992 resultados para Reactor flow vortices
In this work, a spectrophotometric flow injection analysis system using a crude extract of avocado (Persea americana) as a source of polyphenol oxidase to dopamine determination was developed. The substrates and enzyme concentrations from 2.4x10-7 to 5.3x10-4 mol L-1 and 28 to 332 units mL-1 were evaluated, respectively. In addition, the FIA parameters such as sample loop (50 to 500 µL), flow rate (1.4 to 4.3 mL min-1) and reactor length (100 to 500 cm) were also evaluated in a 0.1 mol L-1 phosphate buffer solution (pH 7.0). Dopamine solution concentrations were determined using 277 units mL-1 enzyme solution, 400 mL enzyme loop, 375 µL sample loop, 2.2 mL min-1 flow rate and a reactor of 350 cm. The analytical curve showed a linearity from 5.3x10-5 to 5.3x10-4 mol L-1 dopamine with a detection limit of 1.3x10-5 mol L-1. The analytical frequency was 46 h-1 and the RSD lower than 0.5% for 5.3x10-4 mol L-1 dopamine solution (n=10). A paired t-test showed that all results obtained for dopamine in commercial formulations using the proposed flow injection procedure and a spectrophotometric procedure agree at the 95% confidence level.
The work describes a new procedure for cetylpyridinium chloride determination in oral disinfectants, based on a flow-injection system with potentiometric detection. The determination was based on the measurement of picrate concentration decrease as result of ion-pair reaction with the analyte present in the injected sample. In the optimised set-up the sample injection volume was kept at 400 µL and merged downstream with the reagent solution containing 1,0 x10-5 mol/L of picrate adjusted to pH 5.0 with citrate/citric acid buffer. The flow rate was fixed at 8 mL/min and the reactor length at 40 cm. The proposed procedure enables the determination of cetylpyridinium in the analytical range of 5,0x10-6 - 7,5x10-5 mol/L at a sampling rate of 60/h. The results for real samples had a precision better than 3% and were comparable to the labelled values.
Knowledge flow from the customers is an important resource for a company and therefore it should engage its customers in knowledge co-creation. Through providing a virtual customer environment (VCE) as knowledge creation and sharing platform a company can obtain this type of knowledge, which is important for strategic purposes. In the VCE the members of the virtual customer community (VCC) create and share knowledge individually and collectively in diverse roles, utilizing many interaction facilities. Creating a functional VCE is not either easy or quick task and a company needs to analyze various issues carefully. Providing such a VCE in which customers want to share their experiences and insights is however worth of considering, since it brings many benefits for the company. In this research the main benefit is stated as the supportative role of the VCE in the better management of the knowledge flow from the customers.
L’objecte del projecte és l’ampliació de la línia de producció d’una indústria farmacèutica dimensionant la fontaneria i instal•lant el reactor químic. Els antecedents són els seguents: en el Desembre de 2013,una indústria farmacèutica decideix ampliar la producciód’una línia existent de treball, instal•lant un reactor químic en paral•lel a la línia deproducció existent. Al Gener de 2014 es decideix adaptar una zona que s’utilitza com a magatzem per fer la nova producció. Per tant s’ha d’adaptar la zona com a Sala Blanca per complir amb la seva nova funcionalitat. A Febrer de 2014 es contracta un enginyer per redactar el projecte de l’adaptació de la Sala Blanca, així com les instal•lacions necessàries per posar en funcionament el Reactor químic adquirit pel client
As a result of the growing interest in studying employee well-being as a complex process that portrays high levels of within-individual variability and evolves over time, this present study considers the experience of flow in the workplace from a nonlinear dynamical systems approach. Our goal is to offer new ways to move the study of employee well-being beyond linear approaches. With nonlinear dynamical systems theory as the backdrop, we conducted a longitudinal study using the experience sampling method and qualitative semi-structured interviews for data collection; 6981 registers of data were collected from a sample of 60 employees. The obtained time series were analyzed using various techniques derived from the nonlinear dynamical systems theory (i.e., recurrence analysis and surrogate data) and multiple correspondence analyses. The results revealed the following: 1) flow in the workplace presents a high degree of within-individual variability; this variability is characterized as chaotic for most of the cases (75%); 2) high levels of flow are associated with chaos; and 3) different dimensions of the flow experience (e.g., merging of action and awareness) as well as individual (e.g., age) and job characteristics (e.g., job tenure) are associated with the emergence of different dynamic patterns (chaotic, linear and random).
A flow system coupled to a tungsten coil atomizer in an atomic absorption spectrometer (TCA-AAS) was developed for As(III) determination in waters, by extraction with sodium diethyldithiocarbamate (NaDDTC) as complexing agent, and by sorption of the As(III)-DDTC complex in a micro-column filled with 5 mg C18 reversed phase (10 µL dry sorbent), followed by elution with ethanol. A complete pre-concentration/elution cycle took 208 s, with 30 s sample load time (1.7 mL) and 4 s elution time (71 µL). The interface and software for the synchronous control of two peristaltic pumps (RUN/ STOP), an autosampler arm, seven solenoid valves, one injection valve, the electrothermal atomizer and the spectrometer Read function were constructed. The system was characterized and validated by analytical recovery studies performed both in synthetic solutions and in natural waters. Using a 30 s pre-concentration period, the working curve was linear between 0.25 and 6.0 µg L-1 (r = 0.9976), the retention efficiency was 94±1% (6.0 µg L-1), and the pre-concentration coefficient was 28.9. The characteristic mass was 58 pg, the mean repeatability (expressed as the variation coefficient) was 3.4% (n=5), the detection limit was 0.058 µg L-1 (4.1 pg in 71 µL of eluate injected into the coil), and the mean analytical recovery in natural waters was 92.6 ± 9.5 % (n=15). The procedure is simple, economic, less prone to sample loss and contamination and the useful lifetime of the micro-column was between 200-300 pre-concentration cycles.
A simple flow injection procedure was developed for determining dipyrone (1-phenyl-2,3-dimethyl-4-methylaminomethano-5-pyrazolone sodium, metamizol, analgin) in pharmaceutical formulations. The determination is based on the reduction of Ag+ ions to Ag0 by dipyrone. A colloidal suspension of Ag0 produced was transported by carrier solution (0.01 mol L-1 NaOH) and turbidimetrically detected at 425 nm. The analytical curve for dipyrone was linear in the range from 5.0 x 10-4 to 2.5 x 10-3 mol L-1 with a correlation coefficient of 0.9990. The detection limit was 1.3 x 10-4 mol L-1 (3sigmaB/slope). The relative standard deviation for ten successive measurements was 1.8% and an analytical frequency of 45 h-1 was obtained. The recovery values from three samples ranged from 96.0 to 102%.
Biofilm communities are exposed to long periods of desiccation in temporary streams. We investigated how water flow intermittency affected the bacterial community structure colonizing three different streambed compartments in a Mediterranean stream. Massive parallel sequencing revealed different bacterial communities in biofilms from sand sediments and cobbles. Bacterial communities were similar (62% of shared operational taxonomic units) in the epipsammic and hyporheic biofilms, and more diverse than those in the epilithic biofilms. The non-flow phase caused a decrease of bacterial diversity in the biofilms, when communities included only bacterial taxa assumed to be adapted to water stress. The most sensitive bacterial communities to flow intermittency were in the epilithic, where the exposure to physical stress was the highest. In sand sediments a wide group of bacterial taxa was tolerant to desiccation. During non-flow the proliferation of opportunistic taxa in the superficial compartments evidenced the biological link with the terrestrial environment. Bacterial communities better tolerate rewetting than desiccation, since a major number of taxa tolerant to rewetting occurred in all biofilms. Overall, bacterial communities in sandy compartments showed higher resistance to flow intermittency than those in epilithic biofilms
In this thesis concurrent communication event handling is implemented using thread pool approach. Concurrent events are handled with a Reactor design pattern and multithreading is implemented using a Leader/Followers design pattern. Main focus is to evaluate behaviour of implemented model by different numbers of concurrent connections and amount of used threads. Furthermore, model feasibility in a PeerHood middleware is evaluated. Implemented model is evaluated with created test environment which enables concurrent message sending from multiple connections to the system under test. Messages round trip times are measured in the tester application. In the evaluation processing delay into system is simulated and influence of delay to the average round trip time is analysed.
Diplomityön tavoitteena oli tutkia höyrykattiloiden leijukerrosten käytettävyysongelmia ja kirjallisuudesta löytyvien diagnostiikkamenetelmien toimivuutta leijukerroksen tilan ja käytettävyysongelmien tunnistamiseksi. Diagnostiikkamenetelmien toimivuutta testattiin VTT:n kiertoleijukoelaitteen prosessimittauksiin perustuen. Analysoinnissa käytettiin prosessimittauksia, jotka ovat yleisesti käytössä energiantuotannon leijukerroskattiloissa. Analysoitavina koeajotapauksina olivat kylmäkokeet partikkelikokojakaumaltaan vaihtelevalle leijutusmateriaalille, tuhkapartikkelien aiheuttama petimateriaalin karkeneminen ja agglomeroituminen, sekä vaihtelevien ajoarvojen vaikutus leijukerroksen hydrodynaamiseen käyttäytymiseen. Kokeellisesta osiosta saaduista tuloksista selvisi leijutusilman tilavuusvirran, petimassan ja partikkelikoon vaikutus analysoitavaan prosessimittaukseen. Tuloksista oli havaittavissa myös kiertävän petimateriaalin ja pohjapedin osuuksien vaikutus mitattuun painesignaaliin. Petipartikkelien agglomeroitumisen ja karkenemisen todettiin lisäävän kiertoleijukoelaitteistossa nousuputken pohjapedin määrää suhteessa kiertävään petimateriaaliin, mikä voitiin havaita painemittauksista.
Natriumhypokloriittia voidaan valmistaa kloorista ja lipeästä jatkuvatoimisessa absorberissa. Tässä työssä tutkittiin kokeellisesti, miten kaasun ja nesteen virtausnopeudet vaikuttavat täytekappalekolonnin tulvimiseen ja painehäviöön, kuinka nopeasti kloori absorboituu lipeään ja kuinka suuri hypokloriittiliuoksen kierrätys tarvitaan, ettei hypokloriitti ala hajota. Lisäksi luotiin matemaattinen malli, jolla voidaan mitoittaa jatkuvatoiminen vastavirtaperiaatteella toimiva natriumhypokloriittireaktori. Kloori–lipeäsysteemin havaittiin tulvivan suuremmilla virtausnopeuksilla kuin ilma–vesisysteemin. Tosin osa kloorista absorboituu jo ennen täytekappalekerrosta, minkä vuoksi kaasun todellinen virtausnopeus täytekappalekerroksen alaosassa on pienempi kuin mitattu arvo. Kolonnin painehäviö nousee erittäin jyrkästi tulvimispisteen läheisyydessä. Koska kloori absorboituu lähes täydellisesti ja vain kolonnin alaosa tulvii, voidaan kolonnia painehäviön kannalta operoida lähellä tulvimispistettä. Sekä mallinnuksen että koetulosten perusteella yli 99,99 % kloorista absorboituu koeolosuhteissa kahden metrin täytekappalekerroksessa. Nopea absorptio johtuu erittäin nopeasta, irreversiibelistä kloorin reaktiosta ja prosessille tyypillisestä natriumhydroksidikonversion rajoittamisesta alle 94 %:iin. Jotta varmistetaan, ettei hypokloriitti ala hajota, valmista hypokloriittiliuosta täytyy kierrättää kolonniin vähintään noin 4-kertainen määrä tuoreen lipeän syöttömäärän nähden.
Membrane bioreactors (MBRs) are a combination of activated sludge bioreactors and membrane filtration, enabling high quality effluent with a small footprint. However, they can be beset by fouling, which causes an increase in transmembrane pressure (TMP). Modelling and simulation of changes in TMP could be useful to describe fouling through the identification of the most relevant operating conditions. Using experimental data from a MBR pilot plant operated for 462days, two different models were developed: a deterministic model using activated sludge model n°2d (ASM2d) for the biological component and a resistance in-series model for the filtration component as well as a data-driven model based on multivariable regressions. Once validated, these models were used to describe membrane fouling (as changes in TMP over time) under different operating conditions. The deterministic model performed better at higher temperatures (>20°C), constant operating conditions (DO set-point, membrane air-flow, pH and ORP), and high mixed liquor suspended solids (>6.9gL-1) and flux changes. At low pH (<7) or periods with higher pH changes, the data-driven model was more accurate. Changes in the DO set-point of the aerobic reactor that affected the TMP were also better described by the data-driven model. By combining the use of both models, a better description of fouling can be achieved under different operating conditions
The modern stopped-flow reaction analyzer has shown high efficiency and flexibility, which provides outstanding sample economy with a dead-time of less than 1 ms. However the cost of the equipment imposes a serious restriction to many Brazilian scientists and teachers. In this work we describe the construction of a low-cost stopped-flow system coupled to a UV-Vis spectrophotometer. The performance of the system was checked by monitoring the kinetics of two reactions: the fading of phenolphthalein in aqueous alkaline solution and the chlorophyll a demetallation in acid medium. The apparatus showed reasonable efficiency with a dead-time of 0.3 to 0.5 s. The very good results obtained in these two illustrative processes show that the system is satisfactory for determining rate constants with mean reaction times ranging from seconds to minutes.
Classical and quantum theory of spin waves in the vortex state of a mesoscopic submicron magnetic disk have been developed with account of the finite mass density of the vortex. Oscillations of the vortex core resemble oscillations of a charged string in a potential well in the presence of the magnetic field. A conventional gyrotropic frequency appears as a gap in the spectrum of spin waves of the vortex. The mass of the vortex has been computed, and the result agrees with experimental findings. The finite vortex mass generates a high-frequency branch of spin waves. The effects of an external magnetic field and dissipation have been addressed.
Rivers are among the most diverse and threatened ecosystems on Earth, as they are impacted by increasing human pressures. Because rivers provide essential goods and services, conservation of these ecosystems is a requisite for sustainable development. Therefore, we must seek ways to conserve healthy rivers and to restore degraded ones