957 resultados para R620w Polymorphism


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Recent studies have reported loss of function mutations in the LEMD3 gene, encoding an inner nuclear membrane protein that influences Smad signaling, as a cause of osteopoikilosis, Buschke-Ollendorff syndrome, and melorheostosis. We investigated LEMD3 in a three-generation family with osteopoikilosis from the Azores, an affected father and daughter from Ireland with osteopoikilosis (the daughter also had melorheostosis), and two other individuals from the UK with isolated melorheostosis. We found a novel C to T substitution at position 2032 bp (cDNA) in exon 8 of LEMD3, resulting in a premature stop codon at amino acid position 678. This mutation co-segregates with the osteopoikilosis phenotype in both the Azorean family and the Irish family. It was not detected in any of the six unaffected family members or in 342 healthy Caucasian individuals. No LEMD3 mutations were detected in the two patients with sporadic melorheostosis. The LEMD3 mutation reported was clearly the cause of osteopoikilosis in the two families but its relationship to melorheostosis in one of the family members is still unclear. Perhaps unsurprisingly in what is a segmental disease, we did not find LEMD3 mutations in peripheral-blood-derived DNA from the two other individuals with sporadic melorheostosis. The nature of the additional genetic and/or environmental influences required for the development of melorheostosis in those with osteopoikilosis requires further investigation.


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Bone mass acquired during childhood is the primary determinant of adult bone mineral density (BMD) and osteoporosis risk. Bone accrual is subject to genetic influences. Activating and inactivating LRP5 gene mutations elicit extreme bone phenotypes, while more common LRP5 polymorphisms are associated with normal variation of BMD. Our aim was to test the hypothesis that LRP5 gene polymorphisms influence bone mass acquisition during childhood. The association between LRP5 gene polymorphisms and bone size and mineralization was examined in 819 unrelated British Caucasian children (n = 429 boys) aged 9 years. Height, weight, pubertal status (where available), total-body and spinal bone area, bone mineral content (BMC), BMD, and area-adjusted BMC (aBMC) were assessed. Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA)-gene associations were assessed by linear regression, with adjustment for age, gender, pubertal status, and body size parameters. There were 140, 79, 12, and 2 girls who achieved Tanner stages I-IV, respectively, and 179 and 32 boys who achieved Tanner stages I and II, respectively. The rs2306862 (N740N) coding polymorphism in exon 10 of the LRP5 gene was associated with spinal BMD and aBMC (each P = 0.01) and total-body BMD and aBMC (P = 0.04 and 0.03, respectively). Adjusting for pubertal stage strengthened associations between this polymorphism and spinal BMD and aBMC (P = 0.01 and 0.002, respectively). Individuals homozygous for the T allele had greater spinal BMD and aBMC scores than those homozygous for the C allele. A dose effect was apparent as the mean spinal BMD and aBMC of heterozygous TC individuals were intermediate between those of their TT and CC counterparts. The N740N polymorphism in exon 10 of LRP5 was associated with spinal BMD and aBMC in pre- and early pubertal children. These results indicate that LRP5 influences volumetric bone density in childhood, possibly through effects on trabecular bone formation.


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We investigated whether polymorphisms in PTHR1 are associated with bone mineral density (BMD), to determine whether the association of this gene with BMD was due to effects on attainment of peak bone mass or effects on subsequent bone loss. The PTHR1 gene, including its 14 exons, their exon-intron boundaries, and 1,500 bp of its promoter region, was screened for polymorphisms by denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography (dHPLC) and sequencing in 36 osteoporotic cases. Eleven single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), one tetranucleotide repeat, and one tetranucleotide deletion were identified. A cohort of 634 families, including 1,236 men (39%) and 1,926 women (61%) ascertained with probands with low BMD (Z< -2.0) and the Children in Focus subset of the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) cohort (785 unrelated individuals, mean age 118 months), were genotyped for the five most informative SNPs (minor allele frequency >5%) and the tetranucleotide repeat. In our osteoporosis families, association was noted between lumbar spine BMD and alleles of a known functional tetranucleotide repeat (U4) in the PTHR1 promoter region (P = 0.042) and between two and three marker haplotypes of PTHR1 polymorphisms with lumbar spine, femoral neck, and total hip BMD (P = 0.021-0.047). This association was restricted to the youngest tertile of the population (age 16-39 years, P = 0.013-0.048). A similar association was found for the ALSPAC cohort: two marker haplotypes of SNPs A48609T and C52813T were associated with height (P = 0.006) and total body less head BMD (P = 0.02), corrected for age and gender, confirming the family findings. These findings suggest a role for PTHR1 variation in determining peak BMD.


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Objectives: To replicate the possible genetic association between ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and TNFRSF1A. Methods: TNFRSF1A was re-sequenced in 48 individuals with AS to identify novel polymorphisms. Nine single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in TNFRSF1A and 5 SNPs in the neighbouring gene SCNN1A were genotyped in 1604 UK Caucasian individuals with AS and 1019 matched controls. An extended study was implemented using additional genotype data on 8 of these SNPs from 1400 historical controls from the 1958 British Birth Cohort. A meta-analysis of previously published results was also undertaken. Results: One novel variant in intron 6 was identified but no new coding variants. No definite associations were seen in the initial study but in the extended study there were weak associations with rs4149576 (p=0.04) and rs4149577 (p=0.007). In the metaanalysis consistent, somewhat stronger associations were seen with rs4149577 (p=0.002) and rs4149578 (p=0.006). Conclusions: These studies confirm the weak genetic associations between AS and TNFRSF1A. In view of the previously reported associations of TNFRSF1A with AS, in Caucasians and Chinese, and the biological plausibility of this candidate gene, replication of this finding in well powered studies is clearly indicated.


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Both ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) are common, highly heritable conditions, the pathogenesis of which are incompletely understood. Gene-mapping studies in both conditions have over the last couple of years made major breakthroughs in identifying the mechanisms by which these diseases occur. Considering RA, there is an over-representation of genes involved in TNF signalling and the NFκB pathway that have been shown to influence the disease risk. There is also considerable sharing of susceptibility genes between RA and other autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus, type 1 diabetes, autoimmune thyroid disease and celiac disease, with thus far little overlap with AS. In AS, genes involved in response to IL12/IL23, and in endoplasmic reticulum peptide presentation, have been identified, but a full genomewide association study has not yet been reported.


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Objective: Association between ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and two genes, ERAP1 and IL23R, has recently been reported in North American and British populations. The population attributable risk fraction for ERAP1 in this study was 25%, and for IL23R, 9%. Confirmation of these findings to ERAP1 in other ethnic groups has not yet been demonstrated. We sought to test the association between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in these genes and susceptibility to AS among a Portuguese population. We also investigated the role of these genes in clinical manifestations of AS, including age of symptom onset, the Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity, Metrology and Functional Indices, and the modified Stoke Ankylosing Spondylitis Spinal Score. Methods: The study was conducted on 358 AS cases and 285 ethnically matched Portuguese healthy controls. AS was defined according to the modified New York Criteria. Genotyping of IL23R and ERAP1 allelic variants was carried out with TaqMan allelic discrimination assays. Association analysis was performed using the Cochrane-Armitage and linear regression tests of genotypes as implemented in PLINK for dichotomous and quantitative variables respectively. A meta-analysis for Portuguese and previously published Spanish IL23R data was performed using the StatsDirect® Statistical tools, by fixed and random effects models. Results: A total of 14 nsSNPs markers (8 for IL23R, 5 for ERAPl, 1 for LN-PEP) were analysed. Three markers (2 for IL23R and 1 for ERAP1) showed significant single-locus disease associations, confirming that the association of these genes with AS in the Portuguese population. The strongest associated SNP in IL23R was rs1004819 (OR=1.4, p=0.0049), and in ERAP1 was rs30187 (OR=1.26, p=0.035). The population attributable risk fractions in the Portuguese population for these SNPs are 11% and 9.7% respectively. No association was seen with any SNP in LN-PEP, which flanks ERAP1 and was associated with AS in the British population. No association was seen with clinical manifestations of AS. Conclusions: These results show that IL23R and ERAP1 genes are also associated with susceptibility to AS in the Portuguese population, and that they contribute a significant proportion of the population risk for this disease.


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We investigated the role of two genes, ANKH and TNAP, in patients with cuff tear arthropathy. These genes encode proteins which regulate the extracellular concentration of inorganic pyrophosphate, fluctuations of which can lead to calcium crystal formation. Variants were detected by direct sequencing of DNA and their frequencies compared with healthy controls. The effect of variants on protein function was further studied by in vitro approaches. Variant genotypes were observed more frequently in the cases when compared with controls in ANKH (45% and 20%) and TNAP (32% and 9%). Variants in ANKH altered inorganic pyrophosphate (PPi) concentrations in transfected human chondrocytes. There was a higher mean serum concentration of TNAP detected in female patients compared with normal ranges. Cuff tear arthropathy is associated with variants in ANKH and TNAP that alter extracellular inorganic pyrophosphate concentrations causing calcium crystal deposition. This supports a theory that genetic variants predispose patients to primary crystal deposition which when combined with a massive rotator cuff tear leads to the development of arthritis.


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Ankylosing spondylitis is a highly heritable, common rheumatic condition, primarily affecting the axial skeleton. The association with HLA-B27 has been demonstrated worldwide, and evidence for a role of HLA-B27 in disease comes from linkage and association studies in humans, and transgenic animal models. However, twin studies indicate that HLA-B27 contributes only 16% of the total genetic risk for disease. Furthermore, there is compelling evidence that non-B27 genes, both within and outwith the major histocompatability complex, are involved in disease aetiology. In this post-genomic era we have the tools to help elicit the genetic basis of disease. This review describes methods for genetic investigation of ankylosing spondylitis, and summarises the status of current research in this exciting area.


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Purpose of review The field of genetic research in ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is advancing rapidly. The purpose of this review is to outline recent findings, particularly, in regard to genetic studies of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) and the non-MHC genes IL23R, ERAP1, and killer cell immunologlobulin-like receptor (KIR) complex, in AS. Recent findings: Convincing evidence has been reported for the existence of further non-B27 MHC genes involved in AS. Strong, replicated association has been reported with IL23R and ERAP1 and AS. The IL23R finding strongly implicates the TH17 lymphocyte system in AS aetiopathogenesis. Suggestive evidence of a role for KIR gene polymorphism in AS exists, but definitive findings are awaited. Summary: The findings suggest that further genome-wide studies in large case-control cohorts are likely to be very productive in this disease. The IL23R findings and subsequent immunological investigations suggest that targeted intervention in the TH17 system is likely to have major therapeutic benefit, as it does in the genetically related diseases, inflammatory bowel disease and psoriasis.


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Purpose of Review Over the past 3 years, several new genes and gene deserts have been identified that are associated with ankylosing spondylitis (AS). The purpose of this review is to discuss the major findings of these studies, and the answers they provide and questions they raise about the pathogenesis of this common condition. Recent Findings: Five genes/genetic regions have now definitively been associated with AS [the major histocompatibility complex (MHC), IL23R, ERAP1, 2p15 and 21q22]. Strong evidence to support association with the disease has been demonstrated for the genes IL1R2, ANTXR2, TNFSF15, TNFR1 and a region on chromosome 16q including the gene TRADD. There is an overrepresentation of genes involved in Th17 lymphocyte differentiation/activation among genes associated with AS and the related diseases inflammatory bowel disease and psoriasis, pointing strongly to this pathway as playing a major causative role in the disease. Increasing information about differential association of HLA-B27 subtypes with disease suggests a hierarchy of strength of association of those alleles with AS, providing a useful test as to the validity of different potential mechanisms of association of HLA-B27 with AS. The mechanism underlying the association of the gene deserts, 2p15 and 21q22, suggests the involvement of noncoding RNA in AS etiopathogenesis. Summary: The increasing list of genes identified as being definitely involved in AS provides a useful platform for hypothesis-driven research in the field, providing a potential alternative route to determining the underlying mechanisms involved in the disease to research focusing on HLA-B27 alone.


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While twin studies have previously demonstrated high heritability of susceptibility to ankylosing spondylitis (AS), it is only recently that the involvement of genetic factors in determining the severity of the disease has been demonstrated. The genes involved in determining the rate of ankylosis in AS are likely to be different from those involved in the underlying immunologic events, and represent important potential targets for treatment of AS. This article will describe the progress that has been made in the genetic epidemiology of AS, and in identifying the genes involved.


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Crystal deposition is a very complex process ruled by numerous factors. A small but important proportion of cases of chondrocalcinosis are monogenic, and many of the genes involved have been identified. These genetic findings strongly point to control of the level of extracellular inorganic pyrophosphate as the primary mechanism for their association with either calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate or hydroxyapatite deposition. However, effects on extracellular inorganic pyrophosphate levels do not explain the mechanism of association in all of these monogenic diseases. Further, there are likely to be several as yet unidentified genes that are important in this common condition. This review highlights what genetic studies have demonstrated about the processes involved in these diverse but related disorders.


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Perceived impaired control over alcohol use is a key cognitive construct in alcohol dependence that has been related prospectively to treatment outcome and may mediate the risk for problem drinking conveyed by impulsivity in non-dependent drinkers. The aim of the current study was to investigate whether perceived impaired control may mediate the association between impulsivity-related measures (derived from the Short-form Eysenck Personality Questionnaire-Revised) and alcohol-dependence severity in alcohol-dependent drinkers. Furthermore, the extent to which this hypothesized relationship was moderated by genetic risk (Taq1A polymorphism in the DRD2/ANKK1 gene cluster) and verbal fluency as an indicator of executive cognitive ability (Controlled Oral Word Association Test) was also examined. A sample of 143 alcohol-dependent inpatients provided an extensive clinical history of their alcohol use, gave 10ml of blood for DNA analysis, and completed self-report measures relating to impulsivity, impaired control and severity of dependence. As hypothesized, perceived impaired control (partially) mediated the association between impulsivity-related measures and alcohol-dependence severity. This relationship was not moderated by the DRD2/ANKK1 polymorphism or verbal fluency. These results suggest that, in alcohol dependence, perceived impaired control is a cognitive mediator of impulsivity-related constructs that may be unaffected by DRD2/ANKK1 and neurocognitive processes underlying the retrieval of verbal information


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A series of observational studies have been made to investigate the association of the ADAM33 gene polymorphisms with the risk of COPD, but their results were conflicting. Therefore, we performed an updated meta-analysis to quantitatively summarize the associations of ADAM33 gene polymorphisms with the risk of COPD. Thirteen case–control studies referring to nine SNPs were identified: V4 (rs2787094), T+1 (rs2280089), T2 (rs2280090), T1 (rs2280091), S2 (rs528557), S1 (rs3918396), Q−1 (rs612709), F+1 (rs511898) and ST+5 (rs597980). A dominant model (AA+Aa vs. aa), recessive model (AA vs. Aa+aa), additive model (AA vs. aa) and allelic model (A vs. a) were used to evaluate the association of ADAM33 polymorphism with the risk of COPD. The results indicated that significant associations were found for ADAM33 T1, T2, S1, Q−1, F+1 and ST+5 polymorphisms associated with the risk of COPD in different populations. However, no significant associations were found for V4, T+1 and S2 polymorphisms with the risk of COPD in all genetic models, even in the subgroup analysis by ethnicity. This meta-analysis provided evidence that the ADAM33 T1, T2, S1, Q−1, F+1 and ST+5 six locus polymorphisms association with the risk of COPD. Furthermore, T2, Q−1 and ST+5 indicated an association with the risk of COPD in the European populations, whereas T1, T2, S1, F+1 and Q−1 indicated an association with the risk of COPD in the Asian populations.


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Elucidating the nature of genetic variation underlying both sexually selected traits and the fitness components of sexual selection is essential to understanding the broader consequences of sexual selection as an evolutionary process. To date, there have been relatively few attempts to connect the genetic variance in sexually selected traits with segregating DNA sequence polymorphisms. We set out to address this in a well-characterized sexual selection system - the cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) of Drosophila serrata - using an indirect association study design that allowed simultaneous estimation of the genetic variance in CHCs, sexual fitness and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) effects in an outbred population. We cloned and sequenced an ortholog of the D. melanogaster desaturase 2 gene, previously shown to affect CHC biosynthesis in D. melanogaster, and associated 36 SNPs with minor allele frequencies > 0.02 with variance in CHCs and sexual fitness. Three SNPs had significant multivariate associations with CHC phenotype (q-value < 0.05). At these loci, minor alleles had multivariate effects on CHCs that were weakly associated with the multivariate direction of sexual selection operating on these traits. Two of these SNPs had pleiotropic associations with male mating success, suggesting these variants may underlie responses to sexual selection due to this locus. There were 15 significant male mating success associations (q-value < 0.1), and interestingly, we detected a nonrandom pattern in the relationship between allele frequency and direction of effect on male mating success. The minor-frequency allele usually reduced male mating success, suggesting a positive association between male mating success and total fitness at this locus.