977 resultados para INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY


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Barnes, D. P., Lee, M. H., Hardy, N. W. (1983). A control and monitoring system for multiple-sensor industrial robots. In Proc. 3rd. Int. Conf. Robot Vision and Sensory Controls, Cambridge, MA. USA., 471-479.


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Lee M.H. and Nicholls H.R., Tactile Sensing for Mechatronics: A State of the Art Survey, Mechatronics, 9, Jan 1999, pp1-31.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Comunicação, com especialização em Marketing e Comunicação Estratégica.


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27 hojas : ilustraciones, planos.


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We can recognize objects through receiving continuously huge temporal information including redundancy and noise, and can memorize them. This paper proposes a neural network model which extracts pre-recognized patterns from temporally sequential patterns which include redundancy, and memorizes the patterns temporarily. This model consists of an adaptive resonance system and a recurrent time-delay network. The extraction is executed by the matching mechanism of the adaptive resonance system, and the temporal information is processed and stored by the recurrent network. Simple simulations are examined to exemplify the property of extraction.


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This portfolio of exploration explores the role of transformative thinking and practice in a property entrepreneur’s response to the financial crisis which swept over Ireland from 2008. The complexity of this challenge and the mental capacity to meet its demands is at the core of the exploration. This inquiry emerged from the challenges the financial crisis presented to my values, beliefs, assumptions, and theories, i.e. the interpretive lens through which I make meaning of my experiences. Given the issue identified, this inquiry is grounded in aspects of theories of constructive developmental psychology, applied developmental science, and philosophy. Integrating and linking these elements to business practice is the applied element of the Portfolio. As the 2008 crisis unfolded I realised I was at the limits of my way of knowing. I came to understand that the underlying structure of a way of knowing is the ‘subject-object relationship’ i.e. what a way of knowing can reflect upon, look at, have perspective on, in other words, make object, as against what is it embedded in, attached to, identified within, or subject to. My goal became enhancing my awareness of how I made meaning and how new insights, which would transform a way of knowing, are created. The focus was on enhancing my practice. This Portfolio is structured into three essays. Essay One reported on my self-reflection and external evaluation out of which emerged my developmental goals. In Essay Two I undertake a reading for change programme in which different meaning making systems were confronted in order to challenge me as a meaning maker. Essay Three reported on my experiment which concerned the question whether it was possible for me as a property entrepreneur, and for others alike, to retain bank finance in the face of the overwhelming objective of the bank to deleverage their balance sheet of property loans. The output of my research can be grouped into General Developmental and Specific Business Implications. Firstly I address those who are interested in a transformational-based response to the challenges of operating in the property sector in Ireland during a crisis. I outline the apparatus of thought that I used to create insight, and thus transform how I thought, these are Awareness, Subject-object separation, Exploring other’s perspectives from the position of incompleteness, Dialectical thinking and Collingwood’s Questioning activity. Secondly I set out my learnings from the crisis and their impact on entrepreneurial behaviour and the business of property development. I identify ten key insights that have emerged from leading a property company through the crisis. Many of these are grounded in common sense, however, in my experience these were, to borrow Shakespeare’s words, “More honor'd in the breach than the observance” in pre Crisis Ireland. Finally I set out a four-step approach for forging a strategy. This requires my peer practitioners to identify (i) what they are subject to, (ii) Assess the Opportunity or challenge in a Systemic Context, (iii) Explore Multiple Perspectives on the opportunity or Challenge with an Orientation to change how you know and (iv) Using the Questioning Activity to create Knowledge. Based on my experience I conclude that transformative thinking and practice is a key enabler for a property entrepreneur, in responding to a major collapse of traditional (bank debt) funding.


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We present a mathematical analysis of the asymptotic preserving scheme proposed in [M. Lemou and L. Mieussens, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 31 (2008), pp. 334-368] for linear transport equations in kinetic and diffusive regimes. We prove that the scheme is uniformly stable and accurate with respect to the mean free path of the particles. This property is satisfied under an explicitly given CFL condition. This condition tends to a parabolic CFL condition for small mean free paths and is close to a convection CFL condition for large mean free paths. Our analysis is based on very simple energy estimates. © 2010 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.


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Addressing global fisheries overexploitation requires better understanding of how small-scale fishing communities in developing countries limit access to fishing grounds. We analyze the performance of a system based on individual licenses and a common property-rights regime in their ability to generate incentives for self-governance and conservation of fishery resources. Using a qualitative before-after-control-impact approach, we compare two neighbouring fishing communities in the Gulf of California, Mexico. Both were initially governed by the same permit system, are situated in the same ecosystem, use similar harvesting technology, and have overharvested similar species. One community changed to a common property-right regime, enabling the emergence of access controls and avoiding overexploitation of benthic resources, while the other community, still relies on the permit system. We discuss the roles played by power, institutions, socio-historic, and biophysical factors to develop access controls. © 2012 The Author(s).


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The apparel industry is one of the oldest and largest export industries in the world, with global trade and production networks that connect firms and workers in countries at all levels of economic development. This chapter examines the impact of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) as one of the most recent and significant developments to affect patterns of international trade and production in the apparel and textile industries. Tr ade policies are changing the institutional environment in which firms in this industry operate, and companies are responding to these changes with new strategies designed to increase their profitability and strengthen their control over the apparel commodity chain. Our hypothesis is that lead firms are establishing qualitatively different kinds of regional production networks in North America from those that existed prior to NAFTA, and that these networks have important consequences for industrial upgrading in the Mexican textile and apparel industries. Post-NAFTA crossborder production arrangements include full-package networks that link lead firms in the United States with apparel and textile manufacturers, contractors, and suppliers in Mexico. Full-package production is increasing the local value added provided by the apparel commodity chain in Mexico and creating new opportunities for Mexican firms and workers. The chapter is divided into four main sections. The first section uses trade and production data to analyze shifts in global apparel flows, highlighting the emergence and consolidation of a regional trade bloc in North America. The second section discusses the process of industrial upgrading in the apparel industry and introduces a distinction between assembly and full-package production networks. The third section includes case studies based on published industry sources and strategic interviews with several lead companies whose strategies are largely responsible for the shifting trade patterns and NAFTA-inspired cross-border production networks discussed in the previous section. The fourth section considers the implications of these changes for employment in the North American apparel industry. © 2009 by Temple University Press. All rights reserved.


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© 2014, Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.The burgeoning literature on global value chains (GVCs) has recast our understanding of how industrial clusters are shaped by their ties to the international economy, but within this context, the role played by corporate social responsibility (CSR) continues to evolve. New research in the past decade allows us to better understand how CSR is linked to industrial clusters and GVCs. With geographic production and trade patterns in many industries becoming concentrated in the global South, lead firms in GVCs have been under growing pressure to link economic and social upgrading in more integrated forms of CSR. This is leading to a confluence of “private governance” (corporate codes of conduct and monitoring), “social governance” (civil society pressure on business from labor organizations and non-governmental organizations), and “public governance” (government policies to support gains by labor groups and environmental activists). This new form of “synergistic governance” is illustrated with evidence from recent studies of GVCs and industrial clusters, as well as advances in theorizing about new patterns of governance in GVCs and clusters.


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El genotipo (G), el ambiente (A) y la interacción G x A pueden influir de manera diferente sobre las característica que definen la calidad comercial e industrial de trigo pan. Los objetivos de esta tesis fueron: 1) Caracterizar el rendimiento y a sus componentes en cultivares de trigo pertenecientes a diferentes grupos de calidad, expuestos a ofertas de nitrógeno contrastantes. 2) Estudiar el impacto de distinta disponibilidad de nitrógeno sobre los componentes fisiológicos del llenado de los granos (i.e tasa y duración) en distintaas variedades de trigo pan y su posible efecto sobre los parámetros de calidad. 3) Caracterizar y cuantificar la interacción genotipo por ambiente sobre la expresión de los parámetros que determinan el rendimiento y la calidad comercial e industrial del trigo pan en ambientes con diferentes disponibilidades de nitrógeno. Se realizaron ensayos en dos localidades, durante dos años, utilizando seis variedades de distinta aptitud panadera (2 de cada grupo de clasificación por grupo de calidad -GC-), aplicando cuatro tratamientos de fertilización nitrogenadas. Se evaluó el efecto genético, ambiental y la interacción G x A, sobre el rendimiento y sus componentes, el peso de los granos y sus componentes y sobre los parámetros de calidad comercial e industrial. Los resultados mostraron que el rendimiento y sus componentes (número de granos, biomasa aérea, eficiencia de uso de la radiación interceptada acumulada) fueron afectados principalmente por el ambiente y el manejo nutricional dentro de de cada ambiente. Para el peso de los granos y sus componentes (tasa y duración) el efecto del manejo del nitrógeno no fue importante, aunque sí lo fue el efecto genotipo. Para los parámetros de calidad el efecto genotipo fue más importante solo para la tenacidad, mientras que el peso hectolítrico, gluten húmedo, fuerza panadera, la relación de equilibrio (P/L) y volumen de pan fueron modificados principalmente por el efecto ambiente no manejable como son el año y la localidad, en tanto la proteína fue afectada principalmente por el factor ambiental asociado al manejo nutricional. La interacción GxA fue el efecto que explicó en mayor medida las variaciones de rendimiento de harina, absorción de agua y tiempo de amasado. La fuerte interacción GxA observada para la mayoría de los parámetros de calidad determinó que variedades de un determinado GC cambien de grupo asociado principalmente a factores ambientales como la localidad y el año, mientras que el manejo nutricional tuvo un impacto menor


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El genotipo (G), el ambiente (A)y la interacción G x A pueden influir de manera diferente sobre las característica que definen la calidad comercial e industrial de trigo pan. Los objetivos de esta tesis fueron: 1)Caracterizar el rendimiento y a sus componentes en cultivares de trigo pertenecientes a diferentes grupos de calidad, expuestos a ofertas de nitrógeno contrastantes. 2)Estudiar el impacto de distinta disponibilidad de nitrógeno sobre los componentes fisiológicos del llenado de los granos (i.e tasa y duración)en distintaas variedades de trigo pan y su posible efecto sobre los parámetros de calidad. 3)Caracterizar y cuantificar la interacción genotipo por ambiente sobre la expresión de los parámetros que determinan el rendimiento y la calidad comercial e industrial del trigo pan en ambientes con diferentes disponibilidades de nitrógeno. Se realizaron ensayos en dos localidades, durante dos años, utilizando seis variedades de distinta aptitud panadera (2 de cada grupo de clasificación por grupo de calidad -GC-), aplicando cuatro tratamientos de fertilización nitrogenadas. Se evaluó el efecto genético, ambiental y la interacción G x A, sobre el rendimiento y sus componentes, el peso de los granos y sus componentes y sobre los parámetros de calidad comercial e industrial. Los resultados mostraron que el rendimiento y sus componentes (número de granos, biomasa aérea, eficiencia de uso de la radiación interceptada acumulada)fueron afectados principalmente por el ambiente y el manejo nutricional dentro de de cada ambiente. Para el peso de los granos y sus componentes (tasa y duración)el efecto del manejo del nitrógeno no fue importante, aunque sí lo fue el efecto genotipo. Para los parámetros de calidad el efecto genotipo fue más importante solo para la tenacidad, mientras que el peso hectolítrico, gluten húmedo, fuerza panadera, la relación de equilibrio (P/L)y volumen de pan fueron modificados principalmente por el efecto ambiente no manejable como son el año y la localidad, en tanto la proteína fue afectada principalmente por el factor ambiental asociado al manejo nutricional. La interacción GxA fue el efecto que explicó en mayor medida las variaciones de rendimiento de harina, absorción de agua y tiempo de amasado. La fuerte interacción GxA observada para la mayoría de los parámetros de calidad determinó que variedades de un determinado GC cambien de grupo asociado principalmente a factores ambientales como la localidad y el año, mientras que el manejo nutricional tuvo un impacto menor