921 resultados para Physico-chemical features


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Herbicide runoff from cropping fields has been identified as a threat to the Great Barrier Reef ecosystem. A field investigation was carried out to monitor the changes in runoff water quality resulting from four different sugarcane cropping systems that included different herbicides and contrasting tillage and trash management practices. These include (i) Conventional - Tillage (beds and inter-rows) with residual herbicides used; (ii) Improved - only the beds were tilled (zonal) with reduced residual herbicides used; (iii) Aspirational - minimum tillage (one pass of a single tine ripper before planting) with trash mulch, no residual herbicides and a legume intercrop after cane establishment; and (iv) New Farming System (NFS) - minimum tillage as in Aspirational practice with a grain legume rotation and a combination of residual and knockdown herbicides. Results suggest soil and trash management had a larger effect on the herbicide losses in runoff than the physico-chemical properties of herbicides. Improved practices with 30% lower atrazine application rates than used in conventional systems produced reduced runoff volumes by 40% and atrazine loss by 62%. There were a 2-fold variation in atrazine and >10-fold variation in metribuzin loads in runoff water between reduced tillage systems differing in soil disturbance and surface residue cover from the previous rotation crops, despite the same herbicide application rates. The elevated risk of offsite losses from herbicides was illustrated by the high concentrations of diuron (14mugL-1) recorded in runoff that occurred >2.5months after herbicide application in a 1st ratoon crop. A cropping system employing less persistent non-selective herbicides and an inter-row soybean mulch resulted in no residual herbicide contamination in runoff water, but recorded 12.3% lower yield compared to Conventional practice. These findings reveal a trade-off between achieving good water quality with minimal herbicide contamination and maintaining farm profitability with good weed control.


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Studies on soils of forest islands within the savanna domain are key for understanding processes of landscape formation and evolution. We characterized the morphological, physical and chemical properties of soils at four different forest fragments that occur in the savanna-forest mosaic of northeastern Roraima, north Amazonia. The methodology was based on transects crossing the entire island, from east-west and northsouth direction, digging up five soil profiles for sampling and classification. In addition, the neighboring savannas were also sampled following the same strategy, at 100 m long transects departing from the border, allowing comparisons to be made. Latosols were the dominant soil class in all four islands, followed by Ultisols and Plinthosols. All soils were dystric, with low CEC and acid. Better chemical and physical conditions were observed in forested soils compared with surrounding savannas, in a given soil class. Thus, in spite of no variation on soil class at different phytophysionomies at a given gradient, specific chemical and physical attributes were significantly varied, exerting a positive effect for the establishment of forest vegetation. Despite their occurrence side-by-side in the savanna-forest mosaic, the present-day climate agrees with the existence of savanna in the flat landforms, whereas forest islands are conditioned by subtle, yet significant, soil physico-chemical variations, with no need to invoke any paleoclimate for explaining this relationship. Further in depth studies may contribute for testing the hypothesis that Quaternary shifts of the expansion and contraction of forest may represent paleoclimate relicts isolated within the savanna domain.


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Résumé : La prééclampsie (PE) est un désordre de la grossesse caractérisée par une dysfonction endothéliale faisant en sorte que l’endothélium devient moins sensible aux signaux de vasodilatation. La réponse provoquée par la liaison de la sérotonine au sous-type de récepteur S[indice inférieur 2] entraîne la libération de molécules aux propriétés vasoconstrictrices, qui, par une boucle de rétroaction positive, entraîne la libération de davantage de sérotonine par les plaquettes. Cette boucle amplifie la réponse et contribue ainsi à l’hypertension présente chez les femmes ayant une PE. Précédemment, il a été démontré par notre laboratoire que le Bisphénol A (BPA) s’accumulait davantage dans le placenta des femmes avec PE en comparaison aux femmes normotensives. Cette accumulation pourrait découler d’une perturbation de sa métabolisation qui impliquerait notamment la β-glucuronidase (GUSB). Des études chez les animaux ont quant à elles démontré que le BPA pouvait inhiber l’activité de la monoamine oxydase (MAO) à forte dose. Nous avons étudié l’effet du BPA à faible concentration (10 ng/ml) sur la MAO-A des cellules placentaires et démontré que le BPA inhibait la MAO-A de façon significative sans affecter son expression protéique. Afin d’expliquer l’accumulation particulière du BPA chez les femmes PE, nous avons comparé l’activité spécifique et l’expression protéique de la β-glucuronidase (GUSB) placentaire en utilisant un devis cas-témoins. Une tendance non significative suggère que la GUSB pourrait partiellement contribuer à l’accumulation du BPA chez les femmes PE. Nous avons étudié la relation entre la concentration sérique maternelle de BPA et la concentration à laquelle le fœtus est exposé par régression linéaire et corrélation de Spearman. Un tel modèle ne pourrait être utilisé pour déterminer de façon quantitative l’exposition fœtale. En revanche, en vue de la forte corrélation entre ces deux variables, une haute concentration sérique maternelle de BPA devrait se refléter par une haute exposition fœtale. Cette corrélation implique aussi que le métabolisme placentaire ne joue pas un rôle significatif dans la protection du fœtus. Le BPA pourrait ainsi contribuer à l’hypertension chez les femmes PE présentant une dysfonction endothéliale en inhibant la MAO-A et ainsi, favorisant la hausse de sérotonine circulante. Cette étude suggère les bases d’un mécanisme par lequel le BPA s’accumulerait davantage chez les femmes PE et affecterait ainsi la MAO-A placentaire et potentiellement, la MAO-A fœtale vu ses propriétés physico-chimiques.


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Freshwater mussel (Mollusca, Bivalvia, Unionoida) populations are one of the most endangered faunistic groups. Mussels play an important role in the functioning of aquatic ecosystems, because they are responsible for the filtration and purification of water. They have a complex life cycle, with a parasitic larvae and usually limited host fish species. The real status of these populations is still poorly understood worldwide. The objectives of the present work were the study of bioecology of duck mussel (Anodonta anatina L.) populations of Tua Basin (NE Portugal). It was made the characterization of the ecological status of Rabaçal, Tuela and Tua Rivers, selecting 15 sampling sites, equally distributed by the three rivers. Samplings were made in the winter of 2016, and several physico-chemical water parameters measured and two habitat quality indexes calculated (GQC and QBR indexes). Benthic macroinvertebrate communities were sampled based on the protocols established by the Water Framework Directive. Host fish populations for duck mussel were determined in laboratorial conditions, testing several native and exotic fish species. The results showed that several water quality variables (e.g. dissolved oxygen, conductivity, pH, total dissolved solids, and nutrients) can be used for the classification of river typology. Other responsive metrics were also determined to identify environmental degradation. For instances, hydromorphological conditions (GQC and QBR indexes) and biota related metrics (e.g. composition, distribution, abundance, diversity of invertebrate communities) contributed to the evaluation of the ecological integrity. The upper zones of Rabaçal and Tuela rivers were classified with excellent and good ecological integrity, while less quality was found in downstream zones. The host fish tests showed that only native species are effective hosts, essential for the conservation purposes of this mussel species. Threats, like pollution, sedimentation and river regularization (3 big dams are in construction or in filling phase), are the main cause of habitat loss for native mussel and fish populations in the future. Rehabilitation and mitigation measures are essential for these lotic ecosystems in order to preserve the prioritary habitats and the native species heavily threatened.


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The coastal zone of the Nord – Pas de Calais / Picardie showed dysfonctioning patterns of the ecosystem considered to be link to human activities along shores. These results in regular massive development of species, such as the phytoplanktonic seaweed, Phaeocystis sp. which life cycle was partly linked to nutrients availability and consequently to anthropogenic inputs. As part of the evaluation of the influence of continental inputs on the marine environment (nitrates, phosphates,…) and on potential eutrophication processes, of the estimation of the efficiency of the sewage treatments plants in the possible elimination of dumpings and in order to establish a long-term survey to follow up the change in coastal waters quality, the regional nutrients monitoring network was implemented by Ifremer in collaboration with the Agence de l'Eau Artois-Picardie in 1992 in order to complete the REPHY (Phytoplankton and Phycotoxins) monitoring programme. This study reports the main results for the year 2015 in terms of temporal change of the main physico-chemical and biological parameters characteristic of water masses sampled along three transects offshore Dunkerque, Boulogne-sur-Mer and the Bay of Somme.


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Time series of physico-chemical data and concentrations (cell L-1) of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum collected in the Rance macrotidal estuary (Brittany, France) were analyzed to understand the physico-chemical processes of the estuary and their relation to changes in bloom development from 1996 to 2009. The construction of the tidal power plant in the north and the presence of a lock in the south have greatly altered hydrodynamics, blocking the zone of maximum turbidity upstream, in the narrowest part of the estuary. Alexandrium minutum occurs in the middle part of the estuary. Most physical and chemical parameters of the Rance estuary are similar to those observed elsewhere in Brittany with water temperatures between 15–18 °C, slightly lowered salinities (31.8–33.1 PSU), low river flow rates upstream and significant solar radiation (8 h day-1). A notable exception is phosphate input from the drainage basin which seems to limit bloom development: in recent years, bloom decline can be significantly correlated with the decrease in phosphate input. On the other hand, the chemical processes occurring in the freshwater-saltwater interface do not seem to have an influence on these occurrences. The other hypotheses for bloom declines are discussed, including the prevalence of parasitism, but remain to be verified in further studies.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Química, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Química, 2015.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Química, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Química, 2015.


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Hydroxymethylnitrofurazone (NFOH) is a prodrug that is active against Trypanosoma cruzi. It however presents low solubility and high toxicity. Hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin (HP-beta-CD) can be used as a drug-delivery system for NFOH modifying its physico-chemical properties. The aim of this work is to characterize the inclusion complex between NFOH and HP-beta-CD. The rate of NFOH release decreases after complexation and thermodynamic parameters from the solubility isotherm studies revealed that a stable complex is formed (deltaGº= 1.7 kJ/mol). This study focuses on the physico-chemical characterization of a drug-delivery formulation that comes out as a potentially new therapeutic option for Chagas disease treatment.


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Some physiochemical properties of water quality of Otamiri-oche River which runs through Imeh, Edegelem and Chokocho Communities in Etche ethnic nationality of Rivers State, Nigeria were investigated. Samples were collected in triplicate from the three different locations along the river in both rainy and dry seasons. Each sampling points is located 500m away from the successive one, and the samples were taken from the open river at the zone extending beyond the shoreline. Samples were stored in ice packs and immediately taken to the laboratory to investigate some selected physico-chemical characteristics. Also, bacteriological study was carried out on the samples. The laboratory results of the selected physico-chemical parameters when compared with the world health organization (WHO) standard showed that all the selected physico-chemical parameters were within the world health organization (WHO) permissible in both rainy and dry season except pH. For rainy season, the pH values were 5.00±0.00, 5.40 ±0.40, and 5.40± 0.30 for Imeh, Edegelem and Chokocho respectively. For the dry season, the pH values were 5.83± 0.01, 5.56±0.01, 5.90±0.01 for Imeh, Edegelem and Chokocho respectively. Also magnesium hardness exceeded the World Health Organization (WHO) permissible limit in rainy season only. The results of bacteriological study showed that all the sampling locations contained high numbers of coliform bacteria in both rainy and dry seasons. The number of coliform bacteria during rainy season was 25.00±0.00, 25.00±0.00, and 35.00±0.00 for Imeh, Edegelem and Chokocho respectively. Those of dry season were 93.00±3.55, 56.66±4.49, and 35.60±4.17 for Imeh, Edegelem and Chokocho respectively. The difference between the rainy and dry season was tested statistically using the t-test. The results of the statistical analyses showed a significant difference (p<0.05) between the rainy and dry seasons.


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Ropivacaine (RVC) is an enantiomerically pure local anesthetic (LA) largely used in surgical procedures, which presents physico-chemical and therapeutic properties similar to those of bupivacaine (BPV), but associated to less systemic toxicity This study focuses on the development and pharmacological evaluation of a RVC in 2-hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin (HP-P-CD) inclusion complex. Phase-solubility diagrams allowed the determination of the association constant between RVC and HP-beta-CD (9.46 M-1) and showed an increase on RVC solubility upon complexation. Release kinetics revealed a decrease on RVC release rate and reduced hemolytic effects after complexation. (onset at 3.7 mM and 11.2 mM for RVC and RVCHP-beta-CD, respectively) were observed. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray analysis (X-ray) showed the formation and the morphology of the complex. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and job-plot experiments afforded data regarding inclusion complex stoichiometry (1:1) and topology. Sciatic nerve blockade studies showed that RVCHP-beta-CD was able to reduce the latency without increasing the duration of motor blockade, but prolonging the duration and intensity of the sensory blockade (p < 0.001) induced by the LA in mice. These results identify the RVCHP-beta-CD complex as an effective novel approach to enhance the pharmacological effects of RVC, presenting it as a promising new anesthetic formulation. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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BACKGROUND and PURPOSEThe PPAR-gamma agonist 15d-PGJ(2) is a potent anti-inflammatory agent but only at high doses. To improve the efficiency of 15d-PGJ(2), we used poly(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide) nanocapsules to encapsulate it, and function as a drug carrier system. The effects of these loaded nanocapsules (15d-PGJ(2)-NC) on inflammation induced by different stimuli were compared with those of free 15d-PGJ(2).EXPERIMENTAL APPROACHMice were pretreated (s.c.) with either 15d-PGJ(2)-NC or unloaded 15d-PGJ(2) (3, 10 or 30 mu g center dot kg-1), before induction of an inflammatory response by i.p. injection of either endotoxin (LPS), carrageenan (Cg) or mBSA (immune response).KEY RESULTSThe 15d-PGJ(2)-NC complex did not display changes in physico-chemical parameters or drug association efficiency over time, and was stable for up to 60 days of storage. Neutrophil migration induced by i.p. administration of LPS, Cg or mBSA was inhibited by 15d-PGJ(2)-NC, but not by unloaded 15d-PGJ(2). In the Cg model, 15d-PGJ(2)-NC markedly inhibited serum levels of the pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-alpha, IL-1 beta and IL-12p70. Importantly, 15d-PGJ(2)-NC released high amounts of 15d-PGJ(2), reaching a peak between 2 and 8 h after administration. 15d-PGJ(2) was detected in mouse serum after 24 h, indicating sustained release from the carrier. When the same concentration of unloaded 15d-PGJ(2) was administered, only small amounts of 15d-PGJ(2) were found in the serum after a few hours.CONCLUSIONS and IMPLICATIONSThe present findings clearly indicate the potential of the novel anti-inflammatory 15d-PGJ(2) carrier formulation, administered systemically. The formulation enables the use of a much smaller drug dose, and is significantly more effective compared with unloaded 15d-PGJ(2).


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The interactions established by mono and polyvalent cations in natural media have important implications on the structure formation, function and physico-chemical behavior of biomolecules, playing therefore a critical role in biochemical processes. In order to further elucidate the molecular phenomena behind the cation specific effects in biological environments, and clarify the influence of the charge of the ions, solubility measurements and molecular dynamics simulations were performed for aqueous solutions of three amino acids (alanine, valine and isoleucine), in the presence of a series of inorganic salts comprising mono-, di- and trivalent cations (LiCl, Li2SO4, K2SO4, CaCl2, AlCl3 and Al-2(SO4)(3)). The evidence gathered indicates that the mechanism by which (salting-in inducing) polyvalent cations affect the solubility of amino acids in aqueous solutions is different from that of monovalent cations. A consistent and refined molecular description of the effect of the cation on the solubility of amino acids based on specific interactions of the cations with the negatively charged moieties of the biomolecules is here proposed.


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Herein, solubility experimental data for six monosaccharides, viz. D-(+)-glucose, D-(+)-mannose, D-(-)-fructose, D-(+)-galactose, D-(+)-xylose and L-(+)-arabinose, in four ionic liquids (ILs), at temperatures ranging from 288.2 to 348.2 K, were obtained aimed at gathering a better understanding of their solvation ability and molecular-level mechanisms which rule the dissolution process. To ascertain the chemical features that enhance the solubility of monosaccharides, ILs composed of dialkylimidazolium or tetra-alkylphosphonium cations combined with the dicyanamide, dimethylphosphate or chloride anions were investigated. It was found that the ranking of the solubility of monosaccharides depends on the IL; yet, D-(+)-xylose is always the most soluble while D-(-)-fructose is the least soluble monosaccharide. The results obtained show that both the IL cation and the anion play a major role in the solubility of monosaccharides. Finally, from the determination of the respective thermodynamic properties of solution, it was found that enthalpic contributions are dominant in the solubilization process. However, the observed differences in the solubilities of monosaccharides in 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium dicyanamide are ruled by a change in the entropy of solution.


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N-(diethylaminothiocarbonyl)benzimido derivatives are polar multifunctional substances. A set of these compounds was synthesised by successive substitution on the enamine side, resulting in similar substances with different polarities, providing a set of model compounds with respect to the study of substituent effects on physico-chemical properties. Experimental aqueous solubility data, at T = 298.15 K, of N-(diethylaminothiocarbonyl)benzamidine, PhCNH2NCSNEt2 (1),N-(diethylaminothiocarbonyl)-N'-phenylbenzamidine, PhCNHPhNCSNEt2 (2), N-(diethylaminothiocarbonyl)-N'-monoethylbenzamidine, PhCNHEtNCSNEt2 (3), N-(diethylaminothiocarbonyl)-N',N'-diethylbenzamidine, PhCNEt2NCSNEt2 (4), and N-(diethylaminothiocarbonyl)benzimido ethylester, PhCOEtNCSNEt2 (5) were measured at T = 298.15 K. The obtained data are supplemented by COSMO-RS aqueous solubility predictions as well as other environmentally important partition coefficients. This information is shown in a two-dimensional chemical space diagram, providing indications about the compartment into which the bulk of the compounds is likely to concentrate. The expected quality of COSMO-RS predictions for this type of screening exercise is illustrated on a set of pesticides with established thermophysical property data.