960 resultados para Lawrence, Amos, 1786-1852


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Predictive models of species distributions are important tools for fisheries management. Unfortunately, these predictive models can be difficult to perform on large waterbodies where fish are difficult to detect and exhaustive sampling is not possible. In recent years the development of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and new occupancy modelling techniques has improved our ability to predict distributions across landscapes as well as account for imperfect detection. I surveyed the nearshore fish community at 105 sites between Kingston, Ontario and Rockport, Ontario with the objective of modelling geographic and environmental characteristics associated with littoral fish distributions. Occupancy modelling was performed on Round Goby, Yellow perch, and Lepomis spp. Modelling with geographic and environmental covariates revealed the effect of shoreline exposure on nearshore habitat characteristics and the occupancy of Round Goby. Yellow Perch, and Lepomis spp. occupancy was most strongly associated negatively with distance to a wetland. These results are consistent with past research on large lake systems indicate the importance of wetlands and shoreline exposure in determining the fish community of the littoral zone. By examining 3 species with varying rates of occupancy and detection, this study was also able to demonstrate the variable utility of occupancy modelling.


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Se realizó el análisis comparativo de los principales aspectos reproductivos del pulpo Octopus mimus Gould, 1852 entre las áreas de Callao y Chiclayo; utilizando bases de datos correspondientes a los muestreos quincenales de las capturas de la pesquería artesanal durante el año 2014. Se muestrearon 604 individuos (244 hembras y 360 machos) en Callao y 411 individuos (152 hembras y 259 machos) en Chiclayo. Este estudio tiene como objetivo aumentar el conocimiento sobre la biología reproductiva de la especie, y cómo se ve influenciada por las condiciones oceanográficas propias de un área. Se determinó que ambas poblaciones no siguen los parámetros de una distribución normal, y que son estadísticamente diferentes con relación a la longitud del manto. Callao muestra una talla media anual mayor que Chiclayo. La proporción anual de sexos fue a favor de los machos. Resalta el predominio de individuos hembras y machos maduros durante todo el año. La talla de madurez obtenida, confirma que los machos maduran a tallas menores que las hembras. La talla de desove mantiene la tendencia. El peso de madurez en ambos sexos se encontró por debajo del peso mínimo de captura (1 kg), pero el peso de desove de las hembras fue mayor a éste. El grado en que la condición del individuo se ve afectada por la reproducción, es más evidente y determinante en hembras. La especie muestra un crecimiento alométrico negativo. En machos está mejor definido el aumento del peso de la gónada en función de la longitud del manto. La influencia de los factores ambientales sobre el ciclo reproductivo es particular en cada área, lo que explica las diferencias en el biotipo y la estacionalidad de los eventos reproductivos.


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El pulpo Octopus mimus es un importante recurso de la pesquería artesanal bentónica, que se distribuye desde el norte del Perú a San Vicente, Chile. Se analizaron contenidos gástricos de 741 ejemplares obtenidos de la captura comercial en la bahía del Callao, durante agosto 2013-agosto 2014. Se determinó que las presas más importantes fueron crustáceos Decapoda: Petrolisthes desmarestii (%FO=24,13; %P=21,29%; N=27,10), Cycloxanthops sexdecimdentatus (%FO=16,35; %P=12,16%; N=15,99) y Allopetrolisthes angulosus (%FO=6,17; %P=6,05; %N=25,20). No hubo diferencias en la dieta entre machos y hembras en %FO y %P (Mann -Whitney U-test, p>0,05). Se observaron diferencias en el IR asociado a las fases de desarrollo gonadal en hembras, ejemplares madurantes/maduros mostraron mayor IR (0,17±0,17) que los desovados (0,08± 0,06), en machos no se observaron diferencias. El IR fue mayor en otoño (0,21±0,17) (Kruskal-Wallis test, p < 0,05). Los índices ecológicos mostraron que O. mimus es un depredador generalista (B’>3), observándose traslapo entre la dieta de machos y hembras (Cλ>0,6), por lo que se concluye que su alimentación está influenciada por una combinación de factores fisiológicos y ambientales.


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La celebración del bicentenario de la independencia de varios países latinoamericanos es una oportunidad para analizar las consecuencias geográficas de los hechos históricos que originaron la formación territorial de los Estados actuales. El objetivo específico de este trabajo es analizar las transformaciones del sistema de asentamientos humanos en el litoral de los ríos de la Plata, Paraná y Uruguay y en la Banda Oriental del Uruguay en el contexto de las guerras de independencia y las guerras civiles, con énfasis en los efectos de larga duración que inciden en la organización actual del territorio. La metodología de este análisis preliminar recurre a fuentes secundarias (bibliografía geográfica e histórica), a partir de las cuales se identifican las localidades formadas durante el período y las que fueron destruidas o relocalizadas. En cada caso se intenta identificar a los actores que participaron en esas acciones, interpretar sus motivaciones y caracterizar sus resultados. Estas acciones y resultados se presentan en una serie de cuadros y mapas. Los aportes geográficos principales se relacionan con la necesidad de recurrir al análisis de los procesos históricos para comprender la organización territorial contemporánea, sin que esto implique una visión teleológica de tales procesos.


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We investigate the potential for the third-order aberrations coma and trefoil to provide a signed cue to accommodation. It is first demonstrated theoretically (with some assumptions) that the point spread function is insensitive to the sign of spherical defocus in the presence of odd-order aberrations. In an experimental investigation, the accommodation response to a sinusoidal change in vergence (1–3 D, 0.2 Hz) of a monochromatic stimulus was obtained with a dynamic infrared optometer. Measurements were obtained in 10 young visually normal individuals with and without custom contact lenses that induced low and high values of r.m.s. trefoil (0.25, 1.03 μm) and coma (0.34, 0.94 μm). Despite variation between subjects, we did not find any statistically significant increase or decrease in the accommodative gain for low levels of trefoil and coma, although effects approached or reached significance for the high levels of trefoil and coma. Theoretical and experimental results indicate that the presence of Zernike third-order aberrations on the eye does not seem to play a crucial role in the dynamics of the accommodation response.


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Police call data for domestic violence incidents in the city of Brisbane were used to further explore the locational disadvantage thesis. it was hypothesised that the supposed additional burdens and stresses on disadvantaged families living in the outer suburbs may be reflected in significantly higher rates of reported domestic violence. Using an index of relative socioeconomic disadvantage and employing Analysis of variance (ANOVA) this research shows that significantly higher rates of reported domestic violence occur in the inner suburbs relative to the middle or outer suburbs of Brisbane. This finding adds further doubt to the magnitude of locational disadvantage impacts on outer suburban low income family households.


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Raman spectra of metauranospinite Ca[(UO2)(AsO4)]2.8H2O complemented with infrared spectra were studied. Observed bands were assigned to the stretching and bending vibrations of (UO2)2+ and (AsO4)3- units and of water molecules. U-O bond lengths in uranyl and O-H…O hydrogen bond lengths were calculated from the Raman and infrared spectra.


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Broadly speaking, axiology is the study of values. Axiologies are expressed materially in patterns of choices that are both culture-bound and definitive of different cultures. They are expressed in the language we use; in the friends we keep; in the clothes we wear; in what we read, write, and watch; in the technologies we use; in the gods we believe in and pray to; in the music we make and listen to—indeed, in every kind of activity that can be counted as a definitive element of culture. In what follows, I describe the axiological underpinnings of two closely related multimedia repository projects— Australian Creative Resources Online (ACRO) and The Canadian Centre for Cultural Innovation (CCCI)—and how these are oriented towards a potentially liberating role for digital repositories.


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This reader in popular cultural studies meets the need for an up-to-date collection of readings on contemporary youth cultures and youth music. Table of Content: Introduction: Reading Pop(ular) Cult(ural) Stud(ie)s: Steve Redhead. Part I: Theory I:. 1. Pearls and Swine: Intellectuals and the Mass Media: Simon Frith and Jon Savage. 2. Over-the-Counter Culture: Retheorising Resistance in Popular Culture: Beverly Best. Part II: Commentaries. 3. Organised Disorder: The Changing Space of the Record Shop: Will Straw. 4. Spatial Politics: A Gendered Sense of Place: Cressida Miles. 5. Let's All Have a Disco? Football, Popular Music and Democratisation: Adam Brown. 6. Rave Culture: Living Dream or Living Death?: Simon Reynolds. 7. Fear and Lothing in Wisconsin: Sarah Champion. 8. The House Sound of Chicago: Hillegonda Rietveld. 9. Cocaine Girls: Marek Kohn. 10. In the Supermarket of Style: Ted Polhemus. 11. Love Factory: The Sites, Practices and Media Relationships of Northern Soul: Kate Milestone. 12. DJ Culture: Dave Haslam. Plates: Patrick Henry. Part III: Theory II: . 13. The Post-Subculturalist: David Muggleton. 14. Reading Pop: The Press, the Scholar and the Consequences of Popular Cultural Studies: Steve Jones. 15. Re-placing Popular Culture: Lawrence Grossberg. Index.


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This volume is the second in a series that addresses change and development in the delivery of vocational and education programs in Queensland. A similar volume was published in 2007. Considerable change was foreshadowed for TAFE Queensland by the release of The Queensland Skill Plan (QSP) in 2006. This volume addresses implementation issues for the Actions identified in the QSP. The chapters focus on a breadth of issues that relate to the changing landscape for teaching and learning in TAFE Institutes. The incorporation of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) and e-learning approaches into the delivery of training packages remain key foci for change, as was evident in the first volume of this series. The chapters also consider issues for some client groups in VET, as well as approaches to professional development to build the capabilities of staff for new teaching and learning environments. The chapter by Sandra Lawrence examines the professional development issues for staff across TAFE institutes in the implementation of the Learning Management System. Suzanne Walsh discusses the issues of new “learning spaces” and “Mode 2 learning in the re-development at Southbank Institute. The chapter by Angela Simpson focuses on VET in schools and school-to-work transition programs. Josie Drew, in her chapter, takes up the issues of embedding employability skills into the delivery of training packages through flexible delivery. The chapter by Colleen Hodgins focuses on the organisational challenges for Lead Institutes in relation to the professional development for TAFE educators in light of policy changes. Bradley Jones discusses the changing roles of libraries in VET contexts and their importance. He examines the adequacy of the VOCED database and reflects on the current nature, role, and practices of VET libraries. Finally, Piero Dametto discusses the pragmatics for TAFE educators in understanding the use of digital objects and learning objects within the LMS and LCMS systems that were presaged in the QSP. These papers were completed by the authors as a part of their postgraduate studies at QUT. The views reported are those of the authors and should not be attributed to the Queensland Department of Education, Training and the Arts. Donna Berthelsen Faculty of Education Queensland University of Technology