894 resultados para Organization and Knowledge Representation
A problemática da inserção profissional dos novos professores tem sido largamente estudada sob várias perspetivas das quais destacamos, as dificuldades enfrentadas no início do seu desempenho como docentes (Alen y Sardi, 2009) Krichesky y Merodo (2009), o vinculo entre inserção e identidade profissional (Martineau y Portelance, 2005), o desenvolvimento da competência ética nos novos professores (St. Vincent 2011) e as trajetórias de emprego, entre outras.Os resultados destas pesquisas têm revelado o tipo de problemas enfrentados pelos novos professores à entrada na carreira docente e confirmado que nem todos os percursos se iniciam de modo tranquilo e sereno. É esta a problemática que serve de base ao objeto de estudo desta dissertação, pretendendo-se mais precisamente, centrar a nossa pesquisa no percurso profissional de seis professores diplomados pela Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa há dois anos. O objetivo geral do estudo é, assim, descrever e compreender o desenvolvimento profissional desses professores, identificar as dimensões mais relevantes, os fatores que o condicionam e os contextos que o limitam ou facilitam. Tendo em conta o objeto de estudo identificaram-se as seguintes questões: 1) Quais as implicações da formação inicial no desempenho da profissão? 2) Quais as principais dificuldades / problemas com que se defrontaram os novos professores na inserção na profissão?; 3) Como atuam os professores principiantes?; O que mudam nas suas práticas, o que perdura?; 4) Como se incrementa o sentimento de pertença ao novo grupo profissional?; 5) Quais as particularidades dos contextos de trabalho em que estes professores se encontram integrados que se revelam facilitadoras e/ou constrangedoras da sua inserção profissional? Para o efeito recorremos a uma metodologia qualitativa, e privilegiámos como técnica de recolha de dados a entrevista semiestruturada. Para o tratamento dos dados sustentámo-nos na análise de conteúdo seguindo os passos recomendados para a análise de conteúdo (Bardin, 2009). Os resultados do estudo permitiram identificar os constrangimentos experimentados por estes professores à entrada da profissão, assim como os modos como os ultrapassaram. Destes, destacam-se dificuldades relacionadas com a falta de autonomia, com aspetos de natureza metodológica, ao nível da organização e desenvolvimento curricular e de relacionamento com os elementos da direção das instituições nos contextos de trabalho.Abstract The issue of employability of new teachers has been widely studied from various perspectives. Research has revealed the sort of problems faced by new teachers at the beginning of their career. It confirms that frequently it is not a peaceful and serene start. We highlight the following difficulties: the link between integration and professional identity (Alen y Sardi, 2009; Krichesky y Merodo, 2009), the development of ethical competence in new teachers (y Portelance Martineau, 2005), and the professional path (St. Vincent 2011). This is the hypothesis explored in this thesis. Specifically, we focus our research on the career of six graduate teachers by the Lisbon School of Education. The main objective is to describe and understand the professional development of these teachers. For that we identify the most relevant dimensions, the factors that constrain and contexts that limit or facilitate their development. A qualitative methodology was used throughout the study. Semi structured interviews were the main data collection process. Data treatment followed the recommended framework for content analysis (Bardin, 2009). The following research questions were put forward: 1) What are the impacts of base level of knowledge in the professional performance? 2) What are the main difficulties / problems that new teachers face? 3) How do novice teachers perform? What changes in their methods, what endures? 4) What increases the feeling of belonging to the new professional group? 5) What are the peculiarities of work contexts that act as facilitators and/or barriers to professional acceptance? The results allowed identifying the constraints experienced by teachers at the beginning of their careers, and the ways to surpass them. We highlight the difficulties related to: lack of autonomy; methodologies; curricular organization and development; and the relationship with the directors at their workplace.
In the last years there has been a considerable increase in the number of people in need of intensive care, especially among the elderly, a phenomenon that is related to population ageing (Brown 2003). However, this is not exclusive of the elderly, as diseases as obesity, diabetes, and blood pressure have been increasing among young adults (Ford and Capewell 2007). As a new fact, it has to be dealt with by the healthcare sector, and particularly by the public one. Thus, the importance of finding new and cost effective ways for healthcare delivery are of particular importance, especially when the patients are not to be detached from their environments (WHO 2004). Following this line of thinking, a VirtualECare Multiagent System is presented in section 2, being our efforts centered on its Group Decision modules (Costa, Neves et al. 2007) (Camarinha-Matos and Afsarmanesh 2001).On the other hand, there has been a growing interest in combining the technological advances in the information society - computing, telecommunications and knowledge – in order to create new methodologies for problem solving, namely those that convey on Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS), based on agent perception. Indeed, the new economy, along with increased competition in today’s complex business environments, takes the companies to seek complementarities, in order to increase competitiveness and reduce risks. Under these scenarios, planning takes a major role in a company life cycle. However, effective planning depends on the generation and analysis of ideas (innovative or not) and, as a result, the idea generation and management processes are crucial. Our objective is to apply the GDSS referred to above to a new area. We believe that the use of GDSS in the healthcare arena will allow professionals to achieve better results in the analysis of one’s Electronically Clinical Profile (ECP). This attainment is vital, regarding the incoming to the market of new drugs and medical practices, which compete in the use of limited resources.
Mestrado, Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, 1 de Julho de 2013, Universidade dos Açores (Relatório de Estágio).
Mestrado em Engenharia Informática
Dissertação Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica no perfil de Manutenção e Produção
The Bologna Process aimed to build a European Higher Education Area with the objective of promoting students mobility. The adoption of Bologna Declaration directives requires a decentralized approach that accelerates student's mobility, based on frequently updated legislation. This paper proposes a student personal system to manage student's academic information. This system is supported by a flexible model that integrates, for instance, knowledge about the student attended courses or about a course that the student wishes to apply. Essentially, this model holds a (i) Student's Academic Record with skills acquired in academic course units, professional experience or training and an (ii) Individual Studies Plan, which places the student in a particular (iii) Course Plan setting the curricular structure that the student wishes to apply.
Mestrado em Relações Internacionais.
O objectivo do projecto descrito nesta dissertação é o desenvolvimento da interface entre as empresas e a plataforma Business-to-Business (B2B) de negociação automática de anúncios em construção. A plataforma, no seu todo, deve garantir que os intervalos da programação são preenchidos com um alinhamento de anúncios compatível com os interesses expressos e o perfil construído dos espectadores. A plataforma funciona como um mercado electrónico de negociação automática destinado a agências de publicidade (empresas produtoras) e empresas provedoras de conteúdos e serviços multimédia aos consumidores finais (empresas distribuidoras). As empresas, uma vez registadas na plataforma, passam a ser representadas por agentes que negoceiam automaticamente os itens submetidos com o comportamento especificado. Do ponto de vista da arquitectura, a plataforma consiste num sistema multiagente organizado em três camadas compostas por: (i) agentes de interface com as empresas; (ii) agentes de modelação das empresas; e (iii) agentes delegados, de duração efémera, exclusivamente criados para participar em negociações específicas de conteúdos multimédia. Cada empresa representada na plataforma possui, para além de um número indeterminado de delegados envolvidos em negociações específicas, dois agentes: (i) o agente de interface com a empresa, que expõe um conjunto de operações de interface ao exterior através de um serviço Web, localizado na primeira camada; e (ii) o agente que modela a empresa na plataforma, que expõe através de um serviço Web um conjunto de operações aos agentes das restantes camadas da plataforma, residente na camada intermédia. Este projecto focou-se no desenvolvimento da camada superior de interface da plataforma com as empresas e no enriquecimento da camada intermédia. A realização da camada superior incluiu a especificação da parte da ontologia da plataforma que dá suporte às operações de interface com o exterior, à sua exposição como serviços Web e à criação e controlo dos agentes de interface. Esta camada superior deve permitir às empresas carregar e descarregar toda informação relevante de e para a plataforma, através de uma interface gráfica ou de forma automática, e apresentar de forma gráfica e intuitiva os resultados alcançados, nomeadamente, através da apresentação da evolução das transacções. Em relação à camada intermédia, adicionou-se à ontologia da plataforma a representação do conhecimento de suporte às operações de interface com a camada superior, adoptaram-se taxonomias de classificação de espectadores, anúncios e programas, desenvolveu-se um algoritmo de emparelhamento entre os espectadores, programas e anúncios disponíveis e, por fim, procedeu-se ao armazenamento persistente dos resultados das negociações. Do ponto de vista da plataforma, testou-se o seu funcionamento numa única plataforma física e assegurou-se a segurança e privacidade da comunicação entre empresa e plataforma e entre agentes que representam uma mesma empresa.
Serious games are starting to attain a higher role as tools for learning in various contexts, but in particular in areas such as education and training. Due to its characteristics, such as rules, behavior simulation and feedback to the player's actions, serious games provide a favorable learning environment where errors can occur without real life penalty and students get instant feedback from challenges. These challenges are in accordance with the intended objectives and will self-adapt and repeat according to the student’s difficulty level. Through motivating and engaging environments, which serve as base for problem solving and simulation of different situations and contexts, serious games have a great potential to aid players developing professional skills. But, how do we certify the acquired knowledge and skills? With this work we intend to propose a methodology to establish a relationship between the game mechanics of serious games and an array of competences for certification, evaluating the applicability of various aspects in the design and development of games such as the user interfaces and the gameplay, obtaining learning outcomes within the game itself. Through the definition of game mechanics combined with the necessary pedagogical elements, the game will ensure the certification. This paper will present a matrix of generic skills, based on the European Framework of Qualifications, and the definition of the game mechanics necessary for certification on tour guide training context. The certification matrix has as reference axes: skills, knowledge and competencies, which describe what the students should learn, understand and be able to do after they complete the learning process. The guides-interpreters welcome and accompany tourists on trips and visits to places of tourist interest and cultural heritage such as museums, palaces and national monuments, where they provide various information. Tour guide certification requirements include skills and specific knowledge about foreign languages and in the areas of History, Ethnology, Politics, Religion, Geography and Art of the territory where it is inserted. These skills are communication, interpersonal relationships, motivation, organization and management. This certification process aims to validate the skills to plan and conduct guided tours on the territory, demonstrate knowledge appropriate to the context and finally match a good group leader. After defining which competences are to be certified, the next step is to delineate the expected learning outcomes, as well as identify the game mechanics associated with it. The game mechanics, as methods invoked by agents for interaction with the game world, in combination with game elements/objects allows multiple paths through which to explore the game environment and its educational process. Mechanics as achievements, appointments, progression, reward schedules or status, describe how game can be designed to affect players in unprecedented ways. In order for the game to be able to certify tour guides, the design of the training game will incorporate a set of theoretical and practical tasks to acquire skills and knowledge of various transversal themes. For this end, patterns of skills and abilities in acquiring different knowledge will be identified.