1000 resultados para Metodologia para a melhoria da Qualidade da
Esta tese articulou as áreas do conhecimento da Epidemiologia, Saúde Pública, Demografia e Estatística. Para esta investigação, traçaram-se duas estratégias: por um lado, buscou-se relatar a trajetória dos direitos femininos em saúde no Brasil a partir do período pós-guerra até os dias atuais; por outro lado, objetivou-se analisar diferenciais da morte materna e suas associações com variáveis sociodemográficas das mulheres residentes no estado da Paraíba no período de 2000 a 2004. As explorações decorrentes destes objetivos resultaram na produção de três abordagens. Na primeira, procedeu-se a um olhar retrospectivo sobre as políticas de saúde da mulher no país e seus desdobramentos regionais, enfocando a saúde materna. A análise permitiu reconhecer que, apesar de todas as conquistas adquiridas pelas mulheres desde os anos 80, a população feminina brasileira, em particular a paraibana, ainda carece de melhorias nas condições de saúde, sendo esta situação retratada pelo elevado número de mortes maternas ocorridas nos últimos anos. Também se buscou retratar os esforços dos sistemas oficiais na luta pela melhoria da qualidade dos dados reconhecida, na agenda nacional, como sendo ainda uma grande preocupação atual. Na segunda, o objetivo foi identificar o poder associativo entre a raça das mulheres residentes no estado da Paraíba e algumas variáveis sociodemográficas. Os resultados mostraram que houve indícios significativos de que as mulheres não brancas da Paraíba tiveram maiores chances de morrer que as brancas com baixa escolaridade e por morte obstétrica direta. Na terceira, centrou-se no tipo de óbito materno, cujo objetivo consistiu em analisar associações entre o tipo de óbito materno das mulheres paraibanas e as variáveis: grupo etário, escolaridade e raça, no período de 2000 a 2004. Os testes estatísticos realizados apontaram que a mulher paraibana teve cinco vezes mais chances de morrer por morte obstétrica direta ou indireta na faixa etária abaixo dos 20 anos e acima dos 34 em relação a faixa etária entre 20-34 anos
A prática regular de exercício físico possibilita redução dos efeitos das disfunções hormonais e envelhecimento biológico natural que promovem desajustes hemodinâmicos, vasculares e músculo-esqueléticos, principalmente na população feminina no período pós-menopausa. Nesta fase da vida, o exercício aquático representa mais do que uma forma de ajuste funcional, é uma forma de manutenção de independência para as atividades da vida diária (AVD s) e melhoria na qualidade de vida. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar as modificações adquiridas pela prática regular de um programa de exercício aquático concorrente de intensidade moderada no nível de óxido nítrico (ON), no índice de resistividade arterial (IR), no perfil lipídico, na capacidade funcional e na qualidade de vida de idosas. A amostra foi formada por idosas (60 a 80 anos) selecionadas por randomização, por sorteio simples divididas em grupo controle e grupo de intervenção as quais foram submetidas a um programa de exercícios aquáticos proposto inicialmente em projeto piloto, por 12 semanas (n=34) e o ensaio clínico teve duração de 16 semanas (n=40). Foi coletada amostra sanguínea das idosas e avaliado o perfil lipídico pelo método enzimático com kit Labtest e o ON por medida indireta a partir da concentração de nitrito no sobrenadante das células em cultura em leitor de ELISA. A avaliação das artérias carótidas e vertebrais foi feita utilizando o método de ultra-som Doopler. A capacidade funcional foi avaliada por quatro testes que simulam atividades da vida diária que são: caminhar 10 metros (C10m), levantar da posição sentada (LPS), levantar da cadeira e locomover-se pela casa (LCLC) e o de levantar-se da posição decúbito ventral (LPDV). No estudo piloto foi avaliado o índice geral de autonomia funcional (IG) e a qualidade de vida através do questionário WHOQOL-100. Empregou-se a análise de variância (ANOVA) com medidas repetidas nos fatores grupo (GH e GC) e tempo (pré e pós-teste) para as comparações intra e intergrupos nas variáveis seguida do post hoc de Scheffé. Utilizou-se o teste de correlação de Pearson e adotado o valor de p<0,05 para a significância estatística. Houve aumento do ON circulante, redução nos índices de resistividade arterial, melhoria significativa nos níveis de colesterol e triglicérides e ganho na capacidade funcional das idosas após a intervenção. Existiu correlação inversa entre a resistividade da artéria vertebral direita (VERTD) e níveis de ON e entre a VERTD e os níveis plasmáticos de HDL, assim como entre estes e o teste C10m nas idosas em estudo. Não houve modificações significativas na qualidade de vida das idosas. Em conclusão, o programa de exercício proposto foi capaz de oferecer melhorias funcionais, aumentar o nível de óxido nítrico circulante, diminuindo a resistência arterial promovendo modificações no perfil lipídico de idosas
The companies are part of an important segment of the society, besides, it exercises a significant contribution, being also responsible for helping in the improvement of the quality of life of the population. Like this being, to present research looked for to investigate the perception that the entrepreneurs of the building site of Aracaju/SE have concerning the theme Business Social Responsibility (RSE). besides the perceptions, it was part also of the research, to know the entrepreneur's of the building site social construction and the possible practices of Social Responsibility. The research grew in two different moments. The first looked for the theoretical embasamento, trying to study the economical sociology, understanding the effects provoked by the economy, understanding to you reason them that you/they took to the appearance of the perceptions that you/they permeate the historicity among the market, the nascedouro of the associations as company and his/her dynamics in the society. It was also researched, the concept of social responsibility in national and local extent, as well as, the contextualização of the state of Sergipe, detaching the municipal district of Aracaju, and describing how it happened his/her development starting from what is considered urbanization. In the second moment, the accomplishment of interviews in five companies, allowed to notice the entrepreneurs' perception concerning business social responsibility, as well as, actions of different characteristics in four of the samples. In these actions, they are patronage in cultural events, donations of projects for charity institutions, the concern with the preservation of the environment in the use of work materials ecologically correct, preventive health and employees' training. Concluding the research, I introduce the conclusions which it allowed to arrive me, and I point some suggestions for future researches that enlarge the reflection on this theme
This thesis, whose title is DEVELOPMENT AND SOCIAL ASSISTANCE: AN EFFECTIVENESS EVALUATION IN SOCIAL ASSISTENCE POLICY IN THE CITIES OF ASSÚ AND MOSSORÓ/RN (2004/2008), has as main aim to evaluate effectiveness in Social Assistance Policy in the cities of Assu and Mossoró/RN, from 2004 to 2008, identifying its impacts and effects in life of its users. The methodological process for the research was composed by: a) Literature review on this theme, development of public policies; social public policies, public policy evaluation and Social Assistance Policy in Brazil; b) Documental research from Municipal Management of Social Development and Municipal Counsels of Social Assistance in the cities of Assu and Mossoró/RN about the object of this study and empirical field; c) Field Research constituted by the realization of Focal Groups with Social Assistance users and semistructured interviews with municipal managers from Assú and Mossoró. It was also taken into account participant observations in events and activities related to Social Assistance previously mentioned, considering field management and also the response to users demands. Articulating the themes of Development and Public Social Policy in Social Assistance was the theoretical purpose for this thesis. To achieve this purpose, it was performed two theoretical displacements related, at the same time, to the notion of development and to the concept of Social Assistance, which means to comprehend development as social change and improvement in users life quality, expressed in the expansion of their capacities and liberties (SEN, 1993, 2000), and the Social Assistance as an element for development. Such displacements provide a view of Public policy and Social Policies and evaluate National Policy of Social Assistance achieved in those cities. As product, this thesis presents a methodological purpose for effectiveness evaluation in Public Policy, taking into account expansion of capacities and liberties, concluding that Social Assistance Policy in Assú and Mossoró/RN, even in lesser extent had its impact and caused effective results in the life of their users and provided an expansion of their capacities and liberties, improving life quality and empowered agent condition for those subjects. The results show that this Policy has been proved to be effective, and consequently, it was considered, in this thesis, to be also an element and an allied for development
Public services with an emphasis on rehabilitation treatment of disabled people, as established law, have aimed to ensure quality and equity assistance in a rehabilitation way to the segment highlighted. As for people with physical disabilities, the Unified Health System (hereby SUS) through the directive GM/ MS No. 818 of 2001, requires the creation of hierarchical and regionalized services networks at different levels of complexity to ensure appropriate assistance. This study whose title is Evaluation of effectiveness of the Adult Rehabilitation Center in Rn: elements for a discussion aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of rehabilitation services that institution, reference in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, has directed its patients, more specifically those who have had a stroke and therefore are disabled ones. From the standpoint of methodological conduction, it was prioritized a qualitative and empirical theoretical research which was carried out from the following courses: literature references with authors who are the themes pertaining to rehabilitation, inclusion, public policy evaluation, health policy and disability; documentary research through Regulation of Technical Procedures, files, records, informative booklets that were of great importance to the knowledge of the institution, as well as its functioning and dynamics of field research that was materialized with the managers, rehabilitation staff and Center s users, through the application of semi-structured interviews as a tool for data collection. The information obtained was analyzed from the critical analysis of discourse. As a result, it was identified some technical, administrative and financial difficulties which have obliterated the effectiveness of services provided, such as: lack of many professionals to meet existing demand, poor quality of equipment and the physical structure, limits on autonomy management as a result of dependence along with the SESAP/RN; besides the excessive bureaucratization in the administrative processes compromising Center s problem-solving needs. However, in the narratives of managers, rehabilitation staff of patients, despite the difficulties, treatment made by Centre has effectiveness to the extent that has been contributing even in a limited way to improve their quality of life
The aging population and individual have been the subject of a multitude of studies nowadays. This is probably due to the impact of this phenomenon in various sectors of society, like social security, social assistance and public health. The process of aging of the individual imply the demand for specific services, considering the limitations and vulnerabilities of the individual at that stage of life cycle. The growth of the elderly contingent in the last decades raises challenges for policymakers, the family and also for the society at large. In this scenario, long-stay institutions for the elderly (LSIEs) appear as an option to aid and support the elderly and their family, assisting in all or part in the activities of daily living and self-care. Inside these LSIEs we find the professional responsible for the direct care of the elderly, the formal caregiver. In this context, this dissertation presents two main objectives: an analysis of the phenomenon of population aging in a given brazilian municipality Natal / RN, based on the Demographic Censuses of 2000 e 2010; and a social, demographic and economic characterization of the Formal caregiver for the institutionalized elderly in the municipality, evaluating aspects of his quality of life and also analyzing the institutions where they are inserted. Furthermore, we intend to identify demographic, socioeconomic and quality of life factors that are correlated with caregivers quitting the job. The data used in the second part of this work comes from the research project named Long-Stay Institutions for Elderly: abandonment or a family need? . This survey interviewed 92 caregivers in eleven LSIEs in Natal/RN. In the data treatment logistic regressions, cluster analysis and statistical tests were used. The survey revealed that aging in Natal is more pronounced in the older, more traditional districts: Petrópolis, Lagoa Seca and Tirol. It also allowed a broad characterization of the formal caregivers in LSIEs. Most of these professionals are female. The educational level is predominantly complete high school and more. Most caregivers reported being married or in union, or have ever been in a union. Family monthly income is under three times the minimum wage. The mean age is of 37.4 years. The mean time of work as a caregiver was 5.93 years. The associations showed that being woman, not being single, having caregiving training and physical limitations (regarding quality of life) are related to wanting to quit the caregiving job. As for the characterization of the LSIEs, it was found that the philanthropic ones are older and have most (62.5%) of the institutionalized elderly. The institutions managers gave social interaction and affinity with the elderly as the main criteria with which to evaluate and hire caregivers. It is intended with this study to contribute to improving the quality of life of the elderly and their caregiver, providing information on aspects of institutionalization of elderly both in the philanthropic and particular institutions, in Natal/RN; this dissertation may also be used as a starting point for later works
The food chain theory predict that presence of omnivory prevent the trophic cascade and could be a strong stabilizing factor over resource and consumer community dynamics, and that the nutrient enrichment destabilize populations dynamics. Most of the freshwater tropical reservoirs are eutrophic, and strategies that seek improve the water quality through the control of phytoplankton biomass and nutrient input, become essential for the improvement and preservation of water quality. The aim of this study was test the zooplanktivory (when larvae) and omnivory (when young and adult) effects of Nile Tilapia over the structure and dynamics of plankton communities, in addition or absence of nutrients enrichment. For this, one field experiment was performed with a factorial design 2x3 resulting in six treatments: control, without fish and nutrient (C); with omnivorous fish (O); with zooplanktivorous fish (Z); without fish and with enrichment of nutrients (NP); with omnivorous fish and nutrients (ONP); and, with zooplanktivorous fish and nutrients (ZNP). The two planktivory types reduced the zooplankton biomass and increased the phytoplankton biomass, but the omnivory of filter-feeding fish attenuated the trophic cascade magnitude. The fertilization by nutrients increases the nutrient concentrations in water and the phytoplankton biomass, but the effect on zooplankton is dependent of the trophic structure. In a general way, the effects of the fish and nutrient addition were addictive, but significant interactions among those factors were observed in the answer of some zooplankton groups. The effects of omnivorous fish over the temporal variability of phytoplankton and zooplankton biomass were very variable, the increase or reduce in variability of the plankton depending of the level of nutrients and of the analyzed variable. With base in this study, we conclude that the planktivory type exercised by the fish and the concentrations of nutrients in the water affects the force of pelagic trophic cascades and probably the success of biomanipulation programs for the handling of water quality in lakes and tropical reservoirs
The omnivorous filter-feeding fish, Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), can have negative effects on water quality enhancing the eutrophication process. These effects depend on the nutrient enrichment level in the water. We carried out a mesocosm experiment for five weeks in a tropical man-made lake in Brazil to test ifthe effects of tilapias depend on of the level of nutrient enrichment. The experiment lasted for 5 weeks and a factorial 2x5 experimental design was used where the presence and absence of tilapias were manipulated in combination to 5 different levels of nutrient load in a total of 10 treatments. A two way repeated measure ANOVA was performed to evaluate the effects of time (t), tilapia (F), nutrients (NP) and the interactions among these factors on: chlorophyll a, water transparency, total phosphorous, total nitrogen, N:P ratio, zooplankton biomass and phytoplankton biovolume. The tilapia effect was evident, but nutrient enrichment didn t have any effect on the variables analyzed. Tilapia decreased the water transparency, total zooplankton biomass, calanoid copepod biomass, nauplii copepod biomass and cladocerans biomass. On the other hand, tilapia had no effect on phytoplankton biovolume. This lack of effect on phytoplankton is probably due to tilapia grazing that may counteract the positive effect of tilapia on phytoplankton via trophic cascades and nutrient recycling. Hence, a reduction in tilapia stock would not be an effective way to reduce phytoplankton biomass and improve water quality
O conhecimento científico sobre nutrição de animais de companhia tem aumentado de forma contínua, acompanhando o fenômeno visto em diversas áreas de conhecimento. Na última década, têm-se prioritariamente pesquisas direcionadas ao uso de nutrientes na promoção de saúde, prevenção de doenças degenerativas, melhoria da qualidade de vida e aumento da expectativa de vida de cães e gatos. Este direcionamento de pesquisas é, em grande parte, explicado pela importância que cães e gatos assumiram na vida das pessoas, fazendo com que as decisões alimentares dos proprietários com seus animais se assemelhassem às que adotam para si próprios. A publicação da nova revisão do Nutrient Requirements of Dogs and Cats em 2006 foi, talvez, o avanço recente mais significativo, trazendo novo entendimento sobre necessidades energéticas e de nutrientes nas diferentes fases de desenvolvimento e estados fisiológicos. Apesar destes avanços, ainda são necessárias pesquisas na área de caracterização físico-química e de utilização dos ingredientes, efeitos do processo de extrusão e mesmo de necessidades nutricionais, que conta com uma base pequena de artigos disponíveis, a maioria antiga. Talvez os desafios científicos mais importantes em nutrição de cães e gatos sejam metabolismo de carboidratos, importância da massa corporal magra na saúde, urolitíases, gerontologia, relação entre microbiota intestinal e saúde, imunonutrição e manejo nutricional em condições clínicas específicas importantes para estas espécies.
Cet article propose, à partir d'une analyse de trois expériences différentes de la formation des enseignants, voir la pratique de l'enseignant comme une réalité et la comprendre, dans cette perspective, dynamique, génératrice de contenu et possible d être transformée. Une étude menée par un groupe de chercheurs de Sao Paulo do Potengi / RN avec des enseignants des écoles municipales dans les années 70, la mise en oeuvre du projet de réorientation curriculaire par le Bureau d Éducation de la ville de São Paulo - SP en 1989, et le cours Pédagogie de la Terre à l UFRN créée en 2002 sont pris en compte dans ce travail, comme des références dans la formation des enseignants qui démontrent à la fois les référentiel théorique et les actions développées sur la pertinence des réflexions par rapport à l'enseignement pratique comme point de départ quand on cherche à transformer l'école. Du matériel de lecture sur la manière dont ces processus de formation des événements a été possible de détecter la présence de deux éléments qui semblent être importants: la participation des personnes concernées et le reflet de leurs pratiques. Nous avons cherché à comprendre comment ces éléments apparaissent dans la pratique de deux étudiants du cours de Pédagogie de la Terre au cours de leurs classes de stage, en cherchant à identifier la façon dont ils font avancer ce point de vue de ce qui se passe dans le processus de formation. L'étude fait remarquer que la participation des sujets comme la réflexion collective des pratiques peuvent être cruciale pour la compréhension d'un enseignement qui peut être dynamique et de transformation des sujets, et qu elle peut se passer dans un processus de construction collective du savoir marquée par une refléxion et d une manière critique de faire et réflexive d'elle-même dans l'autonomie scolaire, améliorer la qualité de l'enseignement et le renforcement de l'enseignant et de l'élève comme des sujets actifs dans la reconstruction de leurs connaissances
This research work is focused to show the changes in educational administration from the agreements between the Mossoró / RN and the Ayrton Senna Institute IAS, for education provision. Nowadays, the partnership policy is a constitutive element of the reform of the Brazilian State, which dropped its action on social policies and to strengthen its regulatory role, encouraging private participation in planning, preparation and implementation of public policies, new printing setting the political-social. In this context, the 10 Note Management Programme, developed by the IAS, is part of the neoliberal logic of modernization of public school systems, focusing on results and developing strategies for control and regulation of schools work and its efficiency, effectiveness and greater productivity. The 10 Note focuses on two dimensions: the management of learning and teaching in networking, in a managerial perspective to overcome the culture of failure (expressed as age-grade, dropout and repetition rates in) and implantation of culture of success (as measured in the improvement of the indices). To understanding the process, we have delimited as the object of study, the process of implementing them mentioned program in the city, which its objective is to analyze implications for the school community from the perspective of democratic management, adopting the dimensions of autonomy and participation in institutional processes as a criterion of analysis. From a methodological point of view, the survey was conducted from a literature review and documentary about educational policy developed in the country since the 1990´s, seeking to understand, in a dialectical perspective, the political dimensions of teaching, training and performance of the subjects involved in the school work. Besides the empirical observation, it was also used semi-structured interviews with a methodological tool for gathering information and opinions about the partnership and the implementation of the 10 Note Management Program in the county. The interviewee participants were ex-former education managers, coordinators, school managers, secretaries and teachers. Regarding the dimensions inside the analysis (autonomy and participation), the research led to the conclusion: that GEED, under the guidance of IAS promoted regulation of school autonomy, set up the selection process for exercising the office of school administration and system awards to schools, pupils and teachers, subject to results, there is mismatch between the managerial logic and the democratic management principles, that the ideological discourse of modernization of municipal management coexists with traditional practices, centralizing patronage, which ignores the democratic participation in the school decisions processes, the goals of the partnership were partially achieved, since that the city has improved over the approval and dropouts, although the approval of the Education Municipal Plan of the rules institutional (administrative, financial and educational) and the creation of the Councils observed that the school community participation is still limited, not being characterized as a coordinated intervention, capable of promoting the transformation and improvement its quality in the county. In the same way, the orientation of networking is a limit to the autonomy of schools, given the external definition of goals and strategies to be adopted, along with pressure exerted through the accountability of each school community for their achievements
Systemic arterial hypertension is a multifactorial disease that contributes to the country´s high cardiovascular morbi-mortality rates. Considering that hypertension affects individuals in their most productive age while facing work and living risk factors, it is important to investigate its occurrence and predisposing factors in different occupational segments. The objective of this study was to identify the prevalence of hypertension among workers attended to in a medical service of a public university, their hypertension levels, the risk factors present, and their knowledge of the factors that influence the arterial pressure. The epidemiologic study was conducted in the Health Department of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte with 102 workers that sought care in the medical clinic during the months of March to May 2009. Data were collected by means of a questionnaire and measurements of systolic and diastolic arterial pressure (SAP and DAP) that were classified in stages according to the Brazilian Society of Hypertension and the degree of risk for cardiovascular events according to the criteria of the Brazilian Society for Cardiology. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The workers were, on average, 54 years of age; the majority (67%) was male and had primary or middle educational level; they worked mainly in supplemental units and deanship offices conducting different functions such as security guards, administrative assistants, health auxiliaries and constructions workers; 48 (47%) of the workers identified themselves as hypertensive for 8 years on average, with the majority executing hard labor and administrative functions. Among the workers with hypertension, the number of the pressure levels classified as pre-hypertensive, stage I and II were: (12% in the SAP and 20% in the DAP); (16% in the SAP and 9% in the DAP); and (15% in the SAP and 5% in the DAP), respectively. The workers that did not identify themselves as hypertensive presented classifications with greater frequencies were: normal (16% in the SAP and 30% in the DAP); and pre-hypertensive (21% in the SAP and 16% in the DAP). The risk factors identified in more than 50% of the workers were: tobacco smoking, alcohol consumption and indices of being overweight, although physical activities are also present. Of the 48 workers diagnosed as hypertensive, those that had 5 risk factors present and limitrophic pressure levels (12%), in stage I hypertension (16%) and stage II hypertension (15¨%) were categorized as being in high risk for vascular events. The number of workers that indicated they had knowledge of the factors that influence their hypertension was less than 39% for each factor. It is concluded that there is a high prevalence of systemic arterial hypertension in the university workers, even amongst those already under treatment. They constitute a population at risk considering their age group, their work functions, and their inadequate life habits. Health care of these hypertensive workers that seek attention in the Health Department is an important aspect of the internal workers health policy in the institution. Educational interventions are recommended for the improvement of quality of life and of work in these workers
The therapeutic possibilities for chronic renal failure closely are related to the biological and social condition, and in this perspective the renal transplant is considered the best option, for providing quality of life better. This study it objectified to apprehend, by means of the rescue of the verbal history of life of the kidney transplant patients, the experiences lived since the diagnosis of the renal to the current with the current therapeutic modality. One is about a study of qualitative boarding, exploratory and descriptive, having the verbal history of life as a technique and method. The colony was formed with the ten first kidney transplant patients of the Rio Grande of the North, taken care of in the clinic of the Nephrology in the University Hospital Onofre Lopes-UFRN, located in the city of Christmas-RN. The net was composed for collaborators of both the sex, in the age band between 21 and 56 years of age, submitted it more than has one year to the renal transplant and that, in some cases, together of its familiar ones, they had voluntarily accepted to participate of the study. The first collaborator interviewed for this was excluded not to desire to participate the study more than. After approval for the Committee of Ethics in Search of the UFRN, we carry through the collection of data, by means of a halfstructuralized interview, recorded individually, in environment chosen for the collaborators. We carry through the transcription of the interviews and later we return to the interviewed ones so that the same ones made the conference, what it made possible in them to carry through the transcriation, after consecutive readings. We analyze the stories by means of the analysis of content of Bardin. Guiding the analysis of the stories of the collaborators, we find three axles thematic: Impact in the social relations, Impact in the social condition and Behavior front the illness and treatment. We conclude in this study that the loss of the renal function reed-echo drastically in the life of the collaborators, but that the acceptance of the pathological condition emerged, mainly for the support of the family and in the belief in God. The renal transplant was seen as the chance for a new life, however, so that they reach an improvement in the quality of life, other questions must be optimized, as the guarantee of constitutional laws, the rescue of the citizenship and offer of bigger support of the professionals of the health, family and society for the confrontation of the problems generated for the chronic renal illness and its treatments
Estudos realizados no Brasil com o umezeiro (Prunus mume Sieb. et Zucc.) relatam promissoras perspectivas de utilização desta espécie como porta-enxerto para pessegueiro e nectarineira, em função de sua rusticidade, adaptação ao inverno brando, compatibilidade com Prunus persica, redução do vigor das plantas e melhoria da qualidade dos frutos. Entretanto, em função da propagação por sementes, tem sido observadas diferenças de vigor entre as plantas, resultando em pomares muito heterogêneos. Assim, o presente estudo teve por objetivo estudar o enraizamento de estacas herbáceas de quatro clones de umezeiro (Clones 02, 05, 10 e 15) durante o inverno ameno, em Jaboticabal-SP. O experimento foi conduzido entre os meses de junho e agosto, sendo avaliado aos 70 dias após a estaquia. Pelos resultados obtidos, foi possível concluir que é viável a propagação dos clones estudados por enraizamento de estacas herbáceas durante o inverno. Foram observadas diferenças entre os clones quanto à porcentagem de enraizamento, porcentagem de estacas com calo, número e comprimento das raízes. No conjunto das variáveis analisadas, os melhores resultados foram obtidos com os Clones 10 e 15.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)