990 resultados para Ordenació del territori -- Catalunya -- Selva


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The paludal deposits presented here belong to a geomorphological unit identified between Palafrugell Corridor and the littoral plains of Ter River (Baix Ter), associated to a carbonate-rich spring system. The sections show a distintic clay level, mixed with black silts, very rich in snail remains. The malacological assemblage contained stillwaters species (Bithynia leachii, Galba truncatula, Pisidium milium, Radix peregra) along with damp species (Monacha cartusiana, Oxyloma elegans, Succinea putris, Succinella oblonga, Vallonia pulchella, Vertigo sp.). Some open-dry species are also present (Cernuella virgata, Eobania vermiculata, Pomatias elegans, Rumina decollata) revailing a mosaic-like landscape. Radiocarbon dates place this level ca. 7.000BPwithin the Holocene sequence of the Baix Ter basin. Colluvial deposits on top of these paludal levels have a typical open-dry malacological assemblage (Cernuella virgata, Cochlicella acuta, Eobania vermiculata, Pomatias elegans, Rumina decollata, Trochoidea elegans) the same assemblage that inhabits the Empord littoral plains nowadays


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The origin and the primary features of the erosive earth pillar-like formations that develop in the Riera de Gai (Barcelona) and in the Bernal de Ytor (Granada) are described. They are dynamic formations typical of areas subjected to strong water erosion


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The area known as 'prats de Sant Sebasti' is in Caldes de Malavella. It is part of the wetlands located in the south-eastern end of the Selva Basin. Several areas with unusually high conductivity (EC up to 24,500 uS/cm) have been identified in this place. This fact allows highly specialised and comparatively rare botanical species to grow in this area. These saline soils follow a north-south line-up. The geophysical data, obtained with a field conductivemeter (EM 31), show that this superficial line-up continues in the subsoil. In addition to this, the conductivity cartography, made for an electromagnetic exploration depth of 6 meters, shows that the width of the region where these salinity anomalies take place increases in depth. When included in the hidrogeological context of this sector of the Selva Basin, these data bring new elements for the study of the genesis and working of these marshy environments. The model that future research will have to confirm, maintains that the groundwater discharges coming from the underlying hydrogeothermal aquifer are a conditioning factor of the aforementioned phenomenon. This ascending flow of highly mineralised waters (TDS of about 3,500 mg/l) can produce and keep stable the soil salinity


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Pleistocene and Quaternary sediments adjacent to the medium course of the Fluvi river are a source of aggregate in the Garrotxa. Four lithological units can be used directly, or with a minimal processing as coarse aggregate. They have been mapped in detail at the 1:5.000 escale. The stratigraphic analysis have made possible the four units to be ordered in relation to their suitibility for usage as aggregate. From high to low relative quality they are: the basaltic flow, fluviatile deposits, plio-quaternary conglomerates, and glacis deposits


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The Paleozoic materials of Masss de Begur are described from a stratigraphical point of view. We distinguish two units: the lower one, present phillites with carbonate layers of cambro-ordovician age. The upper one is composed by volcanic rocks, carbonate schists and black slates, bring from caradocian and ashgillian age


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The depth of the water table and the clay content are determinant factors for the exploitability of natural aggregates, such as the alluvial sands and gravels found on the fluvial domain of the Ter River. In this preliminary study, carried out in the Celri basin, we conclude that these variables can be determined by means of geophysical methods and recornmends the use of such methods in studies of regional character


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Stratigraphic series concerning the paleogenic materials of the 'Massis de Begur' are described. We note the presence of some diferences between its northem and westem margins


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The Guilleries are a small and mountainous area located in the north-westem part of the Catalonian Coastal Ranges where metamorphic and igneous Paleozoic rocks are exposed. After the main hercynian folding this area was affected by a brittle deformation that is mainly manifested by the intrusion of a very large number of dykes of granodiorite and the development of a complex joint system. Trends of dykes indicate that their intrusion was related to a SE-NW extension, whose estimated value is 40% on an average. This extension seems to stand, although without any associated igneous event, with the development of NE-SW directed joints which make the main set. Five families more were developed later, one gently-dipping and fou upright; the latter trending roughly SE-NW, ENE-WSW, ESE-WNW and N-S. AU the joint sets appear in the metasedimentary Paleozoic rocks and in the hercynian intrusive bodies. Concerning the ages, joints that belong to the NE-SW and SE-NW directed sets and also those slightly dipping have been attributed to the late-hercynian times and all the other are considered to be later


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The geometry of Riera de Tossa (Costa Brava, Catalonia) Pleistocene paleovalley has been studied by two geophysical prospecting methods: vertical electric sounding (VES-DC) and seismic refraction. The results show the existence of a sudden slope change of the thalweg that permits to differentiate two sections where erosion processes operated in unequal intensity. Based on geological and geomorphological available data, it can be inferred that this slope rupture is caused by the litological control imposed by the alineation of resistant materials, which limited the headward erosion extend of the creek during the Upper Pleistocene


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Descripci del bloc grantic basculant, conegut amb el nom de 'Pedralta', situat entre els termes municipals de Santa Cristina d'Aro i Sant Feliu arrel de la seva caiguda per causes naturals, el 10 de desembre de 1996


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El projecte consisteix en realitzar lavaluaci dels sls del municipi de Sant Gregori i la seva posterior classificaci per Capacitat Agrolgica. Aquest projecte es va portar a terme per palliar la manca dinformaci sobre sls que hi ha nivell local


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En aquest projecte delectrificaci del polgon industrial de Palafrugell s'ha realitzat un disseny complet de tots els aspectes determinants des de larribada de la lnia dalta tensi, les ramificacions de baixa tensi, clcul denllumenat, postes a terra, centres de transformaci amb els seus respectius transformadors, i per ltim un estudi i orientaci sobre tarificacions a indstries. De cada apartat s'ha realitzat tota la srie de clculs necessaris per determinar els components i aparellatge dimensionat per les necessitats


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Socially responsible human resource management constitutes the conceptual-theory framework of the thesis. The results obtained from the empirical part show the existence of three clusters inasmuch as the application of socially responsible practices for promoting job quality in the case of Catalonia: the group of workers in organizations with low-level of social responsibility; those who work in a environment of work practices for implication and the group of workers in a environment oriented to health and safety at work. Among the determining factors in applying these practices we can find characteristics of the firms where the employees work as well as personal characteristics and those of the job. The research also shows that, in general, applying socially responsible management in human resources does have positive effects on the worker and therefore creates greater trust in management, increased job satisfaction, less stress at work and a lower intention to quit a job.


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Between 1895 and 1910 Barcelona saw a whole range of social, political and cultural changes due to the increasingly important emergence of the working masses. At the same time, the cinema arrived in Catalonia, becoming very quickly one of the favorite entertainments of the urban laboring population which was about creating a new culture opposed to the modernist and nineteenth-century elite .This is, broadly speaking, the context that serves as a starting point for a study of the role of cinema in shaping a mass audience in Barcelona, an analysis centered on new urban spaces intended for the leisure of the lower classes emerged with the birth of modern Barcelona, especially the Parallel avenue, whose opening in 1894 made even more apparent the great social tensions and existing inequalities in Barcelonas society at the end of the century.


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L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi doctoral consisteix en determinar si el model de gesti dels recursos humans de les empreses matrius japoneses es transferible a les filials japoneses de Catalunya. Per tot aix desprs d'un estudi teric sobre la literatura existent del model de gesti dels recursos humans japons i la internacionalitzaci dels recursos humans, s'ha realitzat un treball empric mitjanant una enquesta a les filials japoneses instal.lades a Catalunya. En el qestionari s'analitzen diferents mbits de la gesti dels recursos humans i que constitueixen les 7 hiptesis del nostre treball de camp basades en el model de recursos humans japons referides a: 1- Reclutament i selecci, 2- Promoci i Rotaci, 3- Lideratge, comunicaci i treball en equip, 4- Motivaci, clima laboral i cultura empresrial, 5- Formaci i desenvolupament, 6- Avaluaci de l'acompliment, y 7- Retribuci i beneficis socials. Tot aix ens ha indicat quina es la tendncia del model japons de recursos humans a les filials catalanes tenint en compte que estem analitzant un contexte cultural diferent a la idiosincrasia dels treballadors japonesos. El treball ens ha perms de proposar dues lnies d'investigaci, una a determinar en el temps i una altre en l'espai. En el temps amb la nova generaci s'est produint un canvi cultural en el qual els joves japonesos intenten importar part dels valors occidentals que es veur reflectit al llarg de 10-20 anys. I en l'espai l'aplicaci de l'estudi a altres pasos europeus, com Anglaterra, Frana i Alemanya que sn els principals pasos on els japonesos prefereixen instal.lar-se.