973 resultados para Persistence of ground cover


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Several factors affecting the reactivity of pulverised fuel ash (pfa) as a precursor for geopolymer concrete have been investigated. These include physical and chemical properties of various pfa sources, inclusion of ground granulated blast furnace slag (ggbs), chemical activator dosages and curing temperature. Alkali-activated pfa was found to require elevated curing temperatures and high alkali concentrations. A mixture of sodium hydroxide and sodium silicate was used and this was shown to result in high strengths, as high as 70 MPa at 28-days. The presence of silicates in solution was found to be a key factor. Detailed physical and chemical characterisation was carried out on thirteen pfa sources from the UK. The most important factor affecting the reactivity was found to be the particle size of pfa. The loss on ignition (LOI) and the amorphous content are also important parameters that need to be considered for the selection of pfa for use in geopolymer concrete. The partial replacement of pfa by ground granulated blast furnace slag (ggbs) was found to be beneficial in not only avoiding the need for elevated curing temperatures but also in improving compressive strengths. Microstructural characterisation with scanning electron microscope (SEM) coupled with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) was performed on pfa/ggbs pastes. The reaction product of pfa and ggbs in these binary systems was calcium aluminium silicate hydrate gel (C-A-S-H) with inclusion of Na in the structure.


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We have evaluated the effect of in vivo Campath-1G on engraftment and GVHD in 23 patients with severe aplastic anaemia transplanted from HLA-identical sibling donors. In 14 patients Campath 1g was given pre-transplant for up to 9 days in an attempt to overcome graft rejection (group 1). In nine patients Campath-1G was given pre-transplant, but also continued post-transplant until day +5 to reduce GVHD (group 2). There were three patients with late graft failure in group I following initial neutrophil engraftment, and four cases of grade II+ GVHD. In group II, two patients had early graft failure (no take), and there were no cases of acute GVHD out of seven evaluable patients. One patient in group I developed chronic GVHD of the liver, and two patients (one in each group) had transient localised chronic GVHD. PCR of short tandem repeats was used to evaluate chimaeric status in 13 patients. Of 11 patients with initial neutrophil engraftment, only one had 100% donor haemopoiesis at all times. The remaining patients had either transient mixed chimaerism or persistence of recipient (< 20%) cells. We conclude that in vivo Campath-1G is associated with a high incidence of mixed chimaerism which tips the balance away from GVHD but towards graft rejection.


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Context. The ESA Rosetta spacecraft, currently orbiting around comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, has already provided in situ measurements of the dust grain properties from several instruments,particularly OSIRIS and GIADA. We propose adding value to those measurements by combining them with ground-based observations of the dust tail to monitor the overall, time-dependent dust-production rate and size distribution.
Aims. To constrain the dust grain properties, we take Rosetta OSIRIS and GIADA results into account, and combine OSIRIS data during the approach phase (from late April to early June 2014) with a large data set of ground-based images that were acquired with the ESO Very Large Telescope (VLT) from February to November 2014.
Methods. A Monte Carlo dust tail code, which has already been used to characterise the dust environments of several comets and active asteroids, has been applied to retrieve the dust parameters. Key properties of the grains (density, velocity, and size distribution) were obtained from Rosetta observations: these parameters were used as input of the code to considerably reduce the number of free parameters. In this way, the overall dust mass-loss rate and its dependence on the heliocentric distance could be obtained accurately.
Results. The dust parameters derived from the inner coma measurements by OSIRIS and GIADA and from distant imaging using VLT data are consistent, except for the power index of the size-distribution function, which is α = −3, instead of α = −2, for grains smaller than 1 mm. This is possibly linked to the presence of fluffy aggregates in the coma. The onset of cometary activity occurs at approximately 4.3 AU, with a dust production rate of 0.5 kg/s, increasing up to 15 kg/s at 2.9 AU. This implies a dust-to-gas mass ratio varying between 3.8 and 6.5 for the best-fit model when combined with water-production rates from the MIRO experiment.


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Em Portugal, o tirame é um dos fungicidas mais utilizados, cujas vendas aumentaram significativamente nos últimos anos, sendo também um dos fungicidas mais utilizados em todo o mundo. No entanto, em comparação com outros pesticidas, existe falta de informação na literatura sobre o seu comportamento em sistemas ambientais, nomeadamente, no que diz respeito à sua degradação no solo ou em águas e produtos a que dá origem. Neste contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a influência das substâncias húmicas e iões cobre no comportamento e destino do tirame no meio ambiente. Foram realizados vários estudos para analisar o comportamento do tirame em solos com diferentes conteúdos de matéria orgânica e de iões cobre, e em águas naturais, estudando como as substâncias húmicas, os iões cobre e a luz solar podem afetar a sua degradação. Os estudos de adsorção-desadsorção do tirame nos solos revelaram que a matéria orgânica do solo e o conteúdo de cobre afetavam os processos de adsorção-desadsorção do tirame, influenciando a sua lixiviação e persistência no solo. De facto, verificou-se que o teor de cobre do solo tinha um efeito bastante marcante no processo de adsorçãodesadsorção do tirame. Verificou-se a ocorrência de reações entre o tirame e os iões cobre, cuja extensão durante os estudos de adsorção pode ser fortemente dependente do teor de cobre do solo e da concentração inicial de tirame em solução. Assim, a escolha do tempo de equilíbrio em estudos de adsorção e a determinação das isotérmicas de adsorção ao solo torna-se uma tarefa difícil. Além disso, os complexos formados com o cobre existente no solo são persistentes, não sendo facilmente lixiviados para as águas subterrâneas. Conclui-se que os iões cobre(II) podem contribuir para a imobilização do tirame no solo e o aumento da persistência dos seus resíduos ligados ao cobre. A partir de estudos de recuperação do tirame em águas naturais verificou-se a ocorrência de uma rápida degradação do tirame, devido provavelmente aos iões metálicos, nomeadamente, iões cobre. Verificou-se que dependendo da razão tirame:Cu podiam ocorrer dois processos: (i) complexação entre o tirame e o cobre, quando não há excesso de iões cobre, sendo o complexo formado mais persistente que o tirame; (ii) ou, quando há um grande excesso de iões cobre, a degradação do tirame e a estabilização dos produtos de degradação por complexação, podendo formar-se complexos que permanecem sem alteração em solução durante pelo menos dois meses. No geral, foi possível, pela primeira vez, identificar alguns dos complexos de cobre formados ao longo do tempo. Por fim, estudou-se a cinética de fotodegradação do tirame em solução aquosa sob a ação da luz solar e identificaram-se, pela primeira vez, três fotoprodutos. Verificou-se um aumento da velocidade de fotodegradação do tirame na presença de substâncias húmicas. Assim, podemos concluir que a matéria orgânica, os iões cobre(II) e a luz solar têm um efeito importante no comportamento do tirame no meio ambiente. Contudo, os iões cobre têm um efeito mais marcante na degradação e persistência dos produtos que são formados.


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Durante o último século, as populações de cervídeos têm aumentado substancialmente um pouco por toda a Europa. O veado Cervus elaphus não foi exceção, apresentando atualmente uma ampla distribuição geográfica. Após a quase extinção de todas as populações selvagens desta espécie em Portugal, o número de efetivos de veado e a área de distribuição da espécie têm aumentado significativamente nas últimas décadas. Esta proliferação deveu-se fundamentalmente aos processos de reintrodução implementados em algumas zonas do país, como foi o caso da Serra da Lousã. Dez anos após a reintrodução, a expansão geográfica e demográfica é já uma realidade e a espécie assume um papel relevante tanto do ponto de vista cinegético como turístico. Com o aumento das populações de ungulados, surge a necessidade de aumentar o conhecimento existente sobre estas espécies, particularmente ao nível das estimativas populacionais, do uso e seleção de habitat, do comportamento e da fisiologia das populações. Neste sentido, um dos objetivos foi comparar quatro métodos de contagem de excrementos em termos de estimativa populacional, aplicabilidade e eficiência. Face aos resultados obtidos, o método de transectos lineares com distance sampling revelou-se o mais eficiente, providenciando uma boa precisão num menor tempo. Relativamente ao uso e seleção do habitat, recorrendo a transectos de contagem de excrementos e a observações diretas, verificou-se que o veado seleciona positivamente habitats que lhe proporcionam simultaneamente alimento e refúgio, como é o caso das áreas de ecótono. A preferência por áreas de ecótono evidencia um comportamento adaptativo de maximização de energia, no qual os animais optam por procurar refúgio na proximidade das áreas de alimentação de forma a minimizarem os dispêndios energéticos. Em termos de dinâmica populacional, verificou-se uma relação entre a densidade de veado e o tamanho dos seus grupos, bem como o efeito nos mesmos do coberto vegetal. Contudo, dado o seu alto dimorfismo sexual em termos de tamanho corporal, as preferências de habitat podem também ser em parte responsáveis pela segregação sexual fora da época de reprodução. Face aos resultados obtidos através do método de observação direta de animais, a segregação sexual surge como consequência da interação entre fatores sociais e de habitat, que resultam de diferentes estratégias reprodutivas por parte de ambos os sexos. As diferentes estratégias reprodutivas são também notórias em termos de condição física e imunológica, com os machos a aumentarem a sua condição durante as épocas de primavera e verão de forma a melhorarem a sua performance durante o cio, e as fêmeas a viverem grande parte do ano no limiar da condição física devido ao seu investimento na sobrevivência da sua descendência. Globalmente, o veado apresenta uma boa adaptação à Serra da Lousã e representa um importante recurso natural para esta região. Contudo, para que a proliferação desta população selvagem continue, é necessária a implementação de medidas de gestão adequadas a este ecossistema mediterrâneo.


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This study aims to measure the effectiveness of four post-fire emergency techniques for reducing overland flow and soil erosion on the central-Portugal typical forest. The selection and development of these techniques was based on the review of the scientific background, but specially after checking throughout field rainfall simulation experiments which factors were the key for runoff and soil erosion on the specific case of high repellent soils. The forest residue mulch, a new treatment never tested before, was highly effective in reducing runoff and soil erosion in recently burnt eucalypt forest. The logging slash mulch had no obvious effect, but it was attributed to the small amounts of runoff and sediments that the untreated plots produced due to the extensive needle cast following a low severity fire. The hydromulch, a mixture of water, organic fibres, seeds, nutrients and a surfactant used in cutted slopes rehabilitation was also highly successful and was specially indicated for especially sensible areas. The utilization of polyacrylamides, a chemical agent with good performance in agricultural erosion, was not successful in post-fire runoff and soil erosion control, once that did not alter the most important key factor for soil erosion: the ground cover. The development of a new fibre optic turbidity sensor was a successful development on the soil erosion determination methodology, and its patent is being processed in the mean time.


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Background: Monitoring of emerging modes of drug consumption in France has identified new patterns of injection among youths with diverse social backgrounds, which may explain the persistence of high rates of hepatitis C virus infection. The circumstances surrounding the first injection have been poorly documented in the group of heavy drug users and in the context of the French opioid substitution treatment (OST) policy that provides expanded access to high-dosage buprenorphine (BHD). Methods: An Internet survey (Priminject) was conducted from October 2010 to March 2011 with French drug users. Four time periods were compared based on critical dates throughout the implementation of the Harm Reduction Policy in France. Results: Compared with drug users who injected for the first time prior to 1995, the aspects of drug use for users who recently injected for the first time were as follows: (1) experimentation with miscellaneous drugs before the first injection; (2) an older age at the time of first injection; (3) heroin as the drug of choice for an individual’s first injection, notwithstanding the increased usage of stimulant drugs; (4) BHD did not appear to be a pathway to injection; and (5) an increased number of users who injected their first time alone, without the help or presence of another individual. Conclusion: The PrimInject study showed that there is a group of injection drug users that is larger than the group of injection drug users observed in previous studies; therefore, it is necessary to diversify programs to reach the entire spectrum of high-risk users.


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Serpa and Moura region, in the South of Portugal, have important agricultural potential as well as important agricultural resources that can and should be used and developed, in spite of economic and social depression signs reinforced by demographic difficulties that can lead to desertification in some areas. The main farms' Technical-Economic Orientation (TEO) is olives production, to produce olive oil, since this region has excellent conditions for the activity development. Some mobilizations traditionally made in olive groves lead to soil erosion and make the farm vehicles mobility much more difficult, namely those used in cultural operations. The maintenance of a soil cover in the olive grove space between lines is good, both because it favours the vehicles mobility, it promotes the rain water infiltration and, last but not the least, the soil airing. The objective of this work has been to make a socio-economic characterization of a zone of Serpa and Moura Councils in which a project of soil covers under olive trees is being developed. At the same time cultural accounts were made for the different situations under the study - irrigated olive grove with spontaneous vegetation in the space between lines, irrigated olive grove with seeded vegetation in the space between lines, irrigated olive grove with herbicide application in the space between lines, dry olive grove with spontaneous vegetation in the space between lines, dry olive grove with seeded vegetation in the space between lines and dry olive grove with herbicide application in the space between lines. The survey shows farmers in this area are younger then usual, although they don't have a high level of formal education, general or specific in agriculture. Farm areas are usually high, which can be determinant for the proposed technology adoption. Installation and operation costs for the olive grove are higher on the irrigated olive grove, but of course expected productions are also higher. For this production technology profits coming from olives production are higher then the operation costs. However, in the dry olive grove technology costs are always higher then the profits, being profitability only due to subsidies. The importance of soil cover maintenance, in this region, beside the benefits in what concerns erosion, infiltration and soil airing, is also due to its capacity to minimize the risk farmer's face.


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Tese de doutoramento, Biologia (Biologia da Conservação), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2015


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The Weather Research and Forecasting model, integrated online with chemistry module, is a multi-scale model suitable for both research and operational forecasts of meteorology and air quality. It is used by many institutions for a variety of applications. In this study, the WRF v3.5 with chemistry (WRF-Chem) is applied to the area of Poland, for a period of 3-20 July 2006, when high concentrations of ground level ozone were observed. The meteorological and chemistry simulations were initiated with ERA-Interim reanalysis and TNO MACC II emissions database, respectively. The model physical parameterization includes RRTM shortwave radiation, Kain-Fritsch cumulus scheme, Purdue Lin microphysics and ACM2 PBL, established previously as the optimal configuration. Chemical mechanism used for the study was RADM2 with MADE/SORGAM aerosols. Simulations were performed for three one-way nested domains covering Europe (36 km x 36 km), Central Europe (12 km x 12 km) and Poland (4 km x 4 km). The results from the innermost domain were analyzed and compared to measurements of ozone concentration at three stations in different environments. The results show underestimation of observed values and daily amplitude of ozone concentrations.


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We trace the diachronic development of the preposition se in inner Asia Minor Greek from its use to mark a range of spatial functions to its ultimate loss and replacement by zero. We propose that, before spreading to all syntactic and semantic contexts, zero marking was contextually-dependent on the presence/absence of a prenominal genitive modifying the head noun of Ground-encoding NPs and on the presence/absence of Region-encoding postpositions. We attribute these developments to an informational load relief strategy aimed at producing more economical utterances as well as to language contact with Turkish, which favoured structural convergence on the adpositional level between the two languages.


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Transport is an essential sector in modern societies. It connects economic sectors and industries. Next to its contribution to economic development and social interconnection, it also causes adverse impacts on the environment and results in health hazards. Transport is a major source of ground air pollution, especially in urban areas, and therefore contributing to the health problems, such as cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, cancer, and physical injuries. This thesis presents the results of a health risk assessment that quantifies the mortality and the diseases associated with particulate matter pollution resulting from urban road transport in Hai Phong City, Vietnam. The focus is on the integration of modelling and GIS approaches in the exposure analysis to increase the accuracy of the assessment and to produce timely and consistent assessment results. The modelling was done to estimate traffic conditions and concentrations of particulate matters based on geo-references data. A simplified health risk assessment was also done for Ha Noi based on monitoring data that allows a comparison of the results between the two cases. The results of the case studies show that health risk assessment based on modelling data can provide a much more detail results and allows assessing health impacts of different mobility development options at micro level. The use of modeling and GIS as a common platform for the integration of different assessments (environmental, health, socio-economic, etc.) provides various strengths, especially in capitalising on the available data stored in different units and forms and allows handling large amount of data. The use of models and GIS in a health risk assessment, from a decision making point of view, can reduce the processing/waiting time while providing a view at different scales: from micro scale (sections of a city) to a macro scale. It also helps visualising the links between air quality and health outcomes which is useful discussing different development options. However, a number of improvements can be made to further advance the integration. An improved integration programme of the data will facilitate the application of integrated models in policy-making. Data on mobility survey, environmental monitoring and measuring must be standardised and legalised. Various traffic models, together with emission and dispersion models, should be tested and more attention should be given to their uncertainty and sensitivity


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This study considers the literature on the persistence of business groups in developed economies and analyzes the Portuguese case. The reconstruction of the largest business groups assembles information relevant to define characteristics that enable them to thrive. Increasing internationalization, more specialization in core activities and family control define these types of big businesses. New sectors also emerge as a characteristic of these business groups when compared to the ones existing 40 years ago.


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Abstract : Auditory spatial functions are of crucial importance in everyday life. Determining the origin of sound sources in space plays a key role in a variety of tasks including orientation of attention, disentangling of complex acoustic patterns reaching our ears in noisy environments. Following brain damage, auditory spatial processing can be disrupted, resulting in severe handicaps. Complaints of patients with sound localization deficits include the inability to locate their crying child or being over-loaded by sounds in crowded public places. Yet, the brain bears a large capacity for reorganization following damage and/or learning. This phenomenon is referred as plasticity and is believed to underlie post-lesional functional recovery as well as learning-induced improvement. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the organization and plasticity of different aspects of auditory spatial functions. Overall, we report the outcomes of three studies: In the study entitled "Learning-induced plasticity in auditory spatial representations" (Spierer et al., 2007b), we focused on the neurophysiological and behavioral changes induced by auditory spatial training in healthy subjects. We found that relatively brief auditory spatial discrimination training improves performance and modifies the cortical representation of the trained sound locations, suggesting that cortical auditory representations of space are dynamic and subject to rapid reorganization. In the same study, we tested the generalization and persistence of training effects over time, as these are two determining factors in the development of neurorehabilitative intervention. In "The path to success in auditory spatial discrimination" (Spierer et al., 2007c), we investigated the neurophysiological correlates of successful spatial discrimination and contribute to the modeling of the anatomo-functional organization of auditory spatial processing in healthy subjects. We showed that discrimination accuracy depends on superior temporal plane (STP) activity in response to the first sound of a pair of stimuli. Our data support a model wherein refinement of spatial representations occurs within the STP and that interactions with parietal structures allow for transformations into coordinate frames that are required for higher-order computations including absolute localization of sound sources. In "Extinction of auditory stimuli in hemineglect: space versus ear" (Spierer et al., 2007a), we investigated auditory attentional deficits in brain-damaged patients. This work provides insight into the auditory neglect syndrome and its relation with neglect symptoms within the visual modality. Apart from contributing to a basic understanding of the cortical mechanisms underlying auditory spatial functions, the outcomes of the studies also contribute to develop neurorehabilitation strategies, which are currently being tested in clinical populations.


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HIV latency is a major obstacle to curing infection. Current strategies to eradicate HIV aim at increasing transcription of the latent provirus. In the present study we observed that latently infected CD4+ T cells from HIV-infected individuals failed to produce viral particles upon ex vivo exposure to SAHA (vorinostat), despite effective inhibition of histone deacetylases. To identify steps that were not susceptible to the action of SAHA or other latency reverting agents, we used a primary CD4+ T cell model, joint host and viral RNA sequencing, and a viral-encoded reporter. This model served to investigate the characteristics of latently infected cells, the dynamics of HIV latency, and the process of reactivation induced by various stimuli. During latency, we observed persistence of viral transcripts but only limited viral translation. Similarly, the reactivating agents SAHA and disulfiram successfully increased viral transcription, but failed to effectively enhance viral translation, mirroring the ex vivo data. This study highlights the importance of post-transcriptional blocks as one mechanism leading to HIV latency that needs to be relieved in order to purge the viral reservoir.