946 resultados para Leukemia, Myeloid


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FOXP1 is a transcriptional repressor that has been proposed to repress the expression of some NFκB-responsive genes. Furthermore, truncated forms of FOXP1 have been associated with a subtype of Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma characterised by constitutive NFκB activity, indicating that they may inhibit this repression. We have shown that FL tumors have increased relative abundance of truncated FOXP1 isoforms and this is associated with increased expression of NFκB-associated genes. Our results provide strong evidence that relative FOXP1 isoform abundance is associated with NFκB activity in FL, and could potentially be used as a marker for this gene signature.


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The development of breast cancer is a complex process that involves multiple genes at many stages, from initial cell cycle dysregulation to disease progression. To identify genetic variations that influence this process, we conducted a large-scale association study using a collection of German cases and controls and >25,000 SNPs located within 16,000 genes. One of the loci identified was located on chromosome 11q13 [odds ratio (OR)=1.85, P=0.017]. The initial association was subsequently tested in two independent breast cancer collections. In both sample sets, the frequency of the susceptibility allele was increased in the cases (OR=1.6, P=0.01). The susceptibility allele was also associated with an increase in cancer family history (P=0.1). Fine mapping showed that the region of association extends approximately 300 kb and spans several genes, including the gene encoding the nuclear mitotic apparatus protein (NuMA). A nonsynonymous SNP (A794G) in NuMA was identified that showed a stronger association with breast cancer risk than the initial marker SNP (OR=2.8, P=0.005 initial sample; OR=2.1, P=0.002 combined). NuMA is a cell cycle-related protein essential for normal mitosis that is degraded in early apoptosis. NuMA-retinoic acid receptor alpha fusion proteins have been described in acute promyelocytic leukemia. Although the potential functional relevance of the A794G variation requires further biological validation, we conclude that variations in the NuMA gene are likely responsible for the observed increased breast cancer risk.


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Chlamydia pneumoniae commonly causes respiratory tract infections in children, and epidemiological investigations strongly link infection to the pathogenesis of asthma. The immune system in early life is immature and may not respond appropriately to pathogens. Toll-like receptor (TLR)2 and 4 are regarded as the primary pattern recognition receptors that sense bacteria, however their contribution to innate and adaptive immunity in early life remains poorly defined. We investigated the role of TLR2 and 4 in the induction of immune responses to Chlamydia muridarum respiratory infection, in neonatal wild-type (Wt) or TLR2-deficient (−/−), 4−/− or 2/4−/− BALB/c mice. Wt mice had moderate disease and infection. TLR2−/− mice had more severe disease and more intense and prolonged infection compared to other groups. TLR4−/− mice were asymptomatic. TLR2/4−/− mice had severe early disease and persistent infection, which resolved thereafter consistent with the absence of symptoms in TLR4−/− mice. Wt mice mounted robust innate and adaptive responses with an influx of natural killer (NK) cells, neutrophils, myeloid (mDCs) and plasmacytoid (pDCs) dendritic cells, and activated CD4+ and CD8+ T-cells into the lungs. Wt mice also had effective production of interferon (IFN)γ in the lymph nodes and lung, and proliferation of lymph node T-cells. TLR2−/− mice had more intense and persistent innate (particularly neutrophil) and adaptive cell responses and IL-17 expression in the lung, however IFNγ responses and T-cell proliferation were reduced. TLR2/4−/− mice had reduced innate and adaptive responses. Most importantly, neutrophil phagocytosis was impaired in the absence of TLR2. Thus, TLR2 expression, particularly on neutrophils, is required for effective control of Chlamydia respiratory infection in early life. Loss of control of infection leads to enhanced but ineffective TLR4-mediated inflammatory responses that prolong disease symptoms. This indicates that TLR2 agonists may be beneficial in the treatment of early life Chlamydia infections and associated diseases.


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Objective To make a comprehensive estimation of the burden of malignant neoplasm in Shandong province by the means of disability- adjusted life year (DALY) for the first time. Methods DALYs were calculated following the procedures developed for the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study to ensure comparability. We measured YLLs using the cancer mortality data of 19 Disease Surveillance Points (DSPs) in Shandong Province during 2000 and 2005. YLDs were estimated based on the cancer morbidity data of 6 Cancer Incidence Surveillance Points in Shandong Province in 2005. Results All cancers were responsible for 20.60 DALYs for every thousand population in Shandong Province (25.30 for men and 15.74 for women) . 94.3% of the losses were due to premature death and 5.7% to disability. 31.9% of the DALYs happened among 45~59 age group. The top 10 cancers for DALYs were lung cancer, liver cancer, stomach cancer, oesophagus cancer, colon/rectum cancer, breast cancer, leukemia, brain cancer, pancreas cancer and cervix uteri cancer in turn. The burden of major cancers such as lung cancer and liver cancer in Shandong were heavier than the global and national level. Conclusions he burden of disease of malignant neoplasm is mainly because of premature death. Lung cancer, liver cancer, stomach cancer and oesophagus cancer are the major cancers in Shandong Province and should be paid more attention to their prevention and control. Abstract in Chinese 目的 首次应用伤残调整寿命年(DALY)对山东省居民恶性肿瘤疾病负担进行综合评价. 方法 以2000-2005年山东省疾病监测系统的恶性肿瘤死亡资料和2005年山东省恶性肿瘤发病监测系统的发病资料为基础,利用世界卫生组织提供的专门公式,计算恶性肿瘤的YLLs、YLDs和DALYs,以此评价恶性肿瘤的疾病负担. 结果 山东省每千人每年因恶性肿瘤造成20.60个DALYs损失(男性25.30,女性15.74),其中,9413%为早死所致,5.7%因残疾所致:恶性肿瘤主要导致45~59岁人群的DALYs损失,占31.93%;恶性肿瘤疾病负担前10位依次为肺癌、肝癌、胃癌、食道癌、肠癌、乳腺癌、白血病、脑癌、胰腺癌和宫颈癌;山东省肺癌、肝癌等主要癌症疾病负担高于全球和全国水平. 结论 恶性肿瘤疾病负担主要由早死所致,肺癌、肝癌、胃癌和食道癌等主要癌症的防制地位十分突出.


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Objective To make a comprehensive estimation of the burden of malignant neoplasm on village residents in Linqu County by the means of DALY (Disability-adjusted life year). Methods DALYs, YLLs and YLDs were calculated following the procedures developed for the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study to ensure comparability, based on the cancer registration data of Linqu villages during 1998-2004, in order to measure the burden of various caners. Results All cancers were responsible for 20.00 DALYs for every thousand population in Linqu County (24.82 for men and 14.96 for women). 92.5% of the losses were due to premature death and 7.5% to disability. 31.5% of the DALYs happened among 45-59 age group. The top 10 cancers for DALYs were stomach cancer, lung cancer, liver cancer, oesophagus cancer, leukemia,colon/rectum cancer, brain cancer, pancreas cancer, breast cancer and bone cancer in turn. Only stomach cancer, lung cancer and liver cancer together account for 69.3% of total DALYs due to malignant neoplasm. The burden of malignant neoplasm was on rising recent years. Conclusions The burden of disease of malignant neoplasm is mainly because of premature death. Stomach cancer, lung cancer and liver cancer lead to heavier burden than the global and national levels. Abstract in Chinese 目的 应用伤残调整寿命年(DALY)对临朐县农村恶性肿瘤疾病负担进行评价. 方法 以1998~2004年临朐县农村肿瘤登记资料为基础,利用全球疾病负担研究中使用的专门公式计算恶性肿瘤的YLLs、YLDs和DALYs,以此评价各类恶性肿瘤的疾病负担. 结果 临朐农村每千人每年因恶性肿瘤造成20.0个DALYs损失(男性24.82,女性14.96),其中92.5%为早死所致,7.5%因残疾所致;恶性肿瘤主要导致45~59岁人群的DALYs损失,占31.5%;恶性肿瘤疾病负担前10位依次为胃癌、肺癌、肝癌、食道癌、白血病、肠癌、脑癌、胰腺癌、乳腺癌和骨癌,其中仅胃癌、肺癌和肝癌三大肿瘤DALYs就占全部肿瘤的69.3%;临朐县农村恶性肿瘤疾病负担有进一步上升的趋势. 结论 恶性肿瘤疾病负担主要由早死所致,胃癌、肺癌、肝癌等主要癌症疾病负担高于全球和中国区水平.


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Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), in particular the gelatinases (MMP-2 and -9), play a significant role in tumour invasion and angiogenesis. The expression and activities of MMPs have not been characterised in malignant mesothelioma (MM) tumour samples. In a prospective study, gelatinase activity was evaluated in homogenised supernatants of snap frozen MM (n = 35), inflamed pleura (IP, n = 12) and uninflammed pleura (UP, n = 14) tissue specimens by semiquantitative gelatin zymography. Matrix metalloproteinases were correlated with clinicopathological factors and with survival using Kaplan-Meier and Cox proportional hazard models. In MM, pro- and active MMP-2 levels were significantly greater than for MMP-9 (P = 0.006, P<0.001). Active MMP-2 was significantly greater in MM than in UP (P=0.04). MMP-2 activity was equivalent between IP and MM, but both pro- and active MMP-9 activities were greater in IP (P=0.02, P=0.009). While there were trends towards poor survival with increasing total and pro-MMP-2 activity (P=0.08) in univariate analysis, they were both independent poor prognostic factors in multivariate analysis in conjunction with weight loss (pro-MMP-2 P = 0.03, total MMP-2 P = 0.04). Total and pro-MMP-2 also contributed to the Cancer and Leukemia Group B prognostic groups. MMP-9 activities were not prognostic. Matrix metalloproteinases, and in particular MMP-2, the most abundant gelatinase, may play an important role in MM tumour growth and metastasis. Agents that reduce MMP synthesis and/or activity may have a role to play in the management of MM. © 2003 Cancer Research UK.


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Objectives: Malignant mesothelioma (MM) is a fatal tumor of increasing incidence related to asbestos exposure. Microscopic tumor necrosis (TN) is a poor prognostic factor in solid tumors, but it has not been characterized in MM. We wished to evaluate the incidence of TN in MM and its correlations with clinicopathologic factors, angiogenesis, and survival. Methods: TN was graded in 171 routine formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded hematoxylin-eosinstained tumor sections by two independent observers. Angiogenesis was assessed by the microvessel count (MVC) of CD34 immunostained sections. TN was correlated with survival by Kaplan-Meier and log-rank analysis, and stepwise, multivariate Cox models were used to compare TN with angiogenesis and established prognostic factors and prognostic scoring systems. Results: TN was identified in 39 cases (22.8%) and correlated with low hemoglobin (p = 0.01), thrombocytosis (p = 0.04), and high MVC (p = 0.02). TN was a poor prognostic factor in univariate analysis (p = 0.008). Patients with TN had a median survival of 5.3 months vs 8.3 months in negative cases. Independent indicators of poor prognosis in multivariate analysis were nonepithelioid cell type (p = 0.0001), performance status > 0 (p = 0.007), and increasing MVC (p = 0.004) but not TN. TN contributed independently to the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) [p = 0.03] and to the Cancer and Leukemia Group B (CALGB) [p = 0.03] prognostic groups in respective multivariate Cox analyses. Conclusions: TN correlates with angiogenesis and is a poor prognostic factor in MM. TN contributes to the EORTC and CALGB prognostic scoring systems.


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The 'histone code' is a well-established hypothesis describing the idea that specific patterns of post-translational modifications to histones act like a molecular "code" recognised and used by non-histone proteins to regulate specific chromatin functions. One modification which has received significant attention is that of histone acetylation. The enzymes which regulate this modification are described as histone acetyltransferases or HATs, and histone deacetylases or HDACs. Due to their conserved catalytic domain HDACs have been actively targeted as a therapeutic target. The proinflammatory environment is increasingly being recognised as a critical element for both degenerative diseases and cancer. The present review will discuss the current knowledge surrounding the clinical potential & current development of histone deacetylases for the treatment of diseases for which a proinflammatory environment plays important roles, and the molecular mechanisms by which such inhibitors may play important functions in modulating the proinflammatory environment. © 2009 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.


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Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a progressive disease characterized by lung endothelial dysfunction and vascular remodeling. Recently, bone marrow progenitor cells have been localized to PAH lungs, raising the question of their role in disease progression. Independently, serotonin (5-HT) and its receptors have been identified as contributors to the PAH pathogenesis. We hypothesized that 1 of these receptors, 5-HT(2B), is involved in bone marrow stem cell mobilization that participates in the development of PAH and pulmonary vascular remodeling. A first study revealed expression of 5-HT(2B) receptors by circulating c-kit(+) precursor cells, whereas mice lacking 5-HT(2B) receptors showed alterations in platelets and monocyte-macrophage numbers, and in myeloid lineages of bone marrow. Strikingly, mice with restricted expression of 5-HT(2B) receptors in bone marrow cells developed hypoxia or monocrotaline-induced increase in pulmonary pressure and vascular remodeling, whereas restricted elimination of 5-HT(2B) receptors on bone marrow cells confers a complete resistance. Moreover, ex vivo culture of human CD34(+) or mice c-kit(+) progenitor cells in the presence of a 5-HT(2B) receptor antagonist resulted in altered myeloid differentiation potential. Thus, we demonstrate that activation of 5-HT(2B) receptors on bone marrow lineage progenitors is critical for the development of PAH.


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Uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC) are the primary cause of urinary tract infections. Recent studies have demonstrated that UPEC can invade and replicate within epithelial cells, suggesting that this bacterial pathogen may occupy an intracellular niche within the host. Given that many intracellular pathogens target macrophages, we assessed the interactions between UPEC and macrophages. Colonization of the mouse bladder by UPEC strain CFT073 resulted in increased expression of myeloid-restricted genes, consistent with the recruitment of inflammatory macrophages to the site of infection. In in vitro assays, CFT073 was able to survive within primary mouse bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMM) up to 24 h post-infection. Three additional well-characterized clinical UPEC isolates associated with distinct UTI symptomatologies displayed variable long-term survival within BMM. UPEC strains UTI89 and VR50, originally isolated from patients with cystitis and asymptomatic bacteriuria respectively, showed elevated bacterial loads in BMM at 24 h post-infection as compared to CFT073 and the asymptomatic bacteriuria strain 83972. These differences did not correlate with differential effects on macrophage survival or initial uptake of bacteria. E. coli UTI89 localized to a Lamp1+ vesicular compartment within BMM. In contrast to survival within mouse BMM, intracellular bacterial loads of VR50 were low in both human monocyte-derived macrophages (HMDM) and in human T24 bladder epithelial cells. Collectively, these data suggest that some UPEC isolates may subvert macrophage anti-microbial pathways, and that host species differences may impact on intracellular UPEC survival.


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Although cytosolic glutathione S-transferase (GST) enzymes occupy a key position in biological detoxification processes, two of the most relevant human isoenzymes, GSTT1-1 and GSTM1-1, are genetically deleted (non-functional alleles GSTT1*0 and GSTM1*0) in a high percentage of the human population, with major ethnic differences. The structures of the GSTT and GSTM gene areas explain the underlying genetic processes. GSTT1-1 is highly conserved during evolution and plays a major role in phase-II biotransformation of a number of drugs and industrial chemicals, e.g. cytostatic drugs, hydrocarbons and halogenated hydrocarbons. GSTM1-1 is particularly relevant in the deactivation of carcinogenic intermediates of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Several lines of evidence suggest that hGSTT1-1 and/or hGSTM1-1 play a role in the deactivation of reactive oxygen species that are likely to be involved in cellular processes of inflammation, ageing and degenerative diseases. There is cumulating evidence that combinations of the GSTM1*0 state with other genetic traits affecting the metabolism of carcinogens (CYP1A1, GSTP1) may predispose the aero-digestive tract and lung, especially in smokers, to a higher risk of cancer. The GSTM1*0 status appears also associated with a modest increase in the risk of bladder cancer, consistent with a GSTM1 interaction with carcinogenic tobacco smoke constituents. Both human GST deletions, although largely counterbalanced by overlapping substrate affinities within the GST superfamily, have consequences when the organism comes into contact with distinct man-made chemicals. This appears relevant in industrial toxicology and in drug metabolism.


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The prognosis of epithelial ovarian cancer is poor in part due to the high frequency of chemoresistance. Recent evidence points to the Toll-like receptor-4 (TLR4), and particularly its adaptor protein MyD88, as one potential mediator of this resistance. This study aims to provide further evidence that MyD88 positive cancer cells are clinically significant, stem-like and reproducibly detectable for the purposes of prognostic stratification. Expression of TLR4 and MyD88 was assessed immunohistochemically in 198 paraffin-embedded ovarian tissues and in an embryonal carcinoma model of cancer stemness. In parallel, expression of TLR4 and MyD88 mRNA and regulatory microRNAs (miR-21 and miR-146a) was assessed, as well as in a series of chemosensitive and resistant cancer cells lines. Functional analysis of the pathway was assessed in chemoresistant SKOV-3 ovarian cancer cells. TLR4 and MyD88 expression can be reproducibly assessed via immunohistochemistry using a semi-quantitative scoring system. TLR4 expression was present in all ovarian epithelium (normal and neoplastic), whereas MyD88 was restricted to neoplastic cells, independent of tumour grade and associated with reduced progression-free and overall survival, in an immunohistological specific subset of serous carcinomas, p<0.05. MiR-21 and miR-146a expression was significantly increased in MyD88 negative cancers (p<0.05), indicating their participation in regulation. Significant alterations in MyD88 mRNA expression were observed between chemosensitive and chemoresistant cells and tissue. Knockdown of TLR4 in SKOV-3 ovarian cells recovered chemosensitivity. Knockdown of MyD88 alone did not. MyD88 expression was down-regulated in differentiated embryonal carcinoma (NTera2) cells, supporting the MyD88+ cancer stem cell hypothesis. Our findings demonstrate that expression of MyD88 is associated with significantly reduced patient survival and altered microRNA levels and suggest an intact/functioning TLR4/MyD88 pathway is required for acquisition of the chemoresistant phenotype. Ex vivo manipulation of ovarian cancer stem cell (CSC) differentiation can decrease MyD88 expression, providing a potentially valuable CSC model for ovarian cancer.


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This article describes the detection of DNA mutations using novel Au-Ag coated GaN substrate as SERS (surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy) diagnostic platform. Oligonucleotide sequences corresponding to the BCR-ABL (breakpoint cluster region-Abelson) gene responsible for development of chronic myelogenous leukemia were used as a model system to demonstrate the discrimination between the wild type and Met244Val mutations. The thiolated ssDNA (single-strand DNA) was immobilized on the SERS-active surface and then hybridized to a labeled target sequence from solution. An intense SERS signal of the reporter molecule MGITC was detected from the complementary target due to formation of double helix. The SERS signal was either not observed, or decreased dramatically for a negative control sample consisting of labeled DNA that was not complementary to the DNA probe. The results indicate that our SERS substrate offers an opportunity for the development of novel diagnostic assays.


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This is an editorial that depicts the importance for developing more quality evidence to guide the survivorship care provision for patients with hematologic malignancies. Treatments for hematologic malignancies are often complex and debilitating, with increased risk of immune suppression and infections1. Some patients receive allogeneic stem cell transplantation that often requires in-patient stay of several weeks and life-long medical follow up. In recent years, advances in treatment regimens, and an aging population saw an increasing number of patients living with a hematologic malignancies or surviving curative therapy.2 The increased use of targeted therapies in hematologic malignancies (e.g. rituximab for non-Hodgkin lymphoma, bortezomib in multiple myeloma and imatinib in Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia has also resulted in improved overall survival...


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The reactivity to a peptide from the HTLV-I polyprotein (FKLPGLNSR) and a similar sequence from myelin basic protein (MBP) (FKLGGRDSR) was examined in relation to the proposal that mimicry of MBP by HTLV-I could be involved in autoimmune responses in HTLV-I-associated myelopathy (HAM). It was found that rabbit antibodies raised against the HTLV-I peptide recognised both peptides, with a titre of 1/10240 to the HTLV-I peptide and 1/5220 to the MBP peptide. Human sera from HAM patients and a HTLV-I carrier without HAM showed slightly higher responses to the HTLV-I peptide compared to the responses from uninfected human sera. HAM patients had greater responses to the HTLV-I peptide than to the similar MBP peptide and an unrelated bovine MBP peptide. There was no recognition of the peptides by peripheral blood lymphocytes from HAM patients or a HTLV-I carrier without HAM. It was concluded that although cross-reactivity was demonstrated in rabbits and the HTLV-I peptide was recognised by sera from HAM patients, the epitope does not appear to evoke a mimicking response to the similar region in MBP. Hence it is not likely to be involved in the pathogenesis of HAM through molecular mimicry.