955 resultados para Inter-government co-operation


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CpGV-MCp5 is a natural mutant of the Cydia pomonella Granulovirus (Mexican isolate) (CpGV-M) that harbors an insect host transposon termed TCl4.7 in its genome. TCl4.7 is located between the open reading frames Cp15 and Cp16 and separates two homologous regions hr3 and hr4, which have been recently shown to be origins of replication of CpGV-M. The MCp5 has a significant replication disadvantage in the presence of the wild-type CpGV-M. In this study, the possible effects of TCl4.7 transposon insertion on the genome function of its insertion site has been analysed. The role of Cp15 and Cp16 in the context of the virus infection cycle was examined by generating a CpGV-Bacmid (CpBAC) and Cp15 knock-out (CpBACCp15KO) and Cp16 knock-out (CpBACCp16KO) mutants. The mutant CpBACCp15KO was not able to replicate in CM larvae suggesting that Cp15 was essential for virus replication. In contrast, the mutant CpBACCp16KO infected CM larvae and produced viable occlusion bodies (OBs) demonstrating that Cp16 is a non-essential gene for virus in vivo infection of C. pomonella. The temporal transcription of Cp15 and Cp16, as well as of Cp31 (F protein) as a control, was analysed using RT-PCR and quantitative real-time PCR. It suggested a general delay or reduction of gene transcription of MCp5 compared to the parental CpGV-M. Western blot analyses using anti-Cp15 and anti-Cp16 polyclonal antibodies, however, did not show any immuno-reactive response. Thus, a direct influence of TCl4.7 on the expression of Cp15 and Cp16 could not be substantiated. To investigate whether the interruption of hr3 and hr4 palindromes affects the virus replication, two mutant bacmids with a deletion of hr3 and hr4 (CpBAChr3/hr4-KO) and another with an insertion of a Kanamycin resistance cassette between hr3 and hr4 (CpBAChr3-kan-hr4) were generated. Both mutant bacmids replicated and produced infectious virus OBs, which did not significantly differ in their median lethal concentration (LC50) and median survival time (ST50) compared to the parental CpBAC. Interestingly, the mutant CpBAChr3-kan-hr4 was very effectively out-competed by parental CpBAC, when CM larvae were co-infected with known ratios of OBs of CpBAC and the mutant CpBAChr3-kan-hr4. These observations suggested a functional co-operation between hr3 and hr4 which was interrupted by the KanR insertion in CpBAChr3-kan-hr4 and possibly by TCl4.7 transposon insertion in the mutant MCp5. This hypothesis may explain the observed replication disadvantage of the mutants MCp5 and CpBAChr3-kan-hr4 in the presence of the parental viruses CpGV-M and CpBAC, respectively.


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Um einen positiven Einfluss auf den Krankheitsverlauf bei Patienten mit Rheumatoider Arthritis zu nehmen, ist die Compliance mit dem Basistherapeutikum Methotrexat unerlässlich. Therapietreue mit Methotrexat kann die Krankheitsprogression verhindern und irreversiblen Knochenerosionen vorbeugen. Methotrexat wird sowohl in subkutaner als auch in peroraler Applikationsform verordnet. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Compliance mit der Anwendung von Methotrexat Fertigspritzen und Tabletten mit einer elektronischen Messmethode (MEMS™) bestimmt. Hauptziel der Studie war die Bestimmung der Taking Compliance mit Methotrexat. Untersucht wurde hinsichtlich eines Unterschieds zwischen der Applikationsform und der Erkrankungsdauer. Daneben wurde die Dosing Compliance mit peroralem Methotrexat erfasst, sowie Einschätzungen der Patienten bezüglich der Compliance, Funktionskapazität, Lebensqualität und Zufriedenheit erhoben. Die Compliancestudie erfolgte in Kooperation mit dem Netzwerk ADAPTHERA. 74 Studienpatienten wurden 3 Gruppen zugeteilt: Gruppe 1 Methotrexat p.o.; Gruppe 2 Methotrexat s.c. und Erkrankungsdauer <24 Monate; Gruppe 3 Methotrexat s.c. und Erkrankungsdauer >24 Monate. Die Beobachtungsdauer betrug bei peroraler Applikationsform 9 Monate und bei subkutaner 6 Monate. Im Median wurde eine Taking und Dosing Compliance von 100% gemessen. Anhand der subjektiven Einschätzung der Patienten zur Funktionskapazität konnten geringe Einschränkungen für die Patienten im Alltag verzeichnet werden. 25% des Studienkollektivs litt unter einem reduzierten Wohlbefinden. Die Studie konnte zeigen, dass Patienten von einer frühzeitigen Therapie und einer hohen Compliancerate profitieren.


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Partnership Actions for Mitigating Syndromes (PAMS) are small transdisciplinary projects which bring scientific research insights from the NCCR North-South into policy and practice. They are implemented by researchers from different disciplines in collaboration with non-scientific actors. PAMS aim to implement and test approaches, methods and tools developed in research, in order to identify promising strategies and potentials for sustainable development. In this sense, they are solution-oriented. This paper will provide insights into our experience with PAMS, with a special focus on the implementation of transdisciplinarity and its outcomes. From 2001 to 2010, 77 PAMS were implemented in Africa, Asia and Latin America. An internal evaluation of the first 55 projects was conducted in 2006. Results of this evaluation led to a refinement and improvement of the tool. A second internal evaluation is currently underway in the NCCR North-South. This evaluation will provide an overview of 22 new PAMS. We will look at partners involved, project beneficiaries, activities implemented, outcomes achieved, and lessons learnt. In the first evaluation, transdisciplinarity was considered as “a form of collaboration within scientific fields … and as a form of continuous dialogue between research and society” (Messerli et al., 2007). The evaluation report concluded that this understanding of transdisciplinarity was not satisfactorily applied in the 55 projects. Only about half of the PAMS addressed mutual exchange between researchers and society. Some involved only one specific field of research and clearly lacked interdisciplinary co-operation, and most often knowledge was transferred mainly unilaterally from the scientific community to society, without society having any effect on science. It was therefore recommended to address transdisciplinarity more carefully in Phase 2 PAMS. The second evaluation, which is currently under way, is analysing whether and how this recommendation has been met, based on criteria defined in the NCCR North-South’s Outcome Monitoring Strategy. The analysis is focusing on partners with whom researchers interact and investigating whether practices have changed both in research and society. We are also exploring the role of researchers in PAMS. Preliminary results show that researchers can assume different roles, from direct implementation, mediation, and promotion of social learning between different actors, to giving advice as neutral outsiders.


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From conventional radiography to cross-sectional imaging methods, modern radiology offers a wide range of diagnostic tools for investigating patients with fever. To achieve the best results and to yield a correct diagnosis, the radiologist must tailor the diagnostic protocol individually for every patient. The decision on the most suitable imaging method, and the type and timing of contrast media strongly depends on the suspected diagnosis. Based on patient history and laboratory data, some modalities may be contraindicated or the patient may need a premedication. The authors give a short overview of diagnostic strategies in evaluating the most important causes of fever and point to the need of discussion and co-operation between clinicians and radiologists.


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In a retrospective multicentre study, the success rate and efficiency of activator treatment were analysed. All patients from two University clinics (Giessen, Germany and Berne, Switzerland) that fulfilled the selection criteria (Class II division 1 malocclusion, activator treatment, no aplasia, no extraction of permanent teeth, no syndromes, no previous orthodontic treatment except transverse maxillary expansion, full available records) were included in the study. The subject material amounted to 222 patients with a mean age of 10.6 years. Patient records, lateral head films, and dental casts were evaluated. Treatment was classified as successful if the molar relationship improved by at least half to three-fourths cusp width depending on whether or not the leeway space was used during treatment. Group comparisons were carried out using Wilcoxon two-sample and Kruskal-Wallis tests. For discrete data, chi-square analysis was used and Fisher's exact test when the sample size was small. Stepwise logistic regression was also employed. The success rate was 64 per cent in Giessen and 66 per cent in Berne. The only factor that significantly (P < 0.001) influenced treatment success was the level of co-operation. In approximately 27 per cent of the patients at both centres, the post-treatment occlusion was an 'ideal' Class I. In an additional 38 per cent of the patients, marked improvements in occlusal relationships were found. In subjects with Class II division 1 malocclusions, in which orthodontic treatment is performed by means of activators, a marked improvement of the Class II dental arch relationships can be expected in approximately 65 per cent of subjects. Activator treatment is more efficient in the late than in the early mixed dentition.


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Das operative Torbelegungsproblem (TBP) z. B. an einem Distributions- oder Cross-dockingzentrum ist ein logistisches Problem, bei dem es gilt, an- und abfahrende Fahrzeuge zeitlich und räumlich so auf die Warenein- und -ausgangstore zu verteilen, dass eine mög-lichst kostengünstige Abfertigung ermöglicht wird. Bisherige Arbeiten, die sich mit dem TBP beschäftigen, lassen Aspekte der Kooperation außer Acht. Dieser Beitrag stellt ein Verfahren vor, durch das der Nachteil einseitig optimaler Torbelegungen überwunden werden kann. Dabei wird auf das Mittel der kombinatorischen Auktionen zurückgegriffen und das TBP als Allokationsproblem modelliert, bei dem Frachtführer um Bündel konsekutiver Einheitszeit-intervalle an den Toren konkurrieren. Mittels eines Vickrey-Clarke-Groves-Mechanismus wird einerseits die Anreizkompatibilität, andererseits die individuelle Rationalität des Auk-tionsverfahrens sichergestellt. Das Verfahren wurde in ILOG OPL Studio 3.6.1 implemen-tiert und die durch Testdaten gewonnenen Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Laufzeiten gering genug sind, um das Verfahren für die operative (kurzfristige) Planung einzusetzen und so transportlogistische Prozesse für alle Beteiligten wirtschaftlicher zu gestalten.


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Leiden’s Faculty of Arts invited on May 20th the members of the ELNWS for a workshop on e-learning for Non-Western studies. The aim of the workshop was to take a closer look at the possibilities of e-learning as a means of realizing co-operation between our universities. During our discussions, and looking back on the past academic years, we attempted to position our own academic community on the Internet, in the sense of 'looking for, finding and putting it on, or giving it a location' in the omnipresent Internet. In order to investigate the ways in which e-learning can be used as a tool to stimulate European co-operation within the field of Non-Western studies, Leiden’s Faculty of Arts rewards one initiative between two or more European universities of the ELNWS with financial support.


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The welfare sector has seen considerable changes in its operational context. Welfare services respond to an increasing number of challenges as citizens are confronted with life’s uncertainties and a variety of complex situations. At the same time the service-delivery system is facing problems of co-operation and the development of staff competence, as well as demands to improve service effectiveness and outcomes. In order to ensure optimal user outcomes in this complex, evolving environment it is necessary to enhance professional knowledge and skills, and to increase efforts to develop the services. Changes are also evident in the new emergent knowledge-production models. There has been a shift from knowledge acquisition and transmission to its construction and production. New actors have stepped in and the roles of researchers are subject to critical discussion. Research outcomes, in other words the usefulness of research with respect to practice development, is a topical agenda item. Research is needed, but if it is to be useful it needs to be not only credible but also useful in action. What do we know about different research processes in practice? What conceptions, approaches, methods and actor roles are embedded? What is the effect on practice? How does ‘here and now’ practice challenge research methods? This article is based on the research processes conducted in the institutes of practice research in social work in Finland. It analyses the different approaches applied by elucidating the theoretical standpoints and the critical elements embedded in them, and reflects on the outcomes in and for practice. It highlights the level of change and progression in practice research, arguing for diverse practice research models with a solid theoretical grounding, rigorous research processes, and a supportive infrastructure.


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Der Beitrag stellt eine Kollaborationssoftware vor, die im Rahmen des AiF-Forschungsprojektes „KoDeMat“ entwickelt wurde. Der Fokus wird auf die Problemfelder der fehlenden Standardisierung und Anpassbarkeit im Bereich von fördertechnischen Anlagen gerichtet. Ziel ist, unter Zuhilfenahme von standardisierten, kollaborativen Engineeringprozessen, eine unternehmensübergreifende Planung, Realisierung und einen Umbau von komplexen dezentral gesteuerten Intralogistiksystemen sowie deren Betrieb effizient zu ermöglichen.


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So far, social psychology in sport has preliminary focused on team cohesion, and many studies and meta analyses tried to demonstrate a relation between cohesiveness of a team and it's performance. How a team really co-operates and how the individual actions are integrated towards a team action is a question that has received relatively little attention in research. This may, at least in part, be due to a lack of a theoretical framework for collective actions, a dearth that has only recently begun to challenge sport psychologists. In this presentation a framework for a comprehensive theory of teams in sport is outlined and its potential to integrate the following presentations is put up for discussion. Based on a model developed by von Cranach, Ochsenbein and Valach (1986), teams are information processing organisms, and team actions need to be investigated on two levels: the individual team member and the group as an entity. Elements to be considered are the task, the social structure, the information processing structure and the execution structure. Obviously, different task require different social structures, communication and co-ordination. From a cognitivist point of view, internal representations (or mental models) guide the behaviour mainly in situations requiring quick reactions and adaptations, were deliberate or contingency planning are difficult. In sport teams, the collective representation contains the elements of the team situation, that is team task and team members, and of the team processes, that is communication and co-operation. Different meta-perspectives may be distinguished and bear a potential to explain the actions of efficient teams. Cranach, M. von, Ochsenbein, G., & Valach, L. (1986).The group as a self-active system: Outline of a theory of group action. European Journal of Social Psychology, 16, 193-229.


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CREB [CRE (cAMP-response element)-binding protein] is an important transcription factor that is differentially regulated in cells of various types. We recently reported that RA (retinoic acid) rapidly activates CREB without using RARs (RA receptors) or RXRs (retinoid X receptors) in NHTBE cells (normal human tracheobronchial epithelial cells). However, little is known about the role of RA in the physiological regulation of CREB expression in the early mucous differentiation of NHTBE cells. In the present study, we report that RA up-regulates CREB gene expression and that, using 5'-serial deletion promoter analysis and mutagenesis analyses, two Sp1 (specificity protein 1)-binding sites located at nt -217 and -150, which flank the transcription initiation site, are essential for RA induction of CREB gene transcription. Furthermore, we found that CREs located at nt -119 and -98 contributed to basal promoter activity. Interestingly, RA also up-regulated Sp1 in a time- and dose-dependent manner. Knockdown of endogenous Sp1 using siRNA (small interfering RNA) decreased RA-induced CREB gene expression. However, the converse was not true: knockdown of CREB using CREB siRNA did not affect RA-induced Sp1 gene expression. We conclude that RA up-regulates CREB gene expression during the early stage of NHTBE cell differentiation and that RA-inducible Sp1 plays a major role in up-regulating human CREB gene expression. This result implies that co-operation of these two transcription factors plays a crucial role in mediating early events of normal mucous cell differentiation of bronchial epithelial cells.


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BACKGROUND Switzerland had the highest life expectancy at 82.8 years among the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries in 2011. Geographical variation of life expectancy and its relation to the socioeconomic position of neighbourhoods are, however, not well understood. METHODS We analysed the Swiss National Cohort, which linked the 2000 census with mortality records 2000-2008 to estimate life expectancy across neighbourhoods. A neighbourhood index of socioeconomic position (SEP) based on the median rent, education and occupation of household heads and crowding was calculated for 1.3 million overlapping neighbourhoods of 50 households. We used skew-normal regression models, including the index and additionally marital status, education, nationality, religion and occupation to calculate crude and adjusted estimates of life expectancy at age 30 years. RESULTS Based on over 4.5 million individuals and over 400 000 deaths, estimates of life expectancy at age 30 in neighbourhoods ranged from 46.9 to 54.2 years in men and from 53.5 to 57.2 years in women. The correlation between life expectancy and neighbourhood SEP was strong (r=0.95 in men and r=0.94 women, both p values <0.0001). In a comparison of the lowest with the highest percentile of neighbourhood SEP, the crude difference in life expectancy from skew-normal regression was 4.5 years in men and 2.5 years in women. The corresponding adjusted differences were 2.8 and 1.9 years, respectively (all p values <0.0001). CONCLUSIONS Although life expectancy is high in Switzerland, there is substantial geographical variation and life expectancy is strongly associated with the social standing of neighbourhoods.


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When the First World War began, the international co-operation of legal academics, which had been a characteristic of the late 19th and early 20th century came to a halt. In the context of the atrocities in Belgium as well as Serbia academics on both sides became involved in the propaganda campaigns of the belligerents on both sides. Not many of them were able to divest themselves. The presentation will claim that as a consequence the time between the First World War and the beginning of the Second can be characterized as «Broken Years» not only in regard to war veterans (Gammage 1974), but also in regard to the international academic discourse on issues of war crimes and the laws of war. This shall be substantiated by a look at academic activities in the interwar period within the International Law Association, the Institut de Droit International, the Interparliamentary Union, the Association Internationale de Droit Pénal and the Internationale Kriminalistische Vereinigung.