907 resultados para Reciprocal patchiness of resources


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This is the Stillwaters monitoring programme summary results 2000 from the Environment Agency. In May 1997, a Stillwaters meeting was held to discuss the way forward in stillwaters monitoring. It decided upon the establishment of a three year rolling programme, in which three stillwaters would be monitored three times a year, every third year. During 2000, stillwaters monitored for the fourth year of the Stillwaters Monitoring Programme were Hatch Mere, Marbury Big Mere, Comber Mere, Tabley Mere, Tatton Mere and Melchett Mere. Algal, zooplankton and water chemical samples were taken on all meres. Surveys of Tabley Mere and Comber Mere continued on from last year when water quality concerns were highlighted. Continuous monitoring in Oak Mere, including water level data continued in 2000. Fish surveys were carried out in Tatton Mere and Comber Mere. Tabley Mere survey was abandoned due to the awkward bathymetry of the mere. No invertebrate samples were taken in 2000 due to lack of resources.


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This is the Cheshire stillwaters summary results 1999 from the Environment Agency North West. In May 1997, a Stillwaters meeting was held to discuss the way forward in stillwaters monitoring. It decided upon the establishment of a three year rolling programme, in which three stillwaters would be monitored three times a year, every third year. During 1999, stillwaters monitored for the third year of the Stillwaters Monitoring Programme were Tabley Mere, Comber Mere and Norbury Mere. Surveys of Petty Pool and Betley Mere continued for a second and third year respectively after water quality concerns were highlighted in previous end-of-year reports. Oak Mere was also surveyed for the third year running due to its unusual ecology. This year, the variety of parameters monitored was limited to algal, zooplankton and water chemical samples. Fisheries and marginal invertebrate surveys were not completed due to lack of resources.


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O trabalho desenvolvido tem por objeto de estudo a participação do BNDES no processo de centralização de capital na área da saúde brasileira. Por meio da análise da política governamental para o setor produtivo da saúde, com enfoque na intervenção do BNDES, bem como do acompanhamento da dinâmica dos subsistemas que compõe o Complexo Econômico-Industrial da Saúde (CEIS), evidenciou-se a tendência às fusões e aquisições na área. O referido processo foi compreendido no contexto do desenvolvimento econômico brasileiro articulado à consolidação do capitalismo contemporâneo. Dessa forma, nos detivemos à discussão dos pressupostos da acumulação capitalista e à correlação estabelecida com o processo de centralização de capital. Sendo realizada articulação com a mercantilização da saúde. Abordamos, ainda, o debate sobre as características da política de desenvolvimento no país e sua articulação com as requisições do modo de produção capitalista. E, ainda apresentadas as principais políticas governamentais atuais que abrangem o CEIS e análise das mesmas. Compreendemos que o complexo da saúde move-se na direção estabelecida pela dinâmica capitalista atual, que pressupõe a financeirização do capital, articulada à formação de monopólios, com participação do Estado, por meio de abertura econômica, de incentivos e aplicação de recursos do fundo público.


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O presente trabalho aborda duas sub-bacias hidrográficas do município do Rio de Janeiro através da apresentação de indicadores ambientais e da percepção de seus moradores. Destaca-se que a interação/utilização dos recursos no meio urbano em um município de alta densidade demográfica sofre reflexos principalmente do padrão de ocupação do território. As duas sub-bacias aqui analisadas, do rio Morto e do rio Maracanã, representam, respectivamente, bacias periurbanas e urbanas. Como indicadores ambientais são apresentados dados secundários, majoritariamente de órgãos públicos, como IBGE e INEA. A percepção dos moradores é representada pelas respostas a 210 questionários aplicados nas áreas das sub-bacias. Os principais resultados são apresentados ao longo do texto em mapas temáticos. Tanto entre os indicadores, quanto em relação à percepção, os serviços de saneamento demonstraram ter papel fundamental nas condições dos rios. Pequenos trechos mais carentes de cobertura de esgoto nas sub-bacias resultam em deterioração da qualidade da água, embora a cobertura de coleta geral apresente altos percentuais. Um ponto de destaque entre os problemas levantados através dos questionários é a ocorrência de enchentes. Dentre resultados positivos cita-se a cobertura de coleta de lixo, próxima a 100% nas sub-bacias. Uma matriz PEIR (pressão-estado-impacto-resposta) condensou as informações obtidas pelos indicadores e sinalizou os fatores associados. A matriz destacou para a sub-bacia do rio Morto o menor acesso ao abastecimento de água e à rede de esgoto, e para sub-bacia do rio Maracanã a degradação da qualidade da água, representada pelas baixas concentrações de oxigênio. Áreas com mais alta densidade populacional representaram a principal pressão exercida nas sub-bacias.


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A alteração no sistema de controles internos da empresa estudada teve como marco principal a mudança do foco no trabalho da auditoria interna, que começou a desempenhar suas atividades de forma estruturada e seguindo uma metodologia específica; além, de perseguir um objetivo estratégico da organização. A auditoria interna, antes do processo de certificação do sistema de controles internos exigido pela seção 404 da SOX, era apenas um instrumento de detecção de erros e compliance fiscal, que baseava seus trabalhos somente em fatos passados, com a constatação de deficiências de controles. Todavia, sem assessorar a alta a administração da empresa na resolução das deficiências, objetivando a implementação das melhorias dos controles internos. Com a necessidade de certificação da eficácia dos controles internos, a partir do ano de 2005, o foco dos trabalhos de auditoria interna foi direcionado para lograr melhorias nos métodos de controle, gestão de riscos, prevenção de fraudes e erros, nos processos operacionais, contábeis e financeiros da organização. O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi, por meio de estudo de caso único, mensurar os principais procedimentos realizados para a implantação do sistema de controles internos da empresa estudada, incluindo a metodologia adotada, o modelo escolhido, o processo de controle estabelecido, a identificação e avaliação dos principais riscos e controles, bem como a forma de seleção, avaliação e teste dos controles internos existentes. Buscou-se coletar dados preconizados pela literatura de autores renomados e analisar as diversas bibliografias, com o objetivo de comparar com a pesquisa que foi realizada nos documentos fornecidos pela empresa analisada. Este estudo levantou pontos importantes sobre o processo de gestão da empresa e da forma como se utilizou da auditoria interna como ferramenta para a melhoria de seus controles internos. Destacam-se a geração de valor empresarial que um bom ambiente de controle interno traz e os motivos que levam uma organização a implementar uma área de auditoria interna, com especial atenção ao foco de assessoramento e consultoria, alinhado as práticas internacionais de auditoria interna. Entretanto, apesar de observar melhorias na atuação da auditoria interna da organização, constata-se a necessidade de alinhamento de algumas práticas internacionais, ainda não implementadas. Descobriu-se, também, que a auditoria interna, com o devido emporwerment da alta administração, e utilizando-se das técnicas atuais e internacionais, aumentam a confiabilidade do sistema de controles internos e com isso geram valor às suas organizações. Nesta pesquisa pôde-se constatar a utilização da auditoria interna como ferramenta de gestão de recursos organizacionais, ocasionando melhorias no sistema de controles internos da empresa, e ficando constatada, por meio de auditoria executada por firma independente, a irrefutável melhoria dos controles internos da organização estudada.


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This report is the product of a panel of experts in the science of blooms of unicellular marine algae which can cause mass mortalities in a variety of marine organisms and cause illness and even death in humans who consume contaminated seafood. These phenomena are collectively termed harmful algal blooms or HABs for short. As a counterpart to recent assessments of the priorities for scientific research to understand the causes and behavior of HABs, this assessment addressed the management options for reducing their incidence and extent (prevention), actions that can quell or contain blooms (control), and steps to reduce the losses of resources or economic values and minimize human health risks (mitigation). This assessment is limited to an appraisal of scientific understanding, but also reflects consideration of information and perspectives provided by regional experts, agency managers and user constituencies during three regional meetings. The panel convened these meetings during the latter half of 1996 to solicit information and opinions from scientific experts, agency managers and user constituencies in Texas, Washington, and Florida. The panel's assessment limited its attention to those HABs that result in neurotoxic shellfish poisoning, paralytic shellfish poisoning, brown tides, amnesic shellfish poisoning, and aquaculture fish kills. This covers most, but certainly not all, HAB problems in the U.S.


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This report is a result of long-term fish monitoring studies supported by the National Park Service (NPS) at the Virgin Islands National Park since 1988 and is now a joint NPS and NOAA collaboration. Reef fish monitoring data collected from 1988 to 2006 within Virgin Islands National Park (VINP) and adjacent reefs around St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI) were analyzed to provide information on the status of reef fishes during the monitoring period. Monitoring projects were initiated by the National Park Service (NPS) in the 1980s to provide useful data for evaluation of resources and for development of a long-term monitoring program. Monthly monitoring was conducted at two reef sites (Yawzi Point and Cocoloba Cay) starting in November 1988 for 2.5 years to document the monthly/seasonal variability in reef fish assemblages. Hurricane Hugo (a powerful Category 4 storm) struck the USVI in September 1989 resulting in considerable damage to the reefs around St. John. Abundance of fishes was lower at both sites following the storm, however, a greater effect was observed at Yawzi Point, which experienced a more direct impact from the hurricane. The storm affected species differently, with some showing only small, short-term declines in abundance, and others, such as the numerically abundant blue chromis (Chromis cyanea), a planktivorous damselfish, exhibiting a larger and longer recovery period. This report provides: 1) an evaluation of sampling methods, sample size, and methods used during the sampling period, 2) an evaluation of the spatial and temporal variability in reef fish assemblages at selected reef sites inside and outside of VINP, and 3) an evaluation of trends over 17 years of monitoring at the four reference sites. Comparisons of methods were conducted to standardize assessments among years. Several methods were used to evaluate sample size requirements for reef fish monitoring and the results provided a statistically robust justification for sample allocation.


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A realistic alternative to traditional technology development and transfer has been utilized by the International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management (ICLARM) to integrate pond fish culture into low-input farming systems in Malawi. Resource mapping was used to assess farm resources and constraints and introduce the concept of integrated resource management (IRM), the synergistic movement of resources between and among farm and household enterprises. Farmer-led IRM research projects are conducted on-farm and monitored by researchers through direct observation and on-station simulation of constraints and management practices. Technology-adoption rates by farmers involved in a pilot activity was 65% compared to 0% by farmers exposed only to top-down extension approaches. Within two years of adoption, every participating farmer had transferred the technology to an average of four other farmers without the involvement of the extension services.


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Based on the proven existence of large pelagic fish resources in the southern coast of Mozambique, an experimental fishing trolling program has been designed to study the possibility of resources exploitation through the introduction of trolling technique on artisanal vessels (Project FAO/TCP/MOZ/5653). Although operational problems occurred, the program carried out during the year 1957, provided a collection of data and knowledge. It allowed the preparation of present paper, which could serve as an indicator for a possible implementation of this fishing method in the Mozambican artisanal sector. Sharing this study, the author expects to give a further contribution to the development of a greater pelagic fishery in the waters of Mozambique.


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The results of experiments conducted on a pond dyke (655m²) in the Wastewater Aquaculture Division of the Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture, Rahara, during 1992-93 for maximising production through optimum utilisation of resources are communicated. Round the year intensive cultivation of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus), amaranth (Amaranthus gangeticus and A. viridus), water-bind weed (Ipomea aquatica), Indian spinach (Basella rubra), radish (Raphanus sativum), amaranth (Amaranthus viridis), cauliflower (Brassica oleracia var. votrytis), cabbage (Brassica oleracia var. capitota) and papaya (Carica papaya) was undertaken using the treated sewage water from fish ponds for irrigation. The pond dyke yielded 5,626.5 kg vegetable which worked out to 85.9 tons per ha per year. Multiple cropping with these vegetables excluding papaya on a 460 m² dyke recorded a production of 4,926.5 kg at the rate of 107.1t per ha/yr. An improved yearly net return of about 35% over investment could be achieved through the selection of highly productive and pest resistant vegetable crops of longer duration for integration into the system. Introduction of this type of integrated farming would enhance the overall productivity and returns from farming.


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In the first seminar on Marine Resources of Mozambique, held in Maputo in June 1984 Sætersdal defined as a general objective the management of fishery to achieve the best possible use of resources to benefit the community.


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The fishing community of the Sundarbans are the human group most at home in the mud-slush-water-forest environment of this famous mangrove estuary. Their skills, knowledge, and technique have developed in response to a challenging environment. Yet, of the countless studies on the various aspects of this eco-region, there are exceedingly few that have studied the Sundarbans fisher in his/her ecological, historical and demographic context—as a key stakeholder in an environment under considerable stress. The present study seeks to reduce this lacuna a little. Its object is not merely to examine and analyse, but also to identify means, both tradition-based and innovative, which might contribute to protect the environment, improve economic conditions, and usher in people-based governance of resources.


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One of the key sectors of fisheries research is assessment and exploration which should have as main goal the support to the fishing industry: analyzing the effects of fishing on stocks, determining the potential stock to be exploited and the formulation of rules for an appropriate exploitation and preservation of resources. In this paper the author intends to analyze some aspects of the investigation in support to fishery management.


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The article presents the environmental impacts of aquaculture and the ways to manage them. The environmental impacts include issues of recreation and aesthetics, and the usage of resources and discharge of nutrients and organic matter into the environment. Likewise, the results are also discussed, such as reduced production, disease outbreak in cultured and wild populations, and an increase of regulatory restrictions being placed on aquaculture operations.


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Deciding which technology to invest in is a recurring issue for technology managers, and the ability to successfully identify the right technology can be a make or break decision for a company. The effects of globalisation have made this issue even more imperative. Not only do companies have to be competitive by global standards but increasingly they have to source technological capabilities from overseas as well. Technology managers already have a variety of decision aids to draw upon, including valuation tools, for example DCF and real options; decision trees; and technology roadmapping. However little theory exists on when, where, why or even how to best apply particular decision aids. Rather than developing further techniques, this paper reviews the relevance and limitations of existing techniques. This is drawn from an on going research project which seeks to support technology managers in selecting and applying existing decision aids and potentially in the design of future decision aids. It is intended that through improving the selection of decision aids, decision performance can be increased, leading to more effective allocation of resources and hence competitive advantage. (c) 2006 PICMET.