991 resultados para Guise, Henri, I de Lorraine, 3. duc de, called La Balafre, 1550-1588
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Introduction The Le Fort I osteotomy is indicated to reposition the maxilla in the surgical correction of dentofacial deformities. Although it is a known surgical step, like any surgical procedure, it can have complications and difficulties; among these, the initial mobility of the jaw is very common after completing all corticotomies. Methods The authors present a technique in which the bite fork is used as an auxiliary tool in maxilla downfracture, especially in cases of maxillary impaction where vertical space is created on the walls of the corticotomy. Findings As the bite fork acts as a scraper with a long leverage arm, an advantage would be the better distribution of forces along the corticotomy, minimizing the risk of bad fracture and facilitating maxillary downfracture movement.
We derive a closed-form result for the leading thermal contributions which appear in the n-dimensional I center dot (3) theory at high temperature. These contributions become local only in the long wavelength and in the static limits, being given by different expressions in these two limits.
Recombination is a significant factor driving genomic evolution, but it is not well understood in Dengue virus. We used phylogenetic methods to search for recombination in 636 Dengue virus type 3 (DENV-3) genomes and unveiled complex recombination patterns in two strains, which appear to be the outcome of recombination between genotype II and genotype I parental DENV-3 lineages. Our findings of genomic mosaic structures suggest that strand switching during RNA synthesis may be involved in the generation of genetic diversity in dengue viruses.
The acute direct action of angiotensin-(1-7) [ANG-(1-7)] on bicarbonate reabsorption (JHCO(3)(-)) was evaluated by stationary microperfusions on in vivo middle proximal tubules in rats using H ion-sensitive microelectrodes. The control JHCO(3)(-) is 2.82 ± 0.078 nmol·cm(-2)·s(-1) (50). ANG-(1-7) (10(-12) or 10(-9) M) in luminally perfused tubules decreases JHCO(3)(-) (36 or 60%, respectively), but ANG-(1-7) (10(-6) M) increases it (80%). A779 increases JHCO(3)(-) (30%) and prevents both the inhibitory and the stimulatory effects of ANG-(1-7) on it. S3226 decreases JHCO(3)(-) (45%) and changes the stimulatory effect of ANG-(1-7) to an inhibitory effect (30%) but does not affect the inhibitory effect of ANG-(1-7). Our results indicate that in the basal condition endogenous ANG-(1-7) inhibits JHCO(3)(-) and that the biphasic dose-dependent effect of ANG-(1-7) on JHCO(3)(-) is mediated by the Mas receptors via the Na(+)/H(+) exchanger 3 (NHE3). The control value of intracellular Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)), as monitored using fura-2 AM, is 101 ± 2 nM (6), and ANG-(1-7) (10(-12), 10(-9), or 10(-6)M) transiently (3 min) increases it (by 151, 102, or 52%, respectively). A779 increases the [Ca(2+)](i) (25%) but impairs the stimulatory effect of all doses of ANG-(1-7) on it. The use of BAPTA or thapsigargin suggests a correlation between the ANG-(1-7) dose-dependent effects on [Ca(2+)](i) and JHCO(3)(-). Therefore, the interaction of the opposing dose-dependent effects of ANG II and ANG-(1-7) on [Ca(2+)](i) and JHCO(3)(-) may represent an physiological regulatory mechanism of extracellular volume and/or pH changes. However, whether [Ca(2+)](i) modification is an important direct mechanism for NHE3 activation by these peptides or is a side effect of other signaling pathways will require additional studies.
La cinética de oxidación de Cu(I) con oxígeno, a concentración nanomolar, se ha estudiado en función de la concentración de cobre (I), pH, concentración de bicarbonato y de la temperatura, al objeto de obtener las ecuaciones de dependencia de la constante de velocidad con cada variable, en NaCl (0.7M) con bicarbonato (2mM) y en agua de mar. Los estudios a escala nanomolar se han comparado con los estudios realizados por otros autores a escala micromolar. El tiempo de vida medio a nivel nanomolar es superior en ambos medios, lo que justifica la presencia de concentraciones medibles de Cu(I) en aguas superficiales. La constante de velocidad de segundo orden (k) es independiente de la concentración de Cu(I), en el rango de 20 a 200 nM, con lo que los resultados permiten una visión más realista de lo que ocurre en el océano. En los estudios del efecto del pH en la cinética de oxidación se obtienen rectas próximas para disolución de NaCl (0.7M) con bicarbonato (2mM) y en agua de mar, por lo que las interacciones específicas pueden despreciarse o quedar compensadas entre sí. La ecuación obtenida para cada caso es: Logk(NaCl) = −2.453(±0.341) + 0.611(±0.044)pH (para NaCl) Logk(sw) = −1.484(±0.266) + 0.489(±0.034) pH (para agua de mar) La concentración de bicarbonato produce un aumento en la constante de segundo orden (k) hasta 5mM, comportándose de acuerdo con la ecuación siguiente: [ ] [ ]2 3 2 3 3 2 2 ( ) 1.54 10 ( 3.518 10 ) 3.963( 58.17 10 ) 0.212( 3.242 10 ) 3 NaHCO Logk NaHCO NaHCO − − − ⋅ ± ⋅ = − ± ⋅ + ± ⋅ − El aumento de la temperatura produce un aumento en la constante de velocidad relacionándose este efecto con la entalpía y entropía de activación del proceso. Oxidación de Cu(I) en agua de mar 8 El trabajo realizado supone un mejor conocimiento de los procesos que controlan la cinética de oxidación del Cu(I) en medios naturales y servirán de base para futuros experimentos.
L’enzima indoleamina 2,3-diossigenasi (IDO) catalizza la conversione dell’aminoacido essenziale triptofano in chinurenine. Questa proprietà conferisce a IDO la capacità di inibire la risposta immunitaria sia causando la deplezione dal microambiente di triptofano, che è necessario ai linfociti T per proliferare ed espandersi, sia producendo metaboliti che possono causare l’apoptosi dei linfociti T. Nel presente studio è stata indagata la funzione di IDO in cellule dendritiche normali e leucemiche. Lo studio dell’espressione di IDO in cellule dendritiche normali ha permesso di osservare che, quando immature, IDO è poco espresso, mentre durante la maturazione IDO viene up-regolato. In particolare, l’incremento nell’espressione di IDO non è strettamente legato al livello di maturazione, ma alla qualità dello stimolo maturativo. Infatti uno stimolo endogeno come il ligando di CD40 ha una scarsa efficacia nell’up-regolazione di IDO, uno stimolo batterico come l’LPS ha un’efficacia intermedia, mentre uno stimolo rappresentato da citochine pro-infiammatorie ha un’efficacia massima. L’espressione di IDO risulta direttamente propozionale alla produzione di chinurenine, all’inibizione della proliferazione dei linfociti T e all’induzione di una popolazione di linfociti T regolatori. Lo studio dell’espressione di IDO in cellule dendritiche leucemiche ha permesso di osservare che IDO è espresso a un livello intermedio nelle cellule dendritiche leucemiche immature e viene up-regolato durante la maturazione. La conseguenza principale dell’espressione di IDO in cellule dendritiche leucemiche è l’induzione di una popolazione di linfociti T regolatori fortemente in grado di limitare sia la risposta CD4+ che la risposta CD8+ anti-leucemica e capaci di inibire la maturazione di altre cellule dendritiche. Nel complesso, i dati emersi da questo studio hanno permesso di concludere che, in cellule dendritiche normali, IDO rappresenta un meccanismo tollerogenico la cui intensità di espressione è correlata all’intensità dello stimolo attivatorio da controbilanciare, a cui è sottoposta la cellula dendritica. Nelle cellule dendritiche leucemiche IDO rappresenta un meccanismo di tumor-escape in grado di inibire l’attivazione di cellule dendritiche, linfociti CD4+ e linfociti CD8+.
Il tema oggetto della presente tesi di dottorato trae spunto dall'analisi dell'art. 2468 c.c. nel quale può dirsi contenuto il nucleo fondamentale della disciplina della partecipazione sociale. In primo luogo vi è un'analisi comparata dell'istituto in esame con quelli previsti negli altri paesi europei. Dopo una breve analisi di diritto comparato ci si è concentrati sulla legislazione italiana ed, in particolare, l'elaborato cerca di dare una risposta ai seguenti interrogativi: a) quali sono i “particolari diritti” ex art. 2468 c.c.? b) si può parlare di “categorie speciali di partecipazioni”? Con riferimento al primo interrogativo va considerato che il modello legale prevede che i diritti particolari attribuibili ai soci riguardano l’amministrazione della società o la distribuzione degli utili. Tale disciplina sussiste quando l’atto costitutivo attribuisce i particolari diritti senza disporre nulla sulla loro trasferibilità, modificabilità ed inerenza alla partecipazione sociale piuttosto che alla persona del socio. Ci si è chiesti quali siano i confini delle due categorie espressamente previste dall’art. 2468, 3 c.c. e se tale previsione sia tassativa piuttosto che esemplificativa, aprendosi quindi la strada alla libera determinabilità dei diritti sociali, alla stregua di quanto sancisce l’art. 2348, 2 c.c., in merito alle azioni “speciali”. Si giunge così alla conclusione che la previsione sia esemplificativa e che anche nelle s.r.l. le parti sono libere di attribuire ai soci diritti sociali diversi da quelli derivanti dal modello legale, nei limiti derivanti da specifiche norme imperative. Nel secondo capitolo sono stati approfonditi i principi dettati dall’art. 2468 c.c., la natura di tali "particolari diritti" ed i loro profili di qualificazione nonché le loro esplicazioni contenutistiche Nel terzo capitolo si è analizzato cosa accade ai "particolari diritti" in caso di vicende modificative. Nel quarto capitolo poi è stato affrontata la controversa questione relativa alla possibilità di creare delle “categorie di quote”.
In this work we presented several aspects regarding the possibility to use readily available propargylic alcohols as acyclic precursors to develop new stereoselective [Au(I)]-catalyzed cascade reactions for the synthesis of highly complex indole architectures. The use of indole-based propargylic alcohols of type 1 in a stereoselective [Au(I)]-catalyzed hydroindolynation/immiun trapping reactive sequence opened access to a new class of tetracyclic indolines, dihydropyranylindolines A and furoindolines B. An enantioselective protocol was futher explored in order to synthesize this molecules with high yields and ee. The suitability of propargylic alcohols in [Au(I)]-catalyzed cascade reactions was deeply investigated by developing cascade reactions in which was possible not only to synthesize the indole core but also to achieve a second functionalization. Aniline based propargylic alcohols 2 were found to be modular acyclic precursors for the synthesis of [1,2-a] azepinoindoles C. In describing this reactivity we additionally reported experimental evidences for an unprecedented NHCAu(I)-vinyl specie which in a chemoselective fashion, led to the annulation step, synthesizing the N1-C2-connected seven membered ring. The chemical flexibility of propargylic alcohols was further explored by changing the nature of the chemical surrounding with different preinstalled N-alkyl moiety in propargylic alcohols of type 3. Particularly, in the case of a primary alcohol, [Au(I)] catalysis was found to be prominent in the synthesis of a new class of [4,3-a]-oxazinoindoles D while the use of an allylic alcohol led to the first example of [Au(I)] catalyzed synthesis and enantioselective functionalization of this class of molecules (D*). With this work we established propargylic alcohols as excellent acyclic precursor to developed new [Au(I)]-catalyzed cascade reaction and providing new catalytic synthetic tools for the stereoselective synthesis of complex indole/indoline architectures.
OBJECTIVE: Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) is critically involved in the control of cartilage matrix metabolism. It is well known that IGF-binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) is increased during osteoarthritis (OA), but its function(s) is not known. In other cells, IGFBP-3 can regulate IGF-I action in the extracellular environment and can also act independently inside the cell; this includes transcriptional gene control in the nucleus. These studies were undertaken to localize IGFBP-3 in human articular cartilage, particularly within cells. DESIGN: Cartilage was dissected from human femoral heads derived from arthroplasty for OA, and OA grade assessed by histology. Tissue slices were further characterized by extraction and assay of IGFBPs by IGF ligand blot (LB) and by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Immunohistochemistry (IHC) for IGF-I and IGFBP-3 was performed on cartilage from donors with mild, moderate and severe OA. Indirect fluorescence and immunogold-labeling IHC studies were included. RESULTS: LBs of chondrocyte lysates showed a strong signal for IGFBP-3. IHC of femoral cartilage sections at all OA stages showed IGF-I and IGFBP-3 matrix stain particularly in the top zones, and closely associated with most cells. A prominent perinuclear/nuclear IGFBP-3 signal was seen. Controls using non-immune sera or antigen-blocked antibody showed negative or strongly reduced stain. In frozen sections of human ankle cartilage, immunofluorescent IGFBP-3 stain co-localized with the nuclear 4',6-diamidino-2-phenyl indole (DAPI) stain in greater than 90% of the cells. Immunogold IHC of thin sections and transmission electron immunogold microscopy of ultra-thin sections showed distinct intra-nuclear staining. CONCLUSIONS: IGFBP-3 in human cartilage is located in the matrix and within chondrocytes in the cytoplasm and nuclei. This new finding indicates that the range of IGFBP-3 actions in articular cartilage is likely to include IGF-independent roles and opens the door to studies of its nuclear actions, including the possible regulation of hormone receptors or transcriptional complexes to control gene action.
Recent progress in diagnostic tools allows many breast cancers to be detected at an early pre-invasive stage. Thus, a better understanding of the molecular basis of early breast cancer progression is essential. 14-3-3 is a family of highly conserved and ubiquitously expressed proteins that are expressed in all eukaryotic organisms. In mammals there are seven isoforms, which bind to phosphor-serine/threonine residues regulating essential cellular processes such as signal transduction, cell cycle progression, and apoptosis. Our laboratory has discovered that a particular 14-3-3 family member, Zeta, is overexpressed in over 40% of breast tumor tissues. Furthermore, I examined the stage of breast disease in which 14-3-3 overexpression occurs and found that increased expression of 14-3-3 begins at the stage of atypical ductal hyperplasia, a very early stage of breast disease that confers increased risk for progress toward breast cancer. To determine whether 14-3-3 overexpression is a decisive early event in breast cancer, I overexpressed 14-3-3 in MCF10A cells, a non-transformed mammary epithelial cell (MEC) line and examined its impact on acini formation in a three dimensional (3D) culture model which simulates a basic unit of structure in the mammary gland. I discovered that 14-3-3 overexpression severely disrupted the acini architecture resulting in the disruption of polarity and luminal filling. Both are critical morphological events in the pre-neoplastic breast disease. This thesis focuses on the molecular mechanism of luminal filling. Proper lumen formation is a result of anoikis, a specific type apoptosis of cells not attached to the basement membrane. I found that 14-3-3 overexpression conferred a resistance to anoikis. Additionally, 14-3-3 overexpression in MCF10A cells and in MECs from 14-3-3 transgenic mice reduced expression of p53, which is known to mediate anoikis. Mechanistically, 14-3-3 induced hyperactivation of the PI3K/Akt pathway which led to phosphorylation and translocation of the MDM2 to the nucleus resulting in increased p53 degradation. Ectopic expression of p53 restored luminal apoptosis in 14-3-3 overexpressing MCF10A acini in 3D cultures. These data suggest that 14-3-3 overexpression is a critical event in early breast disease and down-regulation of p53 is one of the mechanisms by which 14-3-3 alters MEC acini structure and may increase the risk of progression to breast cancer. ^
Este es un estudio sobre utilización de medicamentos donde se analiza la evolución de la prescripción, en DAMSU de UNCuyo, de los 14 grupos terapéuticos (GT) de la clasificación ATC, durante 4 años consecutivos. Su objetivo fue determinar la prevalencia de las prescripciones en los 3 primeros niveles de la clasificación. Los datos fueron recolectados en los meses de abril, junio, setiembre y diciembre utilizando la metodología del DURG y procesados con un programa EPI INFO. Las comparaciones estadísticas fueron realizadas mediante la Prueba no paramétrica de los Signos. El ranking de GT fue constante pero el total de prescripciones disminuyó significativamente entre 2004 y 2007. Los GT del 1º nivel: S. Nervioso (N), S. cardiovascular (C), Digestivo y Metabolismo (A) y Músculo-esquelético (M), ocuparon, en orden decreciente, los cuatro primeros puestos del ranking durante los 4 años. De estos GT fueron analizados los subgrupos del 2º y 3 nivel. La prescripción de Psicolépticos + Psicoanalépticos superó a la de Analgésicos en el grupo N. En el grupo C los Agentes Antihipertensivos, y entre ellos los IECAs, encabezaron el ranking. Las vitaminas fueron las primeras en el GT A y el subgrupo de Antiinflamatorios y Antirreumáticos en el GT M. Se discuten estos resultados en función de la racionalidad de las prescripciones.