938 resultados para Non Linear Systems


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Neste trabalho o processo não linear de transmissão de calor condução-radiação é abordado num contexto bidimensional plano e simulado com o uso de um esquema linear em diferenças finitas. O problema original é tratado como o limite de uma sequencia de problemas lineares, do tipo condução-convecção. Este limite, cuja existência é comprovada, é facilmente obtido a partir de procedimentos básicos, accessíveis a qualquer estudante de engenharia, permitindo assim o emprego de hipóteses mais realistas, já que não se tem o limitante matemático para a abordagem numérica de uma equação diferencial parcial elíptica. Neste trabalho foi resolvido o problema de condução de calor em regime permanente em uma placa com condições de contorno convectivas e radioativas utilizando-se o software MatLab, vale ressaltar, que a mesma metodologia é aplicável para geometrias mais complexas.


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The use of fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) shear strengthening systems for the strength enhancement of existing reinforced concrete structures is discussed. An experimental and analytical research programme is under way to investigate the performance of bonded passive and unbonded prestressed FRP shear systems, and to quantify the effect of the load history on the strengthed behavior. Non-linear finite-element analysis are being developed to model the strengthed behavior. The results will provide insight into the optimum system parameters and contribute to the formulation of design guidance for advanced FRP strengthing strategies.


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The modelling of the non-linear behaviour of MEMS oscillators is of interest to understand the effects of non-linearities on start-up, limit cycle behaviour and performance metrics such as output frequency and phase noise. This paper proposes an approach to integrate the non-linear modelling of the resonator, transducer and sustaining amplifier in a single numerical modelling environment so that their combined effects may be investigated simultaneously. The paper validates the proposed electrical model of the resonator through open-loop frequency response measurements on an electrically addressed flexural silicon MEMS resonator driven to large motional amplitudes. A square wave oscillator is constructed by embedding the same resonator as the primary frequency determining element. Measurements of output power and output frequency of the square wave oscillator as a function of resonator bias and driving voltage are consistent with model predictions ensuring that the model captures the essential non-linear behaviour of the resonator and the sustaining amplifier in a single mathematical equation. © 2012 IEEE.


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Hybrid methods based on the Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes (RANS) equations and the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) formulation are investigated to try and improve the accuracy of heat transfer and surface temperature predictions for electronics systems and components. Two relatively low Reynolds number flows are studied using hybrid RANS-LES, RANS-Implicit-LES (RANS-ILES) and non-linear LES models. Predictions using these methods are in good agreement with each other, even using different grid resolutions. © 2008 IEEE.


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Genetic algorithms (GAs) have been used to tackle non-linear multi-objective optimization (MOO) problems successfully, but their success is governed by key parameters which have been shown to be sensitive to the nature of the particular problem, incorporating concerns such as the numbers of objectives and variables, and the size and topology of the search space, making it hard to determine the best settings in advance. This work describes a real-encoded multi-objective optimizing GA (MOGA) that uses self-adaptive mutation and crossover, and which is applied to optimization of an airfoil, for minimization of drag and maximization of lift coefficients. The MOGA is integrated with a Free-Form Deformation tool to manage the section geometry, and XFoil which evaluates each airfoil in terms of its aerodynamic efficiency. The performance is compared with those of the heuristic MOO algorithms, the Multi-Objective Tabu Search (MOTS) and NSGA-II, showing that this GA achieves better convergence.


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An accurate description of atomic interactions, such as that provided by first principles quantum mechanics, is fundamental to realistic prediction of the properties that govern plasticity, fracture or crack propagation in metals. However, the computational complexity associated with modern schemes explicitly based on quantum mechanics limits their applications to systems of a few hundreds of atoms at most. This thesis investigates the application of the Gaussian Approximation Potential (GAP) scheme to atomistic modelling of tungsten - a bcc transition metal which exhibits a brittle-to-ductile transition and whose plasticity behaviour is controlled by the properties of $\frac{1}{2} \langle 111 \rangle$ screw dislocations. We apply Gaussian process regression to interpolate the quantum-mechanical (QM) potential energy surface from a set of points in atomic configuration space. Our training data is based on QM information that is computed directly using density functional theory (DFT). To perform the fitting, we represent atomic environments using a set of rotationally, permutationally and reflection invariant parameters which act as the independent variables in our equations of non-parametric, non-linear regression. We develop a protocol for generating GAP models capable of describing lattice defects in metals by building a series of interatomic potentials for tungsten. We then demonstrate that a GAP potential based on a Smooth Overlap of Atomic Positions (SOAP) covariance function provides a description of the $\frac{1}{2} \langle 111 \rangle$ screw dislocation that is in agreement with the DFT model. We use this potential to simulate the mobility of $\frac{1}{2} \langle 111 \rangle$ screw dislocations by computing the Peierls barrier and model dislocation-vacancy interactions to QM accuracy in a system containing more than 100,000 atoms.


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In this paper, the transverse rocking mechanism of a barrel vaulted structure subjected to horizontal cyclic loads is analysed by means of experimental tests on full scale model and by means of non-linear FE analyses. The study is part of an ongoing experimental and theoretical research program, developed by the University of Brescia, concerning the seismic behaviour of ancient masonry buildings. The scope of the paper is to provide some evidence of the rocking mechanism experienced by barrel vaulted structures under horizontal loading. The understanding of the behaviour of these structural systems is necessary for their seismic vulnerability assessment, as well as for the correct design of possible strengthening techniques. A numeric FE model was validated through comparison with the experimental results and it was used to verify the efficiency of two common strengthening solutions: the technique of the overlaying reinforced concrete slab and the technique of the thin spandrel walls. Experimental and numeric results will be discussed in the paper.


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In this paper, a cellular neural network with depressing synapses for contrast-invariant pattern classification and synchrony detection is presented, starting from the impulse model of the single-electron tunneling junction. The results of the impulse model and the network are simulated using simulation program with integrated circuit emphasis (SPICE). It is demonstrated that depressing synapses should be an important candidate of robust systems since they exhibit a rapid depression of excitatory postsynaptic potentials for successive presynaptic spikes.


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The development of optical network demands integrated arid multiple functionality modules to lowing cost and acquire highly reliability. Among the various contender materials to be photonic integrated circuits platform, silicon exhibits dominant characteristics and is the most promising platform materials. The paper compares the characteristics of some candidate materials with silicon and reviews recent progress in silicon based photonic integration technology. Tile challenges to silicon for optical integration for optical networking application arc also indicated.


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Recently, more and more attention has been paid to stable isotope ratios in terrestrial depositional systems. Among them, δ~(13)C value is mainly determined by the surface vegetation, while vegetation is directly related to climate, therefore, carbon isotope ratio in soil organic matter and pedogenic carbonate has been employed as an important paleoecological indicator. In order to test the paleoecological information extracted from stable isotope ratios in terrestrial depositional systems, it is necessary to study the relationships between δ~(13)C value in standing terrestrial plants and today climate, as well as between δ~(13)C value in modern surface soil organic matter and standing vegetation. Thus, these relationships were studied in this paper by means of analysing δ~(13)C in standing plants and modem surface soil organic matter in North China. The main results and conclusions are presented as following: 1. According to their δ~(13)C values, 40 C-4 species represent about 16% of the 257 plant species sarnpled from the North China. C-4 photosynthesis mainly occurs in Poaceae, Cyperaceae and Chenopidaceae families, and percentage representation of C-4 photosynthesis is up to 56% in Poaceae family. 2. The δ~(13)C values of C-3 plant species in North China vary from -21.7‰ to -32.0‰ with an average of -27.1‰, and 93% focus on the range of -24.0‰ ~ -30.0‰; δ~(13)C values of C-4 plant species in North China are between -10.0‰ ~ -15.5‰ with an average of -12.9‰, and 90% concentrate on the range of -11.0‰ ~ -15.0‰. 3. The δ~(13)C composition of C-3 plant species collected from Beijing, a semi-moist district, mainly vary between -27.0‰ ~ -30.0‰, and the average is -28.7‰; the δ ~(13)C values of plants in the semi-arid district, east and west to the Liu Pan Moutain, focus on the range of-26.0‰ ~ -29.0‰ and -25.0‰ ~ -28.0‰, respectively, with the mean value of -27.6‰ and -26.6‰, respectively; the δ~(13)C composition in the arid district dominantly vary from -24.0‰ to -29.0‰, with the average of -26.2‰, and among them, the δ~(13)C values of C-3 plant species in deserts are often between - 22‰ ~ -24‰; the δ~(13)C values in the cold mountain district concentrate on the range of -24.0‰ to -29.0‰, with the average of -26.3‰. 4. The main range of δ~(13)C composition of C-4 plant species, derived from Beijing, a semi-moist district, are -13.0‰ ~ -15.5‰; the semi-arid district, -11.0‰ ~ -14.0‰; the arid district, -11.0‰ ~ -14.0‰. The mean values of them are -14.0‰, -12.4‰,-12.7‰, respectively. 5. From east to west in North China, δ~(13)C values of C-3 plant species increase with longitude. The correlation between δ~(13)C ratios of C-3 plant species and longitude is linear. Changing temperate and precipitation and changing atmosphere pressure are spossible explanations. 6. Almost all C-3 plant species have the trends that their δ~(13)C values gradually increase with decreasing precipitation, decreasing temperature and increasing altitude. Our results show the increases of the δ~(13)C value by 0.30 ~ 0.45‰, 0.19 ~ 0.27‰ and 1.1 ~ 1.2‰ per 100 mm, I℃ and 1000 m, respectively, for all C-3 plant species together. 7. The δ~(13)C values of all C-3 plant species together and a part of C-3 species show highly significant linear correlation with the mean annual temperature, the mean annual precipitation and the altitude, and the results suggest that they can be used as proxies of these environmental variables, while, those without highly significant correlation, may be not suitable as the proxies. 8. The extent, which of responses of δ~(13)C composition to environmental variables, is different for each C-3 plant specie. 9. The δ~(13)C variations along altitude and longitude may be non-linear for C-4 p1ant species in North China. The mean annual temperature may be not important influential factor, thus, it suggests that the δ~(13)C composition of C-4 plant species may be not suitable as the proxy of the mean annual temperature. The influences of summer temperature on δ~(13)C values are much bigger than that of annual temperature, among them, the influence of September temperature is biggest. The mean annual precipitation may be one of the dominant influential factors, and it shows a highly significant non-linear relationship with δ~(13)C values, and the result indicates that δ~(13) C composition of C-4 plant species can be employed as the proxy of the mean annual precipitation. 10. The variations of δ~(13)C ratios do not show systematic trends along longitude, latitude and altitude for modern surface soil organic in Northwest China. ll. The δ~(13)C ratios of modern surface soil organic do not exhibit systematic patterns with temperature and precipitation in Northwest China, it suggests that, unless soil organic is transferred from pure C-3 or C-4 vegetation, the δ~(13)C composition of soil organic may be not used as proxies of climatic variables. 12. The δ~(13)C values of modem surface soil organic are heavier than that of standing vegetation, and the difference ofrnean δ~(13)C between them is -2.18‰. 13. Without considering the δ~(13)C difference between vegetation and soil organic, as well as the δ~(13)C drift in various enviromnent, we may not obtain the valuable information of C-3, C-4 relative biomass in vegetation. 14. The C-4 biomass contribution in vegetation increase with decreasing latitude, increasing longitude and decreasing altitude in Northwest China. The C-4 biomass almost are zero in those regions north to 38 ° N, or west to 100°E, or above 2400 m. 15. The C-4 relative biomass in vegetation increase with growing temperature and precipitation. and, C-4 plants are rare at those regions where the mean annual temperature is less 4 ℃, or the mean annual precipitation is less 200 mm, and their biomass contribution in vegetation are almost zero. Both the mean annual temperature and the mean annual average precipitation may be the important influential factors of C-4 distribution, but the dominant factors.


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Geological fluids exist in every geosphere of the Earth and play important roles in many processes of material transformations, energetic interchanges and geochemical interactions. To study the physicochemical properties and geochemical behaviors of geological fluids turn Girt to be one of the challenging issues in geosciences. Compared with conventional approaches of experiments and semi-theoretical modeling, computer simulation on molecular level shows its advantages on quantitative predictions of the physicochemical properties of geological fluids under extreme conditions and emerges as a promising approach to find the characteristics of geological fluids and their interactions in different geospheres of the Earth interior.This dissertation systematically discusses the physicochemical properties of typical geological fluids with state-of-the-art computer simulation techniques. The main results can be summarized as follows: (1) The experimental phase behaviors of the systems CH4-C2H6 and. CO2 have been successfully reproduced with Monte Carlo simulations. (2) Through comprehensive isothermal-isobaric molecular dynamics simulations, the PVT data of water hia^e been extended beyond experimental range to about 2000 K and 20 GPa and an improved equation of state for water has been established. (3) Based on extensive computer simulations, am optimized molecular potential for carbon dioxide have been proposed, this model is expected to predict different properties of carbon dioxide (volumetric properties, phase equilibria, heat of vaporization, structural and dynamical properties) with improved accuracies. (4) On the basis of the above researches of the end-members, a set of parameters for unlike interactions has been proposed by non-linear fitting to the ab initio potential surface of CO2-H2O and is superior to the common used mixing rule and the results of prior workers vs/Ith remarkable accuracies, then a number of simulations of the mixture have been carried out to generate data under high temperatures and pressures as an important complement to the limited experiments. (5) With molecular dynamics simulations, various structural, dynamical and thermodynamical properties of ionic solvations and associations have been oomprehensively analyzed, these results not only agree well with experimental data and first principle calculation results, but also reveal some new insights into the microscopic ionic solvation and association processes.


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Financial time series convey the decisions and actions of a population of human actors over time. Econometric and regressive models have been developed in the past decades for analyzing these time series. More recently, biologically inspired artificial neural network models have been shown to overcome some of the main challenges of traditional techniques by better exploiting the non-linear, non-stationary, and oscillatory nature of noisy, chaotic human interactions. This review paper explores the options, benefits, and weaknesses of the various forms of artificial neural networks as compared with regression techniques in the field of financial time series analysis.


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A neural pattern generator based upon a non-linear cooperative-competitive feedback neural network is presented. It can generate the two standard human gaits: the walk and the run. A scalar arousal or GO signal causes a bifurcation from one gait to the next. Although these two gaits are qualitatively different, they both have the same limb order and may exhibit oscillation frequencies that overlap. The model simulates the walk and the run via qualitatively different waveform shapes. The fraction of cycle that activity is above threshold distinguishes the two gaits, much as the duty cycles of the feet are longer in the walk than in the run.


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The present study aimed to investigate interactions of components in the high solids systems during storage. The systems included (i) lactose–maltodextrin (MD) with various dextrose equivalents at different mixing ratios, (ii) whey protein isolate (WPI)–oil [olive oil (OO) or sunflower oil (SO)] at 75:25 ratio, and (iii) WPI–oil– {glucose (G)–fructose (F) 1:1 syrup [70% (w/w) total solids]} at a component ratio of 45:15:40. Crystallization of lactose was delayed and increasingly inhibited with increasing MD contents and higher DE values (small molecular size or low molecular weight), although all systems showed similar glass transition temperatures at each aw. The water sorption isotherms of non-crystalline lactose and lactose–MD (0.11 to 0.76 aw) could be derived from the sum of sorbed water contents of individual amorphous components. The GAB equation was fitted to data of all non-crystalline systems. The protein–oil and protein–oil–sugar materials showed maximum protein oxidation and disulfide bonding at 2 weeks of storage at 20 and 40°C. The WPI–OO showed denaturation and preaggregation of proteins during storage at both temperatures. The presence of G–F in WPI–oil increased Tonset and Tpeak of protein aggregation, and oxidative damage of the protein during storage, especially in systems with a higher level of unsaturated fatty acids. Lipid oxidation and glycation products in the systems containing sugar promoted oxidation of proteins, increased changes in protein conformation and aggregation of proteins, and resulted in insolubility of solids or increased hydrophobicity concomitantly with hardening of structure, covalent crosslinking of proteins, and formation of stable polymerized solids, especially after storage at 40°C. We found protein hydration transitions preceding denaturation transitions in all high protein systems and also the glass transition of confined water in protein systems using dynamic mechanical analysis.