1000 resultados para Periodicos


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In this article we discuss competences demanded from the foreign language teacher for him or her to perform in the teaching-learning process efficiently. Our reflections are based mainly on Paulo Freire (2001), Philippe Perrenoud (2000), Edgar Morin (2003), Maurice Tardif (2002) and Almeida Filho (1999), providing, in this way, a reflective dialogue among studies that focus on teachers’ competences. The main objective is a better understanding of the necessary knowledge about teaching practices so that foreign language teachers’ actions can meet the needs of education at present. We expect to highlight important issues in the development of the aforementioned competences, and suggest that their development can contribute for better language teaching.


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This study aims at discussing aspects related to learner corpora and linguistic features found in texts written by English learners based on the use of collocations in text production. For this research, we analyzed collocations with the verb “to have” and with the nouns “prejudice” and “regret”.


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In this article we present and discuss a number of beliefs about listening comprehension among students who were in their last year of a teachers’ certification Letters course in Italian and Portuguese. The data were collected by means of questionnaires answered by all the participating students, logs and interviews conducted with five of the participating students, classroom observation, lessons recorded on audio and video, and diaries. The study is supported by a rationale on beliefs and on definitions of listening comprehension as a skill. The analysis indicate that a number of students showed lack of motivation and low expectations about developing oral comprehension skills due to several drawbacks in foreign language learning during their teacher education course. However, other beliefs that emerged from the data, such as the importance of visual aids to help understanding an oral text, seem to have a positive effect towards a satisfactory proficiency level in oral comprehension.


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Fishing is a very important activity in terms of economic and social development throughout the Amazon region. Text reading this topic revealed the presence of a terminology not yet systematized and record little research and scientific publications on the terminology of this activity. This article aims at analyzing the key terms of fishing. At first, we present a brief history of this activity in Western Amazonia, particularly in Rondônia. The theoretical support was guided by Cabré (1999), with her Communicative Theory of Terminology, Aubert (1996), Barbosa (2002), Barros (2004), Biderman (2006), Babini (2006) and linguists as Baldinger (1966) and Pottier (1974) that reveal the details of linguistic analysis terminology. The creation of an electronic corpus, from texts of technical and documental discourse, theses and websites, composed the first stage of our work. Afterwards, collect the terms and fill the terminological records in our database. The terms were organized into a conceptual system with three notional fields: riverside community, type of fishing, gillnet fishing. Early results show that the set of terms collected is characterized by the strong presence of simple and complex terms, and less compound terms.


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This work aims on an approach concerning on Translation Theories, as well as the translational difficulties, the linguistic barriers with which the translator must know how to deal, the role of the translator as a conscious subject of his work while creating new texts and producing meanings. We will develop a discussion focused on the audiovisual translation practice which means the translation for subtitles and dubbings. It will be shown the translation process on both modalities and also the issue about the translation of humor in each of them, as the translator must use his translational skill, cultural and linguistic knowledge and creativity, not only to circumvent the rules imposed by the audiovisual translation market, but also to be able to create a new language for each character presented in the original material, so that the translation in Portuguese language may contain proper traces of humor from the Brazilian culture. Our main goal is an attempt to explain the reason for so many questions from the public who does not know the rules in the market for subtitling and dubbing translation and sometimes criticize the work of the translator if they realize any ‘loss of information’ or ‘a translation very poorly done’. Theories and arguments which prove that no translation is done badly, but it goes through recreations and modifications whenever it is necessary will be presented. By the explanation of this translation process, citation of translators who work in this area telling about their experiences and selected examples of translations from the ‘Everybody hates Chris’ sitcom, we hope to reflect and clarify such doubts.


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Neste artigo procuramos compreender o lugar das palavras tabuizadas e sua importância na língua. Focamos questões sobre o tabu e sobre como as palavras sofrem algum tipo de proibição. Elegemos como objeto de pesquisa os palavrões pois observamos que essas palavras possuem um importante espaço no léxico de muitos falantes, e estão presentes em livros e filmes, além da fala cotidiana. Assim tentamos mostrar que devem ser analisados com atenção e livres de preconceitos. Verificamos que os palavrões podem ser muito diferentes nas línguas selecionadas, refletindo, desse modo, a cultura dos idiomas envolvidos.


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Cette communication prétend parcourir quelques poèmes de Les planches courbes (2001) d’Yves Bonnefoy à partir de l’opposition entre mémoire et oubli. Cette réflexion se trouve esquissée dans l’essai “Sous l’horizon du langage” du livre homonyme, lorsqu’il affirme que la poésie est “ce qui, dans l’espace des mots, notre monde, a mémoire du surcroît de ce qui est sur ses représentations” (2002 : 8). Il s’agit d’une mémoire établie moins à partir d’un lieu perdu que retrouvé. Ce à elle que le moi se confie: dans le “oui”, dans la paix, ces deux mots qui apparaissent dans ses livres les plus récents. Le poète apporterait une confiance qui reprendrait, d’une certaine façon, ce que Paul Ricoeur a caractérisé comme le sens des inscriptions-affections: “elles seraient le dépositaire de la signification la plus dissimulée, mais la plus originaire du verbe “demeurer”, synonyme de “durer”. Dans Les planches courbes, il s’agit également d’une mémoire de l’enfance et des mythes. Ce sont des événements qui prennent place dans un temps primordial. Espoir/confiance, donc, de remonter à une force plus ancienne de la langue, de soi-même, de l’être, de ses rapports. Remonter à une unité dans le simple, en reliant une appréhension du monde et de soi-même dans un acte de suffisance, dans lequel celui-ci se conjugue avec une espèce de dépossession: de l’idée, du concept, de l’image.


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O objetivo deste artigo é discutir aspectos enunciativos em reconto infantil produzido por crianças na faixa etária de 07 a 09 anos, em contexto escolar, em suportes distintos, a saber, no papel e na tela do computador com acesso à internet. De um ponto de vista teórico, que privilegia estudos da Enunciação e do Discurso (BAKHTIN, 1997; CORRÊA, 2004), procura-se refletir sobre modificações no texto/discurso dada a mudança do suporte material, segundo a hipótese de que, ao enunciar no papel ou na tela, as diferentes projeções que o escrevente faz da imagem do outro, da de si próprio e da dos suportes utilizados no processo de textualização podem ser investigadas na relação sujeito-linguagem. Metodologicamente, este trabalho apoia-se no paradigma indiciário, o qual permite conceber fenômenos da linguagem como indícios representativos de fenômenos mais gerais. A análise, de cunho qualitativo-interpretativo, privilegia, portanto, o estudo de marcas linguísticas que indiciam diferentes projeções de imagens que os escreventes produzem com diferentes interlocutores em suportes distintos.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Hydrogen is known as a clean energy resource. The biological production of hydrogen has been attracting attention as an environmentally friendly processs that does not consume fossil fuels. Cellulosic plant and waste materials are potential resources for fermentative hydrogen production. Cellulose is a linear biopolymer of glucose molecules, connected by β-1,4-glycosidic bonds. Enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose requires the presence of cellulase. The present study aimed to investigate the efficiency of acid pretreatment on ruminal fluid in order to enrich H2 producing bacteria consortia to enhance biohydrogen rate and substrate removal efficiency. In this study, fermentative hydrogen producers were enriched on cellulose (2g/L) in a modificated Del Nery medium (DNM) at 37ºC and initial pH 7.0 using rumen fluid (10% v/v) as inoculum. To increase the hydrogen production it was added cellulose (10mL) to the medium. The gas products (mainly H2 and CO2) was analyzed by gas chromatography (Shimadzu GC 2010) using a thermal conductivity detector. The volatile fatty acids and ethanol were also detected by GC using a flame ionization detector. Cellulose degradation was quantified by using the phenolsulfuric acid method. Analysis showed that the biogas produced from the anaerobic fermentation contained only hydrogen and carbon dioxide, without detectable methane after acid pretreatment test. On DNM the hydrogen production started with 4 h (5,3 x 105 mmol H2/L) of incubation, and the maximum H2 concentration was observed with 34 h (7,1 x 106 mmol H2/L) of incubation. During the process, it was observed a predominance of acetic acid and butyric acid as well as a low production of acetone, ethanol and nbutanol in all experimental phases. Butyrate accounted for more than 77% of total. As a result of the accumulation of volatile fatty acids (VFAs), the pH value in anaerobic digestion system was reduced to 4,0. On microscopy analyses there were observed rods with endospores. The batch anaerobic fermentation assays performed on anaerobic mixed inoculum from rumen fluid demonstrated the feasibility of H2 generation utilizing cellulose as substrate. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the acid treatment was efficient to inhibit the methanogenic archaea cells present in rumen fluid. The rumen fluid cells present a potential route in converting renewable biomass such as cellulose into hydrogen energy.


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The hydrogen gas is regarded as clean and renewable energy source, since it generates only water during combustion when used as fuel. It shows 2.75 times more energy content than any hydrocarbon and it can be converted into electrical, mechanical energy or heat. Inoculum sources have been successfully tested for hydrogen biological production in temperate climate countries as sludge treatment plants sewage, sludge treatment plant wastewater, landfill sample, among others. However, hydrogen biologic production with inoculum from environmental samples such as sediment reservoirs, especially in tropical countries like Brazil, is rarely investigated. Reservoirs and fresh water lake sediment may contain conditions for the survival of a wide variety of microorganisms which use different carbon sources mainly glucose and xylose, in the fermentation. Glucose is an easily biodegradable, present in most of the industrial effluents and can be obtained abundantly from agricultural wastes. A wide variety of wastewater resulting from agriculture, industry and pulp and paper processed from wood may contain xylose in its constitution. Such effluent contains glucose and xylose concentrations of about 2 g/L. In this sense, this work verified hydrogen biological production in anaerobic batch reactor (1L), at 37 ° C, initial pH 5.5, headspace with N2 (100%), Del Nery medium, vitamins and peptone (1 g/L), fed separately with glucose (2g/L) and xylose (2 g/L). The inoculum was taken from environmental sample (sediment reservoir Itupararanga - Ibiúna - SP-Brazil). It was previously purified in serial dilutions at H2 generation (10-5, 10-7, 10-10), and heat treated (90º C - 10 min) later to inhibited the H2 consumers. The maximum H2 generations obtained in both tests were observed at 552 h, as described below. At the reactors fed with glucose and xylose were observed, respectively, 9.1 and 8.6 mmol H2/L, biomass growth (0.2 and 0.2 nm); consumption of sugar concentrations 53.6% (1.1 glucose g/L) and 90.5% (1.8 xylose g/L); acetic acid generation (124.7 mg/L and 82.7 mg/L), butyric acid (134.0 mg/L and 230.4 mg/L) and there wasn’t methane generation in the reactors. Microscopic analysis of biomass in anaerobic reactors showed the predominance of Gram positive rods and rods with endospores, whose morphology is characteristic of H2-generating bacteria, in both tests. These species were selected from the natural environment. In DGGE analysis performed difference were observed between populations from inoculum and in tests. This analysis confirmed that some species of bacteria were selected which remained under the conditions imposed on the experiment. The efficiency of the pre-treatment of inoculum and the imposition of pH 5.5 inhibited methane-producing microorganisms and the consumers of H2. Therefore, the experimental conditions imposed allowed the attainment of bacterial consortium of producer H2 taken from an environmental sample with concentration of xylose and glucose similar to the ones of the industrial effluents.


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We developed a case study aimed to identify and to analyze how the approach to teaching and learning strategies occurs in a science teaching degree course and what are the possible influences of this formation on the pedagogical practice of these educators. The analysis focused on documents, questionnaires and interviews with lecturers and students. There is reduced diversity of strategies in the disciplines of the specific area, with prevalence of expository classes and of laboratory, and the lecturers seem to believe that a good knowledge of specific content is enough for teaching. Despite that pedagogical disciplines do explore diverse practices, many students incorporate the academic view prevailing in the course, repeating the model of their lecturers. We stress the need for initial teacher training to take into account both aspects, the domain of the specific contents and the best ways to mediate them, forming intellectuals able to discuss and to redraw their educative actions in a perspective of transformation of the reality.


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This article aims to describe how ICT can contribute to the training of teachers on sex education through the lived experience with the implementation of Workshops, which occurred on I COES - I Conference online of sexual education. This Conference was organized by the University of Lisbon-PT, in partnership with UNESP, SP and SC-UDESC. I COES involved education professionals, who work directly in the school to discuss and exchange their experiences related to sexuality education and related fields, through an online space. The research on teacher formation, initial and continuing on sexuality, sex education, gender and sexual diversity, have demonstrated the need to promote and encourage teachers from all areas, to adopt an intentional and emancipatory, their role as sexual educators . Through web conferencing tool Cisco System, I COES was enable the interaction and questioning of ninety five teachers from various parts of Brazil and Portugal, providing opportunities for rich moments of dialogue and reflection on the issues already mentioned, referring to the brazilian and portuguese realities.