992 resultados para Moreton-Robinson, A.


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The design of accessible and inclusive contexts: work and daily living environments 6. Business advantages and applications of inclusive design 7. Legislation, standards and government awareness of inclusive design


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The Cambridge Workshops on Universal Access and Assistive Technology (CWUAAT) are a series of workshops held at a Cambridge University College every two years.


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This book is the result of the fourth CWUAAT workshop held in Cambridge, England in April 2008.


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在278.15-318.15范围内,本文测定了以下四个无液接电池的电动势:Pt,H_2(g, 1 atm)|HCl(m)、X Mass% Glucose-H_2O|Ag-AgCl (A) Pt,H_2 (g, 1 atm)|G(m_1), HGCl (m_2), X Mass% Glucose-H_2O|Ag-AgCl (B) Pt,H_2 (g, 1 atm) |HCl (m), NaCl (M-m), X Mass% Glucose-H_2O|Ag-AgCl (C) Pt,H_2 (g, 1 atm)|G(m_1), HGCl (m_2), NaCl (M-m), X Mass% Glucose-H_2O|Ag-AgCl (D) 其中G为中性甘氨酸,NH_3CH_2COO~-, HGClm为甘氨酸的盐酸盐,为相应电解质的质量摩尔浓度,X为葡萄糖在葡萄糖-水混合溶剂中的质量百分数,M为恒定的离子强度且M = 1.0mol/kg。并且测定了Glucose-H_2O的密度和介电常数。利用传统的D-H公式外推法和基于Pitzer理论的多项式逼近法分别确定了电池的标准电动势E°_3、E°_3,以及甘氨酸的一级热力学解离1.0mol/kg)-葡萄糖-水-HCl的HCl无限稀释溶液为参考态,并将两种方法得到的结果作了比较。甘氨酸的一级热力学解离常数符合Harned-Robinson方程:pK = A_1/T + A_2 + A+3 T 本文讨论了盐和有机物对pK_1的影响,并根据前人及我们的工作,指出在极性质子溶剂中和在极性非质子溶剂中的pK_1对1/D作图,分别得到直线和曲线。同时讨论了混合溶剂中甘氨酸的一级解离过程的各个热力学量ΔG°,ΔH°,ΔS°,ΔCp°,并讨论HCl的迁移性质和有机物葡萄糖、盐对它们的影响。最后将不同混合溶剂中甘氨酸解离过程的迁移能,迁移熵等作了比较。


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A measurement of the inelastic component of the key astrophysical resonance in the 14O(α,p)17F reaction for burning and breakout from hot carbon-nitrogen-oxygen (CNO) cycles is reported. The inelastic component is found to be comparable to the ground-state branch and will enhance the 14O(α,p)17F reaction rate. The current results for the reaction rate confirm that the 14O(α,p)17F reaction is unlikely to contribute substantially to burning and breakout from the CNO cycles under novae conditions. The reaction can, however, contribute strongly to the breakout from the hot CNO cycles under the more extreme conditions found in x-ray bursters.


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The inelastic component of the key astrophysical resonance (1(-), E-x=6.15 MeV) in the O-14(alpha,p)F-17 reaction has been studied by using the resonant scattering of F-17+p. The experiment was done at REX-ISOLDE CERN with the Miniball setup. The thick target method in inverse kinematics was utilized in the present experiment where a 44.2 MeV F-17 beam bombarded a similar to 40 mu m thick (CH2)(n) target. The inelastic scattering protons in coincidence with the de-excited 495 keV gamma rays have been clearly seen and they are from the inelastic branch to the first excited state in F-17 following decay of the 1(-) resonance in Ne-18. Some preliminary results are reported.


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本文展现了一个从实验谱提取核形变值的唯象方法,并用该方法提取了某些偶偶核的基态形变值。根据Bohr和Mottelson关于对关联对转动惯量的影响的近似考虑及转动惯量对于形变的依赖关系,从实验有效转动惯量提取了核的形度值,并与最近发现的两组理论计算值以及从电四极矩提取的形变数值作了系统比较,结果取得一致,同时表明Bohr和Mottelson关于对关联效应的近似考虑是合理的。本文并计算了一镧系区偶偶核和锕系区偶偶核的α带的形变值。本论文工作利用近年来发展起来的平均共振俘获(ARC)的核谱技术,对~(124)Te核作了探讨和研究。平均能量为24kev中子被~(123)Te靶核俘获后退激放出的γ初级射线,用电子对谱仪进行测量,获得ARC γ谱。通过对2kev、24kev ARC谱数据处理,获取了~(124)Te核2.6Mer下所有O~+、1~+、2~+能级,证明长期以来没确定的2~+态的2倍能量附近的0~+态不存在。在IBMI模型框架下对~(124)Te结构作了探讨,认为最近Robinson等人通过拟合实验谱的理论计算,得出~(124)Te是O(6)核的结论是不合理的。而认为~(124)Te核具有非谐振子能谱的特征,并初步提出~(124)Te可能是接近U(5)结构的核


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The pH-sensitive property of the single-wall carbon nanotube modified electrode based oil the electroactive group on the single-wall carbon nanotube was explored by differential pulse voltammetry technique. In pH range 1-13 investigated in Britton-Robinson (B-R) buffer, the anodic peak shifted negatively along with the increase of pH exhibiting a reversible Nernstian response. Experiments were carried out to investigate the response of the single-wall carbon nanotube (SWNT) modified electrode to analytes associated with pH change. The response behavior of the modified electrode to ammonia was studied as an example. The potential response could reach equilibrium within 5 min. The modified electrode had good operational stability. Voltammetric urease and acetylcholinesterase biosensors were constructed by immobilizing the enzymes with sol-get hybrid material. The maximum potential shift could reach 0.130 and 0.220V for urea and acetylthiocholine, respectively. The methods for preparing sensor and biosensor were simple and reproducible and the range of analytes could be extended to substrates of other hydrolyases and esterases.


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This paper studies how to more effectively invert seismic data and predict reservoir under complicated sedimentary environment, complex rock physical relationships and fewer drills in offshore areas of China. Based on rock physical and seismic amplitude-preserving process, and according to depositional system and laws of hydrocarbon reservoir, in the light of feature of seismic inversion methods present applied, series methods were studied. A joint inversion technology for complex geological condition had been presented, at the same time the process and method system for reservoir prediction had been established. This method consists four key parts. 1)We presented the new conception called generalized wave impedance, established corresponding inversion process, and provided technical means for joint inversion lithology and petrophysical on complex geological condition. 2)At the aspect of high-resolution nonlinear seismic wave impedance joint inversion, this method used a multistage nonlinear seismic convolution model rather than conventional primary structure Robinson seismic convolution model, and used Caianiello neural network implement inversion. Based on the definition of multistage positive and negative wavelet, it adopted both deterministic and statistical physical mechanism, direct inversion and indirect inversion. It integrated geological knowledge, rock physical theory, well data, and seismic data, and improved the resolution and anti-noise ability of wave impedence inversion. 3)At the aspect of high-resolution nonlinear reservoir physical property joint inversion, this method used nonlinear rock physical model which introduced convolution model into the relationship between wave impedance and porosity/clay. Through multistage decomposition, it handles separately the large- and small-scale components of the impedance-porosity/clay relationships to achieve more accurate rock physical relationships. By means of bidirectional edge detection with wavelets, it uses the Caianiello neural network to finish statistical inversion with combined applications of model-based and deconvolution-based methods. The resulted joint inversion scheme can integrate seismic data, well data, rock physical theory, and geological knowledge for estimation of high-resolution petrophysical parameters. 4)At the aspect of risk assessment of lateral reservoir prediction, this method integrated the seismic lithology identification, petrophysical prediction, multi-scale decomposition of petrophysical parameters, P- and H-spectra, and the match relationship of data got from seismics, well logging and geology. It could describe the complexity of medium preferably. Through applications of the joint inversion of seismic data for lithologic and petrophysical parameters in several selected target areas, the resulted high-resolution lithologic and petrophysical sections(impedance, porosity, clay) show that the joint inversion can significantly improve the spatial description of reservoirs in data sets involving complex deposits. It proved the validity and practicality of this method adequately.


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In the prediction of complex reservoir with high heterogeneities in lithologic and petrophysical properties, because of inexact data (e.g., information-overlapping, information-incomplete, and noise-contaminated) and ambiguous physical relationship, inversion results suffer from non-uniqueness, instability and uncertainty. Thus, the reservoir prediction technologies based on the linear assumptions are unsuited for these complex areas. Based on the limitations of conventional technologies, the thesis conducts a series of researches on various kernel problems such as inversions from band-limited seismic data, inversion resolution, inversion stability, and ambiguous physical relationship. The thesis combines deterministic, statistical and nonlinear theories of geophysics, and integrates geological information, rock physics, well data and seismic data to predict lithologic and petrophysical parameters. The joint inversion technology is suited for the areas with complex depositional environment and complex rock-physical relationship. Combining nonlinear multistage Robinson seismic convolution model with unconventional Caianiello neural network, the thesis implements the unification of the deterministic and statistical inversion. Through Robinson seismic convolution model and nonlinear self-affine transform, the deterministic inversion is implemented by establishing a deterministic relationship between seismic impedance and seismic responses. So, this can ensure inversion reliability. Furthermore, through multistage seismic wavelet (MSW)/seismic inverse wavelet (MSIW) and Caianiello neural network, the statistical inversion is implemented by establishing a statistical relationship between seismic impedance and seismic responses. Thus, this can ensure the anti-noise ability. In this thesis, direct and indirect inversion modes are alternately used to estimate and revise the impedance value. Direct inversion result is used as the initial value of indirect inversion and finally high-resolution impedance profile is achieved by indirect inversion. This largely enhances inversion precision. In the thesis, a nonlinear rock physics convolution model is adopted to establish a relationship between impedance and porosity/clay-content. Through multistage decomposition and bidirectional edge wavelet detection, it can depict more complex rock physical relationship. Moreover, it uses the Caianiello neural network to implement the combination of deterministic inversion, statistical inversion and nonlinear theory. Last, by combined applications of direct inversion based on vertical edge detection wavelet and indirect inversion based on lateral edge detection wavelet, it implements the integrative application of geological information, well data and seismic impedance for estimation of high-resolution petrophysical parameters (porosity/clay-content). These inversion results can be used to reservoir prediction and characterization. Multi-well constrains and separate-frequency inversion modes are adopted in the thesis. The analyses of these sections of lithologic and petrophysical properties show that the low-frequency sections reflect the macro structure of the strata, while the middle/high-frequency sections reflect the detailed structure of the strata. Therefore, the high-resolution sections can be used to recognize the boundary of sand body and to predict the hydrocarbon zones.


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O gênero Verticillium apresenta duas importantes espécies de fitopatógenos (V. dahliae e V. albo-atrum). A capacidade de produção de microescleródios dos isolados de V. dahliae em cultura tem sido empregada como a principal característica para distinção destas duas espécies. Verticillium dahliae é um fungo bastante polífago, amplamente disseminado no território brasileiro, causando murcha vascular em tomate, berinjela, jiló, algodão, morango, cacau, quiabo, dentre outras hospedeiras. Verticillium dahliae apresenta especializaão fisiológica em tomateiro tendo sido descritas duas raas. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo investigar a capacidade de isolados de V. dahliae em infectar e causar doença em plantas de diversas famílias botânicas. Para avaliaão da gama de hospedeiros, quatro isolados do fungo foram inoculados em 62 acessos de 54 espécies em 40 gêneros e 18 famílias botânicas. A maioria dos acessos mostrou-se susceptível ao patógeno. Foram classificadas como plantas não-hospedeiras todas as gramíneas avaliadas, as solanáceas Datura stramonium, Nicandra physaloides e Physalis ?oridana, couve-flor (linhagem CNPH-003), melancia (cv. Crimson Sweet), melão (cv. Eldorado 300) alface (cvs. Regina e Robinson), cenoura, feijão, soja-verde, beterraba, maracujá azedo (Passi?ora edulis), capuchinha (Trapaeolum majus) e cariru (Talinum triangulare). Foram identificadas 27 novas hospedeiras experimentais de V. dahliae.