979 resultados para Protozoa, Pathogenic


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Mortality episodes have regularly been affecting the shellfish industry throughout its history. Some of these mortalities, especially in the oyster industry, have been attributed to herpesviruses. Purification of viral particles and molecular characterization have led to the development of routine monitoring, as well as improved taxonomic classification. Ostreid herpesviruses (Malacoherpesviridae), mostly affecting Pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas, have been sporadically recorded in the French oyster industry since the early 1990s (OsHV-1 'reference'). From 2008, a new variant of ostreid herpesvirus (OsHV-1 mu Var) has emerged and seriously impacted oyster production in France and other European countries. Consequently, the presence of ostreid herpesviruses has been monitored in different oyster producing areas around the world. The present study compiles molecular data that are available from survey efforts and takes a biogeographical approach, in order to infer an origin for ostreid herpesviruses. The highest genotype diversity was found in East Asia, despite a lower survey effort in that area than in Europe. Genotype network analyses show that both populations of ostreid herpesviruses present in Europe (OsHV-1 'reference' and OsHV-1 mu Var) are closely related to genotypes recorded in Asia. Moreover, ostreid herpesviruses have been detected in wild and symptom-free populations of various Asian native Crassostrea species. In the rest of the world, ostreid herpesvirus genotypes were recorded from cultivated C. gigas, and mostly associated with mortality episodes. Results of this study are therefore highly suggestive of an Asian origin for these viruses, which can be pathogenic under farming conditions. It also highlights the risks of European stock improvements, by means of overseas shellfish imports.


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Whilst there have been a number of insights into the subsets of CD4+ T cells induced by pathogenicBacillus anthracis infections in animal models, how these findings relate to responses generated in naturally infected and vaccinated humans has yet to be fully established. We describe the cytokine profile produced in response to T cell stimulation with a previously defined immunodominant antigen of anthrax, lethal factor (LF), domain IV, in cohorts of individuals with a history of cutaneous anthrax, compared with vaccinees receiving the U.K. licenced Anthrax Vaccine Precipitated (AVP) vaccine.


We found that immunity following natural cutaneous infection was significantly different from that seen after vaccination. AVP vaccination was found to result in a polarized IFNγ CD4+ T cell response, while the individuals exposed to B. anthracis by natural infection mounted a broader cytokine response encompassing IFNγ, IL-5, −9, −10, −13, −17, and −22.


Vaccines seeking to incorporate the robust, long-lasting, CD4 T cell immune responses observed in naturally acquired cutaneous anthrax cases may need to elicit a similarly broad spectrum cellular immune response.


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Nontypable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) is a major cause of opportunistic respiratory tract disease, and initiates infection by colonizing the nasopharynx. Bacterial surface proteins play determining roles in the NTHi-airways interplay, but their specific and relative contribution to colonization and infection of the respiratory tract has not been addressed comprehensively. In this study, we focused on the ompP5 and hap genes, present in all H. influenzae genome sequenced isolates, and encoding the P5 and Hap surface proteins, respectively. We employed isogenic single and double mutants of the ompP5 and hap genes generated in the pathogenic strain NTHi375 to evaluate P5 and Hap contribution to biofilm growth under continuous flow, to NTHi adhesion, and invasion/phagocytosis on nasal, pharyngeal, bronchial, alveolar cultured epithelial cells and alveolar macrophages, and to NTHi murine pulmonary infection. We show that P5 is not required for bacterial biofilm growth, but it is involved in NTHi interplay with respiratory cells and in mouse lung infection. Mechanistically, P5NTHi375 is not a ligand for CEACAM1 or α5 integrin receptors. Hap involvement in NTHi375-host interaction was shown to be limited, despite promoting bacterial cell adhesion when expressed in H. influenzae RdKW20. We also show that Hap does not contribute to bacterial biofilm growth, and that its absence partially restores the deficiency in lung infection observed for the ΔompP5 mutant. Altogether, this work frames the relative importance of the P5 and Hap surface proteins in NTHi virulence.


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Nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHI) is an opportunistic pathogen that is an important cause of acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (AECOPD). COPD is an inflammatory disease of the airways, and exacerbations are acute inflammatory events superimposed on this background of chronic inflammation. Azithromycin (AZM) is a macrolide antibiotic with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and a clinically proven potential for AECOPD prevention and management. Relationships between AZM efficacy and resistance by NTHI and between bactericidal and immunomodulatory effects on NTHI respiratory infection have not been addressed. In this study, we employed two pathogenic NTHI strains with different AZM susceptibilities (NTHI 375 [AZM susceptible] and NTHI 353 [AZM resistant]) to evaluate the prophylactic and therapeutic effects of AZM on the NTHI-host interplay. At the cellular level, AZM was bactericidal toward intracellular NTHI inside alveolar and bronchial epithelia and alveolar macrophages, and it enhanced NTHI phagocytosis by the latter cell type. These effects correlated with the strain MIC of AZM and the antibiotic dose. Additionally, the effect of AZM on NTHI infection was assessed in a mouse model of pulmonary infection. AZM showed both preventive and therapeutic efficacies by lowering NTHI 375 bacterial counts in lungs and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) and by reducing histopathological inflammatory lesions in the upper and lower airways of mice. Conversely, AZM did not reduce bacterial loads in animals infected with NTHI 353, in which case a milder anti-inflammatory effect was also observed. Together, the results of this work link the bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects of AZM and frame the efficacy of this antibiotic against NTHI respiratory infection.


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BACKGROUND: Klebsiella pneumoniae strains are pathogenic to animals and humans, in which they are both a frequent cause of nosocomial infections and a re-emerging cause of severe community-acquired infections. K. pneumoniae isolates of the capsular serotype K2 are among the most virulent. In order to identify novel putative virulence factors that may account for the severity of K2 infections, the genome sequence of the K2 reference strain Kp52.145 was determined and compared to two K1 and K2 strains of low virulence and to the reference strains MGH 78578 and NTUH-K2044.

RESULTS: In addition to diverse functions related to host colonization and virulence encoded in genomic regions common to the four strains, four genomic islands specific for Kp52.145 were identified. These regions encoded genes for the synthesis of colibactin toxin, a putative cytotoxin outer membrane protein, secretion systems, nucleases and eukaryotic-like proteins. In addition, an insertion within a type VI secretion system locus included sel1 domain containing proteins and a phospholipase D family protein (PLD1). The pld1 mutant was avirulent in a pneumonia model in mouse. The pld1 mRNA was expressed in vivo and the pld1 gene was associated with K. pneumoniae isolates from severe infections. Analysis of lipid composition of a defective E. coli strain complemented with pld1 suggests an involvement of PLD1 in cardiolipin metabolism.

CONCLUSIONS: Determination of the complete genome of the K2 reference strain identified several genomic islands comprising putative elements of pathogenicity. The role of PLD1 in pathogenesis was demonstrated for the first time and suggests that lipid metabolism is a novel virulence mechanism of K. pneumoniae.


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Nontypable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) has emerged as an important opportunistic pathogen causing infection in adults suffering obstructive lung diseases. Existing evidence associates chronic infection by NTHi to the progression of the chronic respiratory disease, but specific features of NTHi associated with persistence have not been comprehensively addressed. To provide clues about adaptive strategies adopted by NTHi during persistent infection, we compared sequential persistent isolates with newly acquired isolates in sputa from six patients with chronic obstructive lung disease. Pulse field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) identified three patients with consecutive persistent strains and three with new strains. Phenotypic characterisation included infection of respiratory epithelial cells, bacterial self-aggregation, biofilm formation and resistance to antimicrobial peptides (AMP). Persistent isolates differed from new strains in showing low epithelial adhesion and inability to form biofilms when grown under continuous-flow culture conditions in microfermenters. Self-aggregation clustered the strains by patient, not by persistence. Increasing resistance to AMPs was observed for each series of persistent isolates; this was not associated with lipooligosaccharide decoration with phosphorylcholine or with lipid A acylation. Variation was further analyzed for the series of three persistent isolates recovered from patient 1. These isolates displayed comparable growth rate, natural transformation frequency and murine pulmonary infection. Genome sequencing of these three isolates revealed sequential acquisition of single-nucleotide variants in the AMP permease sapC, the heme acquisition systems hgpB, hgpC, hup and hxuC, the 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic acid kinase kdkA, the long-chain fatty acid transporter ompP1, and the phosphoribosylamine glycine ligase purD. Collectively, we frame a range of pathogenic traits and a repertoire of genetic variants in the context of persistent infection by NTHi.


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Nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) is a frequent commensal of the human nasopharynx that causes opportunistic infection in immunocompromised individuals. Existing evidence associates lipooligosaccharide (LOS) with disease, but the specific and relative contributions of NTHi LOS modifications to virulence properties of the bacterium have not been comprehensively addressed. Using NTHi strain 375, an isolate for which the detailed LOS structure has been determined, we compared systematically a set of isogenic mutant strains expressing sequentially truncated LOS. The relative contributions of 2-keto-3-deoxyoctulosonic acid, the triheptose inner core, oligosaccharide extensions on heptoses I and III, phosphorylcholine, digalactose, and sialic acid to NTHi resistance to antimicrobial peptides (AMP), self-aggregation, biofilm formation, cultured human respiratory epithelial infection, and murine pulmonary infection were assessed. We show that opsX, lgtF, lpsA, lic1, and lic2A contribute to bacterial resistance to AMP; lic1 is related to NTHi self-aggregation; lgtF, lic1, and siaB are involved in biofilm growth; opsX and lgtF participate in epithelial infection; and opsX, lgtF, and lpsA contribute to lung infection. Depending on the phenotype, the involvement of these LOS modifications occurs at different extents, independently or having an additive effect in combination. We discuss the relative contribution of LOS epitopes to NTHi virulence and frame a range of pathogenic traits in the context of infection.


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The implementation of infection models that approximate human disease is essential for understanding pathogenesis at the molecular level and for testing new therapies before they are entered into clinical stages. Insects are increasingly being used as surrogate hosts because they share, with mammals, essential aspects of the innate immune response to infections. We examined whether the larva of the wax moth Galleria mellonella could be used as a host model to conceptually approximate Klebsiella pneumoniae-triggered pneumonia. We report that the G. mellonella model is capable of distinguishing between pathogenic and nonpathogenic Klebsiella strains. Moreover, K. pneumoniae infection of G. mellonella models some of the known features of Klebsiella-induced pneumonia, i.e., cell death associated with bacterial replication, avoidance of phagocytosis by phagocytes, and the attenuation of host defense responses, chiefly the production of antimicrobial factors. Similar to the case for the mouse pneumonia model, activation of innate responses improved G. mellonella survival against subsequent Klebsiella challenge. Virulence factors necessary in the mouse pneumonia model were also implicated in the Galleria model. We found that mutants lacking capsule polysaccharide, lipid A decorations, or the outer membrane proteins OmpA and OmpK36 were attenuated in Galleria. All mutants activated G. mellonella defensive responses. The Galleria model also allowed us to monitor Klebsiella gene expression. The expression levels of cps and the loci implicated in lipid A remodeling peaked during the first hours postinfection, in a PhoPQ- and PmrAB-governed process. Taken together, these results support the utility of G. mellonella as a surrogate host for assessing infections with K. pneumoniae.


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Hands can be a vector for transmitting pathogenic microorganisms to foodstuffs and drinks, and to the mouths of susceptible hosts. Hand washing is the primary barrier to prevent transmission of enteric pathogens via cross contamination from infected persons. Conventional hand washing involves the use of warm water, soap and friction to remove dirt and microorganisms. Over recent years there has been an increasing availability of hand sanitizing products for use when water and soap are unavailable. The aim of this systematic review was to collate scientific information on the efficacy of hand sanitizers compared to hand washing with soap and water for the removal of foodborne pathogens from the hands of food handlers. An extensive literature search was carried out using three electronic databases - Web of Science, Scopus and PubMed. Twenty-eight scientific publications were ultimately included in the review. Analysis of the literature showed various limitations in the scientific information due to the absence of a standardized protocol to evaluate efficacy of hand products, and variation in experimental conditions applied in different studies. Despite the existence of conflicting results, scientific evidence seems to support the historical scepticism about the use of water-less hand sanitizers in food preparation settings. Water and soap appear to achieve greater removal of soil and microorganisms than water-less products from hands. None of the hand sanitizers tested in the literature seemed to achieve complete inactivation or removal of all foodborne pathogens tested, and the presence of food debris significantly affected inactivation rates of hand products.


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PURPOSE. Raman spectroscopy is an effective probe of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) in Bruch's membrane. However, because it is the outermost layer of the retina, this extracellular matrix is difficult to analyze in vivo with current technology. The sclera shares many compositional characteristics with Bruch's membrane, but it is much easier to access for in vivo Raman analysis. This study investigated whether sclera could act as a surrogate tissue for Raman-based investigation of pathogenic AGEs in Bruch's membrane.

METHODS. Human sclera and Bruch's membrane were dissected from postmortem eyes (n = 67) across a wide age range (33-92 years) and were probed by Raman spectroscopy. The biochemical composition, AGEs, and their age-related trends were determined from data reduction of the Raman spectra and compared for the two tissues.

RESULTS. Raman microscopy demonstrated that Bruch's membrane and sclera are composed of a similar range of biomolecules but with distinct relative quantities, such as in the heme/collagen and the elastin/collagen ratios. Both tissues accumulated AGEs, and these correlated with chronological age (R(2) = 0.824 and R(2) = 0.717 for sclera and Bruch's membrane, respectively). The sclera accumulated AGE adducts at a lower rate than Bruch's membrane, and the models of overall age-related changes exhibited a lower rate (one-fourth that of Bruch's membrane) but a significant increase with age (P <0.05).

CONCLUSIONS. The results suggest that the sclera is a viable surrogate marker for estimating AGE accumulation in Bruch's membrane and for reliably predicting chronological age. These findings also suggest that sclera could be a useful target tissue for future patient-based, Raman spectroscopy studies. (Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2011;52:1593-1598) DOI:10.1167/iovs.10-6554


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To assess factors influencing the success of whole-genome sequencing for mainstream clinical diagnosis, we sequenced 217 individuals from 156 independent cases or families across a broad spectrum of disorders in whom previous screening had identified no pathogenic variants. We quantified the number of candidate variants identified using different strategies for variant calling, filtering, annotation and prioritization. We found that jointly calling variants across samples, filtering against both local and external databases, deploying multiple annotation tools and using familial transmission above biological plausibility contributed to accuracy. Overall, we identified disease-causing variants in 21% of cases, with the proportion increasing to 34% (23/68) for mendelian disorders and 57% (8/14) in family trios. We also discovered 32 potentially clinically actionable variants in 18 genes unrelated to the referral disorder, although only 4 were ultimately considered reportable. Our results demonstrate the value of genome sequencing for routine clinical diagnosis but also highlight many outstanding challenges.


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Introduction: Individuals carrying pathogenic mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes have a high lifetime risk of breast cancer. BRCA1 and BRCA2 are involved in DNA double-strand break repair, DNA alterations that can be caused by exposure to reactive oxygen species, a main source of which are mitochondria. Mitochondrial genome variations affect electron transport chain efficiency and reactive oxygen species production. Individuals with different mitochondrial haplogroups differ in their metabolism and sensitivity to oxidative stress. Variability in mitochondrial genetic background can alter reactive oxygen species production, leading to cancer risk. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that mitochondrial haplogroups modify breast cancer risk in BRCA1/2 mutation carriers.

Methods: We genotyped 22,214 (11,421 affected, 10,793 unaffected) mutation carriers belonging to the Consortium of Investigators of Modifiers of BRCA1/2 for 129 mitochondrial polymorphisms using the iCOGS array. Haplogroup inference and association detection were performed using a phylogenetic approach. ALTree was applied to explore the reference mitochondrial evolutionary tree and detect subclades enriched in affected or unaffected individuals.

Results: We discovered that subclade T1a1 was depleted in affected BRCA2 mutation carriers compared with the rest of clade T (hazard ratio (HR) = 0.55; 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.34 to 0.88; P = 0.01). Compared with the most frequent haplogroup in the general population (that is, H and T clades), the T1a1 haplogroup has a HR of 0.62 (95% CI, 0.40 to 0.95; P = 0.03). We also identified three potential susceptibility loci, including G13708A/rs28359178, which has demonstrated an inverse association with familial breast cancer risk.

Conclusions: This study illustrates how original approaches such as the phylogeny-based method we used can empower classical molecular epidemiological studies aimed at identifying association or risk modification effects.


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Purpose: Cataract surgery increases the risk of developing diabetic retinopathy (DR) and accelerates the progression of pre-existing DR. Recent evidence suggests that cataract surgery elicits retinal pro-inflammatory gene expression, although the underlying pathogenic mechanisms remain ill-defined. In this study, we investigated the effect of capsulotomy on visual function, retinal immune cell activation and photoreceptor stress in the Ins2Akita mice, a mouse model of Type-1 diabetes. Methods: Male heterozygous Ins2Akita mice (2 months of hyperglycemia) and C57BL/6J age-matched siblings were used in this study. An incision (1mm) was made in the peripheral cornea and Capsulotomy was performed in the anterior lens capsule of the right eye. Control mice received corneal incision without capsulotomy in the right eye. The unoperated left eyes were used as internal controls. Forty days following surgery, retinal function was assessed by electroretinography (ERG). Neuronal retinal damage and microglial activation were assessed by imunohistochemistry. Results: The Ins2Akita mice receiving capsulotomy presented lower scotopic a-wave, b-wave and oscillatory potentials amplitudes compared to other experimental groups. Fundus images, SD-OCT and H&E staining did not show significant changes between different groups. Immunostaining of Iba-1 and CD68 revealed exacerbated microglial activation and giant cell immune cell infiltration in eyes receiving capsulotomy in Ins2Akita mice. This was accompanied by a disruption of cone photoreceptor outer segments and abnormal rhodopsin expression at the outer nuclear layer. Conclusions: Our results suggest that capsulotomy induces retinal microglial activation and worsens retinal neuropathy in diabetic eyes.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Among the pathogenic mechanisms of asthma, a role for oxidative/nitrosative stress has been well documented. Recent evidence suggests that histamine H₄ receptors play a modulatory role in allergic inflammation. Here we report the effects of compound JNJ 7777120 (JNJ), a selective H4 receptor antagonist, on antigen-induced airway inflammation, paying special attention to its effects on lipocortin-1 (LC-1/annexin-A1), a 37 kDA anti-inflammatory protein that plays a key role in the production of inflammatory mediators.

EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH: Ovalbumin (OA)-sensitized guinea pigs placed in a respiratory chamber were challenged with antigen. JNJ (5, 7.5 and 10 mg.kg⁻¹) was given i.p. for 4 days before antigen challenge. Respiratory parameters were recorded. Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid was collected and lung specimens taken for further analyses 1 h after antigen challenge. In BAL fluid, levels of LC-1, PGD2 , LTB4 and TNF-α were measured. In lung tissue samples, myeloperoxidase, caspase-3 and Mn-superoxide dismutase activities and 8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine levels were measured.

KEY RESULTS: OA challenge decreased LC-1 levels in BAL fluid, induced cough, dyspnoea and bronchoconstriction and increased PGD2 , LTB4 and TNF-α levels in lung tissue. Treatment with JNJ dose-dependently increased levels of LC-1, reduced respiratory abnormalities and lowered levels of PGD2 , LTB4 and TNF-α in BAL fluid.

CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: Antigen-induced asthma-like reactions in guinea pigs decreased levels of LC-1 and increased TNF-α and eicosanoid production. JNJ pretreatment reduced allergic asthmatic responses and airway inflammation, an effect associated with LC-1 up-regulation.


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Burkholderia cepacia complex (Bcc) species are a group of Gram-negative opportunistic pathogens that chronically infect the airways of cystic fibrosis patients, but they can also infect patients with various types of immunosuppressive disorders. Bcc members are multidrug resistant bacteria that have the ability to persist in the infected host and also elicit robust inflammatory responses. Studies using macrophages, neutrophils and dendritic cells, combined with dramatic advances in the ability to genetically manipulate these microorganisms have contributed to increase our understanding of the molecular mechanisms of virulence in these pathogens and the molecular details of the cell host responses triggering inflammation. This chapter reviews our understanding of the pathogenic mechanisms used by Bcc to establish an intracellular niche in phagocytic cells and modulate host cell responses that ultimately end up in cell death and a proinflammatory response.