-1 de sementes e, para a formulação da calda fungicida, foram empregadas doses de 1, 2 e 3% de água em mistura com fungicida. Iguais percentagens de água, sem adição do fungicida, além de uma testemunha, constituíram os sete tratamentos. O armazenamento foi realizado em garrafas de PVC (tipo "pet"), separadas por tratamento e colocadas no interior de caixas de isopor, durante 180 dias. As sementes foram submetidas aos testes de determinação do grau de umidade, germinação, vigor (frio) e sanidade, em três épocas: no pré-armazenamento (imediatamente após o tratamento), aos 90 e 180 dias. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi blocos completamente casualizados, com três repetições. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que o tratamento de sementes com o fungicida Carboxin/Thiram resultou em aumento da percentagem de germinação, para a avaliação realizada imediatamente após o tratamento, bem como foi eficiente na diminuição da incidência dos principais fungos associados às sementes de arroz. A associação entre graus de umidade e fungicida torna acelerado o processo de deterioração das sementes, armazenadas em ambientes herméticos, podendo ocasionar a morte destas em menos de 180 dias de armazenamento, especialmente quando a umidade for superior a 15%. Com o armazenamento hermético, é possível armazenar sementes por períodos de até 90 dias, com graus de umidade inferiores a 15% e se o armazenamento for realizado em períodos superiores a 180 dias, os graus de umidade das sementes devem ser inferiores a 13% para que não ocorra a diminuição da germinação.
There is a growing trend towards decentralized electricity and heat production throughout the world. Reciprocating engines and gas turbines have an essential role in the global decentralized energy markets and any improvement in their electrical efficiency has a significant impact from the environmental and economic viewpoints. This paper introduces an inter-cooled and recuperated two-shaft microturbine at 500 kW electric output range. The microturbine is optimized for a realistic combination of the turbine inlet temperature, the recuperation rate and the pressure ratio. The new microturbine design aims to achieve significantly increased performance within the range of microturbines and even competing with the efficiencies achieved in large industrial gas turbines. The simulated electrical efficiency is 45%. Improving the efficiency of combined heat and power (CHP) systems will significantly decrease the emissions and operating costs of decentralized heat and electricity production. Cost-effective, compact and environmentally friendly micro-and small-scale CHP turbine systems with high electrical efficiency will have an opportunity to successfully compete against reciprocating engines, which today are used in heat and power generation all over the world and manufactured in large production series. This paper presents a small-scale gas turbine process, capable of competing with reciprocating engine in terms of electrical efficiency.
Kartonkivuokien käyttö elintarviketeollisuudessa on kasvanut vuosi vuodelta ja kuluttajat ovat löytäneet kartonkipakkaukset niiden ekologisuuden, graafisen ulkoasun sekä turvallisuuden ansiosta. Vuokien valmistus mekaanisella prässäyksellä kehittyy jatkuvasti ja uusi teknologia mahdollistaa täysin uudentyyppisten prässien valmistuksen. Työn tavoitteena on tutkia voidaanko mekaaninen prässäys toteuttaa vaakatasossa uutta teknologiaa hyödyntämällä kustannustehokkaasti. Lisäksi tavoitteena on selvittää, millä voimantuottomenetelmällä prässiltä vaadittava voimantuotto on edullisinta toteuttaa. Suunnittelussa otetaan huomioon olemassa olevat työkalut, modulaarisuus, EU:n elintarvikelainsäädäntö sekä muut kriittiset tekijät. Työssä sovelletaan metodisen konstruoinnin mukaisesti systemaattista ongelmanratkaisua (VDI 2221). Lisäksi työssä käydään läpi kilpaileva menetelmä arvoanalyysi. Suunnittelua ja komponenttivalintoja analysoidaan SWOT- sekä pisteanalyysien avulla. Suunnittelussa syntyneiden ratkaisujen lujuusominaisuuksia tarkastellaan FEM-analyysillä. Tuloksista havaittiin, että vaakatasossa suoritettava prässäyksen voimantuotto on edullisinta ja yksinkertaisinta toteuttaa sähkömekaniikalla, että halutut ominaisuudet voidaan saavuttaa ja rakenne pitää mahdollisimman kompaktina. Kustannustehokkuuden saavuttamiseksi hankinnat on syytä kilpailuttaa huolellisesti. Työn lopussa esitetään mahdollisia jatkokehityskohteita, joita syntyi tämän diplomityön aikana.
The traditional business models and the traditionally successful development methods that have been distinctive to the industrial era, do not satisfy the needs of modern IT companies. Due to the rapid nature of IT markets, the uncertainty of new innovations‟ success and the overwhelming competition with established companies, startups need to make quick decisions and eliminate wasted resources more effectively than ever before. There is a need for an empirical basis on which to build business models, as well as evaluate the presumptions regarding value and profit. Less than ten years ago, the Lean software development principles and practices became widely well-known in the academic circles. Those practices help startup entrepreneurs to validate their learning, test their assumptions and be more and more dynamical and flexible. What is special about today‟s software startups is that they are increasingly individual. There are quantitative research studies available regarding the details of Lean startups. Broad research with hundreds of companies presented in a few charts is informative, but a detailed study of fewer examples gives an insight to the way software entrepreneurs see Lean startup philosophy and how they describe it in their own words. This thesis focuses on Lean software startups‟ early phases, namely Customer Discovery (discovering a valuable solution to a real problem) and Customer Validation (being in a good market with a product which satisfies that market). The thesis first offers a sufficiently compact insight into the Lean software startup concept to a reader who is not previously familiar with the term. The Lean startup philosophy is then put into a real-life test, based on interviews with four Finnish Lean software startup entrepreneurs. The interviews reveal 1) whether the Lean startup philosophy is actually valuable for them, 2) how can the theory be practically implemented in real life and 3) does theoretical Lean startup knowledge compensate a lack of entrepreneurship experience. A reader gets familiar with the key elements and tools of Lean startups, as well as their mutual connections. The thesis explains why Lean startups waste less time and money than many other startups. The thesis, especially its research sections, aims at providing data and analysis simultaneously.
The traditional business models and the traditionally successful development methods that have been distinctive to the industrial era, do not satisfy the needs of modern IT companies. Due to the rapid nature of IT markets, the uncertainty of new innovations‟ success and the overwhelming competition with established companies, startups need to make quick decisions and eliminate wasted resources more effectively than ever before. There is a need for an empirical basis on which to build business models, as well as evaluate the presumptions regarding value and profit. Less than ten years ago, the Lean software development principles and practices became widely well-known in the academic circles. Those practices help startup entrepreneurs to validate their learning, test their assumptions and be more and more dynamical and flexible. What is special about today‟s software startups is that they are increasingly individual. There are quantitative research studies available regarding the details of Lean startups. Broad research with hundreds of companies presented in a few charts is informative, but a detailed study of fewer examples gives an insight to the way software entrepreneurs see Lean startup philosophy and how they describe it in their own words. This thesis focuses on Lean software startups‟ early phases, namely Customer Discovery (discovering a valuable solution to a real problem) and Customer Validation (being in a good market with a product which satisfies that market). The thesis first offers a sufficiently compact insight into the Lean software startup concept to a reader who is not previously familiar with the term. The Lean startup philosophy is then put into a real-life test, based on interviews with four Finnish Lean software startup entrepreneurs. The interviews reveal 1) whether the Lean startup philosophy is actually valuable for them, 2) how can the theory be practically implemented in real life and 3) does theoretical Lean startup knowledge compensate a lack of entrepreneurship experience. A reader gets familiar with the key elements and tools of Lean startups, as well as their mutual connections. The thesis explains why Lean startups waste less time and money than many other startups. The thesis, especially its research sections, aims at providing data and analysis simultaneously.
In this thesis, I explore how the folk-rock music of Ani DiFranco has influenced the activist commitments, sensibilities, and activities of reproductive rights activists. My interest in the relation of popular music to social movements is informed by the work of Simon Frith (1987, 1996a, 1996b), Rob Rosenthal (2001), and Ann Savage (2003). Frith argues that popular music is an important contributor to personal identity and the ways that listeners see the world. Savage (2003) writes that fans develop a unique relationship with feminist/political music, and Rosenthal (2001) argues that popular music can be an important factor in building social movements. I use these arguments to ask what the influence of Ani DiFranco's music has been for reproductive rights activists who are her fans. I conducted in-depth interviews with ten reproductive rights activists who are fans of Ani DiFranco's music. All ten are women in their twenties and thirties living in Ontario or New York. Each has been listening to DiFranco's music for between two and fifteen years, and has considered herself a reproductive rights activist for between eighteen months and twenty years. I examine these women's narratives of their relationships with Ani DiFranco's music and their activist experience through the interconnected lenses of identity, consciousness, and practice. Listening to Ani DiFranco's music affects the fluid ways these women understand their identities as women, as feminists, and in solidarity with others. I draw on Freire's (1970) understanding of conscientization to consider the role that Ani's music has played in heightening women's awareness about reproductive rights issues. The feeling of solidarity with other (both real and perceived) activist fans gives them more confidence that they can make a difference in overcoming social injustice. They believe that Ani's music encourages productive anger, which in turn fuels their passion to take action to make change. Women use Ani's music deliberately for energy and encouragement in their continued activism, and find that it continues to resonate with their evolving identities as women, feminists, and activists. My study builds on those of Rosenthal (2001) and Savage (2003) by focusing on one artist and activists in one social movement. The characteristics of Ani DiFranco, her fan base, and the reproductive rights movement allow new understanding of the ways that female fans who are members of a female-dominated feminist movement interact with the music of a popular independent female artist.
Two tills are readily identi-f i able in central Southern Ontario, a very stony, loose deposit o-f variable matrix (Dummer till) and a moderately stony, fissile and compact deposit that is more homogeneous (drumlinized till). The quantity o-f Precambr i an, Paleozoic and Shadow Lake Formation (Paleozoic) rock types were determined and corresponding isopleth maps drawn. The changes in lithology content occurred in the direction o-f transport, there-fore, compositional isopleths o-f till may be considered equipotential lines for the reconstruction of glacier flow paths. Areal gradations of drift lithology indicated that the prime agents of dispersal were ice and glacial meltwaters. The down-ice abundance trend of till components indicated a dispersal pattern showing the concentration of a given lithology type peaking within a few kilometres of the source followed by a rapid decline and thereafter, a more gradual decrease with increasing distance. Within the esker deposits, igneous rocks may form the major component and can extend further onto the limestone plain than in the adjacent till. Evidence is presented that indicates the "style" of dispersal was one in which glacial ice may have been strongly influenced by local bedrock topography and the regional structural trends. The ice tended to follow pre-existing valleys and lows, depositing till composed mainly of local bedrock. Gradations in Paleozoic clast content showed that the local bedrock lithology became the primary till component within 3 km of down-ice transport. Evidence is presented that indicated the last glaciation may have occurred as a relatively thin ice mass, followed by stagnation and recession. No evidence of a lateglacial re-advance was found within the study area. Because of the lack of a contact between the Dummer and drumlinized till, and because of results showing gradation of the Dummer till into the drumlinized till (as indicated by lithology content and grain size), it is suggested that no re-advance occurred.
Spatial data representation and compression has become a focus issue in computer graphics and image processing applications. Quadtrees, as one of hierarchical data structures, basing on the principle of recursive decomposition of space, always offer a compact and efficient representation of an image. For a given image, the choice of quadtree root node plays an important role in its quadtree representation and final data compression. The goal of this thesis is to present a heuristic algorithm for finding a root node of a region quadtree, which is able to reduce the number of leaf nodes when compared with the standard quadtree decomposition. The empirical results indicate that, this proposed algorithm has quadtree representation and data compression improvement when in comparison with the traditional method.