976 resultados para Interpersonal communication |5 DLC
A descalcificao um processo longo que requer dias ou mesmo meses, no entanto, com o recurso a microondas (MW), este processo pode ser dimnuido. O principal objectivo desta investigao foi diminuir a durao do processo de descalcificao recorrendo utilizao de MW, mantendo a qualidade morfolgica do tecido. Efectuou-se a comparao do mtodo convencional com o protocolo com recurso a MW. Foram testadas duas solues descalcificadoras, RDO e cido ntrico a 5%. Testou-se a aco destes descalcificadores em osso compacto e osso esponjoso de suno, uma vez que estes se assemelham na sua constituio histolgica s amostras humanas. As amostras foram fixadas em formalina tamponada a 10%, descalcificadas, processadas e includas em parafina. Foram efectuados cortes em micrtomo de corredia e corados com Hematoxilina-Eosina. As lminas histolgicas obtidas foram avaliadas por 4 observadores independentes com recurso a uma grelha de avaliao de acordo com os seguintes parmetros: preservao tecidular, intensidade de colorao e contraste. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram no haver diferenas significativas entre os protocolos em estudo, e que a utilizao de MW acelera o processo de descalcificao. Verificou-se que a descalcificao em MW de osso esponjoso com RDO (30,167) possui o score mais elevado e que o menor score foi obtido na descalcificao de rotina de osso compacto com RDO (6,750). A descalcificao em MW permite a obteno de lminas histolgicas de qualidade comparvel s obtidas com o mtodo convencional e permite reduzir a durao do processo de descalcificao, podendo ser aplicado rotina do laboratrio de anatomia patolgica.
Because of the mutagenic and/or carcinogenic properties, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH), have a direct impact on human population. Consequently, there is a widespread interest in analysing and evaluating the exposure to PAH in different indoor environments, influenced by different emission sources. The information on indoor PAH is still limited, mainly in terms of PAH distribution in indoor particles of different sizes; thus, this study evaluated the influence of tobacco smoke on PM10 and PM2.5 characteristics, namely on their PAH compositions, with further aim to understand the negative impact of tobacco smoke on human health. Samples were collected at one site influenced by tobacco smoke and at one reference (non-smoking) site using low-volume samplers; the analyses of 17 PAH were performed by Microwave Assisted Extraction combined with Liquid Chromatography (MAELC). At the site influenced by tobacco smoke PM concentrations were higher 650% for PM10, and 720% for PM2.5. When influenced by smoking, 4 ring PAH (fluoranthene, pyrene, and chrysene) were the most abundant PAH, with concentrations 460021 000% and 510020 800% higher than at the reference site for PM10 and PM2.5, respectively, accounting for 49% of total PAH (SPAH). Higher molecular weight PAH (56 rings) reached concentrations 3001300% and 1401700% higher for PM10 and PM2.5, respectively, at the site influenced by tobacco smoke. Considering 9 carcinogenic PAH this increase was 780% and 760% in PM10 and PM2.5, respectively, indicating the strong potential risk for human health. As different composition profiles of PAH in indoor PM were obtained for reference and smoking sites, those 9 carcinogens represented at the reference site 84% and 86% of SPAH in PM10 and PM2.5, respectively, and at the smoking site 56% and 55% of SPAH in PM10 and PM2.5, respectively. All PAH (including the carcinogenic ones) were mainly present in fine particles, which corresponds to a strong risk for cardiopulmonary disease and lung cancer; thus, these conclusions are relevant for the development of strategies to protect public health.
Relatrio final apresentado Escola Superior de Educao de Lisboa para obteno de grau de mestre em Ensino do 1 e 2 Ciclos do Ensino Bsico
Serious games are starting to attain a higher role as tools for learning in various contexts, but in particular in areas such as education and training. Due to its characteristics, such as rules, behavior simulation and feedback to the player's actions, serious games provide a favorable learning environment where errors can occur without real life penalty and students get instant feedback from challenges. These challenges are in accordance with the intended objectives and will self-adapt and repeat according to the students difficulty level. Through motivating and engaging environments, which serve as base for problem solving and simulation of different situations and contexts, serious games have a great potential to aid players developing professional skills. But, how do we certify the acquired knowledge and skills? With this work we intend to propose a methodology to establish a relationship between the game mechanics of serious games and an array of competences for certification, evaluating the applicability of various aspects in the design and development of games such as the user interfaces and the gameplay, obtaining learning outcomes within the game itself. Through the definition of game mechanics combined with the necessary pedagogical elements, the game will ensure the certification. This paper will present a matrix of generic skills, based on the European Framework of Qualifications, and the definition of the game mechanics necessary for certification on tour guide training context. The certification matrix has as reference axes: skills, knowledge and competencies, which describe what the students should learn, understand and be able to do after they complete the learning process. The guides-interpreters welcome and accompany tourists on trips and visits to places of tourist interest and cultural heritage such as museums, palaces and national monuments, where they provide various information. Tour guide certification requirements include skills and specific knowledge about foreign languages and in the areas of History, Ethnology, Politics, Religion, Geography and Art of the territory where it is inserted. These skills are communication, interpersonal relationships, motivation, organization and management. This certification process aims to validate the skills to plan and conduct guided tours on the territory, demonstrate knowledge appropriate to the context and finally match a good group leader. After defining which competences are to be certified, the next step is to delineate the expected learning outcomes, as well as identify the game mechanics associated with it. The game mechanics, as methods invoked by agents for interaction with the game world, in combination with game elements/objects allows multiple paths through which to explore the game environment and its educational process. Mechanics as achievements, appointments, progression, reward schedules or status, describe how game can be designed to affect players in unprecedented ways. In order for the game to be able to certify tour guides, the design of the training game will incorporate a set of theoretical and practical tasks to acquire skills and knowledge of various transversal themes. For this end, patterns of skills and abilities in acquiring different knowledge will be identified.
This paper intends to show the Portuguese municipalities commitment, since the first decade of this century, in cultural facilities of municipal management and how it provided 12 of the 18 district capitals of mainland Portugal with cultural equipment, but after all we want to know if this effort resulted in a regular, diverse, and innovative schedule. Investing in urban regeneration, local governments have tried to convert cities demographic changes (strengthening of the most educated and professionally qualified groups) in effective cultural demands that consolidate the three axes of development competitiveness-innovation-creativity. What the empirical study to the programming and communication proposals of those equipment shows is that it is not enough to provide cities with facilities; to escape to a utilitarian conception of culture, there is a whole work to be done so that such equipment be experienced and felt as new public sphere. Equipment in which proposals go through a fluid bind, constructed through space and discourse with local community, devoted a diversified and innovative bet full filling development axis. This paper presents in a systematic way what contributes to this binding on the analyzed equipment.
Relatrio da Prtica Profissional Supervisionada Mestrado em Educao Pr-Escolar
We live in a changing world. At an impressive speed, every day new technological resources appear. We increasingly use the Internet to obtain and share information, and new online communication tools are emerging. Each of them encompasses new potential and creates new audiences. In recent years, we witnessed the emergence of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other media platforms. They have provided us with an even greater interactivity between sender and receiver, as well as generated a new sense of community. At the same time we also see the availability of content like it never happened before. We are increasingly sharing texts, videos, photos, etc. This poster intends to explore the potential of using these new online communication tools in the cultural sphere to create new audiences, to develop of a new kind of community, to provide information as well as different ways of building organizations memory. The transience of performing arts is accompanied by the need to counter that transience by means of documentation. This desire to save events reaches its expression with the information archive of the different production moments as well as the opportunity to record the event and present it through, for instance, digital platforms. In this poster we intend to answer the following questions: which online communication tools are being used to engage audiences in the cultural sphere (specifically between theater companies in Lisbon)? Is there a new relationship with the public? Are online communication tools creating a new kind of community? What changes are these tools introducing in the creative process? In what way the availability of content and its archive contribute to the organization memory? Among several references, we will approach the two-way communication model that James E. Grunig & Todd T. Hunt (1984) already presented and the concept of mass self-communication of Manuel Castells (2010). Castells also tells us that we have moved from traditional media to a system of communication networks. For Scott Kirsner (2010), we have entered an era of digital creativity, where artists have the tools to do what they imagined and the public no longer wants to just consume cultural goods, but instead to have a voice and participate. The creativity process is now depending on the public choice as they wander through the screen. It is the receiver who owns an object which can be exchanged. Virtual reality has encouraged the receiver to abandon its position of passive observer and to become a participant agent, which implies a challenge to organizations: inventing new forms of interfaces. Therefore, we intend to find new and effective online tools that can be used by cultural organizations; the best way to manage them; to show how organizations can create a community with the public and how the availability of online content and its archive can contribute to the organizations memory.
A diarreia pode ser causada por vrus, parasitas e bactrias e constitui uma das principais causas de doena e morte em crianas menores de cinco anos em Angola. O presente estude assume como principal objectivo identificar os agentes patognicos causadores de diarreia em crianas admitidas no Hospital Geral do Bengo.
Mestrado em Gesto e Avaliao de Tecnologias em Sade
Nas ltimas dcadas assistimos a transformaes econmicas, tecnolgicas, polticas e sociais, que influenciaram diretamente o modo de pensar e agir nas organizaes. O conceito de competncias, com uma valorizao crescente, surge como uma alternativa abordagem da gesto de recursos humanos por funes, respondendo aos desafios atuais do mercado: necessidade de flexibilidade, de adaptao a mudanas contnuas, exigncias crescentes do mercado e competitividade das organizaes nesse mercado. A rea da sade, e concretamente a profisso de Enfermagem tambm tem evoludo, surgindo em 2009, uma nova forma de operacionalizar a carreira destes profissionais. No que diz respeito aos enfermeiros com funes de gesto, o contedo funcional est descrito, contudo, no existe uma definio clara das competncias requeridas para estes profissionais. Este trabalho de investigao, de cariz exploratrio, utilizando uma metodologia qualitativa, pretendeu propor uma estratgia de definio de um modelo de competncias para os enfermeiros com funes de gesto em Portugal. Para isso, definimos categorias de competncias, atravs da anlise da literatura e da legislao. Seguiu-se a realizao de entrevistas a um painel de doze peritos, e uma anlise de contedo dos dados (categorizao do tipo misto). Procedemos a uma comparao da recolha emprica de competncias com as da recolha terica, e definimos uma lista de 10 competncias para as funes de gesto dos enfermeiros: Competncias Tcnicas de Gesto; Competncias Interpessoais; Comunicao; Gesto de Recursos Humanos; Pensamento Crtico; Conhecimento de Polticas de Sade; Competncias Tcnicas de Enfermagem; Organizao e Planeamento; Trabalho de Equipa; Preocupao pela Qualidade. De forma a complementar o estudo, pretendemos identificar a perceo das lacunas de competncias nos enfermeiros com funes de gesto, e identificar os processos de desenvolvimento de competncias considerados mais relevantes para estes profissionais. As lacunas identificadas nas competncias dos atuais enfermeiros com funes de gesto, face s mais valorizadas, so reduzidas e dispersas, pelo que consideramos pouco significativas. A forma de desenvolvimento de competncias mais valorizado pelo painel de peritos foi a formao (acadmica e em contexto profissional). Foi tambm realada a importncia do empenho individual neste processo, assim como a avaliao de competncias antes dos enfermeiros assumirem funes de gesto.Consideramos que esta investigao traz contributos quer para a literatura da Gesto por Competncias, quer para a literatura da definio de competncias das funes dos enfermeiros com funes de gesto, quer para a profisso de enfermagem, (nomeadamente, para as funes de gesto dos enfermeiros), quer para o prprio SNS, j que faz algumas propostas e sugestes para a evoluo das prticas de gesto de pessoas.
The legacy of nineteenth century social theory followed a nationalist model of society, assuming that analysis of social realities depends upon national boundaries, taking the nation-state as the primary unit of analysis, and developing the concept of methodological nationalism. This perspective regarded the nation-state as the natural - and even necessary - form of society in modernity. Thus, the constitution of large cities, at the end of the 19th century, through the intense flows of immigrants coming from diverse political and linguistic communities posed an enormous challenge to all social research. One of the most significant studies responding to this set of issues was The Immigrant Press and its Control, by Robert E. Park, one of the most prominent American sociologists of the first half of the 20th century. The Immigrant Press and its Control was part of a larger project entitled Americanization Studies: The Acculturation of Immigrant Group into American Society, funded by the Carnagie Corporation following World War I, taking as its goal to study the so-called Americanization methods during the 1920s. This paper revisits that particular work by Park to reveal how his detailed analysis of the role of the immigrant press overcame the limitations of methodological nationalism. By granting importance to language as a tool uniting each community and by showing how the strength of foreign languages expressed itself through the immigrant press, Park demonstrated that the latter produces a more ambivalent phenomenon than simply the assimilation of immigrants. On the one hand, the immigrant press served as a connecting force, driven by the desire to preserve the mother tongue and culture while at the same time awakening national sentiments that had, until then, remained diffuse. Yet, on the other hand, it facilitated the adjustment of immigrants to the American context. As a result, Parks work contributes to our understanding of a particular liminal moment inherent within many intercultural contexts, the space between emigrant identity (emphasizing the country of origin) and immigrant identity (emphasizing the newly adopted country). His focus on the role played by media in the socialization of immigrant groups presaged later work on this subject by communication scholars. Focusing attention on Parks research leads to other studies of the immigrant experience from the same period (e.g., Thomas & Znaniecki, The Polish Peasant in Europe and America), and also to insights on multi-presence and interculturality as significant but often overlooked phenomena in the study of immigrant socialization.
OBJECTIVE: To develop an instrument to assess discrimination effects on health outcomes and behaviors, capable of distinguishing harmful differential treatment effects from their interpretation as discriminatory events. METHODS: Successive versions of an instrument were developed based on a systematic review of instruments assessing racial discrimination, focus groups and review by a panel comprising seven experts. The instrument was refined using cognitive interviews and pilot-testing. The final version of the instrument was administered to 424 undergraduate college students in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Southeastern Brazil, in 2010. Structural dimensionality, two types of reliability and construct validity were analyzed. RESULTS: Exploratory factor analysis corroborated the hypothesis of the instrument's unidimensionality, and seven experts verified its face and content validity. The internal consistency was 0.8, and test-retest reliability was higher than 0.5 for 14 out of 18 items. The overall score was higher among socially disadvantaged individuals and correlated with adverse health behaviors/conditions, particularly when differential treatments were attributed to discrimination. CONCLUSIONS: These findings indicate the validity and reliability of the instrument developed. The proposed instrument enables the investigation of novel aspects of the relationship between discrimination and health.
A vital role is being played by SCADA Communication for Supervisory Control and Data acquisition (SCADA) Monitoring Ststems. Devices that are designed to operate in safety-critical environments are usually designed to failsafe, but security vulnerabilities could be exploited by an attacker to disable the fail-safe mechanisms. Thus these devices must not onlybe designed for safety but also for security. This paper presents a study of the comparison of different Encryption schemes for securing SCADA Component Communication. The encryption schemes such as Symetric Key Encrypton in Wireless SCADA Environment, Assymmetric-key Encryption to Internet SCADA, and the Cross Crypto Scheme Cipher to secure communication for SCADA are analysed and the outcome is evaluated.
Critical Infrastructures became more vulnerable to attacks from adversaries as SCADA systems become connected to the Internet. The open standards for SCADA Communications make it very easy for attackers to gain in-depth knowledge about the working and operations of SCADA networks. A number of Intenrnet SCADA security issues were raised that have compromised the authenticity, confidentiality, integrity and non-repudiation of information transfer between SCADA Components. This paper presents an integration of the Cross Crypto Scheme Cipher to secure communications for SCADA components. The proposed scheme integrates both the best features of symmetric and asymmetric encryptiontechniques. It also utilizes the MD5 hashing algorithm to ensure the integrity of information being transmitted.
Mestrado em Controlo de Gesto e dos Negcios