982 resultados para Operating cost


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We present a strain-compensated InP-based InGaAs/InAlAs photovoltaic quantum cascade detector grown by solid source molecular beam epitaxy. The detector is based on a vertical intersubband transition and electron transfer on a cascade of quantum levels which is designed to provide longitudinal optical phonon extraction stairs. By careful structure design and growth, the whole epilayer has a residual strain toward InP substrate of only -2.8 x 10(-4). A clear narrow band detection spectrum centered at 4.5 mu m has been observed above room temperature for a device with 200 x 200 mu m(2) square mesa.


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This work was supported by the National Research Projects of China (grant numbers are 60525406, 60736031, 60806018, 60906026, 2006CB604903, 2007AA03Z446 and 2009AA03Z403, 10990100, respectively). The authors would like to thank P Liang, Y Hu, H Sun, X L Zhang, B J Sun, H L Zhen and N Li for their help in processing and characterization.


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The design and operation of a 5.5 MWe biomass integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) demonstration plant, which is located in Xinghua, Jiangsu Province of China, are introduced. It is the largest complete biomass gasification power plant that uses rice husk and other agricultural wastes as fuel in Asia. It mainly consists of a 20 MWt atmospheric circulating fluidized-bed gasifier, a gas-purifying system, 10 sets of 450 kW(e) gas engines, a waste heat boiler, a 1.5 MWe steam turbine, a wastewater treatment system, etc. The demonstration plant has been operating since the end of 2005, and its overall efficiency reaches 26-28%. Its capital cost is less than 1200 USD/kW, and its running cost is about 0.079 USD/kWh based on the biomass price of 35.7 USD/ton. There is a 20% increment on capital cost and 35% decrease on the fuel consumption compared to that of a 1 MW system without a combined cycle. Because only part of the project has been performed, many of the tests still remain and, accordingly, must be reported at a later opportunity.


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Direct current SQUIDs (superconducting quantum interference devices) have been successfully fabricated by using a Pb-doped BiSrCaCuO superconducting thin film made by mixed evaporation of a single source composed of related components with a resistance heater. The dc SQUID comprises a square washer with a small hole. These SQUIDs show perfectly periodic voltage-flux characteristics without magnetic shield, that is, typically, the flux noise and energy resolution at a frequency range from dc to 1 Hz and at 78 K being 1.7 x 10(-3) PHI-0/ square-root Hz and 3.6 x 10(-26) J/Hz, respectively. Meanwhile, we have found out that one of the SQUIDs still was able to operate on flux-locked mode without bias currents and showed voltage-flux second harmonic characteristics. This phenomenon is not well understood, but it may be related to I-V (current-voltage) characteristics of the dc SQUID.


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The estimate for the lowest cost of SODL (silicon on defect layer) solar cell is made according to the price standard of present market. The estimate shows that the PV (photovoltaics) energy costs can be reduced from today's 25-30 cents/(kW h) to 7-8 cents/(kW h) which is comparable with the present cost of electricity generated by traditional energy sources such as fossil and petroleum fuels. The PV energy costs could be reduced to a value lower than 7-8 cents(kW h) by developing SODL technology. The SODL solar cell manufacture featuring simple processes is suitable to large scale automated assembly lines with high yield of large area cells. Some new ideas are suggested, favoring the further reduction in the cost of commercial solar cells.


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Optical filters capable of single control parameter-based wide tuning are implemented and studied. A prototype surface micromachined 1.3μm Si-based MOEMS (micro-opto-electro-mechanical-systems) tunable filter exhibits a continuous and large tuning range of 90 nm at 50 V tuning voltage. The filter can be integrated with Si-based photodetector in a low-cost component for coarse wavelength division multiplexing systems operating in the 1.3μm band.


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A normal-incident SiGe/Si multiple quantum wells (MQWs) photodetector was reported. The structure and fabrication process of the photodetector were introduced. The photocurrent spectra measurement showed that the response spectra was expanded to 1.3 mu m wavelength. The quantum efficiency of the photodetector was 0.1% at 1.3 mu m and 20% at 0.95 mu m.


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The development of quantum cascade laser at 2.94 THz is reported. The laser structure is based on a bound-to-continuum active region and a semi-insulating surface-plasmon waveguide. Lasing is observed up to a heat-sink temperature of 70 K in pulsed mode with light power of 4.75 mW at 10 K and 1 mW at 70 K. A threshold current density of 296.5 A/cm(2) and an internal quantum efficiency of 1.57 x 10(-2) per cascade period are also observed at 10 K. The characteristic temperature of this laser is extracted to be T-0 = 57.5 K.


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Salt water intrusion occurred frequently during dry season in Modaomen waterway of the Pearl River Estuary. With the development of region's economy and urbanization, the salt tides affect the region's water supply more and more seriously in recent years. Regulation and allocation of freshwater resources of the upper rivers of the estuary to suppress the salt tides is becoming important measures for ensuring the water supply security of the region in dry season. The observation data analysis showed that the flow value at the Wuzhou hydrometric station on the upper Xijiang river had a good correlation with the salinity in Modaomen estuary. Thus the flow rate of Wuzhou has been used as a control variable for suppression of salt tides in Modaomen estuary. However, the runoff at Wuzhou mainly comes from the discharge of Longtan reservoir on the upper reaches of Xijiang river and the runoff in the interval open valley between Longtan and Wuzhou sections. As the long distance and many tributaries as well as the large non-controlled watershed between this two sections, the reservoir water scheduling has a need for reasonable considering of interaction between the reservoir regulating discharge and the runoff process of the interval open watershed while the deployment of suppression flow at Wuzhou requires longer lasting time and high precision for the salt tide cycles. For this purpose, this study established a runoff model for Longtan - Wuzhou interval drainage area and by model calculations and observation data analysis, helped to understand the response patterns of the flow rate at Wuzhou to the water discharge of Longtan under the interval water basin runoff participating conditions. On this basis, further discussions were taken on prediction methods of Longtan reservoir discharge scheduling scheme for saline intrusion suppression and provided scientific and typical implementation programs for effective suppression flow process at the Wuzhou section.


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制革行业是轻工行业中仅次于造纸业的高耗水、重污染行业,作为劳动密集型行业,在解决大量人口就业问题的同时,也对所在地区环境造成了严重污染。目前我国制革行业每年排放废水8,000~12,000万吨,废水中含铬约3,500 t,SS为1.2×105 t,COD为1.8×105 t,BOD为7×104 t,对水体污染严重。 本研究在对厌氧酸化工艺进行研究、一级好氧处理段进行工艺比选研究的基础上,获得了匀质调节—SBBR—BAF的生物处理工艺,并依托该工艺进行了生物强化处理的研究,考察了菌剂的强化运行效果及其处理水回用的可行性。 研究表明,在进水COD>3,000 mg/L,厌氧酸化具有很好的抗冲击作用,保证了好氧工艺出水COD<200 mg/L;在进水COD<3,000 mg/L,可只通过好氧处理实现出水COD<200 mg/L。厌氧酸化停留时间选择不当,会导致厌氧出水硫化物浓度升高,严重影响好氧系统,会使好氧活性污泥因中毒而解絮。 研究表明,当进水COD为2,000~2,500 mg/L,NH4+-N为130~146 mg/L时,COD、NH4+-N去除率SBBR分别为93.8%~96.6%和14.5%~55.9%,SBR分别为88.8%~94.9%和13%~50.7%,表明SBBR优于SBR。同时,研究发现SBBR污泥增长率为0.05 kgVSS/kgCOD,仅为SBR0.57 kgVSS/kgCOD的8.8%。此外,研究发现SBBR在停止运行后经3个运行周期可回复原油能力,而SBR池经9个周期培养也不能恢复,说明SBBR恢复能力明显优于SBR。 研究表明,以匀质调节—SBBR—BAF为主的制革废水处理工艺,出水水质稳定,进水COD 801~2,834 mg/L、NH4+-N 87~203 mg/L,出水COD<80 mg/L、NH4+-N<10 mg/L,基本达到中水回用标准;操作简单灵活,没有污泥回流系统,污泥产率低,污泥处理费用低;工艺基本不需要添加化学药剂,既节约成本、又避免了二次污染;两级生物膜使得该工艺具有很强的耐冲击负荷能力,特别适合制革废水水质水量波动大的特点。 研究表明,高效菌对系统的启动具有一定的促进作用,强化系统生物膜6天可以成熟,对照系统生物膜9天可以成熟。同时高效菌能加速COD降解,缩短停留时间,强化系统6~8 h可使COD<200 mg/L,对照系统8~10 h可使COD<200 mg/L。长期运行表明,强化系统的SBBR在COD和NH4+-N的去除率都优于对照系统的SBBR。最终出水COD强化系统平均为53 mg/L、对照系统为74 mg/L。在模拟循环过程中,强化系统均有更高的稳定性。可实现8次理论循环,而对照系统只能实现4次理论循环。 研究表明,通过合理的工艺设计,可以实现猪皮制革废水达到《污水综合排放标准GB8976-1996》一级标准,同时满足工厂部分用水要求。通过添加高效微生物,可提高生物处理系统处理能力,使处理水能够满足工厂的多次回用。 As a labour-intensive industry, tanning has created large amount of working opportunities as well as caused severe contamination to environment. And it is one of the highest water-consuming and polluting industry, only second to manufacturing. At present time, Chinese leather industry emits wastewater about 80,000,000~120,000,000 t annually, which contains chromium about 3,500 t, SS 1.2×105 t, COD 1.8×105 t, BOD 7×104 t and ambient riverhead has been polluted greatly. Based on the research of anaerobic acidification and comparison of SBBR and SBR, biotreatment process (Homogenization—SBBR—BAF) had been established to amend the disadvantages of traditional sewage treatment such as too much sludge, high cost of advanced treatment and NH4+-N can not reach the emission standard. Research on the bioaugmentation was also been carried out. Researches showed, when COD of influent was beyond 3,000 mg/L, anaerobic acidification could resist strong impact, thus COD of effluent was less than 200 mg/L; when COD of influent was less than 3,000 mg/L, only throughout aerobic sewage treatment could COD of effluent beless than 200 mg/L. False residence tiome of anaerobic acidification would lead to the higher effluent concentration of sulfide and disintegration of aerobic activated sludge. Researches showed SBBR worked a better than SBR: when influent between 2,000 and 2,500 mg/L, NH4+-N between 130 mg/L and 146 mg/L, COD, NH4+-N removal rate of SBBR was 93.3%~96.6%, 14.5%~55.9% respectively while COD, NH4+-N removal rate of SBR was 88.8%~94.9%, 13%~50.7% respectively. Sludge growth rate of SBBR was 8.8% of that of 0.05 kgVSS/kgCOD. Besides, SBBR could recovered after 3 operating periods while SBR worked no better after 9 operating periods.Therefore, SBBR excelled SBR. Researches showed, effluent quantity of tannery wastewater treatment process (Homogenization—SBBR—BAF) was stable. When COD of influent was between 801 and 2,834 mg/L, NH4+-N was between 87 mg/L and 203 mg/L, COD of effluent was less than 80 mg/L, NH4+-N was less than 10 mg/L, which achieved the standard of reuse. This biotreatment was featured in low cost, easy and flexible management, less sludge, no inverse sludge system. Besides, this technique required no chemical, which could lower the cost and avoid secondary pollution. Great resistant of impact due to two membranes and was suitable for tannery wastewater which was featured by fluctuation of influent quality and quantity. Researches showed effective microorganisms promotes the startup of the process.Biofilm in the bioaugmentation process matured with 6 days while biofilm in normal process matured with 9 days. Effective microorganisms could accelerate the degradation of COD and shorten the residence time. Aggrandizement system could make COD<200 mg/L with 6 to8 hours while cntrolling system could make COD<200 mg/L with 8 to 10 hours. Long-term operating shows that SBBR in the bioaugmentation system worked better than the normal system in the treatment of COD and NH4+-N. The average COC of effluent in bioaugmentation system was 53 mg/L, normal system was 74 mg/L. In the simulative circulation process,aggrandizement process, which could fulfill 8 times theoretical circulation, works more stably than controlling process which could only fulfill 4 times theoretical circulation. Researches showed that reasonable design could make the wastewater meet the first grade of discharging standard of National Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard (GB8976-1996), and partially meet the demand of water using of the factory. Adding effective microorganisms could enhance the biotreatment and make the effluents reuse many times.


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FPGA and dedicated micro-controller chips are widely used in HIRFL-CSR monitor and control systems.This paper discusses the characteristics of HIRFL-CSR s dedicated micro-controllers and it s requirement for micro-controllers. Using programmable technology and Nios-Ⅱ processor,we have designed and implemented a reconfigurable embedded micro(controller in altera cycloneⅡ2c35f484 FPGA. The micro-controller which has low hardware cost and 185 MHz maximum operating frequency can replace the dedicated micro-cont...中文文摘:讨论并参考了冷却储存环目前使用的专用微控制器的特点和其对微控制器的需求,采用可编程技术和Nios-Ⅱ处理器,在altera-cycloneII2c35f484芯片内实现可重构微控制器。该微控制器硬件资源消耗少,最大工作频率可达185MHz,可代替目前在监控系统中大量使用的专用微控制器芯片,减小硬件设计复杂度、节约成本。