989 resultados para Lund, Donald


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In an attempt to find out which of the two Swedish prosodic contrasts of 1) wordstress pattern and 2) tonal word accent category has the greatest communicative weight, a lexical decision experiment was conducted: in one part word stress pattern was changed from trochaic to iambic, and in the other part trochaic accentII words were changed to accent I.Native Swedish listeners were asked to decide whether the distorted words werereal words or ‘non-words’. A clear tendency is that listeners preferred to give more‘non-word’ responses when the stress pattern was shifted, compared to when wordaccent category was shifted. This could have implications for priority of phonological features when teaching Swedish as a second language.


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Summary To become, to be and to have been: about the  Jehovah’s Witnesses The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, in the following text referred to as the Jehovah’s Witnesses or “the organisation”, is a worldwide Christian organisation with about 6.7 million members. The organisation has many times, without any success so far, proclaimed Armageddon when they expect Jehovah to return to Earth. They interpret the Bible in their own, often very literal way, and require their members to live according to these interpretations. Among the consequences of this, members are forbidden to vote, to do military service or to receive blood transfusions. Apart from attending the three weekly meetings, members are expected to be active in missionary work, known as “publishing”. If a member fails to do a certain number of hours’ publishing, he or she risks being deprived of active membership status Sweden in general is considered to be a society where the population is not very religious. The formerly state-governed Lutheran church has lost its influence and the vast majority of ordinary Swedes do not visit church on other occasions than weddings, funerals or christenings. Expressing one’s own religious values has become somewhat of a private matter where publicity is seldom appreciated, which is contrary to the practice of the Jehovah’s Witnesses. This is one of the reasons why the Jehovah’s Witnesses are commonly perceived by average Swedes as a “suspicious” religious organisation. The aim and methods of the study This dissertation seeks to describe and investigate the entering and leaving of a highly structured and hierarchical religious community, exemplified in this case by the Jehovah’s Witnesses. What are the thoughts and aspirations of someone who is considering becoming a Jehovah’s Witness? What are the priorities and what experiences seem important when a person is going through such a process? And when this person has finally reached his or her goal of becoming a member, is it the same motivation that makes him or her stay in the organisation for longer periods of time, possibly for the rest of their lives, or does it change during the process of entering, or does this motivation change its character during the transition from entering to being a regular member? Why do some of the members change their attitude to the Jehovah’s Witnesses from rejoicing to bitterness? And how does this process of exit manifest itself? In what way is it different from the process of entry? The respondents in this study were chosen from both active members of the Jehovah’s Witnesses in Sweden and those who have left the organisation for personal reasons. Repeated interviews with ten active members of the organisation have been conducted in the course of the study and compared to equal numbers of former members. The interviews have been semi-structured to deal with questions of how a person has come into contact with the organisation; how they retrospectively experienced the process of entry; the reasons for becoming a member. Questions have also been asked about life in the organisation. The group of “exiters” have also been asked about the experience of leaving, why they wanted to leave, and how this process was started and carried out. In addition to this I have analysed a four-year diary describing the time inside and the process of leaving the organisation. This has given me an extra psychological insight into the inner experience of someone who has gone through the whole process. The analysis has been done by categorising the content of the transcribed interviews. An attempt to outline a model of an entry and exit process has been made, based on ideas and interpretations presented in the interviews. The analysis of the diary has involved thorough reading, resulting in a division of it into four different parts, where each part has been given a certain key-word, signifying the author’s emotional state when writing it. A great deal of the information about the Jehovah’s Witnesses has been collected through discussion boards on the Internet, informal talks with members and ex-members, interviews with representatives of the organisations during visits to its different offices (Bethels), such as St. Petersburg, Russia, and Brooklyn, New York, USA. The context Each organisation evolves in its own context with its own norms, roles and stories that would not survive outside it. With this as a starting point, there is a chapter dedicated to the description of the organisation’s history, structure and activities. It has been stated that the organisation’s treatment of its critical members and the strategies for recruiting new members have evolved over the years of its history. At the beginning there was an openness allowing members to be critical. As the structure of the organisation has become more rigid and formalised, the treatment of internal critics has become much less tolerated and exclusion has become a frequent option. As a rule many new members have been attracted to the organisation when (1) the day of Armageddon has been pronounced to be approaching; (2) the members of the organisation have been persecuted or threatened with persecution; and (3) the organisation has discovered a “new market”. The processes for entering and exiting How the entering processes manifest themselves depends on whether the person has been brought up in the organisation or not. A person converting as an adult has to pass six phases before being considered a Jehovah’s Witness by the organisation. These are:  Contact with the Jehovah’s Witnesses, Studying the bible with members of the organisation, Questioning, Accepting, Being active as publisher (spreading the belief), Being baptised.  For a person brought up in the organisation, the process to full membership is much shorter:   Upbringing in the organisation, Taking a stand on the belief, Being baptised. The exit process contains of seven phases:   Different levels of doubts, Testing of doubts, Turning points, Different kinds of decisions, Different steps in executing the decisions, Floating, a period of emotional and cognitive consideration of membership and its experiences, Realtive neutrality.   The process in and the process out are both slow and are accompanied with anguish and doubts. When a person is going through the process in or out of the organisation he or she experiences criticism. This is when people around the adept question the decision to continue in the process. The result of the criticism depends on where in the process the person is. If he or she is at the beginning of the process, the criticism will probably make the person insecure and the process will slow down or stop. If the criticism is pronounced in a later phase, the process will probably speed up. The norms of the organisation affect the behaviour of the members. There are techniques for inclusion that both bind members to the organisation and shield them off from the surrounding society. Examples of techniques for inclusion are the “work situation” and “closed doors”. The work situation signifies that members who do as the organisation recommends – doing simple work – often end up in the same branch of industry as many other Jehovah’s Witnesses. This often means that the person has other witnesses as workmates. If the person is unemployed or moves to another town it is easy to find a new job through connections in the organisation. Doubts and exclusions can lead to problems since they entail a risk of losing one’s job. This can also result in problems getting a new job. Jehovah’s Witnesses are not supposed to talk to excluded members, which of course mean difficulties working together. “Closed doors” means that members who do as the organisation recommends – not pursuing higher education, not engaging in civil society, working with a manual or in other way simple job, putting much time into the organisation – will, after a long life in the organisation, have problems starting a new life outside the Jehovah’s Witnesses. The language used in the organisation shows the community among the members, thus the language is one of the most important symbols. A special way of thinking is created through the language. It binds members to the organisation and sometimes it can work as a way to get back into the normative world of the organisation. Randall Collins’s (1990, 2004) thoughts about “emotional energy” have enabled an understanding of the solidarity and unity in the organisation. This also gives an understanding of the way the members treat doubting and critical members. The members who want to exit have to open up the binding/screening off. A possible way to do that is through language, to become aware of the effect the language might have. Another way is to search for emotional energy in another situation. During the exit process, shame might be of some importance. When members become aware of the shame they feel, because they perceive they are “acting a belief”, the exit process might accelerate.


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It is an everyday experience to realize that things do not turn out the as expected. But what if you realize that everything you have so far experienced as reality is illusion? This article is about former members of the Jehovah’s Witnesses who have had doubts about what they previously believed to be the Truth. The article also treats the exit process, from being a Jehovah’s Witness to becoming an ex-Jehovah’s Witness. The data consists of twenty qualitative interviews with ten Jehovah’s Witnesses and twenty qualitative interviews with ten former Jehovah’s Witnesses. The data also include a diary written during four years preceding an exit from the organization. The analysis was made through thematic concentration. Ontologically the analysis and the article are based on a constructionist view though it is mainly empirical with no further theoretical assessment. However, to be able to understand the results a contextual frame is sketched with two factors affecting members who make an exit. First there are tying factors that bind the person closer to the organization; these are closeness and friendship and confirmation. A secluding factor is something that secludes the member from the outside society; these factors are the work situation and »closed doors«. With high values on these factors the exit process will be more arduous. The results are presented through a process model in which different phases or steps in the exit process are described. The following steps in the process are: (1) different levels of doubts; (2) trying out doubts; (3) turning points; (4) different decisions; (5) different steps in execution; (6) floating; (7) relative neutrality. The process is defined as an altogether ambivalent and emotionally tough experience, but other parts of life may be affected as well, such as employment, social life, family life and career.


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The aim of this study was to investigate if a telemetry test battery can be used to measure effects of Parkinson’s disease (PD) treatment intervention and disease progression in patients with fluctuations. Sixty-five patients diagnosed with advanced PD were recruited in an open longitudinal 36-month study; 35 treated with levodopa-carbidopa intestinal gel (LCIG) and 30 were candidates for switching from oral PD treatment to LCIG. They utilized a test battery, consisting of self-assessments of symptoms and fine motor tests (tapping and spiral drawings), four times per day in their homes during week-long test periods. The repeated measurements were summarized into an overall test score (OTS) to represent the global condition of the patient during a test period. Clinical assessments included ratings on Unified PD Rating Scale (UPDRS) and 39-item PD Questionnaire (PDQ-39) scales. In LCIG-naïve patients, mean OTS compared to baseline was significantly improved from the first test period on LCIG treatment until month 24. In LCIG-non-naïve patients, there were no significant changes in mean OTS until month 36. The OTS correlated adequately with total UPDRS (rho = 0.59) and total PDQ-39 (0.59). Responsiveness measured as effect size was 0.696 and 0.536 for OTS and UPDRS respectively. The trends of the test scores were similar to the trends of clinical rating scores but dropout rate was high. Correlations between OTS and clinical rating scales were adequate indicating that the test battery contains important elements of the information of well-established scales. The responsiveness and reproducibility were better for OTS than for total UPDRS.


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Background. Impaired hand function is common in patients with arthritis and it affects performance of daily activities; thus, hand exercises are recommended. There is little information on the extent to which the disease affects activation of the flexor and extensor muscles during these hand-dexterity tasks. The purpose of this study was to compare muscle activation during such tasks in subjects with arthritis and in a healthy reference group. Methods. Muscle activation was measured in m. extensor digitorium communis (EDC) and in m. flexor carpi radialis (FCR) with surface electromyography (EMG) in women with rheumatoid arthritis (RA, n = 20), hand osteoarthritis (HOA, n = 16) and in a healthy reference group (n = 20) during the performance of four daily activity tasks and four hand exercises. Maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) was measured to enable intermuscular comparisons, and muscle activation is presented as %MVIC. Results. The arthritis group used a higher %MVIC than the reference group in both FCR and EDC when cutting with a pair of scissors, pulling up a zipper and—for the EDC—also when writing with a pen and using a key (p < 0.02). The exercise “rolling dough with flat hands” required the lowest %MVIC and may be less effective in improving muscle strength. Conclusions. Women with arthritis tend to use higher levels of muscle activation in daily tasks than healthy women, and wrist extensors and flexors appear to be equally affected. It is important that hand training programs reflect real-life situations and focus also on extensor strength.


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Natriuretic peptide receptors in the central vasculature of the toad, Bufo marinus, were characterized using autoradiographical, molecular, and physiological techniques. Specific 125I-rat ANP binding sites were present in the carotid and pulmonary arteries, the lateral aorta, the pre- and post-cava, and the jugular vein, and generally occurred in each layer of the blood vessel. The 125I-rat ANP binding was partially displaced by the specific natriuretic peptide receptor C ligand, C-ANF, which indicates the presence of two types of natriuretic peptide receptors in the blood vessels. This was confirmed by a RT-PCR study, which demonstrated that guanylyl cyclase receptor (NPR-GC) and NPR-C mRNAs are expressed in arteries and veins. An in vitro guanylyl cyclase assay showed that frog ANP stimulated the production of cGMP in arterial membrane fractions. Physiological recordings from isolated segments of the carotid and pulmonary arteries and the lateral aorta, which had been pre-constricted with arginine vasotocin, showed that rat ANP, frog ANP and porcine CNP relaxed the vascular smooth muscle with relatively similar potency. Together, the data show that the central vasculature contains two types of natriuretic peptide receptors (NPR-C and NPR-GC) and that the vasculature is a target for ANP and CNP.


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This study investigated the usefulness of an interactive computer program in eliciting children's reports about an event. Fifty-four 5–6- and fifty-nine  7–8-year old children participated in an event with their regular class teacher which involved several activities and a mildly negative secret. Four days and again 14 days later, the children were interviewed individually by computer (alone) or by a human interviewer. The computer program incorporated animation and audio whereby an animated figure asked the questions and the children were required to provide a verbal response. The accuracy and detail of the children’s reports was similar across the interview conditions. The children were more willing to review their answers with the computer than the adult interviewer. However, responses to the computer were less consistent across the interviews, and the children were less willing to disclose the secret in the second interview to the computer compared with the human interviewer. Overall, the computer revealed little benefit in eliciting children’s recall of the event over the standard face-to-face interview.


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Na+/H+ exchangers are integral membrane proteins that exchange Na+ and H+ across cell membranes. The Na+/H+ exchangers 2 and 3 are epithelial isoforms in mammals and contribute to acid–base homeostasis. The gills of fishes, including elasmobranchs, are also associated with acid/base balance, and are probably the primary acid/base regulatory organ. This study examines the presence of Na+/H+ exchangers 2 and 3 using immunohistochemistry and immunoblotting in the gills of four species of elasmobranchs, the banjo ray (Trygonorrhina fasciata), southern eagle ray (Myliobatis australis), the gummy shark (Mustelus antarcticus) and the Australian angel shark (Squatina australis) using heterologous antibodies. Na+/H+ exchanger 2-like immunoreactivity was observed in the gills of the banjo ray, eagle ray and angel shark. In the banjo and eagle rays, this Na+/H+ exchanger-like immunoreactivity co-localised with immunoreactivity to Na+/K+-ATPase, a marker for the mitochondrial-rich cells of fishes. Na+/H+ exchanger 3-like immunoreactivity was only observed in the gills of the angel and gummy sharks, some Na+/H+ exchanger 3-like cells also showed Na+/K+-ATPase immunoreactivity. However, immunoblotting of banjo and eagle ray gill membranes demonstrated Na+/H+ exchanger 3-like immunoreactivity, which was not consistent with the immunohistochemical results. These data demonstrate the presence of epithelial Na+/H+ exchangers 2 and 3 in the gills of elasmobranchs and a link with acid/base regulation is suggested.


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Nitric oxide (NO) signalling pathways were examined in the lateral aortae and dorsal aorta of the cane toad Bufo marinus. NADPH diaphorase histochemistry and nitric oxide synthase (NOS) immunohistochemistry found no evidence for endothelial NOS in the endothelium of toad aortae, but it could be readily demonstrated in rat aorta that was used as a control. Immunohistochemistry using a specific neural NOS antibody showed the presence of neural NOS immunoreactivity in the perivascular nerves of the aortae. The anatomical data was supported by in vitro organ bath physiology, which demonstrated that the vasodilation mediated by applied acetylcholine (10-5 mol l-1) was not dependent on the presence of the vascular endothelium; however, it was significantly reduced in the presence of a neural NOS inhibitor, vinyl-L-NIO (10-4 mol l-1). In addition, atropine (10-6 mol l-1) (a muscarinic receptor inhibitor), L-NNA (10-4 mol l-1) (a NOS inhibitor) and ODQ (10-5 mol l-1) (an inhibitor of soluble guanylyl cyclase) abolished the vasodilatory effect of applied acetylcholine. In conclusion, we propose that an endothelial NO system is absent in toad aortae and that NO generated by neural NOS in perivascular nerves mediates vasodilation.


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This study investigated the mRNA expression of the atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) system (peptide and receptors) during water deprivation in the spinifex hopping mouse, Notomys alexis, a native of central and western Australia that is well adapted to survive in arid environments. Initially, ANP, NPR-A and NPR-C cDNAs (partial for receptors) were cloned and sequenced, and were shown to have high homology with those of rat and mouse. Using a semi-quantitative multiplex PCR technique, the expression of cardiac ANP mRNA and renal ANP, NPR-A, and NPR-C mRNA was determined in 7- and 14-day water-deprived hopping mice, in parallel with control mice (access to water). The levels of ANP mRNA expression in the heart remained unchanged, but in the kidney ANP mRNA levels were increased in the 7-day water-deprived mice, and were significantly decreased in the 14-day water-deprived mice. NPR-A mRNA levels were significantly higher in 7-day water-deprived mice while no change for NPR-A mRNA expression was observed in 14-day water-deprived mice. No variation in NPR-C mRNA levels was observed. This study shows that water deprivation differentially affects the expression of the ANP system, and that renal ANP expression is more important than cardiac ANP in the physiological adjustment to water deprivation.


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This study aimed to localize and characterize natriuretic peptide binding sites in the urinary bladder of Bufo marinus and to then examine the effect of natriuretic peptides on the bladder vascular tone and water reabsorption in isolated perfused bladder preparations. Specific 125I-rat atrial natriuretic peptide (125I-rANP) binding sites were present on blood vessels, muscle, and epithelium. In tissue sections and/or isolated membranes, the binding was completely displaced by frog ANP, rat ANP, and porcine C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP; membranes only). However, a reduction in binding was observed after incubation with 125I-rANP and 1 μM of the natriuretic peptide receptor-C (NPR-C) ligand C-ANF, but residual binding remained suggesting the presence of two distinct binding sites. Electrophoresis of bladder membranes cross-linked to 125I-rANP identified two bands at approximately 70 and 140 kDa that correspond to the monomeric mass of NPR-C and the guanylate cyclase receptors, respectively. Furthermore, the presence of natriuretic peptide receptor-A and NPR-C mRNA in the bladder was demonstrated with reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction. In addition, rat ANP, frog ANP, and porcine CNP stimulated a significant increase in cGMP generation in bladder membrane preparations, which indicated the presence of guanylate cyclase-linked receptors. In perfused bladder preparations, arginine vasotocin increased perfusion pressure and water permeability. The infusion of frog ANP or porcine CNP failed to alter perfusion pressure or water reabsorption in the presence or absence of arginine vasotocin. This study identified a well-developed natriuretic peptide receptor system in the urinary bladder of B. marinus but the function of the receptors remains unclear.


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Complementary DNA (cDNA) encoding Bufo marinus (toad) preproatrial natriuretic peptide (preproANP) was isolated by reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction. Sequence analysis of toad preproANP cDNA revealed an open reading frame of 150 amino acid residues, which shared 72% and 66% identity with Rana catesbeiana and Xenopus laevis preproANP, respectively. The deduced amino acid sequence of toad ANP that corresponded to ANP 1–24 of R. catesbeiana and Rana ridibunda was identical, but it differed by four residues from that of X. laevis. ANP mRNA transcripts were also shown to be expressed in the toad kidney. Subsequently, the effect of frog ANP (1–24) on renal function in toad was examined using a perfused kidney preparation. The arterial infusion of frog ANP caused a dose-dependent decrease in the arterial perfusion pressure that was associated with an increase in the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and a renal natriuresis and diuresis. The renal natriuresis and diuresis resulted predominantly from an increased GFR rather than from direct tubular effects. This study demonstrates that ANP can regulate renal function, which suggests it may be involved in overall fluid volume regulation.