893 resultados para Governing the Local
The study examines the existing water allocation methods and other policies that provide constraints or incentives for the most efficient use of water resources. Given the production condition of the local people, and the technical and physical attributes of water resources, the principal hypothesis of this study is that the benefits obtained from fresh water resources in the study area can be improved through better resource management.
In this work we perform for the first time a palaeoenvironmental and biostratigraphic analysis of the lower Miocene alluvial deposits of the Cenicero section (NW sector of the Ebro Basin; N Iberian Peninsula), based on the ostracod and micromammal assemblages. One of the main characteristics of this section is the unusual abundance on non-reworked ostracods present in the studied samples compared to other European sequences of similar age and sedimentary environment. This fact has allowed us to develop precise palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. The variations of the identified ostracod assemblages, defined by species such as Cyclocypris laevis, Ilyocypris bradyi, Ilyocypris gibba, Limnocythere sp. or Pseudocandona parallela, record the development of small, ephemeral and shallow ponds in a distal alluvial and/or floodplain environment. Towards the upper part of the section the ponds appear to be less ephemeral, being the aquatic systems more stable for ostracods development. Variations in the water temperature and salinity have been observed along the section, which are related to changes in the local pluviometric regime. On the other hand, the presence of micromammals in one of the studied samples has allowed the precise dating of this section. Thus, the presence of Armantomys daamsi dates the Cenicero section as Agenian (lower Miocene), local zone Y2 (MN2).
O tema que nos propomos a estudar é o Poder local, cidadania e participação popular no município de Maricá. A delimitação espaço temporal de nosso projeto situa-se na cidade de Maricá, localizada na Sub-região dos Lagos, no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, a partir do ano de 2009, tendo como pano de fundo as especificidades da formação social brasileira e as determinações estruturais resultantes da mundialização do capital. É importante ressaltar que o termo participação popular pertinente a este estudo refere-se à criação ou ampliação de canais institucionais para intervenção da população no controle social ou na construção do debate orçamentário nas cidades, que exigem estratégias políticas que são absolutamente fundamentais para a construção de uma nova sociedade pautada em princípios radicalmente democráticos.As contradições e as possibilidades da luta pelo direito à cidade, frente à ampliação mercantilização do espaço e a tradição clientelista na cidade de Maricá, foram os desafios que procuraremos responder nesta tese. Para tal, elencamos as seguintes hipóteses: 1) a disputa de projetos societários, a partir da luta de classes, pode ser identificada nas cidades através das propostas antagônicas de cidade-mercadoria e do direito à cidade, contradições estas que se reproduzem inclusive em governos municipais comprometidos com a ampliação dos canais de participação popular; 2) a gestão participativa municipal pode tanto contribuir para a subjetivação das classes subalternas no sentido das mesmas intervirem e até modificarem a esfera pública, quanto se tornar um espaço instrumental ao clientelismo e/ou associativismo local; 3) para evitar tal distorção é importante que agentes contestatórios da sociedade civil retomem o tensionamento de canais institucionais de participação popular nas cidades, enquanto estratégia de ampliação da esfera pública, visto que tais espaços têm sido ocupados por agentes muito mais colaborativos que conflituosos, despolitizando possibilidades, tais como: o orçamento participativo, audiências públicas e os Conselhos Municipais; 4) as cidades do CONLESTE, em especial o município de Maricá, tornaram-se foco do interesse da burguesia nacional e internacional, após as discussões em torno do COMPERJ e do Pré-sal, dificultando e/ou inviabilizado um direcionamento autônomo do poder local em torno das propostas engendradas pela participação popular na cidade, contexto que torna o urgente o tensionamento visando à possibilidade de garantia da função social da cidade, conforme preconiza a Carta Mundial de Direito à Cidade, em especial frente à especulação imobiliária.
Using length-frequency samples from the local fisheries and length-age data from otolith readings, von Bertalanffy growth parameters were estimated for the four species representing the Clupeidae family in Sierra Leone, Sardinella aurita, S. maderensis, Ethmalosa fimbriata and Ilisha africana showed the highest and lowest values of f, respectively, while Sardinella sp. were found to occupy the central position.
Oysters, Crassostrea virginica, and softshell clams, Mya arenaria, along the Massachusetts coast were harvested by European colonists beginning in the 1600’s. By the 1700’s, official Commonwealth rules were established to regulate their harvests. In the final quarter of the 1800’s, commercial fishermen began harvesting northern quahogs, Mercenaria mercenaria, and northern bay scallops, Argopecten irradians irradians, and regulations established by the Massachusetts Legislature were applied to their harvests also. Constables (also termed wardens), whose salaries were paid by the local towns, enforced the regulations, which centered on restricting harvests to certain seasons, preventing seed from being taken, and personal daily limits on harvests. In 1933, the Massachusetts Legislature turned over shellfisheries management to individual towns. Local constables (wardens) enforced the rules. In the 1970’s, the Massachusetts Shellfish Officers Association was formed, and was officially incorporated in 2000, to help the constables deal with increasing environmental problems in estuaries where fishermen harvest mollusks. The constables’ stewardship of the molluscan resources and the estuarine environments and promotion of the fisheries has become increasingly complex.
This article covers the biology and the history of the bay scallop habitats and fishery from Massachusetts to North Carolina. The scallop species that ranges from Massachusetts to New York is Argopecten irradians irradians. In New Jersey, this species grades into A. i. concentricus, which then ranges from Maryland though North Carolina. Bay scallops inhabit broad, shallow bays usually containing eelgrass meadows, an important component in their habitat. Eelgrass appears to be a factor in the production of scallop larvae and also the protection of juveniles, especially, from predation. Bay scallops spawn during the warm months and live for 18–30 months. Only two generations of scallops are present at any time. The abundances of each vary widely among bays and years. Scallops were harvested along with other mollusks on a small scale by Native Americans. During most of the 1800’s, people of European descent gathered them at wading depths or from beaches where storms had washed them ashore. Scallop shells were also and continue to be commonly used in ornaments. Some fishing for bay scallops began in the 1850’s and 1860’s, when the A-frame dredge became available and markets were being developed for the large, white, tasty scallop adductor muscles, and by the 1870’s commercial-scale fishing was underway. This has always been a cold-season fishery: scallops achieve full size by late fall, and the eyes or hearts (adductor muscles) remain preserved in the cold weather while enroute by trains and trucks to city markets. The first boats used were sailing catboats and sloops in New England and New York. To a lesser extent, scallops probably were also harvested by using push nets, picking them up with scoop nets, and anchor-roading. In the 1910’s and 1920’s, the sails on catboats were replaced with gasoline engines. By the mid 1940’s, outboard motors became more available and with them the numbers of fishermen increased. The increases consisted of parttimers who took leaves of 2–4 weeks from their regular jobs to earn extra money. In the years when scallops were abundant on local beds, the fishery employed as many as 10–50% of the towns’ workforces for a month or two. As scallops are a higher-priced commodity, the fishery could bring a substantial amount of money into the local economies. Massachusetts was the leading state in scallop landings. In the early 1980’s, its annual landings averaged about 190,000 bu/yr, while New York and North Carolina each landed about 45,000 bu/yr. Landings in the other states in earlier years were much smaller than in these three states. Bay scallop landings from Massachusetts to New York have fallen sharply since 1985, when a picoplankton, termed “brown tide,” bloomed densely and killed most scallops as well as extensive meadows of eelgrass. The landings have remained low, large meadows of eelgrass have declined in size, apparently the species of phytoplankton the scallops use as food has changed in composition and in seasonal abundance, and the abundances of predators have increased. The North Carolina landings have fallen since cownose rays, Rhinoptera bonsais, became abundant and consumed most scallops every year before the fishermen could harvest them. The only areas where the scallop fishery remains consistently viable, though smaller by 60–70%, are Martha’s Vineyard, Nantucket, Mass., and inside the coastal inlets in southwestern Long Island, N.Y.
Sinais diversos estão presentes em nosso cotidiano, assim como nas medidas realizadas nas atividades de ciência e tecnologia. Dentre estes sinais, tem grande importância tecnológica aqueles associados à corrosão de estruturas metálicas. Assim, esta tese propõe o estudo de um esquema local de transformada de Fourier janelada, com a janela variando em função da curtose, aplicada a sinais de ruído eletroquímico. A curtose foi avaliada nos domínios do tempo e da frequência e processada pelo programa desenvolvido para esse fim. O esquema foi aplicado a sinais de ruído eletroquímico dos aços UNS S31600, UNS G10200 e UNS S32750 imersos em três soluções: FeCl3 0,1 mol=L (cloreto férrico), H2SO4 5%(ácido sulfúrico) e NaOH 0,1%(hidróxido de sódio). Para os aços inoxidáveis, estas soluções promovem corrosão localizada, uniforme e passivação, respectivamente. Visando testar o desempenho do esquema de Fourier desenvolvido, testes foram realizados utilizando-se inicialmente sinais sintéticos e em seguida sinais de ruído eletroquímico. Notou-se que os sinais têm características de não-estacionaridade e a maior parte da energia está presente em baixa frequência. Os intervalos de tempo e de frequência onde se concentra a maior parte da energia do sinal foram correlacionados. Para os picos máximos dos sinais de potencial e corrente obtidos de amperimetria de resistência nula, a correlação entre eles foi baixa, independente da forma de corrosão presente. Conclui-se que o método se adaptou bastante bem às características locais do sinal eletroquímico permitindo o monitoramento dos espectros tempo-frequência. O fato de ser sensível às características locais do sinal permite analisar aspectos dos sinais que do modo clássico não podem ser diretamente processados. O método da transformada de Fourier janelada variável (Variable Short-Time Fourier Transform - VSTFT) adaptou-se muito bem no monitoramento dos sinais originados de potencial de circuito aberto e amperimetria de resistência nula.
The pole-and-line fishery for skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis, was the largest commercial fishery in Hawaii until its decline in the 1970's and 1980's. The development and decline of the fishery were strongly affected by fish availability and marketing. A sustained drop in the availability of large fish in the mid-1970's appears to have been due in part to a sustained environmental change. Availability of large fish subsequently increased, but the fishery continued its decline owing to low profitability and lack of markets. The tuna cannery in Honolulu that fostered the fishery's expansion in the 1930's closed in 1984. Unless efforts to increase the marketf or skipjack tuna become effective, landings will probably remain at current levels of about 1,000 metric tons per year. The existing pole-and-line fleet may continue to decline with age, and the local market may eventually be supplied by other fishing methods (e.g., trolling), by new vessels, or by imports.