947 resultados para Glutationa S-transferase
EBNA 2 (Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen 2) is an acidic transactivator essential for EBV transformation of B lymphocytes. We show that EBNA 2 directly interacts with general transcription factor IIH. Glutathione S-transferase (GST)-EBNA 2 acidic domain fusion protein depleted transcription factor IIH activity from a TFIIH nuclear fraction. The p89 (ERCC3), p80 (ERCC2), and p62 subunits of TFIIH were among the proteins retained by GST-EBNA 2. Eluates from the GST-EBNA 2 beads reconstituted activity in a TFIIH-dependent in vitro transcription assay. The p62 and p80 subunits of TFIIH independently bound to GST-EBNA 2, whereas the p34 subunit of TFIIH only bound in the presence of p62. A Trp-->Thr mutation in the EBNA 2 acidic domain abolishes EBNA 2 transactivation in vivo and greatly compromised EBNA 2 association with TFIIH activity and with the p62 and p80 subunits, providing a link between EBNA 2 transactivation and these interactions. Antibodies directed against the p62 subunit of TFIIH coimmunoprecipitated EBNA 2 from EBV-transformed B lymphocytes, indicating that EBNA 2 associates with TFIIH in vivo.
Lagartos teiú eclodem no verão e enfrentam o desafio de crescer e armazenar substratos em um curto período de tempo, antes do início do período de jejum e depressão metabólica (≈80%) a temperaturas amenas durante o inverno (≈17 °C). No despertar, o aumento do metabolismo e a reperfusão de órgãos favoreceriam a ocorrência de estresse oxidativo. Na primeira parte do presente estudo investigou−se os ajustes que compatibilizam as demandas em teiús neonatos, especialmente na pré-hibernação, por meio da gravação do comportamento em vídeo e da análise da massa dos corpos gordurosos abdominais e do nível plasmático de corticosterona (CORT) durante o primeiro ciclo anual. No início do outono a massa corpórea dos teiús foi 27 g e o comprimento rostro−cloacal 9,3 cm e aumentaram 40% e 20%, respectivamente, ao longo do outono, enquanto que as taxas diminuíram progressivamente até atingirem o valor zero no início do inverno. Na primavera, a massa corpórea dos teiús aumentou 80% em relação ao despertar e dobrou em relação ao final do verão; o comprimento acumulou um aumento de 27% em relação ao final do verão. A massa relativa dos corpos gordurosos foi 3,7% no início do outono e diminuiu nos meses subsequentes; no despertar, este estoque acumulou uma perda de 63% da sua massa. No início do outono 74% dos teiús estavam ativos por 4,7 h e permaneceram 2 h assoalhando diariamente; ao longo do outono o número de animais ativos e o tempo em atividade diminuíram até que todos se tornaram inativos. Na primavera 83% dos teiús estavam ativos por 7 h e permaneceram 4 h assoalhando. Um padrão sazonal similar foi observado na atividade locomotora e na alimentação. No outono, a alimentação cessou antes da atividade diária e os teiús tornaram−se afágicos algumas semanas antes da entrada em hibernação. Os maiores níveis de CORT foram observados no início do outono, reduzindo progressivamente até valores 75 e 86% menores na dormência e despertar, respectivamente; na primavera os níveis de CORT foram 32% menores em comparação com o início do outono. Este padrão sugere um papel da CORT nos ajustes que promovem a ingestão de alimento e a deposição de substratos energéticos no outono. A redução da atividade geral no final do outono contribuiria para a economia energética e manutenção da massa corpórea, apesar da redução da ingestão de alimento. O curso temporal das alterações fisiológicas e comportamentais em neonatos reforça a ideia de que a dormência sazonal nos teiús é o resultado da expressão de um ritmo endógeno. Na segunda parte do estudo foi investigada a hipótese de que ocorreriam ajustes das defesas antioxidantes durante a hibernação, em antecipação ao despertar. Foram analisados marcadores de estresse oxidativo e antioxidantes em vários órgãos de teiús em diferentes fases do primeiro ciclo anual. A CS, um indicador do potencial oxidante, não variou no fígado e foi menor no rim e no pulmão na hibernação. As enzimas antioxidantes revelaram (1) um efeito abrangente de redução das taxas na hibernação e despertar; por exemplo, GR e CAT foram menores em todos órgãos analisados e a GST tendeu a diminuir no fígado e no rim, embora constante no coração e no pulmão. A G6PDH no fígado e no rim não variou. (2) No fígado, a GST, a Se−GPX e o teor de TBARS foram maiores na atividade de outono em relação à primavera e a Se−GPX permaneceu elevada na hibernação. (3) No fígado, a SOD foi maior na hibernação e despertar em relação ao outono e a Mn−SOD seguiu este padrão. Em contraste, no rim, coração e pulmão a SOD foi menor na hibernação e as taxas se recuperaram no coração e pulmão no despertar. A Mn−SOD seguiu este padrão no pulmão. A concentração e o estado redox da glutationa não variaram no fígado, rim e coração; no pulmão o teor de Eq−GSH e GSH foi menor na hibernação, com tendência à recuperação no despertar. O teor de PC no rim foi maior na hibernação e diminuiu no despertar. No fígado, as alterações no jejum se assemelham às sazonais, como sugerem a inibição da CAT e GR e aumento da Se−GPX. Os efeitos do jejum na primavera no rim diferem dos efeitos sazonais, como sugerem a redução do teor de Eq−GSH e GSH e o aumento da razão GSSG:GSH, a redução da G6PDH e o aumento de PC. No conjunto, houve um efeito predominante de redução das taxas enzimáticas na hibernação e no despertar, exceto pelas taxas aumentadas da SOD e Se−GPX no fígado e pela recuperação da SOD no coração e da GR, SOD e Mn−SOD no pulmão no despertar. As elevadas taxas das enzimas antioxidantes no teiú em comparação a outros ectotermos e a ausência de evidências de estresse oxidativo no despertar sugerem que a atividade enzimática remanescente é suficiente para prevenir danos aos tecidos face às flutuações do metabolismo
A obtenção de uma lavoura com população adequada de plantas depende da utilização de diferentes práticas agronômicas, estando o sucesso condicionado ao uso de sementes de boa qualidade. No entanto, a semeadura dificilmente é realizada em condições ideais o que resulta em problemas na emergência das plantas. Grande é a procura por alternativas que melhorem a germinação e o desenvolvimento inicial dos cultivos resultando em uniformidade de emergência, garantindo o estande e culminando em produção. O tratamento de sementes com agroquímicos fitossanitários é uma solução parcial no combate de agentes fitopatológicos e pragas, mas poucas são as soluções adotadas para melhorar o desenvolvimento vegetal inicial, que pode levar a desuniformidade e falhas no estande gerando prejuízos econômicos. Os extratos de algas já demonstraram em diversos estudos sua eficiência no desenvolvimento vegetal quando aplicados em plantas. Porém poucos são os estudos voltados para os efeitos dos extratos de algas na germinação e emergência. Assim, o intuito deste trabalho foi testar o extrato comercial de Ascophyllum nodosum, e diferentes fracionamentos do mesmo, no tratamento de sementes de soja e milho. Avaliou-se o efeito de diferentes doses no desenvolvimento das plântulas e as doses de melhor resposta foram utilizadas no tratamento de sementes de soja a fim de associar as respostas obtidas à expressão gênica de 9 genes relacionados ao processo germinativo em 24 e 48h de embebição. Sementes de soja tratadas com o extrato comercial resultaram em plântulas menos desenvolvidas o que pode estar relacionado ao alto teor de sais contidos no produto. O tratamento com as demais frações favoreceu o desenvolvimento das plântulas, principalmente o desenvolvimento radicular. Sementes de milho tratadas não apresentaram desenvolvimento tão satisfatório quanto as sementes de soja tratadas. A análise da expressão gênica relativa demonstrou que o tratamento com frações do extrato comercial é capaz de regular algumas vias do metabolismo hormonal, como a isopentenil transferase e a GA20 oxidase 2, e do catabolismo de reservas, como a acil-CoA oxidase. Em condições ótimas, o tratamento de sementes de soja com frações do extrato comercial de A. nodosum favoreceu o desenvolvimento inicial das plântulas de soja, no entanto não ocasionou grandes alterações no desenvolvimento de milho. Este estudo demonstrou a possibilidade de utilização de frações do extrato de A. nodosum no favorecimento do desenvolvimento inicial de plântulas de soja. Maiores estudos são necessários quanto às respostas em campo e na atenuação de estresses para viabilizar seu uso como um bioestimulante em sementes.
The investigation of biologically initiated pathways to psychological disorder is critical to advance our understanding of mental illness. Research has suggested that attention bias to emotion may be an intermediate trait for depression associated with biologically plausible candidate genes, such as the serotonin transporter (5-HTTLPR) and catechol-o-methyl-transferase (COMT) genes, yet there have been mixed findings in regards to the precise direction of effects. The experience of recent stressful life events (SLEs) may be an important, yet currently unstudied, moderator of the relationship between genes and attention bias as SLEs have been associated with both gene expression and attention to emotion. Additionally, although attention biases to emotion have been studied as a possible intermediate trait associated with depression, no study has examined whether attention biases within the context of measured genetic risk lead to increased risk for clinical depressive episodes over time. Therefore, this research investigated both whether SLEs moderate the link between genetic risk (5-HTTLPR and COMT) and attention bias to emotion and whether 5-HTTLPR and COMT moderated the relationship between attention biases to emotional faces and clinical depression onset prospectively across 18 months within a large community sample of youth (n= 467). Analyses revealed a differential effect of gene. Youth who were homozygous for the low expressing allele of 5-HTTLPR (S/S) and had experienced more recent SLEs within the last three months demonstrated preferential attention toward negative emotional faces (angry and sad). However, youth who were homozygous for the high expressing COMT genotype (Val/Val) and had experienced more recent SLEs showed attentional avoidance of positive facial expressions (happy). Additionally, youth who avoided negative emotion (i.e., anger) and were homozygous for the S allele of the 5-HTTLPR gene were at greater risk for prospective depressive episode onset. Increased risk for depression onset was specific to the 5-HTTLPR gene and was not found when examining moderation by COMT. These findings highlight the importance of examining risk for depression across multiple levels of analysis, such as combined genetic, environmental, and cognitive risk, and is the first study to demonstrate clear evidence of attention biases to emotion functioning as an intermediate trait predicting depression.
Chitosan is a natural polymer with antimicrobial activity. Chitosan causes plasma membrane permeabilization and induction of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) in Neurospora crassa. We have determined the transcriptional profile of N. crassa to chitosan and identified the main gene targets involved in the cellular response to this compound. Global network analyses showed membrane, transport and oxidoreductase activity as key nodes affected by chitosan. Activation of oxidative metabolism indicates the importance of ROS and cell energy together with plasma membrane homeostasis in N. crassa response to chitosan. Deletion strain analysis of chitosan susceptibility pointed NCU03639 encoding a class 3 lipase, involved in plasma membrane repair by lipid replacement, and NCU04537 a MFS monosaccharide transporter related to assimilation of simple sugars, as main gene targets of chitosan. NCU10521, a glutathione S-transferase-4 involved in the generation of reducing power for scavenging intracellular ROS is also a determinant chitosan gene target. Ca2+ increased tolerance to chitosan in N. crassa. Growth of NCU10610 (fig 1 domain) and SYT1 (a synaptotagmin) deletion strains was significantly increased by Ca2+ in the presence of chitosan. Both genes play a determinant role in N. crassa membrane homeostasis. Our results are of paramount importance for developing chitosan as an antifungal.
Chitosan is a biopolymer with a wide range of applications. The use of chitosan in clinical medicine to control infections by fungal pathogens such as Candida spp. is one of its most promising applications in view of the reduced number of antifungals available. Chitosan increases intracellular oxidative stress, then permeabilizes the plasma membrane of sensitive filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa and yeast. Transcriptomics reveals plasma membrane homeostasis and oxidative metabolism genes as key players in the response of fungi to chitosan. A lipase and a monosaccharide transporter, both inner plasma membrane proteins, and a glutathione transferase are main chitosan targets in N. crassa. Biocontrol fungi such as Pochonia chlamydosporia have a low content of polyunsaturated free fatty acids in their plasma membranes and are resistant to chitosan. Genome sequencing of P. chlamydosporia reveals a wide gene machinery to degrade and assimilate chitosan. Chitosan increases P. chlamydosporia sporulation and enhances parasitism of plant parasitic nematodes by the fungus. Omics studies allow understanding the mode of action of chitosan and help its development as an antifungal and gene modulator.
Tese de doutoramento, Farmácia (Biologia Celular e Molecular), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmácia, 2016
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
The fusion of a protein of interest to a large-affinity tag, such as the maltose-binding protein (MBP), thioredoxin (TRX), or glutathione-S-transferase (GST), can be advantageous in terms of increased expression, enhanced solubility, protection from proteolysis, improved folding, and protein purification via affinity chromatography. Unfortunately, crystal growth is hindered by the conformational heterogeneity induced by the fusion tag, requiring that the tag is removed by a potentially problematic cleavage step. The first three crystal structures of fusion proteins with large-affinity tags have been reported recently. All three structures used a novel strategy to rigidly fuse the protein of interest to MBP via a short three- to five-amino acid spacer. This strategy has the potential to aid structure determination of proteins that present particular experimental challenges and are not conducive to more conventional crystallization strategies (e.g., membrane proteins). Structural genomics initiatives may also benefit from this approach as a way to crystallize problematic proteins of significant interest.
The metabolic conjugation of exogenous and endogenous carboxylic acid substrates with endogenous glucuronic acid, mediated by the uridine diphosphoglucuronosyl transferase (UGT) superfamily of enzymes, leads to the formation of acyl glucuronide metabolites. Since the late 1970s, acyl glucuronides have been increasingly identified as reactive electrophilic metabolites, capable of undergoing three reactions: intramolecular rearrangement, hydrolysis, and intermolecular reactions with proteins leading to covalent drug-protein adducts. This essential dogma has been accepted for over a decade. The key question proposed by researchers, and now the pharmaceutical industry, is: does or can the covalent modification of endogenous proteins, mediated by reactive acyl glucuronide metabolites, lead to adverse drug reactions, perhaps idiosyncratic in nature? This review evaluates the evidence for acyl glucuronide-derived perturbation of homeostasis, particularly that which might result from the covalent modification of endogenous proteins and other macromolecules. Because of the availability of acyl glucuronides for test tube/in vitro experiments, there is now a substantial literature documenting their rearrangement, hydrolysis and covalent modification of proteins in vitro. It is certain from in vitro experiments that serum albumin, dipeptidyl peptidase IV, tubulin and UGTs are covalently modified by acyl glucuronides. However, these in vitro experiments have been specifically designed to amplify any interference with a biological process in order to find biological effects. The in vivo situation is not at all clear. Certainly it must be concluded that all humans taking carboxylate drugs that form reactive acyl glucuronides will form covalent drug-protein adducts, and it must also be concluded that this in itself is normally benign. However, there is enough in vivo evidence implicating acyl glucuronides, which, when backed up by in vivo circumstantial and documented in vitro evidence, supports the view that reactive acyl glucuronides may initiate toxicity/immune responses. In summary, though acyl glucuronide-derived covalent modification of endogenous macromolecules is well-defined, the work ahead needs to provide detailed links between such modification and its possible biological consequences. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Current opinion contends that complex interactions between genetic and environmental factors play a role in the etiology of Parkinson's disease (PD). Cigarette smoking is thought to reduce risk of PD, and emerging evidence suggests that genetic factors may modulate smoking's effect. We used a case-only design, an approach not previously used to study gene-environment interactions in PD, specifically to study interactions between glutathione-S-transferase (GST) gene polymorphisms and smoking in relation to PD. Four-hundred PD cases (age at onset: 60.0 +/- 10.7 years) were genotyped for common polymorphisms in GSTM1, PI, T1 and Z1 using well-established methods. Smoking exposure data were collected in face-to-face interviews. The independence of the studied GST genotypes and smoking exposure was confirmed by studying 402 healthy, aged individuals. No differences were observed in the distributions of GSTM1, T1 or Z1 polymorphisms between ever-smoked and never-smoked PD cases using logistic regression (all P > 0.43). However, GSTP1 *C haplotypes were over-represented among PD cases who ever smoked (odds ratio for interaction (ORi) = 2.00 (95% Cl: 1.11-3.60, P = 0.03)). Analysis revealed that ORi between smoking and the GSTP1-114Val carrier status increased with increasing smoking dose (P = 0.02 for trend). These data suggest that one or more GSTP1 polymorphisms may interact with cigarette smoking to influence the risk for PD. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective. To identify differentially expressed genes in synovial fibroblasts and examine the effect on gene expression of exposure to TNF-alpha and IL-1beta. Methods. Restriction fragment differential display was used to isolate genes using degenerate primers complementary to the lysophosphatidic acid acyl transferase gene family. Differential gene expression was confirmed by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction and immunohistochemistry using a variety of synovial fibroblasts, including cells from patients with osteoarthritis and self-limiting parvovirus arthritis. Results. Irrespective of disease process, synovial fibroblasts constitutively produced higher levels of IL-6 and monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP-1) (CCL2) than skin fibroblasts. Seven genes were differentially expressed in synovial fibroblasts compared with skin fibroblasts. Of these genes, four [tissue factor pathway inhibitor 2 (TFPI2), growth regulatory oncogene beta (GRObeta), manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) and granulocyte chemotactic protein 2 (GCP-2)] were all found to be constitutively overexpressed in synoviocytes derived from patients with osteoarthritis. These four genes were only weakly expressed in other synovial fibroblasts (rheumatoid and self-limiting parvovirus infection). However, expression in all types of fibroblasts was increased after stimulation with TNF-alpha and IL-1beta. Three other genes (aggrecan, biglycan and caldesmon) were expressed at higher levels in all types of synovial fibroblasts compared with skin fibroblasts even after stimulation with TNF-alpha and IL-1. Conclusions. Seven genes have been identified with differential expression patterns in terms of disease process (osteoarthritis vs rheumatoid arthritis), state of activation (resting vs cytokine activation) and anatomical location (synovium vs skin). Four of these genes, TFPI2, GRObeta (CXCL2), MnSOD and GCP-2 (CXCL6), were selectively overexpressed in osteoarthritis fibroblasts rather than rheumatoid fibroblasts. While these differences may represent differential behaviour of synovial fibroblasts in in vitro culture, these observations suggest that TFPI2, GRObeta (CXCL2), MnSOD and GCP-2 (CXCL6) may represent new targets for treatments specifically tailored to osteoarthritis.
We report the crystal structure of the N-terminal domain of Escherichia coli adenylyltransferase that catalyzes the reversible nucleotidylation of glutamine synthetase (GS), a key enzyme in nitrogen assimilation. This domain (AT-N440) catalyzes the deadenylylation and subsequent activation of GS. The structure has been divided into three subdomains, two of which bear some similarity to kanamycin nucleotidyltransferase (KNT). However, the orientation of the two domains in AT-N440 differs from that in KNT. The active site of AT-N440 has been identified on the basis of structural comparisons with KNT, DNA polymerase beta, and polyadenylate polymerase. AT-N440 has a cluster of metal binding residues that are conserved in polbeta-like nucleotidyl transferases. The location of residues conserved in all ATase sequences was found to cluster around the active site. Many of these residues are very likely to play a role in catalysis, substrate binding, or effector binding.
The GH receptor (GHR) mediates metabolic and somatogenic actions of GH. Its extracellular domain (ECD; residues 1-246) has two subdomains, each with seven beta strands organized into two antiparallel beta sheets, connected by a short hinge region. Most of the ECD residues involved in GH binding reside in subdomain 1, whereas subdomain 2 harbors a dimerization interface between GHR dimers that alters conformation in response to GH. A regulated GHR metalloprotease cleavage site is in the membrane-proximal stem region of subdomain 2. We have identified a monoclonal anti-ECD antibody, anti-GHR(ext-mAb), which recognizes the rabbit and human GHRs by immunoprecipitation, but less so after GH treatment. By immunoblotting and immunoprecipitation, anti-GHR(ext-mAb) recognized a glutathione-S-transferase (GST) fusion incorporating subdomain 2, but not one including subdomain 1. In transient transfection experiments, anti-GHR(ext-mAb) failed to recognize by immunoprecipitation a previously characterized dimerization interface mutant GHR that is incompetent for signaling. In signaling experiments, brief pretreatment of GH-responsive human fibrosarcoma cells with anti-GHR(ext-mAb) dramatically inhibited GH-induced Janus kinase 2 and signal transducer and activator of transcription 5 tyrosine phosphorylation and prevented GH-induced GHR disulfide linkage (a reflection of GH-induced conformational changes). In contrast, anti-GHR(ext-mAb) only partially inhibited radiolabeled GH binding, suggesting its effects on signaling were not simply via inhibition of binding. Furthermore, anti-GHR(ext-mAb) prevented phorbol ester-stimulated GHR proteolysis, but GHR cleavage site mutants were normally recognized by the antibody, indicating that the stem region cleavage site is not a direct epitope. A Fab fragment of anti-GHR(ext-mAb) inhibited GH-induced GHR disulfide linkage and signaling, as well as phorbol ester-induced GHR proteolysis, in a fashion similar to the intact antibody. Thus, our findings suggest that anti-GHR(ext-mAb) has promise as a GH antagonist and as a tool in studies of conformational changes required for GHR activation.