991 resultados para Missions.


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The two Mars Exploration Rovers (MER), Spirit and Opportunity, landed on the Martian surface in January 2004 and have since collected a wealth of information about their landing sites. As part of their payload, the miniaturised Mössbauer spectrometer MIMOS II contributes to the success of the mission by identifying Iron-bearing minerals and by determining Iron oxidation states in them. The basis of this work is the data set obtained at Opportunity’s landing site at Meridiani Planum. A portion of this data set is evaluated with different methods, with the aim to thoroughly characterize lithologic components at Meridiani Planum and possible relations between them.rnMIMOS II is able to measure Mössbauer spectra at different energies simultaneously, bearing information from different sampling depths of the investigated target. The ability of depth-selective Mössbauer spectroscopy to characterize weathered surface layers is illustrated through its application to two suitable rock targets that were investigated on Mars. In both cases, an enhanced concentration of Iron oxides at the rock surface was detected, pointing to a low degree of aqueous alteration. rnThe mineral hematite (α-Fe2O3) is present in the matrix of outcrop rocks and in spherules weathering from the outcrop. Simultaneous fitting of Mössbauer spectra was applied to data sets obtained on both target types to characterize the hematite component in detail. This approach reveals that two hematite populations are present, both in the outcrop matrix as well as in spherules. The hematite component with a comparably high degree of crystallinity and/or chemical purity is present in the outcrop matrix. The investigation of hematite at Meridiani Planum has shown that simultaneous fitting is a suitable and useful method to evaluate a large, correlated set of Mössbauer spectra.rnOpportunity encountered loose, cm-sized rocks along its traverse. Based on their composition and texture, these “cobbles” can be divided into three different groups. Outcrop fragments are impact-derived ejecta from local outcrop rocks. Cobbles of meteoritic origin contain the minerals kamacite (Fe,Ni) and troilite (FeS) and exhibit high Ni contents. Melt-bearing impact breccias bear similarities to local outcrop rocks and basaltic soil, with a phase composition and texture consistent with a formation scenario involving partial melting and inclusion of small, bright outcrop clasts. rnIron meteorites on the Martian surface experience weathering through the presence of even trace amounts of water due to their metallic nature. Opportunity encountered and investigated four Iron meteorites, which exhibit evidence for physical and chemical weathering. Discontinuous coatings contain Iron oxides, pointing to the influence of limited amounts of water. rnA terrestrial analogue site for Meridiani Planum is the Rio Tinto basin in south-west Spain. With its deposits of sulfate- and iron-oxide-bearing minerals, the region provides an adequate test bed for instrumentation for future Mars missions. In-situ investigations at Rio Tinto were carried out with a special focus on the combined use of Mössbauer spectroscopy with MIMOS II and Raman spectroscopy with a field-portable instrument. The results demonstrate that the two instruments provide complementary information about investigated samples.


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The thesis work concerns X-ray spectrometry for both medical and space applications and is divided into two sections. The first section addresses an X-ray spectrometric system designed to study radiological beams and is devoted to the optimization of diagnostic procedures in medicine. A parametric semi-empirical model capable of efficiently reconstructing diagnostic X-ray spectra in 'middle power' computers was developed and tested. In addition, different silicon diode detectors were tested as real-time detectors in order to provide a real-time evaluation of the spectrum during diagnostic procedures. This project contributes to the field by presenting an improved simulation of a realistic X-ray beam emerging from a common X-ray tube with a complete and detailed spectrum that lends itself to further studies of added filtration, thus providing an optimized beam for different diagnostic applications in medicine. The second section describes the preliminary tests that have been carried out on the first version of an Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC), integrated with large area position-sensitive Silicon Drift Detector (SDD) to be used on board future space missions. This technology has been developed for the ESA project: LOFT (Large Observatory for X-ray Timing), a new medium-class space mission that the European Space Agency has been assessing since February of 2011. The LOFT project was proposed as part of the Cosmic Vision Program (2015-2025).


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Im Zuge dieser Arbeit ist ein Massenspektrometer zur flugzeuggetragenen Messung von HNO3 und HONO auf dem neuen deutschen Forschungsflugzeug HALO aufgebaut worden (AIMS - Atmospheric chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometer). Die Ionisation der HNO3- und HONO-Moleküle erfolgt chemisch durch Reaktion mit SF5- -Ionen. Basierend auf den Ergebnissen von Laborversuchen wurden die Betriebsparameter optimiert, die Einzelkomponenten im HALO-Rack zusammengestellt und eine Einlassleitung entworfen, die Wandeffekte minimiert und Untergrundmessungen und HNO3-Kalibrationen im Flug ermöglicht. Die Empfindlichkeit der Messung von HNO3 und HONO wurde ebenso im Labor untersucht wie Interferenzen mit Wasserdampf und Ozon. Die HONO-Vergleichskampagne FIONA am Europäischen Photoreaktor (EUPHORE) in Valencia war die erste Messkampagne mit AIMS. Bei den offenen Vergleichsmessungen stimmten die von AIMS gemessenen HONO-Mischungsverhältnisse innerhalb +-20% mit dem Median von 9 weiteren HONO-Messungen überein. Die ersten flugzeuggetragenen Messungen mit AIMS werden im Verlauf der HALO-Missionen ML-CIRRUS und TACTS stattfinden. Neben dem Aufbau und der Charakterisierung von AIMS war die Analyse der Aufnahme von HNO3 in Eispartikel von Kondensstreifen und Zirren Gegenstand dieser Arbeit. Die Aufnahme von HNO3 in Kondensstreifeneispartikel wurde erstmals systematisch anhand einer Flugzeugmesskampagne (CIRRUS-III) untersucht. Während CIRRUS-III im November 2006 wurden Zirren und zufällig knapp 40 persistente Kondensstreifen über Deutschland und Nordeuropa beprobt. Die Messungen fanden in Höhen zwischen 10 und 11.5 km und bei Temperaturen zwischen 210 und 230 K statt. Die HNO3-Konzentration wurde mit Hilfe von NOy-Messungen bestimmt. Im Mittel war in Kondensstreifen ein größerer Anteil des Gesamt-HNO3 in den Eispartikeln gebunden (6 %) als in Zirren (3 %). Das Gasphasenäquivalent des eisgebundenen HNO3 betrug in Zirren durchschnittlich 6 pmol/mol, in Kondensstreifen 14 pmol/mol und in jungen Kondensstreifen (Alter<1 h) 21 pmol/mol. Das Mischungsverhältnis von HNO3 zu H2O in Eispartikeln war in Kondensstreifen leicht höher als in Zirren unter ähnlichen meteorologischen Bedingungen. Ursächlich für die höheren Werte in persistenten Kondensstreifen sind wahrscheinlich die hohen HNO3-Konzentrationen in den Abgasfahnen der Flugzeuge bei der Kondensstreifenbildung. Die beobachtete Abnahme des HNO3/H2O-Molverhältnisses mit zunehmendem Effektivdurchmesser der Eispartikel deutet an, dass die HNO3-Konzentrationen in Eispartikeln von jungen Kondensstreifen durch die Aufnahme von Abgas-HNO3 in die gefrierenden Aerosolpartikel bestimmt wird. Die Konzentrationen in älteren Kondensstreifen werden zunehmend durch das Vergraben von Umgebungs-HNO3 in wachsenden Eispartikeln kontrolliert. Diese Studie leistet einen Beitrag zu einem besseren Prozessverständnis der HNO3-Aufnahme in atmosphärische Eispartikel. Sie motiviert die Nutzung persistenter Kondensstreifen als atmosphärisches Labor zur Untersuchung der Spurengasaufnahme in wachsende Eispartikel.


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The thesis describes the implementation of a calibration, format-translation and data conditioning software for radiometric tracking data of deep-space spacecraft. All of the available propagation-media noise rejection techniques available as features in the code are covered in their mathematical formulations, performance and software implementations. Some techniques are retrieved from literature and current state of the art, while other algorithms have been conceived ex novo. All of the three typical deep-space refractive environments (solar plasma, ionosphere, troposphere) are dealt with by employing specific subroutines. Specific attention has been reserved to the GNSS-based tropospheric path delay calibration subroutine, since it is the most bulky module of the software suite, in terms of both the sheer number of lines of code, and development time. The software is currently in its final stage of development and once completed will serve as a pre-processing stage for orbit determination codes. Calibration of transmission-media noise sources in radiometric observables proved to be an essential operation to be performed of radiometric data in order to meet the more and more demanding error budget requirements of modern deep-space missions. A completely autonomous and all-around propagation-media calibration software is a novelty in orbit determination, although standalone codes are currently employed by ESA and NASA. The described S/W is planned to be compatible with the current standards for tropospheric noise calibration used by both these agencies like the AMC, TSAC and ESA IFMS weather data, and it natively works with the Tracking Data Message file format (TDM) adopted by CCSDS as standard aimed to promote and simplify inter-agency collaboration.


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Während ausgedehnter Weltraumflüge zum Mond und Mars wäre die Besatzung eines Raumschiffs dicht ionisierender Schwerionenstrahlung, der sogenannten kosmischen Strahlung, ausgesetzt. Da bei vielen Krebspatienten die orale Mukositis als eine gravierende Nebenwirkung bei der herkömmlichen Strahlentherapie auftritt, könnte diese Erkrankung ein medizinisches Problem während ausgedehnter Weltraumflüge darstellen. Allerdings liegen bislang keine Untersuchungen über eine mögliche Mukositis-induzierte Wirkung von Schwerionenstrahlung vor. Um das Risiko strahlungsinduzierter oraler Mukositis durch kosmische Strahlung abzuschätzen, wurden dreidimensionale organotypische Mundschleimhaut-Modelle 12C Schwerionen- bzw. Röntgenstrahlung ausgesetzt und nach definierten Inkubationszeiten kryokonserviert. Aus dem Material wurden Kryoschnitte gefertigt, mit denen anschließend histologische und immunhistologische Fluoreszenzfärbungen zum Nachweis von zum Beispiel Kompaktheitsverlust, Doppelstrangbrüchen der DNA und NF-κB-Aktivierung durchgeführt wurden. Die Ausschüttung von Tumornekrosefaktor α, Interleukin 1β, Interleukin 6 und Interleukin 8 wurde in Probenüberständen mittels ELISA analysiert. Das Hauptaugenmerk dieser Studie lag dabei auf den frühen durch Strahlung verursachten Effekten. rnIm Rahmen dieser Dissertation wurde ein dreidimensionales Mundschleimhaut-Modell etabliert, das verglichen mit humaner Mundschleimhaut viele organotypische Differenzierungsmarker und in vivo-ähnliche Reaktionen auf bestimmte Reize zeigte. Nach einer Bestrahlung mit schweren Kohlenstoffionen bzw. mit Röntgenstrahlung wurden strahlungsinduzierte Effekte auf mehreren Ebenen detektiert. Bereits 1 h nach Bestrahlung konnten dosisabhängig vermehrte Doppelstrangbrüche in der DNA detektiert werden, wobei bei gleicher Dosis Schwerionenstrahlung im Durchschnitt doppelt so viele DSB verursachte wie Röntgenstrahlung. Das Mundschleimhaut-Modell reagierte auf beide Strahlungsarten mit einer Aktivierung des Transkriptionsfaktors NF-κB p50, wobei Röntgenstrahlung diese Aktivierung früher induzierte als Schwerionen. Eine strahlungsinduzierte Aktivierung von NF-κB p65 wurde in den organotypischen Kulturen zu den untersuchten Zeitpunkten nicht beobachtet. Im Vergleich zu nicht bestrahlten Kulturen waren die Konzentrationen von Interleukin 6 und Interleukin 8 unabhängig von der Strahlungsqualität nach Bestrahlung signifikant erhöht. Interleukin-1β dagegen wurde nur nach Röntgenbestrahlung signifikant vermehrt ausgeschüttet. In Schwerionen-bestrahlten Proben wurden zwar tendenziell höhere Konzentrationen beobachtet, statistische Signifikanzen ergaben sich aber nicht. Die Analysen zur TNF-α- und IFN-γ-Ausschüttung in bestrahlten organotypischen Kulturen ergaben innerhalb des gewählten Beobachtungszeitraums von 48 h keine strahlungsinduzierten Effekte. Bei den Untersuchungen der Proliferation in den Zellen der bestrahlten organotypischen Kulturen wurde bereits 24 h nach Röntgenstrahlung und 3 Tage nach Schwerionenstrahlung eine deutliche verminderte Proliferation beobachtet. Des Weiteren zeigte das Mundschleimhaut-Modell unabhängig von Strahlungsqualitäten einen eindeutigen Verlust in der Zellintegrität und daraus resultierenden Kompaktheitsverlust des Gewebes, was in der in vivo-Situation wahrscheinlich einer Gewebedegeneration entspricht. rnNach Bestrahlung mit sowohl Röntgenstrahlung als auch schweren Ionen wurden im gewählten Mukosa-Modell innerhalb von 48 h nach Behandlung strahlungsinduzierte proinflammatorische Marker eindeutig und reproduzierbar detektiert. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass während langer extraterrestrischer Expeditionen das Risiko der oralen Mukositis einkalkuliert und mit den daraus folgenden Konsequenzen gerechnet werden muss.rn


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Damage tolerance analysis is a quite new methodology based on prescribed inspections. The load spectra used to derive results of these analysis strongly influence the final defined inspections programs that for this reason must be as much as possible representative of load acting on the considered structural component and at the same time, obtained reducing both cost and time. The principal purpose of our work is in improving the actual condition developing a complete numerical Damage Tolerance analysis, able to prescribe inspection programs on typical aircraft critical components, respecting DT regulations, starting from much more specific load spectrum then those actually used today. In particular, these more specific load spectrum to design against fatigue have been obtained through an appositively derived flight simulator developed in a Matlab/Simulink environment. This dynamic model has been designed so that it can be used to simulate typical missions performing manually (joystick inputs) or completely automatic (reference trajectory need to be provided) flights. Once these flights have been simulated, model’s outputs are used to generate load spectrum that are then processed to get information (peaks, valleys) to perform statistical and/or comparison consideration with other load spectrum. However, also much more useful information (loads amplitude) have been extracted from these generated load spectrum to perform the previously mentioned predictions (Rainflow counting method is applied for this purpose). The entire developed methodology works in a complete automatic way, so that, once some specified input parameters have been introduced and different typical flights have been simulated both, manually or automatically, it is able to relate the effects of these simulated flights with the reduction of residual strength of the considered component.


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The safe operation of nighttime flight missions would be enhanced using Night Vision Imaging Systems (NVIS) equipment. This has been clear to the military since 1970s and to the civil helicopters since 1990s. In these last months, even Italian Emergency Medical Service (EMS) operators require Night Vision Goggles (NVG) devices that therefore amplify the ambient light. In order to fly with this technology, helicopters have to be NVIS-approved. The author have supported a company, to quantify the potentiality of undertaking the certification activity, through a feasibility study. Even before, NVG description and working principles have been done, then specifications analysis about the processes to make a helicopter NVIS-approved has been addressed. The noteworthy difference between military specifications and the civilian ones highlights non-irrevelant lacks in the latter. The activity of NVIS certification could be a good investment because the following targets have been achieved: Reductions of the certification cost, of the operating time and of the number of non-compliance.


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A previous review showed that among 59 studies published in 1995–2005, industry-funded studies were least likely to report effects of controlled exposure to mobile phone radiation on health-related outcomes. We updated literature searches in 2005–2009 and extracted data on funding, conflicts of interest and results. Of 75 additional studies 12% were industry-funded, 44% had public and 19% mixed funding; funding was unclear in 25%. Previous findings were confirmed: industry-sponsored studies were least likely to report results suggesting effects. Interestingly, the proportion of studies indicating effects declined in 1995–2009, regardless of funding source. Source of funding and conflicts of interest are important in this field of research.


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Civic Discipline argues that the story of the origins of American geography is a distinctly "New York story." Wealthy businessmen began America's first geographical society - the American Geographical Society - in 1851, inspired by what geographical knowledge of the globe could offer an expanding American commercial Empire at home and abroad. AGS meetings were spectacularly popular among the public and press. At them, geography was cast as a science in the service of the public and civic good. Meanwhile though, AGS men's spatial and financial "missions" became closely linked. They helped improve derelict spaces in New York City and weighed in on controversial scientific questions of the day in the Arctic, yet the geographical knowledge they advanced - such as in the American West and in Central Africa - also created enormous personal wealth. Civic Discipline shows that it was not just that historical events shaped geography, but rather, that geography shaped historical events.


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One of the major challenges for a mission to the Jovian system is the radiation tolerance of the spacecraft (S/C) and the payload. Moreover, being able to achieve science observations with high signal to noise ratios (SNR), while passing through the high flux radiation zones, requires additional ingenuity on the part of the instrument provider. Consequently, the radiation mitigation is closely intertwined with the payload, spacecraft and trajectory design, and requires a systems-level approach. This paper presents a design for the Io Volcano Observer (IVO), a Discovery mission concept that makes multiple close encounters with Io while orbiting Jupiter. The mission aims to answer key outstanding questions about Io, especially the nature of its intense active volcanism and the internal processes that drive it. The payload includes narrow-angle and wide-angle cameras (NAC and WAC), dual fluxgate magnetometers (FGM), a thermal mapper (ThM), dual ion and neutral mass spectrometers (INMS), and dual plasma ion analyzers (PIA). The radiation mitigation is implemented by drawing upon experiences from designs and studies for missions such as the Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RBSP) and Jupiter Europa Orbiter (JEO). At the core of the radiation mitigation is IVO's inclined and highly elliptical orbit, which leads to rapid passes through the most intense radiation near Io, minimizing the total ionizing dose (177 krads behind 100 mils of Aluminum with radiation design margin (RDM) of 2 after 7 encounters). The payload and the spacecraft are designed specifically to accommodate the fast flyby velocities (e.g. the spacecraft is radioisotope powered, remaining small and agile without any flexible appendages). The science instruments, which collect the majority of the high-priority data when close to Io and thus near the peak flux, also have to mitigate transient noise in their detectors. The cameras use a combination of shielding and CMOS detectors with extremely fast readout to mi- imize noise. INMS microchannel plate detectors and PIA channel electron multipliers require additional shielding. The FGM is not sensitive to noise induced by energetic particles and the ThM microbolometer detector is nearly insensitive. Detailed SNR calculations are presented. To facilitate targeting agility, all of the spacecraft components are shielded separately since this approach is more mass efficient than using a radiation vault. IVO uses proven radiation-hardened parts (rated at 100 krad behind equivalent shielding of 280 mils of Aluminum with RDM of 2) and is expected to have ample mass margin to increase shielding if needed.


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Hall thrusters have been under active development around the world since the 1960’s. Thrusters using traditional propellants such as xenon have been flown on a variety of satellite orbit raising and maintenance missions with an excellent record. To expand the mission envelope, it is necessary to lower the specific impulse of the thrusters but xenon and krypton are poor performers at specific impulses below 1,200 seconds. To enhance low specific impulse performance, this dissertation examines the development of a Hall-effect thruster which uses bismuth as a propellant. Bismuth, the heaviest non-radioactive element, holds many advantages over noble gas propellants from an energetics as well as a practical economic standpoint. Low ionization energy, large electron-impact crosssection and high atomic mass make bismuth ideal for low-specific impulse applications. The primary disadvantage lies in the high temperatures which are required to generate the bismuth vapors. Previous efforts carried out in the Soviet Union relied upon the complete bismuth vaporization and gas phase delivery to the anode. While this proved successful, the power required to vaporize and maintain gas phase throughout the mass flow system quickly removed many of the efficiency gains expected from using bismuth. To solve these problems, a unique method of delivering liquid bismuth to the anode has been developed. Bismuth is contained within a hollow anode reservoir that is capped by a porous metallic disc. By utilizing the inherent waste heat generated in a Hall thruster, liquid bismuth is evaporated and the vapors pass through the porous disc into the discharge chamber. Due to the high temperatures and material compatibility requirements, the anode was fabricated out of pure molybdenum. The porous vaporizer was not available commercially so a method of creating a refractory porous plate with 40-50% open porosity was developed. Molybdenum also does not respond well to most forms of welding so a diffusion bonding process was also developed to join the molybdenum porous disc to the molybdenum anode. Operation of the direct evaporation bismuth Hall thruster revealed interesting phenomenon. By utilizing constant current mode on a discharge power supply, the discharge voltage settles out to a stable operating point which is a function of discharge current, anode face area and average pore size on the vaporizer. Oscillations with a 40 second period were also observed. Preliminary performance data suggests that the direct evaporation bismuth Hall thruster performs similar to xenon and krypton Hall thrusters. Plume interrogation with a Retarding Potential Analyzer confirmed that bismuth ions were being efficiently accelerated while Faraday probe data gave a view of the ion density in the exhausted plume.


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The ancient southern highlands on Mars (~3.5 Gyr old) contain > 600 regions that display spectral evidence in the infrared for the presence of chloride-bearing materials. Many of these locations were previously reported to display polygonal cracking patterns. We studied more than 80 of the chloride-bearing terrains using high-resolution (0.25-0.5 m/pixel) images, as well as near-infrared spectral data, to characterize the surface textures and the associated cracking patterns and mineralogies. Our study indicates that ~75% of the studied locations display polygonal cracks that resemble desiccation cracks, while some resemble salt expansion/thrust polygons. Furthermore, we detect, spectrally, the presence of smectites in association with ~30% of the studied fractured terrains. We note that smectites are a special class of swelling clay minerals that can induce formation of large desiccation cracks. As such, we suggest that the cracking patterns are indicative of the presence of smectite phyllosilicates even in the absence of spectral confirmation. Our results suggest that many chloride-bearing terrains have a lacustrine origin and a geologic setting similar to playas on Earth. Such locations would have contained ephemeral lakes that may have undergone repeated cycles of desiccation and recharging by a near-surface fluctuating water table in order to account for the salt-phyllosilicates associations. These results have notable implications for the ancient hydrology of Mars. We propose that the morphologies and sizes of the polygonal cracks can be used as paleoenvironmental, as well as lithological, indicators that could be helpful in planning future missions.


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Human trafficking is regarded by Interpol as the second largest and fastest growing criminal industry in the world. This letter is submitted in response to the topic of Human Trafficking addressed in Volume 2, Issue 1. In response to the ever-increasing attention to this problem, various programs focus on the rescue of survivors in anti-trafficking efforts - sometimes overshadowing efforts to prevent human trafficking and rehabilitate those harmed. A comprehensive, responsible approach requires a system of rescue and rehabilitation with a deliberate eye toward prevention. The basic human rights of survivors are at risk of being violated by “so-called rescue missions, despite the good intentions of would-be rescuers.” At the prevention level, a firm human rights approach is needed. When interventions shift their emphasis to prevention and tackle the innate contributors to inequality, then the roots of trafficking and slavery can be firmly extirpated. By taking a thoughtful and vested approach to tackling all areas of trafficking— including prevention, rescue, and rehabilitation—resources can be used more effectively, and communities are likely to have a more extensive impact in the fight against this hideous crime against humanity.


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Le temps des hommes doubles : Louis Aragon a désigné ainsi la séparation voire l’opposition entre l’homme social et l’homme privé dans la société capitaliste. Pour les auteurs réunis ici, il s’agit plutôt de signifier qu’au temps de la souveraineté nationale en armes, dès lors que sont plus rigoureusement assignées aux soldats et aux citoyens à la fois une « identité » et une « cause » supposées dépasser leur état civil et leurs intérêts particuliers, l’occupation militaire multiplie, dans la recherche d’accommodements entre les deux camps, les tensions et les combinaisons possibles entre fonctions ou statuts publics, sociabilités et influences locales, opinions et besoins. Pour caractériser les évolutions qui ont eu lieu entre les guerres déclarées par la France à l’Autriche en 1792 et à la Prusse en 1870, le présent livre met l’accent sur trois thèmes. Il traite d’abord des enjeux politiques et administratifs de l’occupation, parmi lesquels la neutralité, son devenir en tant que concept dans les relations internationales, et le positionnement des États neutres dans des conflits où l’on s’efforce de mobiliser aussi les opinions publiques. L’attention se porte ensuite sur les armées occupantes. Quelle que soit la part d’idéologie que l’autorité politique introduit dans leurs missions, la première de ces missions est de garantir leur propre sécurité. La recherche des accommodements ou le constat de l’extrême difficulté d’en trouver sont enfin abordés du point de vue des sociétés en proie à l’occupation. Dans ces situations où le présent peut être vécu et interprété en fonction d’une mémoire individuelle et collective d’expériences antérieures, le rôle joué par les occupants ne se réduit pas à la brutalité de la soldatesque et à l’exploitation économique.