956 resultados para High performance concrete


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The importance of studying individual variation in locomotor performance has long been recognized as it may determine the ability of an organism to escape from predators, catch prey or disperse. In ectotherms, locomotor performance is highly influenced by ambient temperature (Ta), yet several studies have showed that individual differences are usually retained across a Ta gradient. Less is known, however, about individual differences in thermal sensitivity of performance, despite the fact that it could represent adaptive sources of phenotypic variation and/or additional substrate for selection to act upon. We quantified swimming and jumping performance in 18 wild-caught tropical clawed frogs (Xenopus tropicalis) across a Ta gradient. Maximum swimming velocity and acceleration were not repeatable and individuals did not differ in how their swimming performance varied across Ta. By contrast, time and distance jumped until exhaustion were repeatable across the Ta gradient, indicating that individuals that perform best at a given Ta also perform best at another Ta. Moreover, thermal sensitivity of jumping endurance significantly differed among individuals, with individuals of high performance at low Ta displaying the highest sensitivity to Ta. Individual differences in terrestrial performance increased with decreasing Ta, which is opposite to results obtained in lizards at the inter-specific and among-individual levels. To verify the generality of these patterns, we need more studies on individual variation in thermal reaction norms for locomotor performance in lizards and frogs.


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Flexible energy devices with high performance and long-term stability are highly promising for applications in portable electronics, but remain challenging to develop. As an electrode material for pseudo-supercapacitors, conducting polymers typically show higher energy storage ability over carbon materials and larger conductivity than transition-metal oxides. However, conducting polymer-based supercapacitors often have poor cycling stability, attributable to the structural rupture caused by the large volume contrast between doping and de-doping states, which has been the main obstacle to their practical applications. Herein, we report a simple method to prepare a flexible, binder-free, self-supported polypyrrole (PPy) supercapacitor electrode with high cycling stability through using novel, hollow PPy nanofibers with porous capsular walls as a film-forming material. The unique fiber structure and capsular walls provide the PPy film with enough free-space to adapt to volume variation during doping/de-doping, leading to super-high cycling stability (capacitance retention > 90% after 11000 charge-discharge cycles at a high current density of 10 A g-1) and high rate capability (capacitance retention ∼ 82.1% at a current density in the range of 0.25-10 A g-1).


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Manufacturing strategy has been widely studied and it is increasingly gaining attention. It has a fundamental role that is to translate the business strategy to the operations by developing the capabilities that are needed by the company in order to accomplish the desired performance. More precisely, manufacturing strategy comprises the decisions that managers take during a certain period of time in order to achieve a desire result. These decisions are related to which operational practices and resources are implemented. Our goal was to identify the relationship between these two decisions with operational performance. We based our arguments on the resource-based view for identifying sources of competitive advantage. Hence, we argued that operational practices and resources affect positively the operational performances. Additionally, we proposed that in the presence of some resources the implementation of operational practices would lead to a greater performance. We used previous scales for measuring operational practices and performance, and developed new constructs for resources. The data used is part of the High Performance Manufacturing project and the sample is composed by 291 plants. Through confirmatory factor analysis and multiple regressions we found that operational practices to a certain extant are positively related to operational performance. More specifically, the results show that JIT and customer orientation practices have a positive relationship with quality, delivery, flexibility, and cost performances. Moreover, we found that resources like technology and people explain a great variance of operational performance.


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Este estudo buscou verificar a influencia dos agentes da cadeia de suprimentos no desempenho do desenvolvimento de novos produtos quando os agentes são analisados em conjunto. A motivação desta pesquisa veio de estudos que alertaram para a consideração da integração da cadeia de suprimentos como um constructo multidimensional, englobando o envolvimento da manufatura, fornecedores e clientes no desenvolvimento de novos produtos; e devido à falta de informação sobre as influencias individuais destes agentes no desenvolvimento de novos produtos. Sob essas considerações, buscou-se construir um modelo analítico baseado na Teoria do Capital Social e Capacidade Absortiva, construir hipóteses a partir da revisão da literatura e conectar constructos como cooperação, envolvimento do fornecedor no desenvolvimento de novos produtos (DNP), envolvimento do cliente no DNP, envolvimento da manufatura no DNP, antecipação de novas tecnologias, melhoria contínua, desempenho operacional do DNP, desempenho de mercado do NPD e desempenho de negócio do DNP. Para testar as hipóteses foram consideradas três variáveis moderadoras, tais como turbulência ambiental (baixa, média e alta), indústria (eletrônicos, maquinários e equipamentos de transporte) e localização (América, Europa e Ásia). Para testar o modelo foram usados dados do projeto High Performance Manufacturing que contém 339 empresas das indústrias de eletrônicos, maquinários e equipamentos de transporte, localizadas em onze países. As hipóteses foram testadas por meio da Análise Fatorial Confirmatória (AFC) incluindo a moderação muti-grupo para as três variáveis moderadoras mencionadas anteriormente. Os principais resultados apontaram que as hipóteses relacionadas com cooperação foram confirmadas em ambientes de média turbulência, enquanto as hipóteses relacionadas ao desempenho no DNP foram confirmadas em ambientes de baixa turbulência ambiental e em países asiáticos. Adicionalmente, sob as mesmas condições, fornecedores, clientes e manufatura influenciam diferentemente no desempenho de novos produtos. Assim, o envolvimento de fornecedores influencia diretamente no desempenho operacional e indiretamente no desempenho de mercado e de negócio em baixos níveis de turbulência ambiental, na indústria de equipamentos de transporte em países da Americanos e Europeus. De igual forma, o envolvimento do cliente influenciou diretamente no desempenho operacional e indiretamente no desempenho de mercado e do negócio em médio nível de turbulência ambiental, na indústria de maquinários e em países Asiáticos. Fornecedores e clientes não influenciam diretamente no desempenho de mercado e do negócio e não influenciam indiretamente no desempenho operacional. O envolvimento da manufatura não influenciou nenhum tipo de desempenho do desenvolvimento de novos produtos em todos os cenários testados.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Os fatores de risco para instalação de lesões do esporte têm sido pesquisados no sentido de facilitar o entendimento sobre o assunto. Contudo, para altos níveis de performance, nos eventos de pista e campo do atletismo, são escassos os documentos que abordam o tema. Assim, a partir da possibilidade de reunir informações sobre a condição descrita, objetivou-se com o presente estudo a exploração de fatores de risco para lesões desportivas no atletismo, a partir de inquérito aplicado a atletas da elite mundial da modalidade. A população foi composta por 60 homens e 60 mulheres alocados em grupos conforme a especificidade de sua modalidade (velocidade, resistência, arremessos e saltos). Realizou-se entrevista utilizando-se de inquérito de morbidade referida, abordando questões sobre variáveis antropométricas e de treinamento, assim como lesões. Utilizou-se a técnica da análise de variância paramétrica para as variáveis antropométricas (idade, peso, estatura) e da técnica da análise de variância não paramétrica em relação às variáveis de treinamento (anos de treinamento e horas semanais). Para associação entre momento de lesão e especialidades, utilizou-se do teste de Goodman em nível de 5% de significância. Os resultados mostraram que houve elevada freqüência de lesões na modalidade em ambos os sexos. As taxas de lesão por atleta entrevistado foram de 0,92 (velocidade), 1,08 (resistência), 1,22 (saltos) e 1,20 (arremessos). Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante para as variáveis antropométricas e de treinamento em relação às provas, com exceção dos saltadores, que apresentaram diferenças para estatura e tempo de treinamento; nesse caso, os acometidos são mais altos ou praticam atletismo há menos tempo (P < 0,05). Concluiu-se que, para população estudada, o risco de lesão é acentuado, mas sem relação entre variáveis e presença de agravos, salvo para especialistas em provas de saltos, que apresentaram estatura e tempo de treinamento como fatores predisponentes à lesão.


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We evaluated the presence of the melatonin metabolite N-1-acetyl-N-2-formyl-5-methoxykynuramine (AFMK), in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of patients with viral meningitis (n = 20) and control samples (n = 8) and correlate AFMK levels with inflammatory markers such as cellularity, protein, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, interleukin (IL)-8 and IL-1 beta levels. A portion of the CSF was extracted with dichloromethane (1:5) and analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) under standardized conditions for AFMK. AFMK was detected in 16 of 20 CSF samples of patients with viral meningitis; the concentration of AFMK was found to be above the quantification limit (50 nmol/L) in six of these samples. AFMK was not detected in any of the eight control samples. The samples were classified into groups according to AFMK levels: undetectable (< 10 nmol/L, group I), detectable but below the quantification limit (< 50 nmol/L, group II), and quantified (> 50 nmol/L, group III). Group II presented the highest levels of proteins and IL-8, whereas group III showed the lowest levels of the inflammatory parameters. This study supports our hypothesis that inflammation favors the formation of AFMK and that this compound has immunomodulatory activity in vivo.


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Influence of admixture on the rheological behavior of high performance self-compacting paste. This research proposes to study the influence of the specific area, mould and surface texture of admixtures on the rheological behavior of high performance self-compacting paste (HPSCP). The selected admixtures are calcareous filler and basalt filler, which are industrial residues, thus contributing to sustainable development. The paste is made up of cement, silica fume, calcareous filler or basalt filler, water and superplasticizer additive. For this study, the water/cement ratios are fixed = 0.40 L kg(-1); silica fume/cement = 0.10 kg kg(-1); the filler/cement and superplasticizer/cement ratios are determined through Marsh cone and mini-slump tests. The results show that for same filler/cement ratios, the ratios of superplasticizer to paste with calcareous filler are significantly lower than those of paste with basalt filler. The results show that the specific area, mould and surface texture of these admixtures significantly influence the rheological behavior of HPSCP.


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As hemoglobinopatias são um grupo de afecções genéticas que representam problema de saúde pública em muitos países em que sua incidência é alta, com significativa morbidade. Objetivamos identificar defeitos moleculares que pudessem explicar o perfil laboratorial obtido por eletroforese e HPLC com Hb F elevada, em um grupo de indivíduos adultos sem sinais ou sintomas de anemia. Encontramos cinco diferentes mutações que originam beta talassemia por PCR-ASO: três casos com CD 6 (-A), um CD 39, um IVS 1-5, um -87 todas de origem mediterrânea, e um IVS II-654 de origem asiática. As mutações CD 6 (-A), -87 e IVS II-654 foram descritas pela primeira vez na população brasileira.


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This research studies the influence of the pozzolanic activity of the calcareous and basalt in the resistence behavior of the compressive strength of high performance self-compacting concrete (HPSCC). The selected aditives are the calcareous filler and basalt filler, for they are industrial residues helping that way the sustainable development. The paste of this concrete type is constituted of cement, silica fume, calcareous filler or basalt filler, water and superplasticizer additive. In this research the relationships water/cement are fixed in 0,40 kg/kg, silica fume/cement of 0,10 kg/kg and the relationships filler/cement and superplasticizer/cement are determined through of Marsh́s cone and mini-slump tests. The granular skeleton is gotten from a composition between quartzous sand and brita of basalt that presents the lesser index of emptinesses. The results show that the HPSCC with the addition of calcareous filler has greater compressive strength than what the HPSCC with addition of basalt filler in the ages of 7, 28 and 63 days. It is explained by the fact that the calcareous filler presents greater index of pozzolanic activity than the basalt filler. Besides that the relation water/fine for the HPSCC with calcareous filler is 0,27 l/kg whereas the HPSCC with basalt filler is of 0,29 l/kg.


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Preliminary pharmacological assays of the 70% methanol extract from the leaves of the Brazilian medicinal plant Zollernia ilicifolia Vog. (Fabaceae) showed analgesic and antiulcerogenic effects. Previous analyses have shown that this extract contains, besides flavonoid glycosides and saponins, a toxic cyanogenic glycoside. Flavonoids and saponins are compounds reported in literature with antiulcerogenic activity. In this work, we developed a methodology to separate the cyanogenic glycoside from these compounds in order to obtain enough amount of material to perform pharmacological assays. The cyanogenic glycoside zierin (2S)-β-D-glucopyranosyloxy-(3-hydroxy-phenyl)- acetonitrile was separated from the other components by high speed countercurrent chromatography (HSCCC). The solvent system used was composed of chloroform-methanol-n-propanol-water (5:6:1:4, v/v/v/v). This technique led to the separation of zierin from the possible active compounds of Zollernia ilicifolia.


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During eight weeks, in summer, four endurance trained high performance horses were worked in resistence exercise, recieving two different types of hydratatio, water or an isotonic solution containing carbohydrates, with the objective to compare their performance physiological parameters. Only the RT (rectal temperature), HR (heart rate), RR (respiratory rate), weight, total protein, glucose, the electrolytes K, Ca and the muscular enzyme CK presented distance effect. The others parameters evaluated, there weren't any identified effects of treatment and of the interaction between distance and treatments, with a significancy level of 5%, and it was concluded that the isotonic solution containing carbohydrate didn't have any significant influence on the animal's performance when compared to water.


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Transactional memory (TM) is a new synchronization mechanism devised to simplify parallel programming, thereby helping programmers to unleash the power of current multicore processors. Although software implementations of TM (STM) have been extensively analyzed in terms of runtime performance, little attention has been paid to an equally important constraint faced by nearly all computer systems: energy consumption. In this work we conduct a comprehensive study of energy and runtime tradeoff sin software transactional memory systems. We characterize the behavior of three state-of-the-art lock-based STM algorithms, along with three different conflict resolution schemes. As a result of this characterization, we propose a DVFS-based technique that can be integrated into the resolution policies so as to improve the energy-delay product (EDP). Experimental results show that our DVFS-enhanced policies are indeed beneficial for applications with high contention levels. Improvements of up to 59% in EDP can be observed in this scenario, with an average EDP reduction of 16% across the STAMP workloads. © 2012 IEEE.


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The development of gas sensors with innovative designs and advanced functional materials has attracted considerable scientific interest given their potential for addressing important technological challenges. This work presents new insight towards the development of high-performance p-type semiconductor gas sensors. Gas sensor test devices, based on copper (II) oxide (CuO) with innovative and unique designs (urchin-like, fiber-like, and nanorods), are prepared by a microwave-assisted synthesis method. The crystalline composition, surface area, porosity, and morphological characteristics are studied by X-ray powder diffraction, nitrogen adsorption isotherms, field-emission scanning electron microscopy and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. Gas sensor measurements, performed simultaneously on multiple samples, show that morphology can have a substantial influence on gas sensor performance. An assembly of urchin-like structures is found to be most effective for hydrogen detection in the range of parts-per-million at 200 °C with 300-fold larger response than the previously best reported values for semiconducting CuO hydrogen gas sensors. These results show that morphology plays an important role in the gas sensing performance of CuO and can be effectively applied in the further development of gas sensors based on p-type semiconductors. High-performance gas sensors based on CuO hierarchical morphologies with in situ gas sensor comparison are reported. Urchin-like morphologies with high hydrogen sensitivity and selectivity that show chemical and thermal stability and low temperature operation are analyzed. The role of morphological influences in p-type gas sensor materials is discussed. Copyright © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)