991 resultados para Maison Constant Van Thorenburg-Mestdagh (Gand, France)


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Exposure to chronic constant light (CCL) influences circadian rhythms and evokes stress. Since hippocampus is sensitive to stress, which facilitates long-term depression (LTD) in the hippocampal CA1 area, we examined whether CCL exposure influenced hippoc


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A driver model is presented capable of optimising the trajectory of a simple dynamic nonlinear vehicle, at constant forward speed, so that progression along a predefined track is maximised as a function of time. In doing so, the model is able to continually operate a vehicle at its lateral-handling limit, maximising vehicle performance. The technique used forms a part of the solution to the motor racing objective of minimising lap time. A new approach of formulating the minimum lap time problem is motivated by the need for a more computationally efficient and robust tool-set for understanding on-the-limit driving behaviour. This has been achieved through set point-dependent linearisation of the vehicle model and coupling the vehicle-track system using an intrinsic coordinate description. Through this, the geometric vehicle trajectory had been linearised relative to the track reference, leading to new path optimisation algorithm which can be formed as a computationally efficient convex quadratic programming problem. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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The measurement of cantilever parameters is an essential part of performing a calibrated measurement with an atomic force microscope (AFM). The thermal motion method is a widely used technique for calibrating the spring constant of an AFM cantilever, which can be applied to non-rectangular cantilevers. Given the trend towards high frequency scanning, calibration of non-rectangular cantilevers is of increasing importance. This paper presents two results relevant to cantilever calibration via the thermal motion method. We demonstrate the possibility of using the AFM's phase signal to acquire the thermal motion. This avoids the challenges associated with connecting the raw photodiode signal to a separate spectrum analyser. We also describe how numerical calculations may be used to calculate the parameters needed in a thermal motion calibration of a non-rectangular cantilever. Only accurate knowledge of the relative size of the in-plane dimensions of the cantilever is needed in this computation. We use this pair of results in the calibration of a variety of rectangular and non-rectangular cantilevers. We observe an average difference between the Sader and thermal motion values of cantilever stiffness of 10%.


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The brain encodes visual information with limited precision. Contradictory evidence exists as to whether the precision with which an item is encoded depends on the number of stimuli in a display (set size). Some studies have found evidence that precision decreases with set size, but others have reported constant precision. These groups of studies differed in two ways. The studies that reported a decrease used displays with heterogeneous stimuli and tasks with a short-term memory component, while the ones that reported constancy used homogeneous stimuli and tasks that did not require short-term memory. To disentangle the effects of heterogeneity and short-memory involvement, we conducted two main experiments. In Experiment 1, stimuli were heterogeneous, and we compared a condition in which target identity was revealed before the stimulus display with one in which it was revealed afterward. In Experiment 2, target identity was fixed, and we compared heterogeneous and homogeneous distractor conditions. In both experiments, we compared an optimal-observer model in which precision is constant with set size with one in which it depends on set size. We found that precision decreases with set size when the distractors are heterogeneous, regardless of whether short-term memory is involved, but not when it is homogeneous. This suggests that heterogeneity, not short-term memory, is the critical factor. In addition, we found that precision exhibits variability across items and trials, which may partly be caused by attentional fluctuations.


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Hafnium oxide (HfOx) is a high dielectric constant (k) oxide which has been identified as being suitable for use as the gate dielectric in thin film transistors (TFTs). Amorphous materials are preferred for a gate dielectric, but it has been an ongoing challenge to produce amorphous HfOx while maintaining a high dielectric constant. A technique called high target utilization sputtering (HiTUS) is demonstrated to be capable of depositing high-k amorphous HfOx thin films at room temperature. The plasma is generated in a remote chamber, allowing higher rate deposition of films with minimal ion damage. Compared to a conventional sputtering system, the HiTUS technique allows finer control of the thin film microstructure. Using a conventional reactive rf magnetron sputtering technique, monoclinic nanocrystalline HfOx thin films have been deposited at a rate of ∼1.6nmmin-1 at room temperature, with a resistivity of 1013Ωcm, a breakdown strength of 3.5MVcm-1 and a dielectric constant of ∼18.2. By comparison, using the HiTUS process, amorphous HfOx (x=2.1) thin films which appear to have a cubic-like short-range order have been deposited at a high deposition rate of ∼25nmmin-1 with a high resistivity of 1014Ωcm, a breakdown strength of 3MVcm-1 and a high dielectric constant of ∼30. Two key conditions must be satisfied in the HiTUS system for high-k HfOx to be produced. Firstly, the correct oxygen flow rate is required for a given sputtering rate from the metallic target. Secondly, there must be an absence of energetic oxygen ion bombardment to maintain an amorphous microstructure and a high flux of medium energy species emitted from the metallic sputtering target to induce a cubic-like short range order. This HfOx is very attractive as a dielectric material for large-area electronic applications on flexible substrates. A remote plasma sputtering process (high target utilization sputtering, HiTUS) has been used to deposit amorphous hafnium oxide with a very high dielectric constant (∼30). X-ray diffraction shows that this material has a microstructure in which the atoms have a cubic-like short-range order, whereas radio frequency (rf) magnetron sputtering produced a monoclinic polycrystalline microstructure. This is correlated to the difference in the energetics of remote plasma and rf magnetron sputtering processes. © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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A high efficiency hard switching constant current LED driver is presented with high overall efficiency, high current precision, high LED efficacy, flicker-free and wide constant current dimming ratio. The high stable lighting source provides the best solution for office light, reading light and LCD backlight. © 2013 IEEE.


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This paper presents an achievable second-order rate region for the discrete memoryless multiple-access channel. The result is obtained using a random-coding ensemble in which each user's codebook contains codewords of a fixed composition. It is shown that this ensemble performs at least as well as i.i.d. random coding in terms of second-order asymptotics, and an example is given where a strict improvement is observed. © 2013 IEEE.


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The results of conductivity, photoconductivity and constant photocurrent method absorption measurements by DC and AC methods in hydrogenated silicon films with mixed amorphous-nanocrystalline structure are presented. A series of diphasic silicon films was deposited by very high frequency plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition technique, using different hydrogen dilution ratios of silane. The increase of hydrogen dilution ratio results in five orders of magnitude increase of conductivity and a sharp increase of grain volume fraction. The comparison of the absorption spectra obtained by DC and AC methods showed that they are similar for silicon films with the predominantly amorphous structure and films with high grain volume fraction. However we found a dramatic discrepancy between the absorption spectra obtained by DC and AC constant photocurrent methods in silicon films deposited in the regime of the structure transition from amorphous to nanocrystalline state. AC constant photocurrent method gives higher absorption coefficient than DC constant photocurrent method in the photon energy range of 1.2-1.7 eV. This result indicates the possibility of crystalline grains contribution to absorption spectra measured by AC constant photocurrent method in silicon films with intermediate crystalline grain volume fraction. (c) 2008 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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CaCu3Ti(4-x)Nb(x)O(12) (x = 0, 0.01, 0.08, 0.2) ceramics were fabricated by a conventional solid-state reaction method. The ceramics showed the body-centered cubic structure without any foreign phases and the grain size decreases with Nb doping. Two Debye-type relaxations were observed for the Nb-doped samples at low frequency and high frequency, respectively. The complex electric modulus analysis revealed that the surface layer, grains and grain boundaries contributed to the dielectric constant. The low-frequency dielectric constant relative to the surface layer decreased to a minimum and then increased with the dc bias voltage at 100 Hz, which were well explained in terms of a model containing two metal oxide semiconductors in series, confirming the surface layer in the ceramics. The shift voltage V-B corresponding to the minimal capacitance increased with increase of the composition x. (C) 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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High-dose ion implantation of phosphorus into 4H-SiC (0001) has been investigated with three different ion fluxes ranging from 1.0 to 4.0 x 10(12) P(+)cm(-2.)s(-1) and keeping the implantation dose constant at 2.0 x 10(15) P(+)cm(-2). The implantations are performed at room temperature and subsequently annealed at 1500 degrees C. Photoluminescence and Raman scattering are employed to investigate the implantation-induced damages and the residual defects after annealing. The electrical properties of the implanted layer are evaluated by Hall effect measurements on the sample with a van der Pauw configuration. Based on these results, it is revealed that the damages and defects in implanted layers can be greatly reduced by decreasing the ion flux. Considering room temperature implantation and a relatively low annealing temperature of 1500 degrees C, a reasonably low sheet resistance of 106 Omega/square is obtained at ion flux of 1.0 x 10(12) P(+)cm(-2.)s(-1) with a donor concentration of 4.4 x 10(19)cm(-3).


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An three phase adjustable output voltage rectifier with constant power flow based on waveform gap patching principle is resented. By patching the gapes in the phase currents in parallel way as well as the ripple of the output voltage in series way, it implements the constant power flow from the three-phase line to the DC output without using any line frequency (and its harmonics) energy storage components. Principally, by treating only 22.4% power of the needed power output, this rectifier can supply constant power flow with adjustable output voltages without bring about any harmonic interferences to the power utility and achieve unite power factor.


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The cobalt ferrites with chemical composition Co1+xZnxFe2-2xO4 (r=0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4) were obtained with conventional solid reaction. The ZnO-doped samples have lower lattice constant than CoFe2O4 by adjusting Co ions to the octahedral sites. The results show that doping ZnO could extremely improve the magnetic properties. In comparison with pure CoFe2O4, the little ZnO-doped sample has higher permeability and much lower coercivity at the condition of a little decrease of magnetization saturation. Sample with x=0.1 shows evident magnetostrictive effect at the magnetic field of 30-60 mT while pure cobalt ferrite sample does not, though the saturation magnetostriction decreases. These indicate that ZnO-doping improves the magnetostrictive sensitivity of the cobalt ferrites and have potential applications in magnetoelectric devices and magnetic detector.