970 resultados para Invasive breast carcinoma
Background: Surgical repair of pectus excavatum (PE) has become more popular due to improvements in the minimally invasive Nuss procedure. The pre-surgical assessment of PE patients requires Computerized Tomography (CT), as the malformation characteristics vary from patient to patient. Objective: This work aims to characterize soft tissue thickness (STT) external to the ribs among PE patients. It also presents a comparative analysis between the anterior chest wall surface before and after surgical correction. Methods: Through surrounding tissue segmentation in CT data, STT values were calculated at different lines along the thoracic wall, with a reference point in the intersection of coronal and median planes. The comparative analysis between the two 3D anterior chest surfaces sets a surgical correction influence area (SCIA) and a volume of interest (VOI) based on image processing algorithms, 3D surface algorithms, and registration methods. Results: There are always variations between left and right side STTs (2.54±2.05 mm and 2.95±2.97 mm for female and male patients, respectively). STTs are dependent on age, sex, and body mass index of each patient. On female patients, breast tissue induces additional errors in bar manual
Pectus excavatum is the most common deformity of the thorax. A minimally invasive surgical correction is commonly carried out to remodel the anterior chest wall by using an intrathoracic convex prosthesis in the substernal position. The process of prosthesis modeling and bending still remains an area of improvement. The authors developed a new system, i3DExcavatum, which can automatically model and bend the bar preoperatively based on a thoracic CT scan. This article presents a comparison between automatic and manual bending. The i3DExcavatum was used to personalize prostheses for 41 patients who underwent pectus excavatum surgical correction between 2007 and 2012. Regarding the anatomical variations, the soft-tissue thicknesses external to the ribs show that both symmetric and asymmetric patients always have asymmetric variations, by comparing the patients’ sides. It highlighted that the prosthesis bar should be modeled according to each patient’s rib positions and dimensions. The average differences between the skin and costal line curvature lengths were 84 ± 4 mm and 96 ± 11 mm, for male and female patients, respectively. On the other hand, the i3DExcavatum ensured a smooth curvature of the surgical prosthesis and was capable of predicting and simulating a virtual shape and size of the bar for asymmetric and symmetric patients. In conclusion, the i3DExcavatum allows preoperative personalization according to the thoracic morphology of each patient. It reduces surgery time and minimizes the margin error introduced by the manually bent bar, which only uses a template that copies the chest wall curvature.
Pectus carinatum (PC) is a chest deformity caused by a disproportionate growth of the costal cartilages compared to the bony thoracic skeleton, pulling the sternum towards, which leads to its protrusion. There has been a growing interest on using the ‘reversed Nuss’ technique as minimally invasive procedure for PC surgical correction. A corrective bar is introduced between the skin and the thoracic cage and positioned on top of the sternum highest protrusion area for continuous pressure. Then, it is fixed to the ribs and kept implanted for about 2–3 years. The purpose of this work was to (a) assess the stresses distribution on the thoracic cage that arise from the procedure, and (b) investigate the impact of different positioning of the corrective bar along the sternum. The higher stresses were generated on the 4th, 5th and 6th ribs backend, supporting the hypothesis of pectus deformities correction-induced scoliosis. The different bar positioning originated different stresses on the ribs’ backend. The bar position that led to lower stresses generated on the ribs backend was the one that also led to the smallest sternum displacement. However, this may be preferred, as the risk of induced scoliosis is lowered.
Background: Surgical repair of pectus excavatum (PE) has become more popular due to improvements in the minimally invasive Nuss procedure. The pre-surgical assessment of PE patients requires Computerized Tomography (CT), as the malformation characteristics vary from patient to patient. Objective: This work aims to characterize soft tissue thickness (STT) external to the ribs among PE patients. It also presents a comparative analysis between the anterior chest wall surface before and after surgical correction. Methods: Through surrounding tissue segmentation in CT data, STT values were calculated at different lines along the thoracic wall, with a reference point in the intersection of coronal and median planes. The comparative analysis between the two 3D anterior chest surfaces sets a surgical correction influence area (SCIA) and a volume of interest (VOI) based on image processing algorithms, 3D surface algorithms, and registration methods. Results: There are always variations between left and right side STTs (2.54±2.05 mm and 2.95±2.97 mm for female and male patients, respectively). STTs are dependent on age, sex, and body mass index of each patient. On female patients, breast tissue induces additional errors in bar manual
Pectus excavatum is the most common deformity of the thorax. A minimally invasive surgical correction is commonly carried out to remodel the anterior chest wall by using an intrathoracic convex prosthesis in the substernal position. The process of prosthesis modeling and bending still remains an area of improvement. The authors developed a new system, i3DExcavatum, which can automatically model and bend the bar preoperatively based on a thoracic CT scan. This article presents a comparison between automatic and manual bending. The i3DExcavatum was used to personalize prostheses for 41 patients who underwent pectus excavatum surgical correction between 2007 and 2012. Regarding the anatomical variations, the soft-tissue thicknesses external to the ribs show that both symmetric and asymmetric patients always have asymmetric variations, by comparing the patients’ sides. It highlighted that the prosthesis bar should be modeled according to each patient’s rib positions and dimensions. The average differences between the skin and costal line curvature lengths were 84 ± 4 mm and 96 ± 11 mm, for male and female patients, respectively. On the other hand, the i3DExcavatum ensured a smooth curvature of the surgical prosthesis and was capable of predicting and simulating a virtual shape and size of the bar for asymmetric and symmetric patients. In conclusion, the i3DExcavatum allows preoperative personalization according to the thoracic morphology of each patient. It reduces surgery time and minimizes the margin error introduced by the manually bent bar, which only uses a template that copies the chest wall curvature.
Para verificar uma possível associação entre o carcinoma epidermóide de terço médio de esôfago e os hábitos de beber e fumar, foi realizado um estudo tipo caso-controle no Hospital das Clínicas de Ribeirão Preto, no período de agosto de 1980 a outubro de 1981. Entre 25.661 pacientes atendidos nesta instituição, 21 tiveram o diagnóstico deste tipo de neoplasia. Eles foram considerados casos e pareados individualmente com 57 controles (razão de pareamento de 1:3) em relação às variáveis: sexo, idade, cor, procedência, residência, profissão, nível sócio-econômico e o hábito de beber ou fumar. Foi encontrada associação estatisticamente significativa entre o carcinoma epidermóide de terço médio do esôfago e o alcoolismo, com risco relativo de 26,7. Este valor é maior que os encontrados em outras partes do mundo, referentes à associação com o câncer de esôfago em geral. Em relação ao tabagismo, não foi encontrada associação significativa: o risco relativo obtido foi de 1,9.
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) serological markers were investigated in 40 incident cases of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and in two age and sex matched control groups, comprising 40 patients with other cancers and 80 healthy individuals, resident in Bahia, Brazil. Serologic tests were done by radioimmunoassay. The study observed high proportion of seropositivity to HBsAg (42.5%) and of those presenting HBsAg or antiHBc (65.0%) among HCC cases, higher in men than women and in those aged 17 to 30 years old. HBsAg seropositivity among HCC patients was greater than in the control group with other cancers (7.5%) and in healthy controls (2.5%), corresponding to odds ratio estimates of 15.0 (95% CI 3.29, 68.30) and 33.0 (95% CI 9.13, 119.28), both statistically significant. HBeAg was not observed and antiHBe was present in 41.2% of cases, suggesting the absence of viral replication, possibly with viral DNA intergration into the hepatocyte genome. The presence of cirrhosis was associated with HBsAg seropositivity among HCC cases. A history of chronic alcoholism is shown to be more frequently related to those cases with cirrhosis. This study highlights the relevant association between HCC and HBV in Northeast Brazil, particularly for young individuals, and the high risk of development of HCC for HBsAg carriers.
A controlled trial was performed with the purpose of investigating which factors could be considered of significant risk for the development of basal cell carcinoma. A total of 259 cases of basal cell carcinoma diagnosed from July 1991 to July 1992 were compared with 518 controls matched for age and sex. All subjects in both groups were white. Protocol data were submitted to statistical analysis by the chi-square test and by multiple conditional logistic regression analysis and the following conclusions were reached: 1) light skin color (types I and II of the Fitzpatrick classification), odds ratio of 2.8; outdoor work under constant sunlight, odds ratio of 5.0; the presence of actinic lesions due to exposure to the sun, odds ratio of 4.9, are risk factors perse. 2) Type III skin in the Fitzpatrick classification only represents a risk factor when the patient reports a history of intense sunburns, but not in the absence of such a history. 3) Sunburns per se do not represent a risk factor althorig the point made in item 2 of these conclusions is valid. 4) Other suspected risk factors whose significance was not confirmed by multiple conditioned logistic regression analysis were: residence in rural areas, light eyes and blond hair color, extent of the awareness of the "sun x skin cancer" relationship, familial occurrence of skin cancer, excessive exposure to the sun, and freckles appearing in childhood.
The results from the need to develop methodologies for performing cost analysis in developing countries, principally in the region of Latin America, were studied. It, furthermore, serves to generate knowledge from an economic evaluation in order to support decision-making related to the organization of health systems, particularly in the efficient use of resources which are allocated for the provision of medical services. Two chronic diseases (breast cancer and cardiac valve disease) and two infections (enteritis and bronchopneumonia) were selected for the study. The results recommend the use of a valid methodology for economic cost analysis of any disease to be studied and the use of this information in the decision-making process.
INTRODUCTION: In Mexico, breast cancer (BC) is one of the main causes of cancer deaths in women, with increasing incidence and mortality in recent years. Therefore, the aim of the study is identify possible risk factors related to BC. METHODS: An epidemiological study of hospital cases of BC and controls with cervical uterine cancer (CUCA) was carried out at eight third level concentration hospitals in Mexico City. The total of 353 incident cases of BC and 630 controls with CUCA were identified among women younger than 75 years who had been residents of the metropolitan area of Mexico City for at least one year. Diagnosis was confirmed histologically in both groups. Variables were analyzed according to biological and statistical plausibility criteria. Univariate, bivariate and multivariate analyses were carried out. Cases and controls were stratified according to the menopausal hormonal status (pre and post menopause). RESULTS: The factors associated with BC were: higher socioeconomic level (OR= 2.77; 95%CI = 1.77 - 4.35); early menarche (OR= 1.32; 95%CI= 0.88 - 2.00); old age at first pregnancy (>31 years: OR= 5.49; 95%CI= 2.16 - 13.98) and a family history of BC (OR= 4.76; 95% CI= 2.10 - 10.79). In contrast, an increase in the duration of the breastfeeding period was a protective factor (>25 months: OR= 0.38; 95%CI= 0.20 - 0.70). CONCLUSIONS: This study contributes to the identification of risk factors for BC described in the international literature, in the population of Mexican women. Breastfeeding appears to play an important role in protecting women from BC. Because of changes in women`s lifestyles, lactation is decreasing in Mexico, and young women tend not to breastfeed or to shorten the duration of lactation.
A determinação do status da proteína HER2 por imunocitoquímica é uma metodologia fundamental para o diagnóstico, prognóstico e indicação terapêutica no carcinoma da mama, nomeadamente para o encaminhamento terapêutico com Herceptin®/trastuzumab. O estabelecimento desta terapêutica nas vertentes adjuvante ou neoadjuvante, e até em doença metastática, tem vindo a acentuar a importância da determinação do referido status de modo a melhor responder às necessidades dos doentes. Sendo a imunocitoquímica o método validado para determinação do status HER2 em carcinoma da mama, é de extrema importância definir linhas de orientação para a sua correta performance como tem sido estabelecido em diversos países em todo o mundo. A área científica de Anatomia Patológica, Citológica e Tanatológica da Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa (APCT-ESTeSL) e a Associação Portuguesa de Técnicos de Anatomia Patológica (APTAP) reuniram um painel de especialistas para a construção e estabelecimento de linhas de orientação técnica para a determinação do status HER2 em carcinoma da mama para a realidade portuguesa. Pretende-se com este consenso criar linhas de orientação técnicas para a construção, validação e manutenção do teste imunocitoquímico para determinação do status HER2 em carcinoma da mama, no que diz respeito à realidade portuguesa. Todas as orientações aqui descritas têm em conta o estado da arte atual no que diz respeito à determinação do status HER2 por imunocitoquímica em carcinoma da mama, bem como a experiência pessoal e académica de cada um dos membros do painel de especialistas que a subscrevem.
Introdução – O cancro de mama é a principal causa de morte por cancro na população feminina portuguesa. Assim, pretende-se descrever sucintamente o percurso de uma paciente com tumor de mama, evidenciando a interligação entre algumas áreas das tecnologias da saúde. Metodologia – Selecionou-se um caso clínico de uma paciente com cancro de mama e recorreu-se à pesquisa bibliográfica de forma a apoiar ou refutar os resultados obtidos com o referido caso clínico. Resultados e discussão de resultados – Em 1996 foi diagnosticado à paciente um carcinoma ductal da mama esquerda e posteriormente, em 2011, foi diagnosticada uma metástase do carcinoma mamário com padrão mucinoso. Neste caso, bem como em todos os tumores de mama, foi realizada uma abordagem multidisciplinar envolvendo diferentes áreas das tecnologias da saúde. Para deteção e diagnóstico do cancro de mama são utilizadas a mamografia e a ultrassonografia. Para casos de re-estadiamento e monitorização da terapêutica devem ser utilizadas a tomografia por emissão de positrões (TEP) e a ressonância magnética mamária. No que se refere à terapêutica, neste tipo de tumores recorre-se à cirurgia, à radioterapia e à quimioterapia. ABSTRACT - Introduction – The breast cancer is the main cause of death by cancer in the Portuguese female population. We intend to describe briefly the pathway of a patient with breast cancer, highlighting the connection between some of the health technology areas. Methodology – It was selected a clinical case of a patient with breast cancer and it was used a literature research to support or refute the results obtained with the mentioned clinical case. Results and discussion – In 1996, it was diagnosed to the patient a ductal carcinoma of the left breast and in 2011 it was diagnosed a breast metastases. In this case, as well as other breast tumours, it was done a multidisciplinary approach involving different areas of health technologies. For detection and diagnose of breast cancer it’s used the mammography and ultrasound. For cases of re-staging and treatment monitoring it should be used positron emission tomography and magnetic resonance imaging of the breast. Regarding the therapy approach, in this type of tumours, it is used surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
Objetivo – Comparar a técnica convencional, a técnica de energias mistas e a técnica field-in-field com energias mistas, verificando a dose recebida nos órgãos de risco e no volume alvo. Metodologia – Quinze doentes com carcinoma da mama esquerda classificadas de T1-T3N0M0 foram tratadas com cirurgia conservadora da mama, seguida de radioterapia pós-operatória. Para cada doente realizaram-se 3 planeamentos dosimétricos, sendo que cada um deles diz respeito a uma das diferentes técnicas em estudo. Através dos HDV gerados avaliaram-se a Dmáx, Dmed, Dmín, D95%, D3% e a homogeneidade da dose no volume alvo, bem como a dose nos órgãos de risco. Utilizou-se o teste de Friedman para verificar a significância do estudo, com um intervalo de confiança de 95%. Resultados – Relativamente ao pulmão esquerdo e ao coração obtiveram-se, com a técnica field-in-field com energias mistas, doses inferiores em comparação com as outras duas técnicas. Para a Dmáx e a homogeneidade de dose no PTV, a técnica field-in-field com energias mistas revelou-se mais eficaz, comparativamente às outras técnicas. No entanto, verificou-se uma melhor cobertura de dose no PTV com a técnica convencional. Considerações finais – A técnica field-in-field com energias mistas permite uma redução da dose nos órgãos de risco, uma redução significativa da Dmáx no PTV e melhora a homogeneidade da dose, comparativamente com as outras técnicas. Os resultados obtidos com a técnica field-in-field com energias mistas apontam para a redução dos efeitos secundários provocados pelo tratamento. ABSTRACT - Purpose – To compare the conventional technique, the technique of mixed energies and the technique field-in-field with mixed energies, checking the received dose in organs at risk and target volume. Methods – Fifteen patients with carcinoma of the left breast classified as T1-T3N0M0 were treated with breast-conserving surgery, followed by postoperative radiotherapy. For each patient were carried out three dosimetric plannings, each one of them concerns the different techniques under study. Through the DVH generated to evaluate Dmax, Dmed, Dmin, D95%, D3% and the homogeneity of the target volume dose, well as the dose in organs at risk. We used the Friedman test to assess the significance of the study, with a confidence interval of 95%. Results – For the left lung and heart were obtained with the technique field-in-field with mixed energies, lower doses compared with the other two techniques. For the Dmax and the homogeneity of the PTV dose, the technique field-in-field with mixed energies was more effective compared to other techniques. However, there was a better coverage of the PTV dose with conventional technique. Conclusions – The technique field-in-field with mixed energy allows a reduction in dose for organs at risk, a significant reduction Dmax in PTV and improves the homogeneity of the dose compared with other techniques. The results obtained with the technique field-in-field with mixed energy indicate to reduce the side effects caused by the treatment.
Mestrado em Radioterapia.
Mestrado em Medicina Nuclear. Área de especialização: Radiofarmácia.