919 resultados para REPUTATION


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Sendo o sector do transporte aéreo considerado dos mais importantes no crescimento económico nacional e internacional, torna-se necessário comparar os vários tipos de consumidores, os seus comportamentos, e o que os leva a decidir escolher companhias aéreas low cost em detrimento de companhias aéreas tradicionais. Desta forma, este estudo propõe investigar se o preço, associado à satisfação do consumidor, tem impacto no momento de decisão, em detrimento de outros atributos como sejam a reputação da marca ou outras valências do produto oferecido. Assim, em função da satisfação, serão analisados os factores que maior influência exercem sobre os consumidores, no momento da compra. Considerando uma fase de pré-compra (momento que contempla consumidores que nunca utilizaram companhias aéreas low cost) e uma fase de pós-compra (momento que contempla consumidores que utilizam e consumidores que deixaram de utilizar este tipo de companhias), serão analisados os motivos que os levam a optar por um tipo em detrimento de outro.


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[ES] A lo largo de la historia, las empresas se han visto sometidas a numerosas crisis mediáticas que han afectado directamente a su reputación. En el presente trabajo, analizaremos la repercusión de la comunicación en la gestión de una crisis, cómo mediante un uso eficaz de la comunicación en la gestión de una crisis, se podrá reducir el posible daño potencial que esta pueda ocasionar en la reputación de una empresa, evitando así una influencia negativa en los resultados empresariales. Para ello ilustraremos el marco teórico del trabajo con dos casos prácticos. Una vez analizados ambos casos, llegamos a la conclusión de que la reputación es un activo estratégico que genera valor a las empresas. Dicha reputación se verá comprometida ante un escenario de crisis, pero mediante la implementación de un eficaz plan de gestión de crisis y una adecuada administración de los conflictos potenciales podremos reducir los daños que una crisis pueda producir en nuestra empresa. Destacar también como será conveniente gozar en todo momento de una buena reputación, para en caso de que se produzca una crisis mediática usar este activo intangible como fortaleza.


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Tlaxco es una pequeña cuenca lechera del centro de México. Concentra a los diferentes actores implicados en la cadena productiva de queso: ganaderos, recolectores de leche, queseros y comerciantes. Se estudió a través de la metodología de los Sistemas Agroalimentarios Localizados (SIAL) que permite un análisis multidisciplinario. La actividad quesera se desarrolló por la disponibilidad de leche, y los comerciantes han aprovechado la fama que ha ganado el queso a nivel regional. Los agentes se caracterizan por la pequeña escala en sus actividades y un bajo nivel tecnológico y económico; a pesar de eso, la quesería sigue desarrollándose, pero las relaciones son limitadas: las definen la falta de confianza, oportunismo e individualismo. El lugar de promover colectivamente la calidad, la competencia se basa exclusivamente en el precio. La falta de activación colectiva de la cuenca debilita a los actores e impide un uso óptimo de los recursos.   ABSTRACT Tlaxco, is a small dairy area ubicated in the central part of México. The different actors implicated in cheese value chain are concentrated in this zone: dairy farmers, milk collectors, cheese makers and sellers. The Local Agrifood System methodology has been applied to bring us a multidisciplinary point of view. Milk availability made possible cheese-making activity, and Tlaxco cheese enjoy a regional reputation. Actors are characterized by small scale activities and a low technological and economical level. Nevertheless. Cheese-making activities are still in development. But relationships are limited: their main characteristics are mistrust. Opportunism and individualism. Instead of promoting collectively product quality, competition is almost only based on price. The lack of collective activation in the area weakens actors and stops an optimal use of resources.


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Old 'PR' has a mixed reputation. It has sometimes been regarded as heavy handed and unethical, especially in relation to activists. 'Critical public relations' (CPR) has emerged from academe in recent years as a reformist alternative. This chapter takes a socio-cultural lens to explore CPR and its potential for contribution or compromise within the field.


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Stack Overflow is a highly successful Community Question Answering (CQA) service for software developers with more than three millions users and more than ten thousand posts per day. The large volume of questions makes it difficult for users to find questions that they are interested in answering. In this paper, we propose a number of approaches to predict who will answer a new question using the characteristics of the question (i.e. Topic) and users (i.e. Reputation), and the social network of Stack Overflow users (i.e. Interested in the same topic). Specifically, our approach aims to identify a group of users (candidates) who have the potential to answer a new question by using feature-based prediction approach and social network based prediction approach. We develop predictive models to predict whether an identified candidate answers a new question. This prediction helps motivate the knowledge exchanging in the community by routing relevant questions to potential answerers. The evaluation results demonstrate the effectiveness of our predictive models, achieving 44% precision, 59% recall, and 49% F-measure (average across all test sets). In addition, our candidate identification techniques can identify the answerers who actually answer questions up to 12.8% (average across all test sets).


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This article extends beyond analysis of homophobic police practices at the Tasty raid that took place in Melbourne in 1994 to explore the ways in which queer politics interact with constructions of ‘respectability’ in the contexts of criminalisation, policing and state protection. I argue that the successful construction of legitimate victimhood by lesbian and gay Tasty patrons (achieved largely through signifiers of middle-class respectability and the paradigm of sameness) impeded police efforts to control media narratives and secure legitimacy in the aftermath of the Tasty raid. The formal apology issued by Victoria Police in 2014 indicates that the Tasty raid was considered a significant enough stain on police reputation to warrant addressing two decades after the event itself. I consider the apology as an attempt to cleanse and redeem the institution of the negative image of police resulting from the Tasty raid. This case offers unique insights into some of the ways in which lesbians and gay men may achieve legitimacy as victims in a heteronormative context and how this might come at the cost of a structural analysis of sexuality, power and violence. It also highlights how state institutions navigate and avoid accountability to a specific and historically targeted group.


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The increasing complexity of computer systems and communication networks induces tremendous requirements for trust and security. This special issue includes topics on trusted computing, risk and reputation management, network security and survivable computer systems/networks. These issues have evolved into an active and important area of research and development. The past decade has witnessed a proliferation of concurrency and computation systems for practice of highly trust, security and privacy, which has become a key subject in determining future research and development activities in many academic and industrial branches. This special issue aims to present and discuss advances of current research and development in all aspects of trusted computing and network security. In addition, this special issue provides snapshots of contemporary academia work in the field of network trusted computing. We prepared and organized this special issue to record state-of-the-art research, novel development and trends for future insight in this domain. In this special issue, 14 papers have been accepted for publication, which demonstrate novel and original work in this field. A detailed overview of the selected works is given below.


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Prior to the amalgamation of Scotland’s eight police forces into Police Scotland in 2013 by the Scottish National Party government, Scottish policing generally enjoyed a ‘cool’ political climate, with low scrutiny and minimal political engagement. This paper argues these conditions hindered the critical interrogation of Scottish policing, allowing a policy of unregulated and unfettered stop and search to flourish unchallenged for two decades. We then show how this policy was swiftly dismantled in the ‘heated’ environment that followed centralization, a move that gave rise to the unprecedented scrutiny of Scottish policing by media and political commentators. The analysis suggests that the legitimacy and reputation of the police may owe a debt to political environments that encourage either ‘soft’ or ‘hard’ analysis. Also, that more heated political environments, often disparaged by academics and criminal justice practitioners, can drive accountability and contribute to more progressive outcomes.


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Purpose- The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between perceived external prestige (PEP), the student experience, attitude, and behaviour in the context of higher education institutions.
Design/methodology/approach– A comparison of the relationships between prestige perception, the student experience, WOM, and loyalty is examined within a one highly prestigious institution and one mid-ranked institution. Multigroup structural equation modelling was employed to examine data obtained from 948 respondents at the two institutions.
Findings– While respondents from the top-ranked institution exhibit a significantly higher perception of university prestige than mid-ranked university respondents, no significant differences were found between the two groups of respondents in terms of the strengths of relationships between constructs. The analysis revealed that students’ perception of their university experience performed a full mediating effect on the relationship between PEP and WOM, as well as a partial mediating effect on the relationship between PEP and loyalty.
Practical implications– Student perceptions of the university experience is a strong indicator of attitude and behaviour. For university administrators, enhancing the student experience is just as important as managing a university’s reputation with respect to engendering loyalty and positive WOM.
Originality/value – This is the first study to link PEP with student attitude and behaviour. The findings provide interesting theoretical insights as well as useful managerial implications to enhance consumer experience which in turns affect their attitude and behaviour towards the organisation.


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In electronic commerce (e-commerce) environment, trust management has been identified as vital component for establishing and maintaining successful relational exchanges between the trading partners. As trust management systems depend on the feedbacks provided by the trading partners, they are fallible to strategic manipulation of the rating attacks. Therefore, in order to improve the reliability of the trust management systems, an approach that addresses feedback-related vulnerabilities is paramount. This paper proposes an approach for identifying and actioning of falsified feedbacks to make trust management systems robust against rating manipulation attacks. The viability of the proposed approach is studied experimentally and the results of various simulation experiments show that the proposed approach can be highly effective in identifying falsified feedbacks.


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Due to the poor reputation of the private security industry and the multiple lines of concerns raised by scholars over the potentially corrosive costs of commercial security provision, it is important to consider whether for-profit companies are a welcome addition to the network of actors who respond to the needs of domestic violence victims. Using the case study of ‘Protective Services’ in Victoria, Australia, who appear to be one of the first known instances of a private security company offering services to victims of domestic violence, we argue that there may be advantages for victims engaging with commercial providers and reasons for optimism that commercial outfits can improve feelings of safety for a particularly vulnerable and underprotected population.


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Partant de la réputation naïve, colorée et digressive de La Conquête de Constantinople de Robert de Clari, ce mémoire propose une analyse méthodique de ce récit en prose vernaculaire de la quatrième croisade de façon à en circonscrire les moments de continuité et de rupture. En fonction de plusieurs facteurs, dont leurs formules d’introduction et de clôture, leur rapport au temps de la croisade, leur longueur relative ainsi que leur positionnement dans l’économie globale du texte, les épisodes divergents sont identifiés puis analysés en travaillant lestement avec trois caractéristiques fondamentales de la digression plutôt qu’avec une définition nucléaire du concept, ce qui permet de discerner des degrés de digressif et d’offrir un panorama nuancé de l’oeuvre. Afin d’adopter un regard plus large sur le phénomène de la digression, quatre autres récits de croisade sont étudiés, et tous, qu’ils soient écrits en prose ou en vers, en français ou en latin, sont à leur façon coupables de s’être laissés emporter par leur sujet dans des excursus qui trahissent la personnalité et les convictions de leur auteur. Tout comme Clari, Villehardouin, l’auteur de l’Estoire de la guerre sainte, Eudes de Deuil et Albert d’Aix laissent entrevoir leur propre histoire lorsque celle qu’ils mettent à l’écrit s’égare de la droite voie de sa narration. Les digressions contenues dans les récits de croisade constituent ainsi une fenêtre privilégiée sur l’histoire des mentalités du Moyen Âge central, une mine d’informations qui ne peut être adéquatement exploitée que par les efforts conjoints de l’histoire et de la littérature.


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Family businesses are special in many respects. By examining their financial characteristics one can come to unique conclusions/results. This paper explores the general characteristics of the financial behaviour of family businesses, presents the main findings of the INSIST project’s company case studies concerning financing issues and strategies, and intends to identify the financial characteristics of company succession. The whole existence of family businesses is characterized by a duality of the family and business dimensions and this remains the case in their financial affairs. The financial decisions in family businesses (especially SMEs) are affected by aspects involving a duality of goals rather than exclusively profitability, the simultaneous presence of family and business financial needs, and the preferential handling of family needs at the expense of business needs (although it has to be said that there is evidence of family investments being postponed for the sake of business, too. Family businesses, beyond their actual effectiveness, are guided by individual goals like securing living standards, ensuring workplaces for family members, stability of operation, preservation of the company’s good reputation, and keeping the company’s size at a level that the immediate family can control and manage. The INSIST project’s company case studies revealed some interesting traits of family business finances like the importance of financial support from the founder’s family during the establishment of the company, the use of bootstrapping techniques, the financial characteristics of succession, and the role of family members in financial management.


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The most natural mode of family firm succession is the intergenerational ownership transfer. Statistical evidence, however, suggests that in most cases the succession process fails. There can be several reasons as a lot of personal, emotional and structural factors can act as an inhibitor to succession. The effectiveness of the implementation of any succession strategy is strongly dependent on the efficiency of intergenerational knowledge transfer, which is related to the parties’ absorptive capacity and willingness to learn. The paper is based on the experiences learned from the INSIST project. In the framework of the project different aspects of family business succession have been investigated in three participating countries (Hungary, Poland and the United Kingdom). The aim of the paper is to identify the patterns of management, succession, knowledge transfer and learning in family businesses. Issues will be examined in detail such as the succession strategies of companies investigated and the efforts family businesses and their managers make in order to harmonize family goals (such as emotional stability, harmony, and reputation) with business- related objectives (e.g. survival, growth or profitability).


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With wireless vehicular communications, Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) enable numerous applications to enhance traffic safety, traffic efficiency, and driving experience. However, VANETs also impose severe security and privacy challenges which need to be thoroughly investigated. In this dissertation, we enhance the security, privacy, and applications of VANETs, by 1) designing application-driven security and privacy solutions for VANETs, and 2) designing appealing VANET applications with proper security and privacy assurance. First, the security and privacy challenges of VANETs with most application significance are identified and thoroughly investigated. With both theoretical novelty and realistic considerations, these security and privacy schemes are especially appealing to VANETs. Specifically, multi-hop communications in VANETs suffer from packet dropping, packet tampering, and communication failures which have not been satisfyingly tackled in literature. Thus, a lightweight reliable and faithful data packet relaying framework (LEAPER) is proposed to ensure reliable and trustworthy multi-hop communications by enhancing the cooperation of neighboring nodes. Message verification, including both content and signature verification, generally is computation-extensive and incurs severe scalability issues to each node. The resource-aware message verification (RAMV) scheme is proposed to ensure resource-aware, secure, and application-friendly message verification in VANETs. On the other hand, to make VANETs acceptable to the privacy-sensitive users, the identity and location privacy of each node should be properly protected. To this end, a joint privacy and reputation assurance (JPRA) scheme is proposed to synergistically support privacy protection and reputation management by reconciling their inherent conflicting requirements. Besides, the privacy implications of short-time certificates are thoroughly investigated in a short-time certificates-based privacy protection (STCP2) scheme, to make privacy protection in VANETs feasible with short-time certificates. Secondly, three novel solutions, namely VANET-based ambient ad dissemination (VAAD), general-purpose automatic survey (GPAS), and VehicleView, are proposed to support the appealing value-added applications based on VANETs. These solutions all follow practical application models, and an incentive-centered architecture is proposed for each solution to balance the conflicting requirements of the involved entities. Besides, the critical security and privacy challenges of these applications are investigated and addressed with novel solutions. Thus, with proper security and privacy assurance, these solutions show great application significance and economic potentials to VANETs. Thus, by enhancing the security, privacy, and applications of VANETs, this dissertation fills the gap between the existing theoretic research and the realistic implementation of VANETs, facilitating the realistic deployment of VANETs.