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This paper aims to provide strategies for the organic supermarket chain “Alnatura” to shape the demand and its market share of the organic food & beverage (F&B) market in Germany within the next five years. Through the historic evolution and the current market assessment of Germany, compared to a benchmark country (US), as well as prospective trends in Germany, reasons and opportunities for market growth are evaluated. In addition, an industry attractiveness, competitor and company analysis is executed. Based on those findings and a conducted survey, suggestions to adjust Alnatura´s current business strategies are deduced and finally examined on its risk and feasibility.
The presented dissertation was developed within a partnership between Nova School of Business and Economics and the Portuguese retailer Sonae MC. The main objective of the study was to develop an analysis for the confectionary category to identify potential development opportunities for new Private Label products. In order to do so, the starting point was to understand how the confectionery market was behaving, followed by and understanding of Continente’s performance in that market. Aiming to point out development opportunities, the analysis was split between the subcategories – Chocolate, Chewing Gums and Sweets. The Subcategory performance was assessed in terms of sales, number of SKU’s, Private Label weight and it market position in terms of share. For the potential development opportunities a comparison between the top selling Branded Product and the competitors’ position was developed, in order to establish a reasonable size and retail price for such products. Key Word: Private Label, Branded Products, Continente, Sonae MC, Retail, SKU’s, Sales, Price, Market Share,
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao ISPA - Instituto Universitário
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao ISPA - Instituto Universitário
The aim of this article is to measure poverty in Portugal from an absolute perspective. We estimated several absolute poverty lines and defined maximum and minimum thresholds. We applied aggregation measures to these thresholds and constructed probit models to assess the effect of some variables on poverty. The intervals obtained contain the poverty lines constructed by other approaches. We got evidence that poverty is positively correlated with the number of people in the household, with living alone; negatively correlated with the number of workers in the household, the share on non-food expenditure and the existence of a heating device at home.
Capital Requirements have been gaining importance in the current macroeconomic and financial environment and Portugal is no exception. Nonetheless, despite the several media articles on this subject, the associations with Loan Market Conditions, namely availability and pricing are still unstudied. Thus, this project adds to the existing literature a characterization of Portuguese four biggest banks on capital reporting and requirements fulfillment. It is concluded that banks under analysis need to increase capital and that there is an association between the variables under study: Share Capital is negatively correlated with Credit Volume, and it is positively correlated with Net Commercial Income.
Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Leprosy is mainly transmitted among family members who share genetic and ambient factors. The clinical form of leprosy in the index case and kinship could be risk factors for leprosy transmission. High antibody levels in household contacts (HC) in the absence of neural or skin lesions may characterize latent infection. This study aimed to evaluate the association between seropositivity for anti-phenolic glycolipid-I immunoglobulin M antibodies (APGL-I) in HC and the clinical classification of the index case and to analyze the association between APGL-I positivity with other factors such as age, kinship, and gender. METHODS: We performed a survey among 320 HC of 120 leprosy patients who were evaluated and followed-up in a leprosy outpatient clinic of a university hospital. All HC underwent complete skin examination, peripheral nerve palpation, skin sensory tests, and serologic tests for the detection and quantification of APGL-I. RESULTS: The overall seropositivity rate was 20%, and was greatly affected by kinship. APGL-I seropositivity was higher in siblings (41%), followed by parents (28%), spouses (26%), other (19%), and offspring (14%). Independent risk factors for seropositivity were being siblings (OR 3.3) and being a HC of an index case with indeterminate leprosy (OR 5.3). APGL-I seropositivity was associated with index cases with a bacillary index of 4 (88%; p<.001). Seropositivity among HC was not significantly associated with their gender and age. There was no statistical difference in the seropositivity rates of HC of index patients with paucibacillary and multibacillary leprosy. CONCLUSIONS: Strict evaluation and follow-up of HC with positive results for APGL-I is recommended. Special attention should be paid during the screening of siblings of the index cases, HC of patients with a high bacillary index, and HC of patients with indeterminate leprosy.
RESUMO - Contexto: As desigualdades sociais em saúde são uma questão central de justiça social. No contexto de forte envelhecimento populacional em Portugal, as desigualdades nos idosos representam um desafio crucial para o futuro, sobre as quais existe pouca evidência. Este estudo pretende investigar a existência de desigualdades socioeconómicas em saúde nos idosos, em Portugal. Metodologia: Foram utilizados os dados para Portugal, da quarta vaga do Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe. O estudo engloba 2017 indivíduos com 50 ou mais anos. Foram utilizados quatro indicadores de saúde: problemas de saúde, saúde auto-reportada, doenças de longa duração e atividade limitada. Foi utilizado o nível de educação como indicador socioeconómico. As desigualdades socioeconómicas foram avaliadas através de regressões logísticas multivariadas. Resultados: Existem desigualdades socioeconómicas em saúde nos idosos favoráveis aos mais educados. Os indivíduos com menor educação estão em maior risco de reportar má saúde (OR=5,5); maior risco em ter problemas de saúde, existindo um gradiente social na Hipertensão Arterial (OR=2,4) e na Artrite (OR=7,0); maior risco de doenças de longa duração (OR=1,6) e maior risco de limitação nas atividades diárias (OR=5,1). As desigualdades socioeconómicas diminuem com a idade. Conclusão: De forma a melhorar a saúde e reduzir as desigualdades socioeconómicas em saúde nos idosos, os resultados apontam para a necessidade de implementar medidas no âmbito dos problemas de saúde em que existe um gradiente social, melhorar o nível de educação da população geral e implementar medidas de educação para a saúde, aumentando a literacia em saúde nos idosos mais jovens.
RESUMO - Introdução: A transição para a reforma é um acontecimento que pode acarretar alterações suscetíveis de afetar o estado de saúde. Vários estudos têm investigado os efeitos da reforma no estado de saúde, embora poucos o tenham investigado, especificamente, nas doenças crónicas. As recentes políticas de aumento da idade de reforma, assim como a ausência de consenso sobre os efeitos da reforma na saúde, atribuem-lhe ainda maior importância. Constituem objetivos do presente estudo quantificar a associação entre a Passagem à situação de reforma (e idade de reforma) e a frequência de cada uma das principais doenças crónicas, no sentido dos efeitos da reforma nestes indicadores de saúde (doença respiratória crónica, diabetes, doença cardiovascular, AVC, depressão e cancro). Material e Métodos: Desenvolveu-se um estudo transversal, no qual foram analisados os dados provenientes das amostras representativas da população portuguesa SHARE 2011 e ECOS 2013. As associações foram quantificadas através do cálculo do Odds ratio por Regressão Logística Binária com avaliação do confundimento e modificação de efeito. As variáveis de doença crónica foram medidas por auto-reporte. Foram considerados os reformados que se encontrassem em processo de reforma (ou seja, reformados há 5 anos ou menos) e que não se tivessem reformado por doença. Resultados: A reforma não se encontrou significativamente associada a nenhuma das doenças crónicas consideradas, excetuando-se: i) o cancro (na amostra ECOS), para o qual foi fator protetor; ii) e a doença cardiovascular (na amostra SHARE), para a qual teve um efeito prejudicial, mas apenas em não hipertensos. A reforma em idade antecipada pareceu encontrar-se associada a um pior estado de saúde, relativamente à reforma em idade legal (ou após). Tal observou-se no Cancro (nas amostras ECOS e SHARE), na Diabetes (na amostra SHARE), e no AVC em pessoas sem Doença Cardiovascular (na amostra SHARE). Pelo contrário, em pessoas com Doença Cardiovascular a reforma antecipada pareceu constituir um fator protetor. Discussão e conclusões: As diferenças observadas nos resultados entre amostras poderão, entre outros, atribuir-se às diferentes populações em estudo, dimensões amostrais e desenhos de amostragem. Os resultados obtidos não são muito diferentes dos que têm sido descritos na bibliografia, ainda que haja um número reduzido de estudos sobre esta matéria. Indicam que, eventualmente, as recentes alterações de aumento da idade de reforma poderão expandir o grupo de pessoas que se reformam antecipadamente, podendo resultar, eventualmente, num aumento da prevalência de doenças crónicas na população portuguesa. Os mecanismos através dos quais a reforma poderá influenciar a ocorrência de doenças crónicas permanecem por explicar, embora os seus principais fatores de risco pareçam representar importantes modificadores de efeito.
Private financial transfers are becoming more and more important as ageing levels increase in Europe, with elders acting as both givers and receivers. Our study is divided in two main parts. In the first part we analyse the determinants of private financial transfers, using the Survey of Health, Ageing, and Retirement in Europe (SHARE). In the second part we analyse the importance of family values for these transfers, combining SHARE with European Values Study. We show that family functions as the main agent of private transfers. We conclude that family values drive financial transfers, mainly gifts provided by elderly individuals. We find that receipts by old-aged people are more related with need cases, such as illness and poorness; moreover, for these particular cases, family network plays a very important role, working as a safety net.
In February 2015, when Econet Wireless Zimbabwe Limited, EWZL, the market leader of the telecommunications sector in Zimbabwe, published the financial results, the management team was worried about the shareholders’ reaction. With over 60% market share in its core business (the voice and SMS market), it has achieved remarkable results due to the great diversification strategy. However, the share price was continuously falling due to exogenous factors that were pressuring margins and threatening future sustainability of the company. EWZL was highly exposed to Zimbabwe’s specific risks and regulatory policies. This case explores both the business environment surrounding the company and the strategic decisions necessary to fight against the economic and political challenges. Students will step into Econet’s obstacles by analyzing the strategies and diagnosing the multiple risk factors affecting the profitability of the firm. Furthermore, they will have to compute the valuation of the firm, facing several challenges of a developing country.
This project is composed by a Case Study regarding Tagus’ takeover offer for Brisa. The case study describes each player involved in the operation: the target company – Brisa, the acquirers – José de Mello and Arcus; as well as the circumstances surrounding the takeover, with a description of the takeover itself and the conflict between the acquirers and Abertis. Associated to the case, there is a group of six question and their respective answers, regarding the motive of the takeover, the price per share, what should be the positions of Brisa’s shareholders regarding the takeover and the reason Brisa’s share price declined after the success of the operation.
A aceleração do ritmo de mudança verificado nas sociedades atuais, tem sido impulsionado pela globalização, fenómeno decorrente da evolução das tecnologias da informação, das telecomunicações, das comunicações e transportes e do desaparecimento de fronteiras. Viver na “aldeia global” ou à escala global como o previu Marshall McLuhan (1964) no livro Understanding Media, é hoje uma realidade inquestionável. As consequências desta transformação foram múltiplas quer do ponto de vista dos benefícios, quer do ponto de vista dos problemas gerados. No plano da segurança, face ao multiculturalismo envolvido e ao aumento crescente do crime transfronteiriço, tornou-se essencial a partilha de informação a nível internacional tendo em vista o seu combate não só olhando a situação dos cidadãos como a defesa dos princípios democráticos. Realça-se que os progressos tecnológicos e as facilidades que criam aos seus utilizadores, neste caso os criminosos, fazem com que as ações por estes praticadas sejam cada vez mais meticulosas, imprevisíveis, sofisticadas e complexas o que impõe uma resposta correspondente e adequada. Por essa razão, as políticas de segurança existentes mostraram-se insuficientes e esgotadas requerendo novas respostas capazes de produzir os efeitos desejáveis para uma efetiva prevenção da criminalidade. Pelas dimensões que tem vindo a tomar, a criminalidade tornou-se uma preocupação que ultrapassou o domínio da segurança interna de cada país para ser encarada a nível internacional ou mesmo mundial. Para o efeito urge concertar processos e procedimentos securitários agregando vontades que convirjam e defendam a unificação dos sistemas dos países a nível mundial. A verificar-se tal intento, daí resultariam significativas melhorias da segurança a todos os níveis (nacional, internacional e mundial). Além disso também resultariam ganhos em termos de tempo, redução de custos, impacto na qualidade dos serviços prestados, na gestão das pessoas e na eficiência das organizações. Realça-se que a democracia ao promover a dignidade do homem densificando os seus direitos, liberdades e garantias, criou indiretamente condições para que fosse gerada instabilidade e o desenvolvimento de comportamentos criminosos. Importa, portanto, face à situação existente e à previsível complexidade do crime no futuro, estudar profundamente a nova realidade neste domínio, para tomar as medidas preventivas tendentes a reporem a estabilidade e a promoverem a paz social. Foi neste contexto que a presente investigação, desenvolvida no âmbito académico, mas também suportado na realidade profissional, pretendeu refletir sobre o estado da segurança global e dar o seu contributo nesta matéria.
The purpose of this thesis is to get a consumer perspective regarding event marketing in music festivals. Event marketing is a tool used by marketers that evolved out of philanthropy and commercial sponsorship. Brands are more and more using music or other entertainment moments to create a strong relationship with their clients, and the target group at these events, the millennial generation. Brands use sponsoring and therefore event marketing for several reasons as: increase brand awareness; create brand image; re-position the brand/product in the minds of consumers; increase profit over a short period; and, achieve larger market share. Nonetheless, we wonder how is this tool seen by consumers? To understand this, a preliminary research with nine interviews was conducted to obtain basic ideas about event marketing. Afterwards the main research was developed, also using interviews, to get deeper insights. With this thesis, it is possible to conclude that some brands are able to create brand awareness on attendees through brand sponsorship. Moreover, entertainment activities in festivals are well seen by consumers, they like it and are able to describe it well, even though it is more about the activity itself than the brand promoting it. Furthermore, it was possible to understand that experiential marketing in a festival might have a positive effect on consumers as it might create a link between the event and the brand. Finally, we recommend some actions, for brands to develop in future music festivals.
Crowdfunding, as we know it today, is a very recent activity that was born almost accidentally in the end of the 90’s decade. Due to the advent of the internet and the social networks, entrepreneurs are now able to promote their projects to a very large community. Whether it is composed by family, friends, acquaintances or simply people that are interested in the same topic or share the passion, the community is able to fund new ventures by individually investing modest amounts of money. In return, the entrepreneur can offer symbolic rewards, shares or other financial returns. New crowdfunding platforms are born almost every day all over the world, offering a new way of raising capital for their projects or a new way to invest their money in innovative ventures. Although crowdfunding is still finding its place in the financial services, successful cases such as Kickstarter demonstrate the power of the crowd in boosting creativity and productivity, financing thousands of projects by raising millions of dollars from thousands of investors. Due to regulatory restrictions, the most prominent model for now is reward-based crowdfunding, where the investors are prized with symbolic returns or privileged access to the products or services offered by the entrepreneurs. Other models such as peer-to-peer lending are also surging, allowing borrowers access to capital at a lower cost compared to so-called traditional financial institutions, and offering lenders a higher rate of return. But when it comes to offering shares to investors, i.e. using equity-based crowdfunding, entrepreneurs face regulatory obstacles in almost every country, where legislation was passed decades ago with the objective of promoting financially-capable ventures and protecting investors. Access to capital has become more difficult after the global economic recession of 2008, and for most countries it will not get easier in the near future, leaving start-ups and small enterprises with few options to start or expand their operations. In this study we attempt to answer the following research questions: how has equity-based crowdfunding evolved since its creation? Where and how has equity-based crowdfunding been implemented so far? What are the constraints and opportunities for implementing equity-crowdfunding in the world, and more particularly in Portugal? Finally, we will discuss the risks of crowdfunding and reflect on the future of this industry.