BACKGROUND In Chopart-level amputations the heel often deviates into equinus and varus when, due to the lack of healthy anterior soft tissue, rebalancing tendon transfers to the talar head are not possible. Consequently, anterior and lateral wound dehiscence and ulceration may occur requiring higher-level amputation to achieve wound closure, with considerable loss of function for the patients. METHODS Twenty-four consecutive patients (15 diabetes, 6 trauma, and 3 tumor) had Chopart's amputation and simultaneous or delayed additional ankle dorsiflexion arthrodesis to allow for tension-free wound closure or soft tissue reconstruction, or to treat secondary recurrent ulcerations. Percutaneous Achilles tendon lengthening and subtalar arthrodesis were added as needed. Wound healing problems, time to fusion and full weight-bearing in the prosthesis, complications in the prosthesis, and the ambulatory status were assessed. Satisfaction and function were evaluated by the AmpuPro score and the validated Prosthesis Evaluation Questionnaire scale. RESULTS Five patients had successful soft tissue healing and fusions but died of their underlying disease 2 to 46 months after the operation. Two diabetic patients required a transtibial amputation. The other 17 patients were followed for 27 months (range, 13-63). The average age of the 4 women and 13 men was 53.9 years (range, 16-87). Postoperative complications included minor wound healing problems in 8 patients, wound breakdown requiring revision in 4, phantom pain in 3, residual equinus in 1, and adjacent scar carcinoma in 1 patient. The time to full weight-bearing in the prosthesis ranged from 6 to 24 weeks (mean 10). The mean AmpuPro score was 107 points (of 120), and the mean Prosthesis Evaluation Questionnaire scale was 147 points (of 200). No complications occurred with the prosthesis. Twelve patients lost 1 to 2 mobility classes (mean 0.9). The arthrodeses all healed within 2.5 months (range, 1.5 to 5 months). CONCLUSION Adding an ankle arthrodesis to a Chopart's amputation either immediately or in a delayed fashion to treat anterior soft tissue complications was a successful salvage in most patients at this amputation level. It enabled the patients to preserve the advantages of a full-length limb with terminal weight-bearing. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE Level IV, retrospective case series.
OBJECTIVE Well-developed collaterals provide survival benefit in patients with obstructive coronary artery disease (CAD). Therefore, in this study we sought to determine which clinical variables are associated with arteriogenesis. DESIGN Clinical and laboratory variables were collected before percutaneous coronary intervention. Multivariate analysis was performed to determine which variables are associated with the collateral flow index (CFI). PATIENTS Data from 295 chronic total occlusion (CTO) patients (Bern, Switzerland, Amsterdam, the Netherlands and Jena, Germany) were pooled. In earlier studies, patients had varying degrees of stenosis. Therefore, different stages of development of the collaterals were used. In our study, a unique group of patients with CTO was analysed. INTERVENTIONS Instead of angiography used earlier, we used a more accurate method to determine CFI using intracoronary pressure measurements. CFI was calculated from the occlusive pressure distal of the coronary lesion, the aortic pressure and central venous pressure. RESULTS The mean CFI was 0.39 ± 0.14. After multivariate analysis, β blockers, hypertension and angina pectoris duration were positively associated with CFI (B: correlation coefficient β=0.07, SE=0.03, p=0.02, B=0.040, SE=0.02, p=0.042 and B=0.001, SE=0.000, p=0.02). Furthermore also after multivariate analysis, high serum leucocytes, prior myocardial infarction and high diastolic blood pressure were negatively associated with CFI (B=-0.01, SE=0.005, p=0.03, B=-0.04, SE=0.02, p=0.03 and B=-0.002, SE=0.001, p=0.011). CONCLUSIONS In this unique cohort, high serum leucocytes and high diastolic blood pressure are associated with poorly developed collaterals. Interestingly, the use of β blockers is associated with well-developed collaterals, shedding new light on the potential action mode of this drug in patients with CAD.
The bone-anchored port (BAP) is an investigational implant, which is intended to be fixed on the temporal bone and provide vascular access. There are a number of implants taking advantage of the stability and available room in the temporal bone. These devices range from implantable hearing aids to percutaneous ports. During temporal bone surgery, injuring critical anatomical structures must be avoided. Several methods for computer-assisted temporal bone surgery are reported, which typically add an additional procedure for the patient. We propose a surgical guide in the form of a bone-thickness map displaying anatomical landmarks that can be used for planning of the surgery, and for the intra-operative decision of the implant’s location. The retro-auricular region of the temporal and parietal bone was marked on cone-beam computed tomography scans and tridimensional surfaces displaying the bone thickness were created from this space. We compared this method using a thickness map (n = 10) with conventional surgery without assistance (n = 5) in isolated human anatomical whole head specimens. The use of the thickness map reduced the rate of Dura Mater exposition from 100% to 20% and OPEN ACCESS Materials 2013, 6 5292 suppressed sigmoid sinus exposures. The study shows that a bone-thickness map can be used as a low-complexity method to improve patient’s safety during BAP surgery in the temporal bone.
Purpose We compared the long-term results of minimally invasive endourological intervention and open surgical revision in patients with a nonmalignant ureteroileal stricture. Materials and Methods We retrospectively evaluated the records of 74 patients (85 renal units) treated for unilateral or bilateral nonmalignant ureteroileal strictures. Overall, 96 endourological and 35 open surgical procedures were performed. Balloon dilatation and Acucise® or Ho:YAG laser endoureterotomy were used as minimally invasive endourological interventions. Open surgical revision with stricture resection and open ureteroileal end-to-side-reanastomosis was the alternate therapy. Treatment success was defined as radiological normalization or improvement of upper urinary tract morphology combined with absent flank pain, infection, ureteral stents or percutaneous nephrostomies. Results Median followup was 29 months (range 2 to 177). The overall success rate was 26% (25 of 96 cases) for endourological intervention vs 91% (32 of 35) for open surgical revision (p <0.001). Subgroup analysis showed a significant difference in the success rate of minimally invasive endourological interventions vs open surgical revision for strictures greater than 1 cm (3 of 52 cases or 6% vs 19 of 22 or 86%, p <0.001). The success rate of endourological and open surgical procedures for strictures 1 cm or less was 50% (22 of 44 cases) and 100% (13 of 13), respectively. After adjusting for multiple preoperative stricture characteristics, only stricture length was strongly and inversely associated with a successful outcome (p <0.001). Conclusions Open surgical revision produces better results than minimally invasive endourological intervention for ureteroileal strictures, particularly those greater than 1 cm. The success rate of endourological intervention is acceptable only for ureteroileal strictures 1 cm or less. Therefore, ureteroileal strictures greater than 1 cm should be primarily managed by open surgical revision.
To test the hypothesis of a heritable base of ectopic ureters (EU) in Entlebucher Mountain Dogs (EMD) and to elucidate associated risk factors and mode of inheritance of the disease, 565 EMD were clinically investigated and population genetic analyses performed. Based on the location of the most caudal termination of the ureteral openings, 552 EMD were classified into three phenotype groups trigone, intravesically and extravesically ectopic based on results of abdominal sonography, urethra-cystoscopy and/or contrast-enhanced computed tomography. One-third (32.9%) of the phenotyped animals had normal terminations of both ureters in the bladder trigone, 47.3% had at least one intravesicular ectopic termination and 19.8% had at least one extravesicular ectopic termination. Multivariate mixed logistic regression revealed gender as a risk factor associated with EU as males were more often affected than females. Complex segregation analysis indicated a hereditary basis for EU in EMD and the involvement of a major gene in the occurrence of the extravesicular EU phenotype.
A 34-year-old male patient was referred for primary percutaneous coronary intervention for ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction with cardiogenic shock and was found to have embolic left coronary artery occlusion and subsegmental pulmonary artery emboli as a consequence of venous thrombosis to trauma to the thigh in the presence of a patent foramen ovale.
Temporary transcoronary unipolar pacing is a validated simple, effective, and safe alternative to temporary transvenous pacing of the right ventricle for the treatment of relevant bradyarrhythmias complicating percutaneous coronary intervention. We describe the use of rapid transcoronary pacing to aid precise placement of a stent in the left main coronary artery bifurcation.
BACKGROUND Accurate needle placement is crucial for the success of percutaneous radiological needle interventions. We compared three guiding methods using an optical-based navigation system: freehand, using a stereotactic aiming device and active depth control, and using a stereotactic aiming device and passive depth control. METHODS For each method, 25 punctures were performed on a non-rigid phantom. Five 1 mm metal screws were used as targets. Time requirements were recorded, and target positioning errors (TPE) were measured on control scans as the distance between needle tip and target. RESULTS Time requirements were reduced using the aiming device and passive depth control. The Euclidian TPE was similar for each method (4.6 ± 1.2-4.9 ± 1.7 mm). However, the lateral component was significantly lower when an aiming device was used (2.3 ± 1.3-2.8 ± 1.6 mm with an aiming device vs 4.2 ± 2.0 mm without). DISCUSSION Using an aiming device may increase the lateral accuracy of navigated needle insertion.
OBJECTIVE Angiographic C-arm CT may allow performing percutaneous stereotactic tumor ablations in the interventional radiology suite. Our purpose was to evaluate the accuracy of using C-arm CT for single and multimodality image fusions and to compare the targeting accuracy of liver lesions with the reference standard of MDCT. MATERIALS AND METHODS C-arm CT and MDCT scans were obtained of a nonrigid rapid prototyping liver phantom containing five 1-mm targets that were placed under skin-simulating deformable plastic foam. Target registration errors of image fusion were evaluated for single-modality and multimodality image fusions. A navigation system and stereotactic aiming device were used to evaluate target positioning errors on postinterventional scans with the needles in place fused with the C-arm CT or MDCT planning images. RESULTS Target registration error of the image fusion showed no significant difference (p > 0.05) between both modalities. In five series with a total of 25 punctures for each modality, the lateral target positioning error (i.e., the lateral distance between the needle tip and the planned trajectory) was similar for C-arm CT (mean [± SD], 1.6 ± 0.6 mm) and MDCT (1.82 ± .97 mm) (p = 0.33). CONCLUSION In a nonrigid liver phantom, angiographic C-arm CT may provide similar image fusion accuracy for comparison of intra- and postprocedure control images with the planning images and enables stereotactic targeting accuracy similar to that of MDCT.
Introduction This prospective nonrandomized study compared the safety and efficacy of a novel arterial closure device (ACD) in common femoral artery procedures to that of the FDA submitted historical manual pressure control group, who underwent either a diagnostic angiogram (DA) or a percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) procedure. Methods and Results A total of 55 patients were enrolled in this study of the novel ACD. Of the 55 patients, 39 were enrolled in the DA group and 16 were enrolled in the PCI group. Six patients were excluded. A device was deployed in 49 patients. Time to hemostasis (TTH), time to ambulation (TTA), device function, and device-related vascular complications were measured. In the device group, the TTH for the combined DA and PCI patients was 32 seconds (0.54 ± 0.93 minutes), significantly lower when compared with 16.0 ± 12.2 minutes (P < 0.0001) for the control group. Overall major vascular complication rate did not differ significantly, device group (1/49) and the historical control group (1/217). TTA in the combined PCI and DA device group was 226.4 ± 231.9 at the German site (site ambulation policy). In the Irish site, the average TTA in the PCI group was 187 minutes (n = 8) and 85 minutes (n = 14) in the DA group. Conclusion The Celt ACD® device is safe, effective, and significantly decreases the TTH compared to manual pressure and has a low vascular complications rate. The device may be effective in early ambulation and discharge of patients postcoronary intervention procedures.
Recently developed technologies allow aortic valve implantation off-pump in a beating heart. In this procedure, the native, stenotic aortic valve is not removed, but simply crushed by a pressure balloon mounted on a percutaneous catheter. Removal of the native aortic cusps before valve replacement may reduce the incidence of annular or cuspal calcium embolization and late perivalvular leaks and increase implantable valve size. However, a temporary valve system in the ascending aorta may be necessary to maintain hemodynamic stability by reducing acute aortic regurgitation and left ventricular volume overload. This study evaluates the hemodynamic effects of a wire-mounted, monoleaflet, temporary valve apparatus in a mechanical cardiovascular simulator. Aortic flow, systemic pressure and left ventricular pressure were continuously monitored. An intraluminal camera obtained real-time proximal and distal images of the valve in operation. Insertion of the parachute valve in the simulator increased diastolic pressure from 7 to 38 mm Hg. Cardiac output increased from 2.08 to 4.66 L/min and regurgitant volume decreased from 65 to 23 mL. In conclusion, placement of a temporary valve in the ascending aorta may help maintain hemodynamic stability and improve off-pump aortic valve replacement.
Transcatheter (or percutaneous) renal denervation is a novel technique developed for the treatment of resistant hypertension. So far, only one randomised controlled trial has been published, which has shown a reduction of office blood pressure. The Swiss Society of Hypertension, the Swiss Society of Cardiology, The Swiss Society of Angiology and the Swiss Society of Interventional Radiology decided to establish recommendations to practicing physicians and specialists for good clinical practice. The eligibility of patients for transcatheter renal denervation needs (1.) confirmation of truly resistant hypertension, (2.) exclusion of secondary forms of hypertension, (3.) a multidisciplinary decision confirming the eligibility, (4.) facilities that guarantee procedural safety and (5.) a long-term follow-up of the patients, if possible in cooperation with a hypertension specialist. These steps are essential until long-term data on safety and efficacy are available.
Renal replacement therapy by hemodialysis requires a permanent vascular access. Implantable ports offer a potential alternative to standard vascular access strategies although their development is limited both in number and extent. We explored the fluid dynamics within two new percutaneous bone-anchored dialysis port prototypes, both by in vitro experiments and computer simulation. The new port is to be fixed to bone and allows the connection of a dialysis machine to a central venous catheter via a built-in valve. We found that the pressure drop induced by the two ports was between 20 and 50 mmHg at 500 ml/min, which is comparable with commercial catheter connectors (15–80 mmHg). We observed the formation of vortices in both geometries, and a shear rate in the physiological range (<10,000s-1), which is lower than maximal shear rates reported in commercial catheters (up to 13,000s-1). A difference in surface shear rate of 15% between the two ports was obtained.
A 78 year old man with tetraparesis, reduced forced vital capacity, and neurogenic bladder dysfunction due to Guillain-Barré syndrome was admitted for elective transurethral prostate resection and percutaneous lithotripsy of a bladder stone. On the sixth postoperative day, he was readmitted for emergency evacuation of a clot in the bladder. Both operations were performed with spinal anesthesia (hyperbaric bupivacaine + fentanyl) without neurologic sequelae.
BACKGROUND This study sought to determine whether the 1-year differences in major adverse cardiac event between a stent eluting biolimus from a biodegradable polymer and bare-metal stents (BMSs) in the COMFORTABLE trial (Comparison of Biolimus Eluted From an Erodible Stent Coating With Bare Metal Stents in Acute ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction) were sustained during long-term follow-up. METHODS AND RESULTS A total of 1061 patients were randomly assigned to biolimus-eluting stent (BES) and BMS at 11 centers, and follow-up rates at 2 years were 96.3%. A subgroup of 103 patients underwent angiography at 13 months. At 2 years, differences in the primary end point of cardiac death, target-vessel myocardial infarction, and target lesion revascularization continued to diverge in favor of BES-treated patients (5.8%) compared with BMS-treated patients (11.9%; hazard ratio=0.48; 95% confidence interval, 0.31-0.72; P<0.001) with a significant risk reduction during the second year of follow-up (hazard ratio 1-2 years=0.45; 95% confidence interval, 0.20-1.00; P=0.049). Differences in the primary end point were driven by a reduction in target lesion revascularization (3.1% versus 8.2%; P<0.001) and target-vessel reinfarction (1.3% versus 3.4%; P=0.023). The composite of death, any reinfarction and revascularization (14.5% versus 19.3%; P=0.03), and cardiac death or target-vessel myocardial infarction (4.2% versus 7.2%; P=0.036) were less frequent among BES-treated patients compared with BMS-treated patients. The 13-month angiographic in-stent percent diameter stenosis amounted to 12.0±7.2 in BES- and 39.6±25.2 in BMS-treated lesions (P<0.001). CONCLUSIONS Among patients with ST-segment-elevation myocardial infarction undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention, BES continued to improve cardiovascular events compared with BMS beyond 1 year.