993 resultados para PH measurements


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The superconducting and magnetic properties of splat cooled amorphous alloys of composition (La100-xGdx)80Au20 (0 ≤ x ≤ 100) have been studied. The La80Au20 alloys are ideal type II super-conductors (critical temperature Tc = 3.5° K ). The concentration range (x less than 1) where superconductivity and spin-glass freezing n1ight coexist has been studied in detail. The spin-glass alloys (0 less than x less than 70) exhibit susceptibility maxima and thermomagnetic history effects. In the absence of complications due to crystal field and enhanced matrix effects, a phenomenological model is proposed in which the magnetic clusters are treated as single spin entities interacting via random forces using the molecular field approach. The fundamental parameters (such as the strength of the forces and the size of clusters) can be deduced from magnetization measurements. The remanent magnetization is shown to arise from an interplay of the RKKY and dipolar forces. Magnetoresistivity results are found to be consistent with the aforementioned picture. The nature of magnetic interactions in an amorphous matrix is also discussed. The moment per Gd atom (7µB) is found to be constant and close to that of the crystalline value throughout the concentration range investigated. Finally, a detail study is made of the critical phenomena and magnetic properties of the amorphous ferromagnet: Gd80Au20. The results are compared with recent theories on amorphous magnetism.


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The superconducting properties and the microstructure of the Ag100-xPbx alloys, 1 ≤ x ≤ 5, prepared by rapid quenching from the liquid state with and without subsequent heat treatments, have been studied. The x-ray diffraction measurements show that supersaturated solid solutions of Pb in Ag can be obtained up to 3.2 at.% Pb as compared to less than 0.1 at.% Pb at equilibrium. It was found that by suitable heat treatment it is possible to vary the size and distribution of the Pb precipitates in the Ag matrix and reproducible superconducting properties in the alloy can be observed. The superconducting transition temperature of these samples can be qualitatively explained by the Silvert and Singh's theoretical calculation. The theory developed for the case of layer structure can be extended to three dimensions to explain the critical current versus temperature behavior. The critical current versus field behavior of these alloys can be explained by the modification of the Josephson effect. Combining these results together with the critical magnetic field measurements and the microstructure studies of the alloys, it can be concluded that the three-dimensional proximity effect is the main mechanism for the superconductivity in the Ag-Pb alloys. Based on the Hilsch empirical formula which was based on experimental results obtained on layer structures, the experimental data in this investigation show that the electron-phonon-electron interaction in silver is attractive. The interaction parameter NV obtained is approximately 0.06, which would lead to a value of 10-5 °K for the superconducting transition temperature of Ag. These values are in agreement with other determinations which were done on vapor-deposited metallic film sandwiches. Hence, the Hilsch empirical relation valid for layer structures is also valid in the three-dimensional case. Because the transition temperature and the critical current can be varied in a wide range by controlling the heat treatments, the Ag-Pb superconductors might have some useful applications.


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A phase and amplitude, off-axis hologram has been synthesized from three computer-generated transmission masks, using a multiple-exposure holographic recording method. Each of the masks controls one fixed-phase component of the complex hologram transmittance. The basic grating is generated optically, relieving the computer of the burden of drawing details the size of each fringe. The maximum information capacity of the computer plotting device can then be applied to the generation of the grating modulation function. By this method large digital holograms (25 mm by 25 mm) have been synthesized in dichromated gelatin. The recording method is applicable to virtually any holographic medium.

The modulated grating hologram was designed primarily for the application of spatial filtering, in which the requirement is a hologram with large dynamic range and large free spectral range. Choice of a low-noise, high-efficiency medium such as dichromated gelatin will allow exceptionally large dynamic range. Independence of the optically-generated carrier grating from the computer-generated modulation functions allows arbitrarily large free spectral range.

The performance of a holographic spatial filter will be limited ultimately by noise originating from imperfections in the holographic medium. The characteristics of this noise are analyzed, and in the case of a high diffraction efficiency hologram are shown to differ significantly from previous analyses. The dominant noise source in holograms of high diffraction efficiency will be scattering of the first order or imaging wave by deformations in the hologram surface or other effects of low spatial frequency. Experimental measurements in various low-noise holographic media verify these predictions.


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Conduction through TiO2 films of thickness 100 to 450 Å have been investigated. The samples were prepared by either anodization of Ti evaporation of TiO2, with Au or Al evaporated for contacts. The anodized samples exhibited considerable hysteresis due to electrical forming, however it was possible to avoid this problem with the evaporated samples from which complete sets of experimental results were obtained and used in the analysis. Electrical measurements included: the dependence of current and capacitance on dc voltage and temperature; the dependence of capacitance and conductance on frequency and temperature; and transient measurements of current and capacitance. A thick (3000 Å) evaporated TiO2 film was used for measuring the dielectric constant (27.5) and the optical dispersion, the latter being similar to that for rutile. An electron transmission diffraction pattern of a evaporated film indicated an essentially amorphous structure with a short range order that could be related to rutile. Photoresponse measurements indicated the same band gap of about 3 ev for anodized and evaporated films and reduced rutile crystals and gave the barrier energies at the contacts.

The results are interpreted in a self consistent manner by considering the effect of a large impurity concentration in the films and a correspondingly large ionic space charge. The resulting potential profile in the oxide film leads to a thermally assisted tunneling process between the contacts and the interior of the oxide. A general relation is derived for the steady state current through structures of this kind. This in turn is expressed quantitatively for each of two possible limiting types of impurity distributions, where one type gives barriers of an exponential shape and leads to quantitative predictions in c lose agreement with the experimental results. For films somewhat greater than 100 Å, the theory is formulated essentially in terms of only the independently measured barrier energies and a characteristic parameter of the oxide that depends primarily on the maximum impurity concentration at the contacts. A single value of this parameter gives consistent agreement with the experimentally observed dependence of both current and capacitance on dc voltage and temperature, with the maximum impurity concentration found to be approximately the saturation concentration quoted for rutile. This explains the relative insensitivity of the electrical properties of the films on the exact conditions of formation.


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I. Schottky barriers produced by polymeric sulfur nitride, (SN)x, on nine common III-V and II-VI compound semiconductors are compared to barriers formed by Au. The conductor (SN)x produces significantly higher barriers to n-type semiconductors and lower barriers to p-type semiconductors than Au, the most electronegative elemental metal. The barrier height improvement, defined as ɸ(SN)x - ɸ(Au), is smaller on covalent semiconductors than on ionic semiconductors; (SN)x barriers follow the ionic-covalent transition. Details of (SN)x film deposition, samples preparation, and barrier height measurements are described.

II. The rate of dissolution of amorphous Si into solid Al is measured. The rate of movement of the amorphous Si/Al interface is found to be much faster than predicted by a simple model of the transport of Si through Al. This result is related to defects in the growth of epitaxial Si using the solid phase epitaxy process.


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By using techniques of rapid quenching from the melt, metastable phases have been obtained in ternary alloys which contain tellurium as a major component and two of the three noble metals (Cu, Ag, Au) as minor components. The metastable phases found in this investigation are either simple cubic or amorphous. The formation of the simple cubic phase is discussed. The electrical resistance and the thermoelectric power of the simple cubic alloy (Au30Te70) have been measured and interpreted in terms of atomic bondings. The semiconducting properties of a metastable amorphous alloy (Au5Cu25Te70) have been measured. The experimental results are discussed in connection with a theoretical consideration of the validity of band theory in an amorphous solid. The existence of extrinsic conduction in an amorphous semiconductor is suggested by the result of electrical resistance and thermoelectric power measurements.


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The magnetic moments of amorphous ternary alloys containing Pd, Co and Si in atomic concentrations corresponding to Pd_(80-x)Co_xSi_(20) in which x is 3, 5, 7, 9, 10 and 11, have been measured between 1.8 and 300°K and in magnetic fields up to 8.35 kOe. The alloys were obtained by rapid quenching of a liquid droplet and their structures were analyzed by X-ray diffraction. The measurements were made in a null-coil pendulum magnetometer in which the temperature could be varied continuously without immersing the sample in a cryogenic liquid. The alloys containing 9 at.% Co or less obeyed Curie's Law over certain temperature ranges, and had negligible permanent moments at room temperature. Those containing 10 and 11 at.% Co followed Curie's Law only above approximately 200°K and had significant permanent moments at room temperature. For all alloys, the moments calculated from Curie's Law were too high to be accounted for by the moments of individual Co atoms. To explain these findings, a model based on the existence of superparamagnetic clustering is proposed. The cluster sizes calculated from the model are consistent with the rapid onset of ferromagnetism in the alloys containing 10 and 11 at.% Co and with the magnetic moments in an alloy containing 7 at.% Co heat treated in such a manner as to contain a small amount of a crystalline phase. In alloys containing 7 at.% Co or less, a maximum in the magnetization vs temperature curve was observed around 10°K. This maximum was eliminated by cooling the alloy in a magnetic field, and an explanation for this observation is suggested.


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The influence of composition on the structure and on the electric and magnetic properties of amorphous Pd-Mn-P and Pd-Co-P prepared by rapid quenching techniques were investigated in terms of (1) the 3d band filling of the first transition metal group, (2) the phosphorus concentration effect which acts as an electron donor and (3) the transition metal concentration.

The structure is essentially characterized by a set of polyhedra subunits essentially inverse to the packing of hard spheres in real space. Examination of computer generated distribution functions using Monte Carlo random statistical distribution of these polyhedra entities demonstrated tile reproducibility of the experimentally calculated atomic distribution function. As a result, several possible "structural parameters" are proposed such as: the number of nearest neighbors, the metal-to-metal distance, the degree of short-range order and the affinity between metal-metal and metal-metalloid. It is shown that the degree of disorder increases from Ni to Mn. Similar behavior is observed with increase in the phosphorus concentration.

The magnetic properties of Pd-Co-P alloys show that they are ferromagnetic with a Curie temperature between 272 and 399°K as the cobalt concentration increases from 15 to 50 at.%. Below 20 at.% Co the short-range exchange interactions which produce the ferromagnetism are unable to establish a long-range magnetic order and a peak in the magnetization shows up at the lowest temperature range . The electric resistivity measurements were performed from liquid helium temperatures up to the vicinity of the melting point (900°K). The thermomagnetic analysis was carried out under an applied field of 6.0 kOe. The electrical resistivity of Pd-Co-P shows the coexistence of a Kondo-like minimum with ferromagnetism. The minimum becomes less important as the transition metal concentration increases and the coefficients of ℓn T and T^2 become smaller and strongly temperature dependent. The negative magnetoresistivity is a strong indication of the existence of localized moment.

The temperature coefficient of resistivity which is positive for Pd- Fe-P, Pd-Ni-P, and Pd-Co-P becomes negative for Pd-Mn-P. It is possible to account for the negative temperature dependence by the localized spin fluctuation model and the high density of states at the Fermi energy which becomes maximum between Mn and Cr. The magnetization curves for Pd-Mn-P are typical of those resulting from the interplay of different exchange forces. The established relationship between susceptibility and resistivity confirms the localized spin fluctuation model. The magnetoresistivity of Pd-Mn-P could be interpreted in tenns of a short-range magnetic ordering that could arise from the Rudennan-Kittel type interactions.


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An experimental investigation of low frequency floating potential fluctuations (f ≤ 200 kHz) in a research tokamak plasma using two spatially separated electrostatic probes has been performed. The spectra, correlation length, and the phase velocity of the fluctuations in both the radial and azimuthal direction have been determined. The propagation velocity in the toroidal direction was also measured and was found to be in the direction of electron current flow. The waves traveled azimuthally in the ion diamagnetic drift direction, even after the usual E x B rotation was taken into account. The electron density fluctuations associated with these oscillations were large, δn/n ≃ 0.35 - 0.50.

The spectra were found to have regularly spaced peaks which seemed to be related to specific azimuthal modes (m =1,2,3,...,etc. ) A parametric study was made to determine what effect plasma parameters had on these peaks. During periods of high electron density in the first 2 msec of the plasma lifetime, strong sawtooth type oscillations were observed. These oscillations typically had frequencies of approximately 10 kHz and were also present when large amounts of neutral gas were added during the discharge by a process called "gas puffing."

The results are compared with experimental observations made on other plasma devices with electric and magnetic probes and with microwave and CO2 laser scattering techniques. (The scattering measurements are complimentary to the probe measurements since, in the former case, the wavelength is fixed by the scattering angle, but the oscillations could not be spatially localized.) The oscillations in the Caltech torus were probably related to a drift-tearing type instability which is thought to play a major role in the anomalous particle and energy flux observed in tokamaks. Comparisons are made between current theory and the experimental results. However, the theory for the observed oscillations is still in a rudimentary stage of development, and it is hoped that the present investigation will stimulate future analytical work.


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The microwave scattering properties of an axially magnetized afterglow plasma column in an S-band waveguide have been investigated experimentally. The column axis is perpendicular to the electric field and the direction of wave propagation in the H_(10)-mode waveguide. Strong absorption is found in the range of upper hybrid frequencies, ω_c ≤ ω ≤ [ω^2_c + ω^2_p(r,t)]^(1/2) where ω_c is the electron cyclotron frequency and ω_p is the locally and temporally varying electron plasma frequency. With the high absorption the noise emission approaches the blackbody limit. A microwave radiometer has been used to measure the noise power and with a comparison and null-technique the electron temperature. As emission and absorption are largely confined to a resonant layer, spatially resolved temperature data are obtained. Time resolution is obtained by gating the radiometer. The peak electron density is derived from the emission or absorption onset at the maximum upper hybrid frequency and confirmed by independent measurements. With this diagnostic technique the electron density and temperature decay has been studied under a variety of experimental conditions. Ambipolar diffusion and collisional cooling essentially account for the plasma decay, but impurities and metastable ions play an important role. The diagnostic method is successfully applied in a microwave heating experiment. The existence of absorbing resonant layers is shown by a peak in the radial temperature profile where the local upper hybrid frequency equals the heating frequency. The knowledge of the plasma parameters is important in the study of hot plasma effects. Buchsbaum-Hasegawa modes are investigated in a wide range of magnetic fields (.5 < ω_c/ω < .985).


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Microwave noise emission at the harmonics of the electron cyclotron frequency from the magnetized plasma column of a Penning discharge is investigated experimentally. The harmonic emission spectrum is observed using oxygen gas in a variety of discharge configurations. It is found that grid stabilization of the plasma column has very little effect on the emission spectrum. Measurements of the shape and location of the harmonic emission lines are described in detail. On the basis of a microwave interferometer measurement of the electron density, it is concluded that the existence of a hybrid layer somewhere on the plasma column is a necessary condition for the observation of harmonic emission. The relaxation time and the cathode voltage dependence of the harmonic emission are investigated using a pulse modulation technique. It is found that the emission intensity increases rapidly with the magnitude of the cathode voltage and that the relaxation time decreases with increasing neutral gas pressure. High intensity nonharmonic radiation is observed and identified as resulting from a beam-plasma wave instability thereby eliminating the same instability as a possible source of the harmonic emission. It is found that the collective experimental results are in reasonable agreement with the single particle electrostatic radiation theory of Canobbio and Croci.


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The structure and the electrical and magnetic properties of an amorphous alloy containing approximately 80 at .% iron, 13 at.% phos phorus and 7 at.% carbon (Fe_(80)Fe_(13)C_7) obtained by rapid quenching from the liquid state have been studied. Transmission electron diffraction data confirm the amorphous nature of this alloy. An analysis of the radial distribution function obtained from X-ray diffraction data indicates that the number of nearest neighbors is approximately seven, at a distance of 2.6A. The structure of the alloy can be related to that of silicate glasses and is based on a random arrangement of trigonal prisms of Fe_2P and Fe_3C types in which the iron atoms have an average ligancy of seven. Electrical resistance measurements show that the alloys are metallic. A minimum in the electrical resistivity vs. temperature curve is observed between 10° K to 50° K depending on the specimen, and the temperature at which the minimum occurs is related to the degree of local ordering. The Fe-P-C amorphous alloys are ferromagnetic. The Curie temperature measured by the induction method and by Mossbauer spectroscopy is 315° C. The field dependence of the magneto-resistance at temperatures from liquid helium to room temperature is similar to that found in crystalline iron. The ordinary Hall coefficient is approximately 10^(-11) volt-cm/amp-G. The spontaneous Hall coefficient is about 0.6 x 10^(-9) volt-cm/amp-G and is practically independent of temperature from liquid helium temperature up to 300° c.


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We present the first experimental evidence that the heat capacity of superfluid 4He, at temperatures very close to the lambda transition temperature, Tλ,is enhanced by a constant heat flux, Q. The heat capacity at constant Q, CQ,is predicted to diverge at a temperature Tc(Q) < Tλ at which superflow becomes unstable. In agreement with previous measurements, we find that dissipation enters our cell at a temperature, TDAS(Q),below the theoretical value, Tc(Q). Our measurements of CQ were taken using the discrete pulse method at fourteen different heat flux values in the range 1µW/cm2 ≤ Q≤ 4µW /cm2. The excess heat capacity ∆CQ we measure has the predicted scaling behavior as a function of T and Q:∆CQ • tα ∝ (Q/Qc)2, where QcT) ~ t is the critical heat current that results from the inversion of the equation for Tc(Q). We find that if the theoretical value of Tc( Q) is correct, then ∆CQ is considerably larger than anticipated. On the other hand,if Tc(Q)≈ TDAS(Q),then ∆CQ is the same magnitude as the theoretically predicted enhancement.


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Isotopic fractionation due to sputtering has been investigated via a collector type experiment in which targets of known isotopic composition have been bombarded with several keV Ar+ and Xe+ ions with fluences down to 3.0x1014 ions/cm2 , believed to be the lowest fluences for which such detailed measurements have ever been made. The isotopes were sputtered onto carbon collectors and analyzed with Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy (SIMS.) There is clear indication of preferential effects several times that predicted by the dominant analytical theory. Results also show a fairly strong angular variation in the fractionation. The maximum effect is usually seen in the near normal direction, measured from the target surface, falling continuously, by a few percent in some cases, to a minimum in the oblique direction. Measurements have been made using Mo isotopes: 100Mo and 92Mo and a liquid metal system of In:Ga eutectic. The light isotope of Mo is found to suffer a 53 ± 5‰ (note: 1.0‰ ≡ 0.1%) enrichment in the sputtered flux in the near normal direction, compared to the steady state near normal sputtered composition, under 5.0 keV Xe+ bombardment of 3.0 x 1014 ions/cm2. In the liquid metal study only the angular dependence of the fractionation could be measured due to the lack of a well defined reference and the nature of the liquid surface, which is able to 'repair' itself during the course of a bombardment. The results show that 113In is preferentially sputtered over 115In in the near normal direction by about 8.7 ± 2.7‰ compared to the oblique direction. 69Ga, on the other hand, is sputtered preferentially over 71Ga in the oblique direction by about 13 ± 4.4‰ with respect to the near normal direction.