957 resultados para LIGHT EMITTING DIODES
Die Dissertation beschreibt die Darstellung und Charakterisierung von neuartigen, amphiphilen Carbazol- und Fluoren-(co)-polymeren, die infolge ihres strukturellen Aufbaus sowohl selbstorganisierende als auch optoelektronische Eigenschaften kombinierten. Zum einen wurden Kammpolymere mit konjugierten, steifen Rückgraten und flexiblen sowie konformativ schaltbaren Polyelektrolytseitenketten dargestellt und auf eine pH-abhängige Selbstorganisation in Lösung und an Oberflächen untersucht. Des Weiteren wurden neutrale, methanollösliche Polyfluorene synthetisiert, die in Kombination mit einem unpolaren Polyindenofluorenderivat zum Aufbau mehrschichtiger PLEDs mittels nasschemischer Verfahren eingesetzt wurden. Zum anderen fand die Synthese von amphiphilen Polyfluorenen statt, die als Emulgatoren zur Stabilisierung von inversen Emulsionen eingesetzt wurden. Dabei konnten mit Hilfe eines bereits für die Darstellung von anorganisch-organischen Kern-Schale-Partikeln etablierten in situ-Verfahrens formanisotrope, kristalline Zinkoxidkerne mit konjugierter Polymerhülle erhalten werden.
Die letzten Jahrzehnte brachten eine Vielzahl neuer organischen Halbleiter hervor, welche erfolgreich als aktive Materialien in Bauteilen eingesetzt wurden, wie zum Beispiel Feldeffekttransistoren (FET), organische Leuchtdioden (OLED), organischen Photovoltaikzellen (OPV) und Sensoren. Einige dieser Materialien haben, obwohl sich die Technolgie noch in der „Pubertät“ befindet, die minimalen Anforderungen für eine kommerzielle Anwendung erreicht, wobei jedoch vieles noch zu entdecken, erklären und verstehen bleibt. Diese Arbeit beschreibt das Design, die Synthese und Charakterisierung neuartiger halbleitender Polymere mit speziell eingestellten optoelektronischen Eigenschaften, welche effiziente ambipolare oder n-Leitung in OFET’s und OPV’s zeigen. Das Hauptziel wurde dadurch erreicht, dass sowohl die vorteilhaften Eigenschaften des planaren, elektronenarmen heterozyklischen Bausteines Thiadiazolo[3,4-g]quinoxalin als auch von Ethinbrücken, welche den Donor (D) und den Akzeptor (A) in einem D-A-Copolymer verbinden, durch systematische Optimierung ausgenutzt wurden. Neben synthetischen Herausforderungen werden in dieser Arbeit auch detailiiete Untersuchungen der optoelektronischen Eigenschaften der hergestellten konjugierten Polymere und Modellverbindungen dargelegt. Darüber hinaus beschreibt diese Arbeit erstmals ein Beispiel für ein Polymer, welches Dreifachbindungen im Polymerrückgrat enthält, und nahezu eine ausgeglichene ambipolare Ladungsträgerleitung in OFET’s zeigt. Zusätzlich werden gemischt-valente Phenothiazine, verbrückt mittels elektronenarmen pi-Brücken wie etwa Benzo[c][2,1,3]thiadiazol, und deren Elektronentransferprozesse, im Rahmen der Marcus-Hush-Theorie, untersucht.
Organic molecular semiconductors are subject of intense research for their crucial role as key components of new generation low cost, flexible, and large area electronic devices such as displays, thin-film transistors, solar cells, sensors and logic circuits. In particular, small molecular thienoimide (TI) based materials are emerging as novel multifunctional materials combining a good processability together to ambipolar or n-type charge transport and electroluminescence at the solid state, thus enabling the fabrication of integrated devices like organic field effect transistors (OFETs) and light emitting transistor (OLETs). Given this peculiar combination of characteristics, they also constitute the ideal substrates for fundamental studies on the structure-property relationships in multifunctional molecular systems. In this scenario, this thesis work is focused on the synthesis of new thienoimide based materials with tunable optical, packing, morphology, charge transport and electroluminescence properties by following a fine molecular tailoring, thus optimizing their performances in device as well as investigating and enabling new applications. Investigation on their structure-property relationships has been carried out and in particular, the effect of different π-conjugated cores (heterocycles, length) and alkyl end chain (shape, length) changes have been studied, obtaining materials with enhanced electron transport capability end electroluminescence suitable for the realization of OFETs and single layer OLETs. Moreover, control on the polymorphic behaviour characterizing thienoimide materials has been reached by synthetic and post-synthetic methodologies, developing multifunctional materials from a single polymorphic compound. Finally, with the aim of synthesizing highly pure materials, simplifying the purification steps and avoiding organometallic residues, procedures based on direct arylation reactions replacing conventional cross-couplings have been investigated and applied to different classes of molecules, bearing thienoimidic core or ends, as well as thiophene and anthracene derivatives, validating this approach as a clean alternative for the synthesis of several molecular materials.
Uno dei settori che più si stanno sviluppando nell'ambito della ricerca applicata è senza dubbio quello dell'elettronica organica. Nello specifico lo studio è sospinto dagli indubbi vantaggi che questi dispositivi porterebbero se venissero prodotti su larga scala: basso costo, semplicità realizzativa, leggerezza, flessibilità ed estensione. È da sottolineare che dispositivi basati su materiali organici sono già stati realizzati: si parla di OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode) LED realizzati sfruttando le proprietà di elettroluminescenza di alcuni materiali organici, OFET (Organig Field Effect Transistor) transistor costruiti con semiconduttori organici, financo celle solari che sfruttano le buone proprietà ottiche di questi composti. Oggetto di analisi di questa tesi è lo studio delle proprietà di trasporto di alcuni cristalli organici, al fine di estrapolarne la mobilità intrinseca e verificare come essa cambi se sottoposti a radiazione x. I due cristalli su cui si è focalizzata questa trattazione sono il 1,5-Dinitronaphtalene e il 2,4-Dinitronaphtol; su di essi è stata eseguita una caratterizzazione ottica e una elettrica, in seguito interpretate con il modello SCLC (Space Charge Limited Current). I risultati ottenuti mostrano che c'è una differenza apprezzabile nella mobilità nei due casi con e senza irraggiamento con raggi x.
This thesis reports on the synthesis and characterisation of trans-(M)AB2C meso-substituted porphyrin amino acid esters (PAr) (M = 2H or Zn) with tunable electron donating and electron withdrawing Ar substituents at B positions (Ar = 4-C6H4OnBu, 4-C6H4OMe, 2,4,6-C6H2Me3, 4-C6H4Me, C6H5, 4-C6H4F, 4-C6H4CF3, C6F5). These porphyrins were used as key building blocks for photosynthetic LHC (LHC = light-harvesting antenna complex) and RC (RC = reaction center) model compounds.rnBased on free-base or zinc(II) porphyrin amino acid esters and porphyrin acids several amide linked free-base bis(porphyrins) PAr1-PAr2 (Ar1 = 2,4,6-C6H2Me3, C6F5 and Ar2 = 2,4,6-C6H2Me3, 4-C6H4F, 4-C6H4CF3, C6F5), mono metallated bis(porphyrin) PAr1-(Zn)PAr2 (Ar1 = 2,4,6-C6H2Me3 and Ar2 =4-C6H4F) and its doubly zincated complexes (Zn)PAr1-(Zn)PAr2 were prepared. In the fluorescence spectra of free-base bis(porphyrins) the porphyrin with the strongest electron donating power of Ar substituents at B positions is the light emitting unity. The emission of mono metallated bis(porphyrin) occurs only from the free-base porphyrin building block. This phenomenon is caused by an efficient energy transfer likely via the Dexter through-bond mechanism.rnLinking of anthraquinone (Q) as electron acceptor (A) to the N-terminus of porphyrin amino acid esters ((M)PAr) and aminoferrocene (Fc) as electron donor (D) to the C-terminus of the porphyrin resulting in Q-(M)PAr-Fc triads (M = 2H or Zn, Ar = 4-C6H4OnBu, 4-C6H4OMe, 2,4,6-C6H2Me3, 4-C6H4Me, C6H5, 4-C6H4F, 4-C6H4CF3, C6F5) with tunable electron density at the porphyrin chromophore. In these triads initial oxidative PET (Q←(M)PAr) and reductive PET ((M)PAr→Fc) (PET = photoinduced electron transfer) are possible. Both processes leads to an emission quenching of (M)PAr. The efficiency of the PET pathways occurring in the Marcus normal region is controlled by the specific porphyrin electron density.rnAmide-linked conjugates PAr-Fc (Ar = 2,4,6-C6H2Me3, C6F5) and Fmoc-Fc-PAr1 (N-Fmoc-Fc = N-Fmoc protected 1,1’-ferrocene amino acid; Ar1 = C6H5, 4-C6H4F, 4-C6H4CF3, C6F5) as well as hinges PAr2-Fc-PAr1 (Ar1 = C6H5, 4-C6H4F and Ar2 = 2,4,6-C6H2Me3) were studied with respect to the reductive PET. The PET driving force (−GET) in dyads increases with the increasing electron withdrawing character of Ar substituents. Additionally, intramolecular energy transfer between porphyrins PAr1 and PAr2 is feasible in the hinges via the Förster mechanism.rn
AIM: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the activation of resin-modified glass ionomer restorative material (RMGI, Vitremer-3M-ESPE, A3) by halogen lamp (QTH) or light-emitting diode (LED) by Knoop microhardness (KHN) in two storage conditions: 24hrs and 6 months and in two depths (0 and 2 mm). MATERIALS AND METHODS: The specimens were randomly divided into 3 experimental groups (n=10) according to activation form and evaluated in depth after 24h and after 6 months of storage. Activation was performed with QTH for 40s (700 mW/cm2) and for 40 or 20 s with LED (1,200 mW/scm2). After 24 hrs and 6 months of storage at 37°C in relative humidity in lightproof container, the Knoop microhardness test was performed. Statistics Data were analysed by three-way ANOVA and Tukey post-tests (p<0.05). RESULTS: All evaluated factors showed significant differences (p<0.05). After 24 hrs there were no differences within the experimental groups. KHN at 0 mm was significantly higher than 2 mm. After 6 months, there was an increase of microhardness values for all groups, being the ones activated by LED higher than the ones activated by QTH. CONCLUSION: Light-activation with LED positively influenced the KHN for RMGI evaluated after 6 months.
ABSTRACT Evaluating the reliability, warranty period, and power degradation of high concentration solar cells is crucial to introducing this new technology to the market. The reliability of high concentration GaAs solar cells, as measured in temperature accelerated life tests, is described in this paper. GaAs cells were tested under high thermal accelerated conditions that emulated operation under 700 or 1050 suns over a period exceeding 10 000 h. Progressive power degradation was observed, although no catastrophic failures occurred. An Arrhenius activation energy of 1.02 eV was determined from these tests. The solar cell reliability [R(t)] under working conditions of 65°C was evaluated for different failure limits (1–10% power loss). From this reliability function, the mean time to failure and the warranty time were evaluated. Solar cell temperature appeared to be the primary determinant of reliability and warranty period, with concentration being the secondary determinant. A 30-year warranty for these 1 mm2-sized GaAs cells (manufactured according to a light emitting diode-like approach) may be offered for both cell concentrations (700 and 1050 suns) if the solar cell is operated at a working temperature of 65°C.
We demonstrate a new class of semiconductor device: the optically triggered infrared photodetector (OTIP). This photodetector is based on a new physical principle that allows the detection of infrared light to be switched ON and OFF by means of an external light. Our experimental device, fabricated using InAs/AlGaAs quantum-dot technology, demonstrates normal incidence infrared detection in the 2−6 μm range. The detection is optically triggered by a 590 nm light-emitting diode. Furthermore, the detection gain is achieved in our device without an increase of the noise level. The novel characteristics of OTIPs open up new possibilities for third generation infrared imaging systems
We demonstrate a new class of semiconductor device: the optically triggered infrared photodetector (OTIP). This photodetector is based on a new physical principle that allows the detection of infrared light to be switched ON and OFF by means of an external light. Our experimental device, fabricated using InAs/AlGaAs quantum-dot technology, demonstrates normal incidence infrared detection in the 2−6 μm range. The detection is optically triggered by a 590 nm light-emitting diode. Furthermore, the detection gain is achieved in our device without an increase of the noise level. The novel characteristics of OTIPs open up new possibilities for third generation infrared imaging systems
El trabajo que ha dado lugar a esta Tesis Doctoral se enmarca en la invesitagación en células solares de banda intermedia (IBSCs, por sus siglas en inglés). Se trata de un nuevo concepto de célula solar que ofrece la posibilidad de alcanzar altas eficiencias de conversión fotovoltaica. Hasta ahora, se han demostrado de manera experimental los fundamentos de operación de las IBSCs; sin embargo, esto tan sólo has sido posible en condicines de baja temperatura. El concepto de banda intermedia (IB, por sus siglas en inglés) exige que haya desacoplamiento térmico entre la IB y las bandas de valencia y conducción (VB and CB, respectivamente, por sus siglas en inglés). Los materiales de IB actuales presentan un acoplamiento térmico demasiado fuerte entre la IB y una de las otras dos bandas, lo cual impide el correcto funcionamiento de las IBSCs a temperatura ambiente. En el caso particular de las IBSCs fabricadas con puntos cuánticos (QDs, por sus siglas en inglés) de InAs/GaAs - a día de hoy, la tecnología de IBSC más estudiada - , se produce un rápido intercambio de portadores entre la IB y la CB, por dos motivos: (1) una banda prohibida estrecha (< 0.2 eV) entre la IB y la CB, E^, y (2) la existencia de niveles electrónicos entre ellas. El motivo (1) implica, a su vez, que la máxima eficiencia alcanzable en estos dispositivos es inferior al límite teórico de la IBSC ideal, en la cual E^ = 0.71 eV. En este contexto, nuestro trabajo se centra en el estudio de IBSCs de alto gap (o banda prohibida) fabricadsas con QDs, o lo que es lo mismo, QD-IBSCs de alto gap. Hemos fabricado e investigado experimentalmente los primeros prototipos de QD-IBSC en los que se utiliza AlGaAs o InGaP para albergar QDs de InAs. En ellos demostramos une distribución de gaps mejorada con respecto al caso de InAs/GaAs. En concreto, hemos medido valores de E^ mayores que 0.4 eV. En los prototipos de InAs/AlGaAs, este incremento de E^ viene acompaado de un incremento, en más de 100 meV, de la energía de activación del escape térmico. Además, nuestros dispositivos de InAs/AlGaAs demuestran conversión a la alza de tensión; es decir, la producción de una tensión de circuito abierto mayor que la energía de los fotones (dividida por la carga del electrón) de un haz monocromático incidente, así como la preservación del voltaje a temperaura ambiente bajo iluminación de luz blanca concentrada. Asimismo, analizamos el potencial para detección infrarroja de los materiales de IB. Presentamos un nuevo concepto de fotodetector de infrarrojos, basado en la IB, que hemos llamado: fotodetector de infrarrojos activado ópticamente (OTIP, por sus siglas en inglés). Nuestro novedoso dispositivo se basa en un nuevo pricipio físico que permite que la detección de luz infrarroja sea conmutable (ON y OFF) mediante iluminación externa. Hemos fabricado un OTIP basado en QDs de InAs/AlGaAs con el que demostramos fotodetección, bajo incidencia normal, en el rango 2-6/xm, activada ópticamente por un diodoe emisor de luz de 590 nm. El estudio teórico del mecanismo de detección asistido por la IB en el OTIP nos lleva a poner en cuestión la asunción de quasi-niveles de Fermi planos en la zona de carga del espacio de una célula solar. Apoyados por simuaciones a nivel de dispositivo, demostramos y explicamos por qué esta asunción no es válida en condiciones de corto-circuito e iluminación. También llevamos a cabo estudios experimentales en QD-IBSCs de InAs/AlGaAs con la finalidad de ampliar el conocimiento sobre algunos aspectos de estos dispositivos que no han sido tratados aun. En particular, analizamos el impacto que tiene el uso de capas de disminución de campo (FDLs, por sus siglas en inglés), demostrando su eficiencia para evitar el escape por túnel de portadores desde el QD al material anfitrión. Analizamos la relación existente entre el escape por túnel y la preservación del voltaje, y proponemos las medidas de eficiencia cuántica en función de la tensión como una herramienta útil para evaluar la limitación del voltaje relacionada con el túnel en QD-IBSCs. Además, realizamos medidas de luminiscencia en función de la temperatura en muestras de InAs/GaAs y verificamos que los resltados obtenidos están en coherencia con la separación de los quasi-niveles de Fermi de la IB y la CB a baja temperatura. Con objeto de contribuir a la capacidad de fabricación y caracterización del Instituto de Energía Solar de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (IES-UPM), hemos participado en la instalación y puesta en marcha de un reactor de epitaxia de haz molecular (MBE, por sus siglas en inglés) y el desarrollo de un equipo de caracterización de foto y electroluminiscencia. Utilizando dicho reactor MBE, hemos crecido, y posteriormente caracterizado, la primera QD-IBSC enteramente fabricada en el IES-UPM. ABSTRACT The constituent work of this Thesis is framed in the research on intermediate band solar cells (IBSCs). This concept offers the possibility of achieving devices with high photovoltaic-conversion efficiency. Up to now, the fundamentals of operation of IBSCs have been demonstrated experimentally; however, this has only been possible at low temperatures. The intermediate band (IB) concept demands thermal decoupling between the IB and the valence and conduction bands. Stateof- the-art IB materials exhibit a too strong thermal coupling between the IB and one of the other two bands, which prevents the proper operation of IBSCs at room temperature. In the particular case of InAs/GaAs quantum-dot (QD) IBSCs - as of today, the most widely studied IBSC technology - , there exist fast thermal carrier exchange between the IB and the conduction band (CB), for two reasons: (1) a narrow (< 0.2 eV) energy gap between the IB and the CB, EL, and (2) the existence of multiple electronic levels between them. Reason (1) also implies that maximum achievable efficiency is below the theoretical limit for the ideal IBSC, in which EL = 0.71 eV. In this context, our work focuses on the study of wide-bandgap QD-IBSCs. We have fabricated and experimentally investigated the first QD-IBSC prototypes in which AlGaAs or InGaP is the host material for the InAs QDs. We demonstrate an improved bandgap distribution, compared to the InAs/GaAs case, in our wide-bandgap devices. In particular, we have measured values of EL higher than 0.4 eV. In the case of the AlGaAs prototypes, the increase in EL comes with an increase of more than 100 meV of the activation energy of the thermal carrier escape. In addition, in our InAs/AlGaAs devices, we demonstrate voltage up-conversion; i. e., the production of an open-circuit voltage larger than the photon energy (divided by the electron charge) of the incident monochromatic beam, and the achievement of voltage preservation at room temperature under concentrated white-light illumination. We also analyze the potential of an IB material for infrared detection. We present a IB-based new concept of infrared photodetector that we have called the optically triggered infrared photodetector (OTIP). Our novel device is based on a new physical principle that allows the detection of infrared light to be switched ON and OFF by means of an external light. We have fabricated an OTIP based on InAs/AlGaAs QDs with which we demonstrate normal incidence photodetection in the 2-6 /xm range optically triggered by a 590 nm light-emitting diode. The theoretical study of the IB-assisted detection mechanism in the OTIP leads us to questioning the assumption of flat quasi-Fermi levels in the space-charge region of a solar cell. Based on device simulations, we prove and explain why this assumption is not valid under short-circuit and illumination conditions. We perform new experimental studies on InAs/GaAs QD-IBSC prototypes in order to gain knowledge on yet unexplored aspects of the performance of these devices. Specifically, we analyze the impact of the use of field-damping layers, and demonstrate this technique to be efficient for avoiding tunnel carrier escape from the QDs to the host material. We analyze the relationship between tunnel escape and voltage preservation, and propose voltage-dependent quantum efficiency measurements as an useful technique for assessing the tunneling-related limitation to the voltage preservation of QD-IBSC prototypes. Moreover, we perform temperature-dependent luminescence studies on InAs/GaAs samples and verify that the results are consistent with a split of the quasi-Fermi levels for the CB and the IB at low temperature. In order to contribute to the fabrication and characterization capabilities of the Solar Energy Institute of the Universidad Polite´cnica de Madrid (IES-UPM), we have participated in the installation and start-up of an molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) reactor and the development of a photo and electroluminescence characterization set-up. Using the MBE reactor, we have manufactured and characterized the first QD-IBSC fully fabricated at the IES-UPM.
We report a unique case of a gene containing three homologous and contiguous repeat sequences, each of which, after excision, cloning, and expression in Escherichia coli, is shown to code for a peptide catalyzing the same reaction as the native protein, Gonyaulax polyedra luciferase (Mr = 137). This enzyme, which catalyzes the light-emitting oxidation of a linear tetrapyrrole (dinoflagellate luciferin), exhibits no sequence similarities to other luciferases in databases. Sequence analysis also reveals an unusual evolutionary feature of this gene: synonymous substitutions are strongly constrained in the central regions of each of the repeated coding sequences.
Recordings were obtained from the visual system of rats as they cycled normally between waking (W), slow-wave sleep (SWS), and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Responses to flashes delivered by a light-emitting diode attached permanently to the skull were recorded through electrodes implanted on the cornea, in the chiasm, and on the cortex. The chiasm response reveals the temporal order in which the activated ganglion cell population exits the eyeball; as reported, this triphasic event is invariably short in latency (5–10 ms) and around 300 ms in duration, called the histogram. Here we describe the differences in the histograms recorded during W, SWS, and REM. SWS histograms are always larger than W histograms, and an REM histogram can resemble either. In other words, the optic nerve response to a given stimulus is labile; its configuration depends on whether the rat is asleep or awake. We link this physiological information with the anatomical fact that the brain dorsal raphe region, which is known to have a sleep regulatory role, sends fibers to the rat retina and receives fibers from it. At the cortical electrode, the visual cortical response amplitudes also vary, being largest during SWS. This well known phenomenon often is explained by changes taking place at the thalamic level. However, in the rat, the labile cortical response covaries with the labile optic nerve response, which suggests the cortical response enhancement during SWS is determined more by what happens in the retina than by what happens in the thalamus.
Objectives. This study examined the depth of cure and surface microhardness of Filtek Z250 composite resin (3M-Espe) (shades B1, A3, and C4) when cured with three commercially available tight emitting diode (LED) curing lights [E-light (GC), Elipar Freelight (3M-ESPE), 475H (RF Lab Systems)], compared with a high intensity quartz tungsten halogen (HQTH) light (Kerr Demetron Optilux 501) and a conventional quartz tungsten halogen (QTH) lamp (Sirona S1 dental unit). Methods. The effects of light source and resin shade were evaluated as independent variables. Depth of cure after 40 s of exposure was determined using the ISO 4049:2000 method, and Vickers hardness determined at 1.0 mm intervals. Results. HQTH and QTH lamps gave the greatest depth of cure. The three LED lights showed similar performances across all parameters, and each unit exceeded the ISO standard for depth of cure except GC ELight for shade B1. In terms of shade, LED lights gave greater curing depths with A3 shade, while QTH and HQTH tights gave greater curing depths with C4 shade. Hardness at the resin surface was not significantly different between LED and conventional curing lights, however, below the surface, hardness reduced more rapidly for the LED lights, especially at depths beyond 3 mm. Significance. Since the performance of the three LED lights meets the ISO standard for depth of cure, these systems appear suitable for routine clinical application for resin curing. (C) 2003 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Purpose To assess the validity and repeatability of the Aston Halometer. Setting University clinic, United Kingdom. Design Prospective, repeated-measures experimental study. Methods The halometer comprises a bright light-emitting-diode (LED) glare source in the center of an iPad4. Letters subtending 0.21° (∼0.3 logMAR) were moved centrifugally from the LED in 0.05 degree steps in 8 orientations separated by 45 degrees for each of 4 contrast levels (1000, 500, 100, and 25 Weber contrast units [Cw]) in random order. Bangerter occlusion foils were inserted in front of the right eye to simulate monocular glare conditions in 20 subjects (mean age 27.7 ± 3.1 years). Subjects were positioned 2 meters from the screen in a dark room with the iPad controlled from an iPhone via Bluetooth operated by the researcher. The C-Quant straylight meter was also used with each of the foils to measure the level of straylight over the retina. Halometry and straylight repeatability was assessed at a second visit. Results Halo size increased with the different occlusion foils and target contrasts (F = 29.564, P <.001) as expected and in a pattern similar to straylight measures (F = 80.655, P <0.001). Lower contrast letters showed better sensitivity but larger glare-obscured areas, resulting in ceiling effects caused by the screen's field-of-view, with 500 Cw being the best compromise. Intraobserver and interobserver repeatability of the Aston Halometer was good (500Cw: 0.84 to 0.93 and 0.53 to 0.73) and similar to the straylight meter. Conclusion The halometer provides a sensitive, repeatable way of quantifying a patient-recognized form of disability glare in multiple orientations to add objectivity to subjectively reported discomfort glare.
Internal Quantum Efficiency (IQE) of two-colour monolithic white light emitting diode (LED) was measured by temperature dependant electro-luminescence (TDEL) and analysed with modified rate equation based on ABC model. External, internal and injection efficiencies of blue and green quantum wells were analysed separately. Monolithic white LED contained one green InGaN QW and two blue QWs being separated by GaN barrier. This paper reports also the tunable behaviour of correlated colour temperature (CCT) in pulsed operation mode and effect of self-heating on device performance. © 2014 SPIE.