992 resultados para More, Sir Thomas,-Santo,-1478-1535


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OBJECTIVE: A familial predisposition to abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs) is present in approximately one-fifth of patients. Nevertheless, the clinical implications of a positive family history are not known. We investigated the risk of aneurysm-related complications after endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) for patients with and without a positive family history of AAA. METHODS: Patients treated with EVAR for intact AAAs in the Erasmus University Medical Center between 2000 and 2012 were included in the study. Family history was obtained by written questionnaire. Familial AAA (fAAA) was defined as patients having at least one first-degree relative affected with aortic aneurysm. The remaining patients were considered sporadic AAA. Cardiovascular risk factors, aneurysm morphology (aneurysm neck, aneurysm sac, and iliac measurements), and follow-up were obtained prospectively. The primary end point was complications after EVAR, a composite of endoleaks, need for secondary interventions, aneurysm sac growth, acute limb ischemia, and postimplantation rupture. Secondary end points were specific components of the primary end point (presence of endoleak, need for secondary intervention, and aneurysm sac growth), aneurysm neck growth, and overall survival. Kaplan-Meier estimates for the primary end point were calculated and compared using log-rank (Mantel-Cox) test of equality. A Cox-regression model was used to calculate the independent risk of complications associated with fAAA. RESULTS: A total of 255 patients were included in the study (88.6% men; age 72 ± 7 years, median follow-up 3.3 years; interquartile range, 2.2-6.1). A total of 51 patients (20.0%) were classified as fAAA. Patients with fAAA were younger (69 vs 72 years; P = .015) and were less likely to have ever smoked (58.8% vs 73.5%; P = .039). Preoperative aneurysm morphology was similar in both groups. Patients with fAAA had significantly more complications after EVAR (35.3% vs 19.1%; P = .013), with a twofold increased risk (adjusted hazard ratio, 2.1; 95% confidence interval, 1.2-3.7). Secondary interventions (39.2% vs 20.1%; P = .004) and aneurysm sac growth (20.8% vs 9.5%; P = .030) were the most important elements accounting for the difference. Furthermore, a trend toward more type I endoleaks during follow-up was observed (15.6% vs 7.4%; P = .063) and no difference in overall survival. CONCLUSIONS: The current study shows that patients with a familial form of AAA develop more aneurysm-related complications after EVAR, despite similar AAA morphology at baseline. These findings suggest that patients with fAAA form a specific subpopulation and create awareness for a possible increase in the risk of complications after EVAR.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Física


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The use of cryotherapy as an adjunct to systemic antimonial therapy (Clucantime) was studied in 17 patients with a total of23 skin lesions of leishmaniasis in an area where L. braziliensis braziliensis is the species in circulation. Cryotherapy did not speed healing and has been discarded as an auxiliary therapeutic measure in our practice. However this technique may be suitable for species o/Leishmania causing more limited superficial lesions in man without the danger of metastasis.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em História e Filosofia das Ciências


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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Three concentrations of Leishmania mexicana amazonensis sonicated whole promastigote antigen (30, 9.6 and 3 ug N in 0.1 ml) wereprepared and 0.1 ml of each inoculated intradermally intopatients who live in one endemic leishmaniasis region in Brazil. Patients were divided into groups with active cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL), healed cutaneous leishmaniasis (HCL), mucosal leishmaniasis (ML), and Controls (C). Skin reactions were recorded by measuring induration 48 hours after inoculation. Skin tests using 9.6 ugN/0.1 mlyielded the best diagnostic resultssince 97% of 30 patients with active lesions (cutaneous or mucosal) and 83% with HCL showed reactions of 5 mm orgreater as compared with 4% Controls. Tests using 30ug N/O. 1 ml causedan unacceptable levei of skin reactions with necrosis (10% of ACL patients tested and 17% of HCL, respectively). Tests using 3 ug N/O. 1 ml were less sensitive since only 87% of patients with active lesions and 68% with HCL had reactions of 5mm orgreater. The 3 ug N/O. 1 ml dose was utilized to ask the questions whether skin delayed hypersensitivity decreased with time after the initial lesion and whether mucosal involvement is associated with enhaced hypersensitivity to leishmanial antigen. Decreased delayed hypersensitivity was noted only in those patients who had an initial lesion more than 30 years ago. The mean induration of the reaction in 10 patients with ML was 11.3 mm ± 7.15, in 41 patients with HCL, 9.27 mm ± 6.78 and in 20patients with ACL 10. 7 mm ± 6.10 mm. The percent of patients with 5 mm orgreater induration was ML 80%, HCL 71%, ACL 90%. Thus, we could not confirm an association between enhanced delayed hypersensitivity and mucosal involvement in leishmaniasis.


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Com base nos registros de 730 pacientes portadores de Leishmaniose Tegumentar Americana (LTA) referentes ao período de janeiro de 1972 a dezembro de 1982, os autores realizaram um estudo da distribuição geográfica dessa parasitose no Estado do Espírito Santo. Os pacientes procediam de 36 dos 53 municípios que compõem o Estado, destacando-se Viana e Cariacica como os de maior prevalência, somando juntos 442 casos (60,54%), com 259 destes residindo numas poucas localidades, contínuas entre si, formando uma área endêmica, com transmissão ocorrendo provavelmente no peri e intra-domicílio. Esta área de alta endemicidade, pertencente principalmente ao vale do rio Formate, estende-se também ao município de Domingos Martins através da localidade de Biriricas. Nos demais municípios a LTA caracterizou- se como uma doença profissional de ocorrência antiga no Estado.


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Relatório de estágio apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Museologia


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O estudo bioecológico dos culicídeos é de grande importância, pois deste modo, é possível detectar a presença de várias espécies de mosquitos vectores de agentes patogénicos para o Homem e outros animais. Além disso, os culicídeos podem ser considerados factor de incomodidade para as populações humanas, devido às reacções alérgicas provocadas pelas suas picadas e pela dor causada. De Janeiro a Agosto de 2009 foram examinadas 415 armadilhas de oviposição e foram prospectados 700 recipientes artificiais nos 52 cemitérios das ilhas da Madeira e do Porto Santo. Das 415 armadilhas de oviposição examinadas, 148 (35,7%) continham formas imaturas, e, apesar dos cemitérios serem considerados as principais fontes de certas espécies de mosquitos, apenas foram detectados 45 (6,4%) criadouros larvares nos 700 recipientes artificiais com água investigados. Foram identificadas 4 espécies de mosquitos: Aedes (Finlaya) eatoni (Edwards, 1916), Culiseta (Allotheobaldia) longiareolata (Macquart, 1838), Culex (Culex) pipiens (Linnaeus, 1758) e Culex (Culex) theileri (Theobald, 1903). Verificou-se a predominância de Aedes eatoni em relação às outras espécies. A distribuição dos mosquitos variou com a altitude e com a temperatura do ar, encontrando-se em maior abundância nos 200-300 metros e entre os 22-26ºC. Os recipientes de metal (2=156,9; p=0,00<0,05) e aqueles com capacidade até 0,5 litros (2=9,925; p=0,0019<0,05) foram os preferidos pelas formas imaturas. No entanto, os imaturos não mostraram preferência em relação à exposição solar dos recipientes (2=0,799; p=0,671). ix Em relação à qualidade da água dos criadouros, verificou-se que a temperatura da água (t=- 1,39; p=0,16) e o teor em oxigénio dissolvido (z=-1,21; p=0,23) não tiveram qualquer influência na presença dos imaturos, mas tiveram-no o pH (z=-2,12; p=0,03<0,05) e a salinidade (z=-3,089; p=0,002<0,05) que influenciaram a sua presença tendo os respectivos valores variado entre 6-8 e 0,1-1,7 g/L, respectivamente. Verificou-se a existência de uma associação larvar entre Culiseta longiareolata e Culex pipiens (2=32,05; p=0,00<0,05) e entre Culex pipiens e Culex theileri (2=118,71; p=0,00<0,05). O mosquito Aedes aegypti não foi encontrado durante o período de estudo que ocorreu de Janeiro a Agosto de 2009. No entanto, foi detectado nos cemitérios de Câmara de Lobos e do Caniço no decorrer de duas campanhas, nas quais a autora participou, nos meses de Outubro e Novembro do mesmo ano.


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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A case of fulminat hepatitis with microvesicular steatosis resembling Labrea 's fever, diagnosed in Vitoria (ES) is reported. The 16 year old bcy presented with severe epistaxis, agitation, jaundice and hemorrhagic vomiting and died two days after admission to the emergency unit of the Vnivesity Hospital. The disease started five days before with fever, myalgias, dark urine and jaundice andprogressed withpsychic agitation, torpor and coma. The liver andspleen were notpalpable. HBsAg was negative in the serum. The autopsy showed acute hepatitis with tylic necrosis confluent in the midizonal and periportal areas with massive microvesicular steatosis in the remaining hepatocytes. Mononuclear cellspredominated in the exudate. The reticulum showed condensation in the necrotic areas without typical bands of collapse. The portal tracts were edematous with mononuclear infiltration and mild bile duct proliferation. Absence of cholestasis. Exceptfor the confluent midzonalandperiportal necrosis this case showed several clinical and morphological aspects of the Labreafever describedfrom the East Amazon, demonstrating that the anatomical picture of this disease probabty is not in related to afactor peculiar to the Amazon region.


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Informação e da Documentação, variante de Arquivística