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This paper presents a study into the behaviour of extruded polystyrene foam at low strain rates. The foam is being studied in order assess its potential for use as part of a new innovative design of portable road safety barrier the aim to consume less water and reduce rates of serious injury. The foam was tested at a range of low strain rates, with the stress and strain behaviour of the foam specimens being recorded. The energy absorption capabilities of the foam were assessed as well as the response of the foam to multiple loadings. The experimental data was then used to create a material model of the foam for use in the explicit finite element solver LS-DYNA. Simulations were carried out using the material model which showed excellent correlation between the numerical material model and the experimental data.


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Objective Substance-related expectancies are associated with substance use and post-substance use thoughts, feelings and behaviours. The expectancies held by specific cultural or sub-cultural groups have rarely been investigated. This research maps expectancies specific to gay and other men who have sex with men (MSM) and their relationship with substance patterns and behaviours following use, including sexual practices (e.g., unprotected anal intercourse). This study describes the development of a measure of such beliefs for cannabis, the Cannabis Expectancy Questionnaire for Men who have Sex with Men (CEQ-MSM). Method Items selected through a focus group and interviews were piloted on 180 self-identified gay or other MSM via an online questionnaire. Results Factor analysis revealed six distinct substance reinforcement domains (“Enhanced sexual experience”, “Sexual negotiation”, “Cognitive impairment”, “Social and emotional facilitation”, “Enhanced sexual desire”, and “Sexual inhibition”). The scale was associated with consumption patterns of cannabis, and in a crucial test of discriminant validity not with the consumption of alcohol or stimulants. Conclusions The CEQ-MSM represents a reliable and valid measure of outcome expectancies, related to cannabis among MSM. Future applications of the CEQ-MSM in health promotion, clinical settings and research may contribute to reducing harm associated with substance use among MSM, including HIV transmission.


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In the structure of title compound [Cs2(C7H5N2O4)2(H2O)2]n the asymmetric unit comprises two independent and different Cs centres, one nine-coordinate, the other seven coordinate, with both having irregular stereochemistry. The CsO9 coordination comprises oxygen donors from three bridging water molecules, one of which is doubly bridging, three from carboxylate groups, and three from nitro groups, of which two are bidentate chelate bridging. The CsO6N coordination comprises the two bridging water molecules, one amine N donor, one carboxyl O donor and four O donors from nitro groups (two from the chelate bridges). The extension of the dimeric unit gives a two-dimensional polymeric structure which is stabilized by both intra- and intermolecular amine N-H...O and water O-H...O hydrogen bonds to carboxyl O acceptors, as well as inter-ring pi-pi interactions [minimum ring centroid separation, 3.4172(15)A].


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Firstly, the authors would like to thank the editor for the opportunity to respond to Dr Al-Azri’s and Dr Al-Maniri’s letter. Secondly, while the current authors also accept that deterrence-based approaches should act as only one corner-stone of a suite of interventions and public policy initiatives designed to improve road safety, deterrence-based approaches have nonetheless consistently proven to be a valuable resource to improve road safety. Dr Al-Azri and Dr Al-Maniri reinforce their assertion about the limited utility of deterrence by citing drink driving research, and the issue of drink driving is particularly relevant within the current context given that the problem of driving after drinking has historically been addressed through deterrence-based approaches. While the effectiveness of deterrence-based approaches to reduce drink driving will always be dependent upon a range of situational and contextual factors (including police enforcement practices, cultural norms, etc), the utilisation of this approach has proven particularly effective within Queensland, Australia. For example, a relatively recent comprehensive review of Random Breath Testing in Queensland demonstrated that this initiative not only had a deterrent impact upon self-reported intentions to drink and drive, but was also found to have significantly reduced alcohol-related fatalities in the state. However, the authors agree that deterrence-based approaches can be particularly transient and thus require constant “topping up” not least through sustained public reinforcement, which was clearly articulated in the seminal work by Homel.


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Gradient-based approaches to direct policy search in reinforcement learning have received much recent attention as a means to solve problems of partial observability and to avoid some of the problems associated with policy degradation in value-function methods. In this paper we introduce GPOMDP, a simulation-based algorithm for generating a biased estimate of the gradient of the average reward in Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs) controlled by parameterized stochastic policies. A similar algorithm was proposed by Kimura, Yamamura, and Kobayashi (1995). The algorithm's chief advantages are that it requires storage of only twice the number of policy parameters, uses one free parameter β ∈ [0,1) (which has a natural interpretation in terms of bias-variance trade-off), and requires no knowledge of the underlying state. We prove convergence of GPOMDP, and show how the correct choice of the parameter β is related to the mixing time of the controlled POMDP. We briefly describe extensions of GPOMDP to controlled Markov chains, continuous state, observation and control spaces, multiple-agents, higher-order derivatives, and a version for training stochastic policies with internal states. In a companion paper (Baxter, Bartlett, & Weaver, 2001) we show how the gradient estimates generated by GPOMDP can be used in both a traditional stochastic gradient algorithm and a conjugate-gradient procedure to find local optima of the average reward. ©2001 AI Access Foundation and Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. All rights reserved.


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Introduction and Aims. Alcohol expectancies are associated with drinking behaviour and post-drinking use thoughts, feelings and behaviours. The expectancies held by specific cultural or sub-cultural groups have rarely been investigated. This research maps expectancies specific to gay and other men who have sex with men (MSM) and their relationship with substance use. This study describes the specific development of a measure of such beliefs for alcohol, the Drinking Expectancy Questionnaire for Men who have Sex with Men (DEQ-MSM). Design and Methods. Items selected through a focus group and interviews were piloted on 220 self-identified gay or other MSM via an online questionnaire. Results. Factor analysis revealed three distinct substance reinforcement domains ('Cognitive impairment', 'Sexual activity' and 'Social and emotional facilitation'). These factors were associated with consumption patterns of alcohol, and in a crucial test of discriminant validity were not associated with the consumption of cannabis or stimulants. Similarities and differences with existing measures will also be discussed. Discussion and Conclusions. The DEQ-MSM represents a reliable and valid measure of outcome expectancies, related to alcohol use among MSM, and represents an important advance as no known existing alcohol expectancy measure, to date, has been developed and/or normed for use among this group. Future applications of the DEQ-MSM in health promotion, clinical settings and research may contribute to reducing harm associated with alcohol use among MSM, including the development of alcohol use among young gay men.


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In the structure of title compound [Rb2(C7H4NO2)2(H2O)2]n the centrosymmetric cyclic dimeric repeating unit comprises two irregular RbO4 complex centres bridged by the carboxylate groups of the 5-nitrosalicylate ligands. The coordination about each Rb is completed by a monodentate water molecule and a phenolic O donor which gives a bridging extension [Rb-O range 3.116(7)-3.135(5)A]. The two-dimensional polymeric structure is stabilized by intermolecular water O-H...O(carboxyl) hydrogen bonds and weak inter-ring pi--pi interactions [minimum ring centroid separation, 3.620(4)A].


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Between 1987 and 1999, 540 revision total hip replacements in 487 patients were performed at our institution with the femoral impaction grafting technique with a cemented femoral stem. All patients were prospectively followed for 2-15years post-operatively with no loss to follow-up. 494 hips remained successfully in situ at an average 6.7years. The ten year survival rate was 98.0% (95% CI 96.2 to 99.8) with aseptic loosening as the endpoint and 84.2% (95% CI 78.5 to 89.9) for re-operation for any reason. Indication for surgery and the use of any kind of reinforcement significantly influenced outcome (p<0.001). This is the largest known series of revision THR with femoral impaction grafting and the results support continued use of this technique.


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In the structure of the title compound [Rb4(C9H6NO4)4(H~2~O)6]n, the asymmetric unit comprises four rubidium complex cations, two of which have an RbO7 coordination polyhedron with a monocapped distorted octahedral stereochemistry and two of which have a distorted RbO6 octahedral coordination. The bonding about both the seven-coordinate centres is similar, comprising one monodentate water molecule together with three bridging water molecules and three carboxylate O-atom donors, two of which are bridging. The environments about the six-coordinate cations are also similar, comprising a monodentate nitro O-atom donor, a bridging water molecule and four bridging carboxylate O-atom donors [overall Rb-O range, 2.849(2)-3.190(2)A]. The coordination leads to a two-dimensional polymeric structure extending parallel to (001), which is stabilized by interlayer water O-H...O hydrogen-bonding associations to water, carboxyl and nitro O-atom acceptors, together with weak inter-ring pi--pi interactions [minimum ring centroid separation = 3.5319(19)A].


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Distribution feeder voltage reinforcement by multiple site reactive power compensation systems has recently been reported by many researchers. However, voltage control by multiple DSTATCOMs across a distribution feeder may introduce control interactions and/or voltage instability. This paper addresses these control interaction issues and proposes a control scheme that alleviates interactions among controllers. The proposed control scheme also enhances proper sharing of reactive power among DSTATCOMs. A mathematical model of a distribution system with any number of DSTATCOMs is developed to investigate the performance of the control system. This mathematical model is used to conduct eigenvalue analysis to develop the criterion for controller design. The proposed control scheme is tested in time domain on a sample radial distribution feeder installed with multiple DSTATCOMs and test results are presented.


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Gray‘s (2000) revised Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory (r-RST) was used to investigate personality effects on information processing biases to gain-framed and loss-framed anti-speeding messages and the persuasiveness of these messages. The r-RST postulates that behaviour is regulated by two major motivational systems: reward system or punishment system. It was hypothesised that both message processing and persuasiveness would be dependent upon an individual‘s sensitivity to reward or punishment. Student drivers (N = 133) were randomly assigned to view one of four anti-speeding messages or no message (control group). Individual processing differences were then measured using a lexical decision task, prior to participants completing a personality and persuasion questionnaire. Results indicated that participants who were more sensitive to reward showed a marginally significant (p = .050) tendency to report higher intentions to comply with the social gain-framed message and demonstrate a cognitive processing bias towards this message, than those with lower reward sensitivity.


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Significant research has demonstrated direct and indirect associations between substance use and sexual behaviour. Substance use is related to sexual risk-taking and HIV seroconversion among some substance-using MSM. It remains unclear what factors mediate or underlie this relationship, and which substances are associated with greater harm. Substance-related expectancies are hypothesised as potential mechanisms. A conceptual model based on social-cognitive theory was tested, which explores the role of demographic factors, substance use, substance-related expectancies and novelty-seeking personality characteristics in predicting unprotected anal intercourse (UAI) while under the influence, across four commonly used substance types. Phase 1, a qualitative study (N = 20), explored how MSM perceive the effects of substance use on their thoughts, feelings and behaviours, including sexual behaviours. Information was attained through discussion and interviews, resulting in the establishment of key themes. Results indicated MSM experience a wide range of reinforcing aspects associated with substance use. General and specific effects were evident across substance types, and were associated with sexual behaviour and sexual risk-taking. Phase 2 consisted of developing a comprehensive profile of substance-related expectancies for MSM (SEP-MSM) regarding alcohol, cannabis, amyl nitrite and stimulants that possessed sound psychometric properties and was appropriate for use among this group. A cross-sectional questionnaire with 249 participants recruited through gay community networks was used to validate these measures, and involved online data collection, participants rating expectancy items and subsequent factor analysis. Results indicated expectancies can be reliably assessed, and predicted substance use patterns. Phase 3 examined demographic factors, substance use, substance-related expectancies, and novelty-seeking traits among another community sample of MSM (N = 277) throughout Australia, in predicting UAI while under the influence. Using a cross-sectional design, participants were recruited through gay community networks and completed online questionnaires. The SEP-MSM, and associated substance use, predicted UAI. This research extends social-cognitive theory regarding sexual behaviour, and advances understanding of the role of expectancies associated with substance use and sexual risk-taking. Future applications of the SEP-MSM in health promotion, prevention, clinical interventions and research are likely to contribute to reducing harm associated with substance-using MSM (e.g., HIV transmission).


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This study reports the factors controlling aerosolization of salbutamol sulfate (SS) from mixtures with polycaprolactone (PCL) microspheres fabricated using an emulsion technique with polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) as stabilizer. The fine particle fraction (FPF) of SS from PCL measured by a twin-stage impinger was unexpectedly found to be zero, although scanning electron microscopy showed that the drug coated the entire microsphere. Precoating the microspheres with magnesium stearate (MgSt) excipient solutions (1%–2%) significantly increased (p < 0.05, n = 5) the FPF of SS (11.4%–15.4%), whereas precoating with leucine had a similar effect (FPF = 11.3 ± 1.1%), but was independent of the solution concentration. The force of adhesion (by atomic force microscopy) between the PCL microspheres and SS was reduced from 301.4 ± 21.7 nN to 110.9 ± 30.5 nN and 121.8 ± 24.6 nN, (p < 0.05, n = 5) for 1% and 2% MgSt solutions, respectively, and to 148.1 ± 21.0 nN when coated with leucine. The presence of PVA on the PCL microspheres (detected by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy) affected the detachment of SS due to strong adhesion between the two, presumably due to capillary forces acting between them. Precoating the microspheres with excipients increased the FPF significantly by reducing the drug–carrier adhesion. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. and the American Pharmacists Association J Pharm Sci 101:733–745, 2012


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Partially grouted wider reinforced masonry wall, built predominantly with the use of face shell bedded hollow concrete blocks, is adopted extensively in the cyclonic areas due to its economy. Its out-of-plane response to lateral pressure loading is well definied; however its in-plane shear behaviour is less well understood, in particular it is unclear how the grouted reinforced cores affect the load paths within the wall. For the rational design of the walls, clarification is sought as to whether the wall acts as a composite of unreinforced panels surrounded by the reinforced cores or simply as a continuum embedded with reinforcement at wider spacing. This paper reports four full scale walls tested under in-place cyclic shear loading to provide some insight into the effect of the grout cores in altering the load paths within the wall. The global lateral load - lateral deflection hysteretic curves as well as the local responses of some critical zones of the shear walls are presented. It is shown that the aspect ratio of the unreinforced masonry panels surrounded by the reinforced grouted cores within the shear walls have profound effect in ascertaining the behaviour of the shear walls.