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Enquadramento: A dor do parto resulta de complexas interações, de caráter inibitório e excitatório e, apesar de os seus mecanismos serem análogos aos da dor aguda, há fatores próprios do trabalho de parto de natureza neurofisiológica, obstétrica, psicológica e sociológica que intervêm no seu limiar. Neste sentido, os métodos não farmacológicas podem auxiliar a parturiente no alívio da dor, reduzir os níveis de stresse e ansiedade e, consequentemente promover uma maior satisfação. Objetivos: Demonstrar evidência científica de se os métodos não farmacológicos usados no alívio da dor no trabalho de parto são mais eficazes quando comparados com a não utilização de nenhum método, placebo ou qualquer outro método; verificar o uso de medidas não farmacológicas no alívio da dor do parto; averiguar quais as variáveis sociodemográficas, variáveis contextuais da gravidez e contextuais do parto que interferem no recurso a medidas não farmacológicas no alívio da dor do parto. Métodos: No estudo empírico I seguiu-se a metodologia de revisão sistemática da literatura. Foi realizada uma pesquisa na EBSCO, PubMed, Scielo e RCAAP, de estudos publicados entre 1 janeiro de 2010 e 2 de janeiro de 2015. Os estudos encontrados foram avaliados de acordo com os critérios de inclusão previamente estabelecidos e, posteriormente, foi feita uma apreciação da qualidade dos estudos, por dois revisores, utilizando a “Grelha para avaliação crítica de um artigo descrevendo um ensaio clínico prospetivo, aleatorizado e controlado” (Bugalho & Carneiro, 2004). No final, foram incluídos no corpus do estudo 4 artigos. O estudo empírico II enquadra-se num estudo quantitativo, transversal, descritivo e retrospetivo, desenvolvido no serviço de Obstetrícia do Centro Hospitalar Cova da Beira, segundo um processo de amostragem não probabilística por conveniência (n = 382). A recolha de dados efetuou-se através da consulta de processos clínicos de mulheres com idade ≥ 18 anos, que tiveram um parto vaginal com feto vivo após as 37 semanas de gestação. Resultados: Os métodos não farmacológicos usados no alívio da dor no trabalho de parto são mais eficazes quando comparados com a não utilização de nenhum método, placebo ou qualquer outro método. Numa amostra constituída por 382 mulheres, com uma idade média de 30,95 anos (±5,451 anos), em 34,6% dos casos foram aplicadas as medidas não farmacológicas no alívio da dor no trabalho de parto, sobressaindo a respiração e o relaxamento (86,3%). Em alguns casos, ainda que em menor número, foi aplicada a hidroterapia isolada (6,9%) ou associada à respiração e ao relaxamento (5,3%), bem como a hipnose (0,8%) e a associação entre respiração e massagem (0,8%). Conclusão: De acordo com os resultados obtidos e com base na evidência científica disponível, importa referir que é essencial que os cuidados não farmacológicos de alívio da dor no parto sejam explorados, por serem mais seguros e acarretarem menos intervenções. Desta feita, os profissionais de saúde que prestam assistência às mulheres durante o trabalho de parto e parto têm de ter acesso ao conhecimento acerca desses métodos e os seus potenciais benefícios, a fim de os poderem aplicar com maior segurança, o que resultará indiscutivelmente numa maior humanização do parto, caminhando-se no sentido de uma maternidade mais segura. Palavras-chave: Trabalho de parto; dor de parto; terapias complementares; terapias alternativas


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Enquadramento – A episiotomia é uma incisão feita no períneo para aumentar o canal vaginal com o objetivo de evitar outros traumas perineais durante o parto. No entanto, esta prática, por si só, já se considera um trauma perineal pelo corte em estruturas que podem desencadear problemas futuros. A Organização Mundial de Saúde (1996) recomenda a utilização limitada da episiotomia uma vez que não existem evidências credíveis de que a utilização generalizada ou de rotina desta prática tenha um efeito benéfico. Objetivos: Demonstrar evidência científica dos determinantes da prática de episiotomia seletiva em mulheres com parto normal/eutócico; identificar a prevalência de episiotomia; analisar os fatores (variáveis sociodemográficas, variáveis relativas ao recém-nascido, variáveis contextuais da gravidez e contextuais do parto) que influenciam na ocorrência de episiotomia. Métodos: O estudo empírico I seguiu a metodologia de revisão sistemática da literatura. Efetuou-se uma pesquisa na EBSCO, PubMed, SciELO, RCAAP de estudos publicados entre janeiro de 2008 e 23 de dezembro de 2014. Os estudos encontrados foram avaliados tendo em consideração os critérios de inclusão previamente estabelecidos. Dois revisores avaliaram a qualidade dos estudos a incluir utilizando a grelha para avaliação crítica de um estudo descrevendo um ensaio clínico prospetivo, aleatorizado e controlado de Carneiro (2008). Após avaliação crítica da qualidade, foram incluídos no corpus do estudo 4 artigos nos quais se obteve um score entre 87,5% e 95%. O estudo empírico II enquadra-se num estudo quantitativo, transversal, descritivo e retrospetivo, desenvolvido no serviço de Obstetrícia do Centro Hospitalar Cova da Beira, segundo um processo de amostragem não probabilística por conveniência (n = 382). A recolha de dados efetuou-se através da consulta dos processos clínicos das mulheres com idade ≥ 18 anos que tiveram um parto vaginal com feto vivo após as 37 semanas de gestação. Resultados: Evidência de que a episiotomia não deve ser realizada de forma rotineira, cujo uso deve restringir-se a situações clínicas específicas. A episiotomia seletiva, comparada com a episiotomia de rotina, está relacionada com um menor risco de trauma do períneo posterior, a uma menor necessidade de sutura e a menos complicações na cicatrização. Amostra constituída por 382 mulheres, na faixa etária dos 18-46 anos. Apenas, não se procedeu à episiotomia em 41,7% da amostra, apontando para a presença da episiotomia seletiva. Número significativo de mulheres com parto eutócico (80,5%), com sutura (95,0%), laceração de grau I (64,9%), dor perineal (89,1%) sujeitas a episiotomia (58,3%). A maioria dos recém-nascidos nasceram com peso normal (92,3%), com um valor expressivo de mulheres sujeitas a episiotomia (91,4%). Ainda se constatou a existência de casos, apesar de reduzidos, em que o recém-nascido nasceu macrossómico (5,4%), tendo-se recorrido igualmente a esta prática. Não há uma associação direta entre a realização de episiotomia e os scores do APGAR. Conclusão: Face a estes resultados e com base na evidência científica disponível que recomenda, desde há vários anos, que se faça um uso seletivo da episiotomia, sugere-se que os profissionais de saúde estejam mais despertos para esta realidade, de modo a que se possam anular as resistências e as barreiras de mudanças por parte dos mesmos face ao uso seletivo da episiotomia. Para promover essa mudança de comportamentos é importante não só mostrar as evidências científicas, bem como transpô-las para a prática, capacitando os profissionais de saúde, sobretudo os enfermeiros, na sua atuação. Palavras-chave: Parto Normal/eutócico; Episiotomia; Episiotomia seletiva; Episiotomia de rotina.


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The treatment of pterygium is still quite controversial, with various treatments being advocated in the scientific literature. Unfortunately, there are very few well-conducted controlled clinical trials of treatments. However, years of anecdotal and noncontrolled studies have confirmed that some methods, such as bare scleral closure, are no longer acceptable in the treatment of pterygium and that other methods are likely to be more useful. In the future it will be important to develop a grading system, and surgeons will need to be conservative in the treatment of pterygium until such time as a single treatment provides a lower recurrence rate and complication rate.


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Purpose: To determine the acceptability of short term neo-adjuvant maximal androgen deprivation (MAD) to patients treated with external beam radiation for locally advanced prostate cancer. Methods: Between 1996 and 2000, 818 patients with locally advanced, but non-metastatic, prostate cancer were entered into a randomised clinical trial (TROG 96.01), which compared radiation treatment alone with the same radiation treatment and 3 or 6 months neo-adjuvant MAD with goserelin and flutamide. Relevant symptoms, and how troublesome they were to the patient, were scored using a self-assessment questionnaire. This was completed by the patient at registration, and at specified times during and after treatment. Patients taking flutamide had liver function tests checked at regular intervals. Results: All patients have completed at least 12 months follow-up after treatment. Nearly all patients completed planned treatment with goserelin, but 27% of patients in the 6-month MAD treatment arm, and 20% in the 3-month arm, had to stop flutamide early. This was mainly due to altered liver function (up to 17% patients) and bowel side effects (up to 8% patients). However, although flutamide resulted in more bowel symptoms for patients on MAD, there was significant reduction in some urinary symptoms on this treatment. Acute bowel and urinary side effects at the end of radiation treatment were similar in all treatment arms. Side effect severity was unrelated to radiation target volume size, which was reduced by MAD, but symptomatology prior to any treatment was a powerful predictor. Of the 36% of patients who were sexually active before any treatment, the majority became inactive whilst on MAD. However, sexual activity at 12 months after radiation treatment was similar in all treatment arms, indicating that the effects of short term MAD on sexual function are reversible. Conclusion: Despite temporary effects on sexual activity, and compliance difficulties with flutamide, short-term neo-adjuvant MAD was not perceived by patients to be a major inconvenience. If neo-adjuvant MAD in the way tested can be demonstrated to lead to improved biochemical control and/or survival, then patients would view these therapeutic gains as worthwhile. Compliance with short-term goserelin was excellent, confirming that LH-RH analogues have a potential role in more long-term adjuvant treatment. However, for more protracted androgen deprivation, survival advantages and deleterious effects need to be assessed in parallel, in order to determine the optimal duration of treatment. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All fights reserved.


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Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is an obstructive condition where the flow of blood through peripheral arteries is impeded. During periods of increased oxygen demand (e.g. during exercise), peripheral limb ischaemia occurs, resulting in the sensation of muscle pain termed 'claudication'. As a result of claudication, subjects' ability to exercise is greatly reduced affecting their quality of life. Although many treatment options for patients with PAD exist, exercise training is an effective and low-cost means of improving functional ability and quality of life. Currently, there are limited specific recommendations to assist the exercise prescription and programming of these individuals. This review summarises data from 28 exercise training studies conducted in patients with PAD and formulates recommendations based on their results. Exercise training for patients with PAD should involve three training sessions per week comprising 45 minutes of intermittent treadmill walking in a supervised environment for a time period of 20 weeks or more. Encouragement and direction is given to further research aimed at investigating the effectiveness of training programmes in these patients.


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OBJECTIVES We sought to assess the prognostic utility of brachial artery reactivity (BAR) in patients at risk of cardiovascular events. BACKGROUND Impaired flow-mediated vasodilation measured by BAR is a marker of endothelial dysfunction. Brachial artery reactivity is influenced by risk factors and is responsive to various pharmacological and other treatments. However, its prognostic importance is uncertain, especially relative to other predictors of outcome. METHODS A total of 444 patients were prospectively enrolled to undergo BAR and follow-up. These patients were at risk of cardiovascular events, based on the presence of risk factors or known or suspected cardiovascular disease. We took a full clinical history, performed BAR, and obtained carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) and left ventricular mass and ejection fraction. Patients were followed up for cardiovascular events and all-cause mortality. Multivariate Cox regression analysis was performed to assess the independent association of investigation variables on outcomes. RESULTS The patients exhibited abnormal BAR (5.2 +/- 6.1% [mean +/- SD]) but showed normal nitrate-mediated dilation (9.9 +/- 7.2%) and normal mean IMT (0.67 +/- 0.12 mm [average]). Forty-nine deaths occurred over the median follow-up period of 24 months (interquartile range 10 to 34). Patients in the lowest tertile group of BAR (<2%) had significantly more events than those in the combined group of highest and mid-tertiles (p = 0.029, log-rank test). However, mean IMT (rather than flow-mediated dilation) was the vascular factor independently associated with mortality, even in the subgroup (n = 271) with no coronary artery disease and low risk. CONCLUSIONS Brachial artery reactivity is lower in patients with events, but is not an independent predictor of cardiovascular outcomes in this cohort of patients. (C) 2004 by the American College of Cardiology Foundation.


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Background. Websites have the potential to deliver enhanced versions of targeted and tailored physical activity programs to large numbers of participants. We describe participant engagement and retention with a stage-based physical activity website in a workplace setting. Methods. We analyzed data from participants in the website condition of a randomized trial designed to test the efficacy of a print- vs. website-delivered intervention. They received four stage-targeted e-mails over 8 weeks, with hyperlinks to the website. Both objective and self-reported website use data were collected and analyzed. Results. Overall, 327 were randomized to the website condition and 250 (76%) completed the follow-up survey. Forty-six percent (n = 152) visited the website over the trial period. A total of 4,114 hits to the website were recorded. Participants who entered the site spent on average 9 min per visit and viewed 18 pages. Website use declined over time; 77% of all visits followed the first e-mail. Conclusions. Limited website engagement, despite the perceived usefulness of the materials, demonstrates possible constraints on the use of e-mails and websites in delivering health behavior change programs. In the often-cluttered information environment of workplaces, issues of engagement and retention in website-delivered programs require attention. (C) 2004 The Institute For Cancer Prevention and Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Background - Limited data describe the cardiovascular benefit of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (statins) in people with moderate chronic kidney disease (CKD). The objective of this analysis was to determine whether pravastatin reduced the incidence of cardiovascular events in people with or at high risk for coronary disease and with concomitant moderate CKD. Methods and Results - We analyzed data from the Pravastatin Pooling Project (PPP), a subject-level database combining results from 3 randomized trials of pravastatin ( 40 mg daily) versus placebo. Of 19 700 subjects, 4491 ( 22.8%) had moderate CKD, defined by an estimated glomerular filtration rate of 30 to 59.99 mL/min per 1.73 m(2) body surface area. The primary outcome was time to myocardial infarction, coronary death, or percutaneous/surgical coronary revascularization. Moderate CKD was independently associated with an increased risk of the primary outcome ( adjusted HR 1.26, 95% CI 1.07 to 1.49) compared with those with normal renal function. Among the 4491 subjects with moderate CKD, pravastatin significantly reduced the incidence of the primary outcome ( HR 0.77, 95% CI 0.68 to 0.86), similar to the effect of pravastatin on the primary outcome in subjects with normal kidney function ( HR 0.78, 95% CI 0.65 to 0.94). Pravastatin also appeared to reduce the total mortality rate in those with moderate CKD ( adjusted HR 0.86, 95% CI 0.74 to 1.00, P = 0.045). Conclusions - Pravastatin reduces cardiovascular event rates in people with or at risk for coronary disease and concomitant moderate CKD, many of whom have serum creatinine levels within the normal range. Given the high risk associated with CKD, the absolute benefit that resulted from use of pravastatin was greater than in those with normal renal function.


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The purpose of this study was to conduct a cost - effectiveness analysis of detoxification from heroin using buprenorphine in a specialist clinic versus a shared care setting. A randomized controlled trial was conducted with a total of 115 heroin-dependent patients receiving a 5-day treatment regime of buprenorphine. The specialist clinic was a community-based treatment agency in inner-city Sydney. Shared care involved treatment by a general practitioner supplemented by weekend dispensing and some concurrent counselling at the specialist clinic. Quanti. cation of resource use was limited to inputs for treatment provision. The primary outcome measure used in the economic analysis was the proportion of each group that completed detoxification and achieved an initial 7-day period of abstinence. Buprenorphine detoxification in the shared care setting was estimated to be $24 more expensive per patient than treatment at the clinic, which had an average treatment cost of $332 per patient. Twenty-three per cent of the shared care patients and 22% of the clinic patients reported no opiate use during the withdrawal period. These results suggest that the provision of buprenorphine treatment for heroin dependence in shared care and clinic appear to be equally cost - effective.


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Screening by whole-body clinical skin examination may improve early diagnosis of melanoma and reduce mortality, but objective scientific evidence of this is lacking. As part of a randomized controlled trial of population screening for melanoma in Queensland, Australia, the authors assessed the validity of self-reported history of whole-body skin examination and factors associated with accuracy of recall among 2,704 participants in 2001. Approximately half of the participants were known to have undergone whole-body skin examination within the past 3 years at skin screening clinics conducted as part of the randomized trial. All positive and negative self-reports were compared with screening clinic records. Where possible, reports of skin examinations conducted outside the clinics were compared with private medical records. The validity of self-reports of whole-body skin examination in the past 3 years was high: Concordance between self-reports and medical records was 93.7%, sensitivity was 92.0%, and specificity was 96.3%. Concordance was lower (74.3%) for self-reports of examinations conducted in the past 12 months, and there was evidence of telescoping in recall for this more recent time frame. In multivariate analysis, women and younger participants more accurately recalled their history of skin examinations. Participants with a history of melanoma did not differ from other participants in their accuracy of recall.


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Aims The major aims of the study were to compare the safety of a continuous low-dose estradiol-releasing vaginal ring (ESTring) to that of a vaginal estradiol tablet (Vagifem®) on the endometrium and the relief of subjective symptoms and signs of urogenital estrogen deficiency. Quality of life and acceptability of treatment delivery were also assessed. Study design A prospective, randomized study in which women were assigned in a 2: 1 ratio to ESTring and Vagifem and followed for 12 months. The primary endpoint was endometrial safety, based on the results of ultrasound measurement of endometrial thickness and a progestogen challenge test at baseline and week 48. Efficacy was determined by subjective assessment of urogenital estrogen deficiency symptoms at baseline and weeks 3, 12, 24, 36 and 48 and assessment of signs of vaginal epithelial atrophy by the clinician at baseline, 12 and 48 weeks. In addition, pelvic floor strength, vaginal cytological evaluation and pH, bacteruria and patient acceptability were assessed. Quality of life was assessed using a menopause-specific quality-of-life questionnire and a 2-day bladder diary at baseline and 12 and 48 weeks. The comparability of the two groups was assessed using ANOVA, χ(2) or Fisher's exact tests. Results A total of 126 women were randomized to ESTring and 59 to Vagifem. There was no statistical difference between the groups in the alleviation of symptoms and signs of urogenital estrogen deficiency. Maturation indices increased in both groups, from generally atrophic at baseline to proliferative or highly proliferative at 48 weeks. After 48 weeks of treatment, there was no statistically significant difference in endometrial thickness between the two groups. A statistically smaller proportion of bleeding/spotting occurred in the ESTring group (n = 0) compared to the Vagifem users (n = 4). Estradiol and total estrone serum levels increased during treatment in both groups but remained within the normal postmenopausal range. General health status in both groups was unchanged but the urogenital component of health burden was significantly improved in both groups. Bladder diary variables showed no differences between treatment groups. Conclusion Equivalent endometrial safety and efficacy in the relief of the symptoms and signs of urogenital estrogen deficiency were demonstrated for the 12 months' use of a low-dose estradiol-releasing vaginal ring and a vaginal estradiol tablet.