971 resultados para Media campaign exposure
Hydrophilic nanocarriers formed by electrostatic interaction of chitosan with oppositely charged macromolecules have a high potential as vectors in biomedical and pharmaceutical applications. However, comprehensive information about the fate of such nanomaterials in biological environment is lacking. We used chitosan from both animal and fungal sources to form well-characterized chitosan-pentasodium triphosphate (TPP)//alginate nanogels suitable for comparative studies. Upon exposure of human colon cancer cells (HT29 and CaCo2), breast cancer cells (MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7), glioblastoma cells (LN229), lung cancer cells (A549), and brain-derived endothelial cells (HCEC) to chitosan-(TPP)//alginate nanogels, cell type-, nanogel dosage-, and exposure time-dependent responses are observed. Comparing chitosan-TPP//alginate nanogels prepared from either animal or fungal source in terms of nanogel formation, cell uptake, reactive oxygen species production, and metabolic cell activity, no significant differences become obvious. The results identify fungal chitosan as an alternative to animal chitosan in particular if biomedical/pharmaceutical applications are intended.
This paper describes a bibliographic analysis of the vision of Marshal McLuhan and the vision adopted by diverse current authors regarding the use of new interactive learning technologies. The paper also analyzes the transformation that will have to take place in the formal surroundings of education in order to improve their social function. The main points of view and contributions made by diverse authors are discussed. It is important that all actors involved in the educational process take in consideration these contributions in order to be ready for future changes.
La evolución de peso en los períodos de lactación y transición de 583 lechones fue estudiada mediante un análisis estadístico, evaluando el efecto de la suplementación con ácidos grasos de cadena media (AGCM) en lechones con poco peso al nacimiento. 188 de los 375 lechones que nacieron con un peso al nacimiento (PN) &1250 g recibieron 3mL de AGCM cada 24 h durante los primeros 3 días de vida; su peso medio al destete (día 28) fue inferior respecto al grupo control (lechones no suplementados) (-114,17 g). No obstante, 106 de los 180 lechones nacidos con un PN &1000 g fueron suplementados, y su peso medio al destete y a finales de transición (día 63) fue superior respecto al grupo control (destete: +315,16 g; día 63: +775,47 g). Finalmente, los lechones suplementados con PN&800 g tuvieron los peores resultados: su diferencia de peso medio al destete fue de -177,58 g respecto al grupo control. Por lo tanto, en esta prueba fueron estudiados los lechones con un PN entre 800 y 999 g porque el grupo suplementado al destete tuvo una diferencia de peso medio considerable respecto al grupo control:+511,58 g. Asimismo, considerando una probabilidad de error inferior a 0,05, no hubieron diferencias significativas en las diferentes categorías de PN analizadas. De todas maneras, es importante destacar el alto grado de significación en la suplementación con AGCM en lechones con PN entre 800 y 999g (P=0,059). Por otra parte, el PN del grupo suplementado con PN&1000 g fue inferior que el del grupo no suplementado con PN&1000 g; esta diferencia de PN fue significativa (P=0,004) y como consecuencia el grado de significación en la suplementación con AGCM en lechones con PN entre 800 y 999 g fue inferior al esperado. Además, en esta prueba se incluyeron algunos resultados generales y también un análisis simple de supervivencia, aunque no era el objetivo principal
The introduction of interventional radiology (IR) procedures in the 20th century has demonstrated significant advantages over surgery procedures. As a result, their number is continuously rising in diagnostic, as well as, in therapy field and is connected with progress in highly sophisticated equipment used for these purposes. Nowadays, in the European countries more than 400 fluoroscopically guided IR procedures were identified with a 10-12% increase in the number of IR examinations every year (UNSCEAR, 2010). Depending on the complexity of the different types of the interventions large differences in the radiation doses of the staff are observed.The staff that carries out IR procedures is likely to receive relatively high radiation doses, because IR procedures require the operator to remain close to the patient and close to the primary radiation beam. In spite of the fact that the operator is shielded by protective apron, the hands, eyes and legs remain practically unshielded. For this reason, one of the aims of the ORAMED project was to provide a set of standardized data on extremity doses for the personnel that are involved in IR procedures and to optimize their protection by evaluating the various factors that affect the doses. In the framework of work package 1 of the ORAMED project the impact of protective equipment, tube configuration and access routes were analyzed for the selected IR procedures. The position of maximum dose measured is also investigated. The results of the extremity doses in IR workplaces are presented in this study together with the influence of the above mentioned parameters on the doses.
Ex vivo analysis of virus-specific CD8 T cell populations by anchored PCR has shown that the CD8 TCR repertoire was less oligoclonal (seven to nine clonotypes per individual epitope) than previously thought. In the current study, TCR diversity was investigated by assessing both the overall TCR β-chain variable regions usage as well as the CDR3 regions in ex vivo-isolated CMV- and EBV-specific CD8 T cells from 27 healthy donors. The average number of clonotypes specific to most single viral epitopes comprised between 14 and 77. Changes in the CD8 TCR repertoire were also longitudinally assessed under conditions of HIV-1 chronic infection (i.e., in patients with suppressed virus replication and after treatment interruption and Ag re-exposure). The results showed that a large renewal (≤80%) of the TRB repertoire occurred after Ag re-exposure and was eventually associated with an increased T cell recognition functional avidity. These results demonstrate that the global CD8 TCR repertoire is much more diverse (≤9-fold) than previously estimated and provide the mechanistic basis for supporting massive repertoire renewal during chronic virus infection and Ag re-exposure.
OBJECTIVE: HIV-1 post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) is frequently prescribed after exposure to source persons with an undetermined HIV serostatus. To reduce unnecessary use of PEP, we implemented a policy including active contacting of source persons and the availability of free, anonymous HIV testing ('PEP policy'). METHODS: All consultations for potential non-occupational HIV exposures i.e. outside the medical environment) were prospectively recorded. The impact of the PEP policy on PEP prescription and costs was analysed and modelled. RESULTS: Among 146 putative exposures, 47 involved a source person already known to be HIV positive and 23 had no indication for PEP. The remaining 76 exposures involved a source person of unknown HIV serostatus. Of 33 (43.4%) exposures for which the source person could be contacted and tested, PEP was avoided in 24 (72.7%), initiated and discontinued in seven (21.2%), and prescribed and completed in two (6.1%). In contrast, of 43 (56.6%) exposures for which the source person could not be tested, PEP was prescribed in 35 (81.4%), P < 0.001. Upon modelling, the PEP policy allowed a 31% reduction of cost for management of exposures to source persons of unknown HIV serostatus. The policy was cost-saving for HIV prevalence of up to 70% in the source population. The availability of all the source persons for testing would have reduced cost by 64%. CONCLUSION: In the management of non-occupational HIV exposures, active contacting and free, anonymous testing of source persons proved feasible. This policy resulted in a decrease in prescription of PEP, proved to be cost-saving, and presumably helped to avoid unnecessary toxicity and psychological stress.
Introduction. Agricultural workers are among the professional groups most at risk of developing acute or chronic respiratory problems. Despite this fact, the etiology of these occupational diseases is poorly known, even in important sectors of agriculture such as the crops sector. Cereals can be colonized by a large number of fungal species throughout the plants' growth, but also during grain storage. Some of these fungi deliver toxins that can have a serious impact on human health when they are ingested via wheat products. Although International and European legislation on contaminants in food, including mycotoxins, include measures to ensure protection of public health by setting down the maximum levels for certain contaminants, the risks associated with the inhalation of such molecules during grain handling remains poorly documented. Goal of study. This project's objective was to characterize worker exposure to pathogenic, irritative or allergenic microorganisms and to identify the abiotic or biotic factors that reduce the growth of these microorganisms in crops. Indeed, the proliferation of microorganisms on wheat is dependent on temperature, rainfall and human disturbance (e.g. usage of tillage, addition of fungicides). A change in the concentration of these microorganisms in the substrate will directly result in a change in the concentration of aerosolized particles of the same microorganisms. Therefore, the exposure of worker to bioaérosols will also change. The Vaud region of Switzerland is a perfect region for conduct such a project as weather conditions vary and agricultural land management programs are divers at a small geographic scale. Methods. Bioaerosols and wheat dust have been sampled during wheat harvesting of summer 2010 at 100 sites uniformly distributed in the Vaud region that are representative of the different agriculture practices. Personal exposure has been evaluated for different wheat related activities: harvesting, grain unload, baling straw, the cleaning of harvesters and silos. Aerosols have been sampled at a rate of 2L/min between 15 min to 4 hours (t) on a 5m PVC filter for estimating the total dust inhaled, on gelatine filter for the identification and quantification of molds, and on a 0.45um polycarbonate filter for endotoxin quantification. Altitude, temperature and annual average rainfall were considered for each site. The physical and chemical characteristics of soils were determined using the methods in effect at Sol Council (Nyon). Total dust has been quantified following NIOSH 0500 method. Reactive endotoxine activity has been determined with Limulus Amebocyte Lysate Assay. All molds have been identified by the pyrosequencing of ITS2 amplicons generated from bioaerosol or wheat dust genomic DNA. Results & Conclusions. Our results confirm the previous quantitative data on the worker exposure to wheat dust. In addition, they show that crop workers are systematically exposed to complex mixtures of allergens, irritants or cytotoxic components. The novelty of our study is the systematic detection of molds such as Fusarium - that is a mycotoxins producer - in the bioaerosols. The results are interpreted by taking in account the agriculture practice, the Phosphorus : Carbon : Nitrogen ratio of the soil, the altitude and the average of rainy days per year.
To improve the yield of the cytogenetic analysis in patients with acute nonlymphocytic leukemia (ANLL), six culture conditions for bone marrow or peripheral blood cells were tested in parallel. Two conditioned media (CM), phytohemagglutinin leukocyte PHA-LCM and 5637 CM, nutritive elements (NE), and methotrexate (MTX) cell synchronization were investigated in 14 patients presenting with either inv(16)/ t(16;16) (group 1, n = 9 patients) or t(15;17) (group 2, n = 5). The criteria used to identify the most favorable culture conditions were the mitotic index (MI), the morphological index (MorI), and the percentage of abnormal metaphases. In the presence of PHA-LCM and 5637 CM, the MI were significantly increased in group 2, whereas in the MTX conditions, MI remained very low in both groups. The values of the MorI did not reveal any significant changes in chromosome resolution between the conditions in either group. The addition of NE did not have a positive effect in quantity or quality of metaphases. Because of the variability of the response of leukemic cells to different stimulations in vitro, several culture conditions in parallel are required to ensure a satisfactory yield of the chromosome analysis in ANLL.
En el proceso de inversión de la función de directividad para la obtención de la longitud de falla y velocidad de mptura, en el caso de terremotos de magnitud media, es muy dificil obtener ambos parámetros independientemente y deben hacerse hipótesis sobre uno de los dos parámetros. Proponemos una solución a este problema mediante un proceso iterativo, que iniciamos con un valor hipotético de la velocidad de ruptura. El resultado final resulta ser independiente del valor de partida. Mediante este proceso hemos obtenido la longitud de falla y velocidad de ruptura de dos terremotos, el del 18-nov-1970, ocurrido en la Dorsal Oriental del Pacifico, y el del 4-jul-1966, ocurrido en la Dorsal Centro-Atlántica. Para el sismo del 18-nov-1970 los valores obtenidos en la b = (18 4- 1) km v = (2.3 f 0.1) kmls y para el sismo del 4-jul-1966 b = (19 f 2) km, v = (2.1 i 0.1) kmls. Las desviaciones tipicas de estos parámetros, del orden del 5-10 %, son inferiores a las obtenidas en trabajos previos.
Tiivistelmä: Turvepohjaisten kasvualustojen tiivistyminen yksivuotisessa paakkutaimikasvatuksessa
Strong platelet activation results in a redistribution of negatively charged phospholipids from the cytosolic to the outer leaflet of the cellular membrane. Annexin V has a high affinity to negatively charged phospholipids and can be used to identify procoagulant platelets. Formaldehyde fixation can cause factitious Annexin V binding. Our aim was to evaluate a method for fixing platelets avoiding additional Annexin V binding. We induced expression of negatively charged phospholipids on the surface of a fraction of platelets by combined activation with convulxin and thrombin in the presence of Annexin V-fluorescein isothiocyanate and calcium. Aliquots of resting and activated platelets were fixed with a low concentration, calcium-free formaldehyde solution. Both native platelets and fixed platelets were analyzed by flow cytometry immediately and after a 24-h storage at 4°C. We observed that the percentage of Annexin V positive resting platelets ranged from 1.5 to 9.3% for the native samples and from 0.4 to 12.8% for the fixed samples (P=0.706, paired t-test). The amount of Annexin V positive convulxin/thrombin activated platelets varied from 12.9 to 35.4% without fixation and from 15.3 to 36.3% after formalin fixation (P=0.450). After a 24-h storage at 4°C, Annexin V positive platelets significantly increased both in the resting and in the convulxin/thrombin activated samples of native platelets (both P<0.001), while results for formalin fixed platelets did not differ from baseline values (P=0.318 for resting fixed platelets; P=0.673 for activated fixed platelets). We conclude that platelet fixation with a low concentration, calcium-free formaldehyde solution does not alter the proportion of Annexin V positive platelets. This method can be used to investigate properties of procoagulant platelets by multicolor flow-cytometric analysis requiring fixation steps.
Report on the Iowa Ethics and Campaign Disclosure Board for the year ended June 30, 2009