903 resultados para Labor legislation


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International production fragmentation has been a global trend for decades, becoming especially important in Asia where the manufacturing process is fragmented into stages and dispersed around the region. This paper examines the effects of input and output tariff reductions on labor demand elasticities at the firm level. For this purpose, we consider a simple heterogenous firm model in which firms are allowed to export their products and to use imported intermediate inputs. The model predicts that only productive firms can use imported intermediate inputs (outsourcing) and tend to have larger constant-output labor demand elasticities. Input tariff reductions would lower the factor shares of labor for these productive firms and raise conditional labor demand elasticities further. We test these empirical predictions, constructing Chinese firm-level panel data over the 2000--2006 period. Controlling for potential tariff endogeneity by instruments, our empirical studies generally support these predictions.


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This short essay, built on a foundation of more than a decade of fieldwork in the hydrocarbon-rich societies of the Arabian peninsula, distills a set of overarching threads woven through much of that time and work. Those threads include a discussion of the social heterogeneity of the Gulf State citizenries, the central role of development and urban development in these emergent economies, the multifaceted impact of migrants and migration upon these host societies, and the role of foreign 'imagineers' in the portrayal of Gulf societies, Gulf values, and Gulf social norms.


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Migrant and labor issues are a primary concern in the Arab Gulf countries. With focus on the economic and political conditions that influence actors' decisions when framing labor policies, this study analyzes how preferences of such policies are formed and explains why the governments of the Arab Gulf countries attempt to implement less economical policies. The findings suggest that governments avoid concessions for enterprises required to implement more economical policies and chose uneconomical ones to maintain authoritarian regimes.


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In agricultural societies, adjusting land and labor according to changes of labor endowment that result from family life cycle events is premised on making full use of resources for each farming household and for the economy as a whole. This paper examines how and how well households in pre-modern Japan reallocated land and labor, using a population register covering 150 years from 1720–1870 for a village in the Tohoku region. We find that households reacted to equalize their production factors; land-scarce households tended to acquire or rent-in land and out-migrate their kin members, while land-abundant households tended to release or rent-out land, in-migrate kin members, or employ non-kin members. Estimates suggest that more than 80% of the surplus or deficit area of land was resolved if the household rented or "sold" land. We discuss a potential underlying mechanism; namely, that the village's collective responsibility for tax payment (murauke) motivated both individual households and the village as a whole to reallocate land and labor for the efficient use of resources.


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This paper compares three knowledge carriers—trade, foreign direct investment (FDI), and inventors—as knowledge mediums, and investigates their effects on knowledge flow in East Asia from 1996 to 2010. Using patent citations as a proxy for knowledge flow, this paper shows that FDI and inventor mobility have positive effects on increasing patent citations in East Asia when the technological portfolios of two countries are less similar. While trade shows statistical significance, the effect is inconsistent according to the regression models.


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Desde 1995, el derecho internacional se ha integrado en el ordenamiento jurídico español en lo referente a seguridad y salud. Sin embargo, la situación de la seguridad en los aprovechamientos forestales no ha mejorado notablemente, puesto que se detectan frecuentes casos de personal trabajando sin equipo de protección e incumpliendo las instrucciones de trabajo seguro, y son abundantes las referencias a una elevada accidentalidad. Para evaluar estos aspectos, primeramente se han comparado y valorado los datos de accidentalidad de los taladores de una empresa de referencia con los de los sectores agrario y de la construcción a través de las estadísticas nacionales y con los datos depurados del sector forestal a partir de la base de datos de declaración electrónica de accidentes de la C.A. de Castilla y León. En segundo lugar, se han identificado las deficiencias en materia de prevención, diseñando para ello una encuesta que se ha llevado a cabo en 35 aprovechamientos de Castilla y León. Posteriormente, se ha verificado que la reducción de la accidentalidad en la empresa de referencia se debe a la aplicación del plan de prevención. Se han caracterizado los riesgos en los que habían incurrido los taladores y se han descrito las medidas adoptadas para la reducción de los accidentes en la empresa estudiada, lo que ha conducido a una serie de recomendaciones para reducir la accidentalidad. Por otro lado se han analizado las causas de los picos de accidentalidad detectados. Como conclusión, se puede reducir sensiblemente la accidentalidad sólo si la empresa integra la política de prevención como un objetivo más de la gestión empresarial, en todos los niveles de su organización, acompañando las herramientas técnicas con formación temprana y motivación adecuada. Palabras clave: aprovechamientos forestales, riesgos laborales, prevención, trabajador forestal, accidentalidad, incidencia, gravedad. From 1995, Spanish safety legislation has been adapted to the Internationa! framework. However, operationally the situation is not so good, at least in the wood harvesting activity. Some forest workers are still found not wearing the compulsory safety equipment, working without respecting safety rules and references to high accidents rates are frequent. To assess those aspects, firstly some comparisons have been made between the accident records in a reference company and the accident indexes at national and regional level for building and farming activities. Secondly, using a purpose-designed questionnaire applied to 35 logging worksites in Castilla y Leon Region, deficiencies in prevention have been identified. The relation between the accident reduction and the prevention methods used by the reference studied company has been confirmed. Also the main causes and peaks of the accidents have been analyzed. Finally, some recommendations to reduce the risk of accidents in harvesting operations are provided. The main conclusion confirms that the possibility of reducing the accident risk is conditioned to the commitment of all the staff of the timber harvesting company, at every level of responsibility, to search for excellence in safety as one more entrepreneurial goal. This fact should be accompanied by the staff early training and the adequate motivation means. Keywords: logging, labor risk, safety and health, prevention, logging workers, accident incidence, accident severity.


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The intense activity in the construction sector during the last decade has generated huge volumes of construction and demolition (C&D) waste. In average, Europe has generated around 890 million tonnes of construction and demolition waste per year. Although now the activity has entered in a phase of decline, due to the change of the economic cycle, we don’t have to forget all the problems caused by such waste, or rather, by their management which is still far from achieving the overall target of 70% for C&D waste --excludes soil and stones not containing dangerous substances-- should be recycled in the EU Countries by 2020 (Waste Framework Directive). But in fact, the reality is that only 50% of the C&D waste generated in EU is recycled and 40% of it corresponds to the recycling of soil and stones not containing dangerous substances. Aware of this situation, the European Countries are implementing national policies as well as different measures to prevent the waste that can be avoidable and to promote measures to increase recycling and recovering. In this aspect, this article gives an overview of the amount of C&D waste generated in European countries, as well as the amount of this waste that is being recycled and the different measures that European countries have applied to solve this situation.


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El cumplimiento de los objetivos agrotécnicos de los cultivos de raíces y tubérculos exige que la labor de surcado configure un caballón que permita el trabajo de los posteriores aperos que participan en las demás labores de cultivo. En la agricultura cubana se emplean diversos tipos de surcadores que difieren en las características de los elementos aporcadores. Este hecho afecta a la capacidad de trabajo del conjunto tractor-apero y por extensión en el consumo de combustible y el rendimiento del cultivo. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido fundamentar el empleo del apero más adecuado para la labor de surcado en cultivos de raíces y tubérculos (patata, boniato, yuca) en Fluvisoles, teniendo en cuenta el comportamiento de las dimensiones y forma del caballón, cualidades tecnológicas explotativas del conjunto tractor-apero, consumo energético del proceso productivo y el rendimiento agrícola. Los tratamientos considerados estuvieron determinados por la utilización del surcador fertilizador IIMA-BALDAN 4.500 (T1), y los surcadores aporcadores SA-5 (T2) y SA-3 (T3). En los tres tratamientos se alcanzó un perfil de la sección transversal del caballón de configuración cóncavo-convexo. El surcador BALDAN logró el mejor comportamiento de los indicadores tecnológico-explotativos lo que se tradujo en la mayor capacidad de trabajo de 1,36 ha h-1 y el menor consumo de combustible de 5,38 L ha-1. Este mismo tratamiento proporcionó el mayor rendimiento medio de los cultivos superando en un 43,2% al del surcador SA-5 y en un 57,9% al del surcador SA-3. Desde el punto de vista energético T1, obtuvo una mejor eficiencia energética superior en un 43,5% a la del tratamiento T2, y en un 57,1% a la del tratamiento T3. ABSTRACT The achievement of agrotechnical objectives in the cultivation of roots and tubers demands the plow through activity creates a ridge to allow the work of subsequent farming tools participating in other cultivation works. In Cuban Agriculture various kinds of furrowers are used which differ in the characteristics of their earth up elements. This fact affects work capacity of the tractor-farming tool combination and by extension to fuel consumption and cultivation yield. The aim of this work has been to support the use of the most accurate farming tool in the plow through activity for the cultivation of roots and tubers (potato, sweet potato, cassava) in Fluvisoils, taking into account the behaviour of the ridge´s dimensions and shape, technologic-explotative qualities of the tractor-farming tool combination, energy consumption of the productive process and agricultural yield. The treatments considered were determined by the use of fertlizing furrower IIMA-BALDAN 4.500 (T1), and the earth up furrowers SA-5 (T2) and SA-3 (T3). During the three treatments a transverse section profile of the ridge under concave-convex configuration was obtained. The furrower BALDAN achieved the best behaviour of the technologic-explotative indicators, which was translated into the largest work capacity of 1,36 ha h-1 and the smallest fuel consumption of 5,38 L ha-1. This treatment also provided the biggest average yield of the cultivation, overcoming in a 43,2% the furrower SA-5 and furrower SA-3 in a 57,9%. From the energetic point of view T1 gained better energetic efficiency than treatment T2 in a 43,5% and treatment T3 in a 57,1%.


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La norma UNE 153010:2003 recogía requisitos para el subtitulado para personas sordas a través de teletexto. Fue el resultado de varios años de trabajo en el Subcomité 5 del Comité Técnico de Normalización (CTN) 153 de AENOR. Los cambios en los últimos años en cuanto a los medios audiovisuales llevaron a dicho Subcomité a plantearse en el año 2008 la posibilidad de actualizar los contenidos de esta norma, con el fin de adaptarse a nuevas tecnologías, como los DVD, la televisión digital o la televisión emitida a través de Internet. Inicialmente se planteó la posibilidad de realizar normas específicas de subtitulado para cada tecnología de emisión, pero finalmente se decidió desarrollar una norma general de subtitulado que fuera de aplicación general. Tras un largo periodo de trabajo, la nueva versión de la norma UNE 153010 está a punto de ver la luz, dado que se encuentra en periodo de información pública. En este artículo se narra el proceso de desarrollo de esta norma y se describe los aspectos más importantes de la misma, resultado de una intensa labor con gran voluntad de consenso por parte de las entidades implicadas.


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El trabajo de investigación desarrollado que ha dado lugar a la realización de esta Tesis, aborda la protección de los edificios frente a la entrada de gas radón y su acumulación en los espacios habitados. Dicho gas (isótopo del radón Rn-222) es un elemento radiactivo que se genera, principalmente, en terrenos con altos contenidos de radio (terrenos graníticos por ejemplo). Su alto grado de movilidad permite que penetre en los edificios a través de los materiales de cerramiento del mismo (porosidad de los materiales, fisuras, grietas y juntas) y se acumule en su interior, donde puede ser inhalado en altas concentraciones. La Organización Mundial de la Salud, califica al radón como agente cancerígeno de grado 1. Según este Organismo, el radón es la segunda causa de contracción de cáncer pulmonar detrás del tabaco. Como respuesta a esta alarma, distintos estados ya han elaborado normativas en las que se proponen soluciones para que los niveles de concentración de radón no superen los valores recomendados por los organismos internacionales responsables de la protección radiológica. En España aún no existe normativa de protección frente a este agente cancerígeno causante de numerosas muertes, y es por tal motivo evidente la necesidad de aportar documentación técnica que ayude a las administraciones nacionales y locales a desarrollar dicha normativa para ajustarse a las recomendaciones europeas e internacionales sobre los niveles que no se deben superar y que, por otro lado, ya han contemplado una gran cantidad de países. Como principal aportación de este trabajo se muestran los resultados de reducción de concentración de gas radón de distintas soluciones constructivas enfocadas a frenar la entrada de gas radón al interior de los edificios haciendo uso de técnicas y materiales habituales en el ámbito de la construcción en España. Para ello, se han estudiado las efectividades de dichas soluciones, en lo referente a su capacidad para frenar la inmisión de radón, en un prototipo de vivienda construido al efecto en un terreno con altas concentraciones de radón. Las soluciones propuestas y ensayadas han sido el resultado de una labor de optimización de los sistemas estudiados en la bibliografía con el fin de adaptar las técnicas a los sistemas constructivos habituales en España y en concreto a la situación real del prototipo de vivienda construido en un lugar con contenidos de radón en terreno muy elevados. El trabajo incluye un capítulo inicial con los conceptos básicos necesarios para entender la problemática que supone habitar en espacios con altos contenidos de radón. ABSTRACT The research developed, which has led to the completion of this thesis, deal with the protection of buildings against entry of radon gas and its accumulation in the ocupated spaces. This gas (radon isotope Rn-222) is a radioactive element generated, mainly, in areas with high levels of radio (granitic terrain for example). Its high mobility allows entering in buildings through the enclosure materials of it (porosity of materials, cracks, crevices and joints) and accumulates inside, where it can be inhaled in high concentrations. The World Health Organization describes radon gas as a carcinogen agent in level 1. According to this Agency, radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer behind tobacco. In response to this alarm, some states have developed regulations that propose solutions to reduce radon concentration levels for not exceeding the values recommended by international agencies responsible in radiation protection. In Spain there is still no legislation to protect against this carcinogen element that cause numerous deaths, and for that reason it is evident the need to provide technical documentation to help the national and local governments to develop legislation for reaching the European and international levels recommendations. As the main contribution of this work are the results of reducing radon concentration using different constructive solutions aimed to stop radon entry in buildings, with techniques and materials common in Spain. To do this, effectiveness of such solutions, have been studied in terms of its ability to stop radon entry in a housing prototype built for this purpose in an area with high radon levels. The solutions proposed and tested have been the result of a process of optimization of systems studied in the literature in order to adapt the techniques to Spanish building material and, specifically, to the actual situation of housing prototype built in a place with high contents of radon in soil. The work includes an initial chapter with the basic concepts needed to understand the problem of living in areas with high levels of radon.


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Estudio analítico del tipo de vivienda de labradores en Extremadura como ejemplo de arquitectura popular doméstica.


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Entrevista personal. Alfredo Blanco, Premio UPM Investigación para el Desarrollo.


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Division of labor is a widely studied aspect of colony behavior of social insects. Division of labor models indicate how individuals distribute themselves in order to perform different tasks simultaneously. However, models that study division of labor from a dynamical system point of view cannot be found in the literature. In this paper, we define a division of labor model as a discrete-time dynamical system, in order to study the equilibrium points and their properties related to convergence and stability. By making use of this analytical model, an adaptive algorithm based on division of labor can be designed to satisfy dynamic criteria. In this way, we have designed and tested an algorithm that varies the response thresholds in order to modify the dynamic behavior of the system. This behavior modification allows the system to adapt to specific environmental and collective situations, making the algorithm a good candidate for distributed control applications. The variable threshold algorithm is based on specialization mechanisms. It is able to achieve an asymptotically stable behavior of the system in different environments and independently of the number of individuals. The algorithm has been successfully tested under several initial conditions and number of individuals.


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The influence of training in labor risk prevention and the development of the resulting pre-emptive culture are analyzed within this paper. In order to achieve this, a quantitative analysis of the students of Building Degree in the Technic University of Madrid has been developed. This study has been made in all grades, valuating the previous knowledge acquired during compulsory education. It must be kept in mind that the students in 3rd and 4th grade have received general and specific compulsory training in prevention and safety in the building sector.


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Esta pesquisa analisa as competências que se desenvolvem na prática pedagógica do trabalho docente, tendo como referência as transformações ocorridas na escola pública e que atualmente conferem às professoras e aos professores o papel de mediador entre o aluno e o conhecimento. Nesse contexto, buscamos compreender os significados da formação, das competências e dos saberes docentes no cotidiano educacional. Embora as considerações sobre as competências e sua utilização estejam presentes nas discussões entre os docentes, o termo demanda várias interpretações e por isso ainda causa muita polêmica, principalmente sobre o modo como essas competências são desenvolvidas na prática pedagógica. Por isso, analisamos as competências em suas várias dimensões técnica, estética, ética e política , assim como procuramos apontar a importância da formação humana no espaço escolar. Realizamos também uma análise sobre as tendências pedagógicas que influenciaram e que ainda influenciam a escola brasileira. Dessa forma, podemos afirmar que a educação é fruto das interações humanas, seja no universo escolar, seja nas demandas da sociedade. Contudo, embora a legislação considere a formação da pessoa como um dos pilares educacionais, a prática escolar revela que a atuação do docente está pautada em uma política de resultados, voltada para ações racionalmente pensadas e planejadas, cujo fim é essencialmente o econômico, quando não é só esse o seu papel. Entendemos que a escola não pode se restringir às necessidades do mercado de trabalho sem dúvida alguma primordial para a sobrevivência do homem. Ela deve alçar outros vôos também em direção ao belo, ao estético, ao ético e ao político.