993 resultados para GERM-FREE MICE
Hind-limb ischemia has been used in type 1 diabetic mice to evaluate treatments for peripheral arterial disease or mechanisms of vascular impairment in diabetes [1]. Vascular deficiency is not only a pathophysiological condition, but also an obvious circumstance in tissue regeneration and in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine (TERM) strategies. We performed a pilot experiment of hind-limb ischemia in streptozotocin(STZ)-induced type 1 diabetic mice to hypothesise whether diabetes influences neovascularization induced by biomaterials. The dependent variables included blood flow and markers of arteriogenesis and angiogenesis. Type 1 diabetes was induced in 8-week-old C57BL/6 mice by an i.p. injection of STZ (50 mg/kg daily for 5 days). Hind-limb ischemia was created under deep anaesthesia and the left femoral artery and vein were isolated, ligated, and excised. The contralateral hind limb served as an internal control within each mouse. Non-diabetic ischaemic mice were used as experiment controls. At the hind-limb ischemia surgical procedure, different types of biomaterials were placed in the blood vessels gap. Blood flow was estimated by Laser Doppler perfusion imager, right after surgery and then weekly. After 28 days of implantation, surrounding muscle was excised and evaluated by histological analysis for arteriogenesis and angiogenesis. The results showed that implanted biomaterials were promote faster restoration of blood flow in the ischemic limbs and improved neovascularization in the diabetic mice. Therefore, we herein demonstrate that the combined model of hind-limb ischemia in type 1 diabetes mice is suitable to evaluate the neovascularization potential of biomaterials and eventually tissue engineering constructs.
Tese de Doutoramento em Biologia Molecular e Ambiental (área de especialização em Biologia Celular e Saúde).
Architectural (bad) smells are design decisions found in software architectures that degrade the ability of systems to evolve. This paper presents an approach to verify that a software architecture is smellfree using the Archery architectural description language. The language provides a core for modelling software architectures and an extension for specifying constraints. The approach consists in precisely specifying architectural smells as constraints, and then verifying that software architectures do not satisfy any of them. The constraint language is based on a propositional modal logic with recursion that includes: a converse operator for relations among architectural concepts, graded modalities for describing the cardinality in such relations, and nominals referencing architectural elements. Four architectural smells illustrate the approach.
In some regions of Brazil, especially where the water is scarce, drinking water is stored in water storage tanks. This practice gives the consumer the guarantee of available water. The water storage conditions such as the exposure to hot weather when the tanks are on rooftops allow the development of microorganisms and microbial biofilms which can deteriorate the water quality and increase the risk to human health [1,2]. This study describes the filamentous fungi (FF) detected in free water and biofilms in drinking water storage tanks in Recife - Pernambuco, Brazil. Five sampling times in triplicate were performed at two distinct points. Colony-forming units (CFU) of FF fungi were determined with 0.45 μm filtration membranes using peptone glucose rose Bengal agar (PGRBA). From the 30 samples analysed a total of 1136 CFU were obtained. The water biofilms were collected from samplers consisting of polyethylene coupons, previously installed in the reservoirs. These coupons were transferred to PGRBA plates and incubated using with the same conditions described for free FF. For the in situ detection of FF in biofilms the Calcofluor White staining technique was used. This procedure demonstrated FF forming biofilms on the surfaces of the coupons. Brazilian legislation does not define limits for FF in drinking water. However considering the potential risk of fungal contamination, the data obtained in this study will contribute to developing future quantitative and qualitative parameters for the presence of fungi in drinking water distribution systems in Brazil.
The preclinical development of nanomedicines raises several challenges and requires a comprehensive characterization. Among them is the evaluation of the biodistribution following systemic administration. In previous work, the biocompatibility and in vitro targeting ability of a glycol chitosan (GC) based nanogel have been validated. In the present study, its biodistribution in the mice is assessed, using near-infrared (NIR) fluorescence imaging as a tool to track the nanogel over time, after intravenous administration. Rapid whole body biodistribution of both Cy5.5 labeled GC nanogel and free polymer is found at early times. It remains widespreadly distributed in the body at least up to 6 h postinjection and its concentration then decreases drastically after 24 h. Nanogel blood circulation half-life lies around 2 h with the free linear GC polymer presenting lower blood clearance rate. After 24 h, the blood NIR fluorescence intensity associated with both samples decreases to insignificant values. NIR imaging of the organs shows that the nanogel had a body clearance time of 48 h, because at this time point a weak signal of NIR fluorescence is observed only in the kidneys. Hereupon it can be concluded that the engineered GC nanogel has a fairly long blood circulation time, suitable for biomedical applications, namely, drug delivery, simultaneously allowing efficient and quick body clearance.
Dissertação de mestrado em Ciências da Comunicação (área de especialização em Publicidade e Relações Públicas)
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in the online version, at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.electacta.2015.09.169.
Background: Pregnancy and postpartum have been associated to several physiological changes;however, empirical evidence was almost exclusively obtained in primiparous women and few studies focus on hormonal changes in men and second-time parents. The main aim of this study is to examine 24-h urinary free cortisol from mid-pregnancy to 3-months postpartum, comparing women/men and first/second-time parents.Methods: Twenty-six women and 22 men (N = 48) were recruited from an antenatal obstetric unit in Porto, Portugal. 24-h urinary free cortisol was measured at the 2nd and 3rd trimester and at 3-months postpartum. Repeated measures analyses of variance were conducted, in order to analyze 24-h urinary free cortisol patterns of change over this period. Gender and parity were included in the analyses as potential modifiers, in order to compare women and men, and first-and second-time parents.Results: An increase from the 2nd to the 3rd trimester (p = .006) and a decrease from the 3rd trimester to 3-months postpartum (p = .005) were reported in all parents’ 24-h urinary free cortisol. The interaction effects for Time * Gender (p = .03) and Time * Parity (p = .02) were found. Women and first-time parents revealed higher levels, while men and second-time parents showed lower 24-h urinary free cortisol levels at the 2nd trimester than at 3-months postpartum.Conclusions: Findings appear to clarify the direction, as well as, the timing, gender and parity extension of 24-h urinary free cortisol changes from mid-pregnancy to 3-months postpartum.The same pattern of change in all parents’ 24-h urinary free cortisol from mid-pregnancy to 3-months postpartum is consistent with the proposed role of hormones in preparation to parenting.
La Enfermedad de Chagas es una de las principales endemias de América Latina donde existen cerca de 18 millones de infectados y 90 millones en riesgo. Entre el 25 y el 30 por ciento desarrolla patología cardíaca o digestiva en el período crónico. Se ha postulado que mecanismos autoinmunes, sumados a la acción directa del parásito, podrían estar involucrados en la patogenia de la enfermedad. El desarrollo de vacunas tradicionales en Enfermedad de Chagas es una meta difícil de alcanzar, por lo cual parece más factible abordar estrategias basadas en la inmunomodulación, para disminuir la carga parasitaria, minimizar las acciones deletéreas en el periodo agudo y prevenir el desarrollo de patología en la etapa crónica. Para ello es necesario avanzar en el conocimiento de los mecanismos involucrados en la protección y en la patogenia. Si se acepta la hipótesis autoinmune, una estrategia de vacunación con un tripanosoma antigénicamente similar al T. cruzi pero no patógeno podría evitar posibles mecanismos autoagresivos. En nuestro Laboratorio se ha empleado un modelo de vacunación en ratones utilizando como inmunógeno el Trypanosoma rangeli, no patógeno en humanos. Los ratones vacunados, infectados con T. cruzi, mostraron buena respuesta inmune celular y humoral, bajas parasitemias, ausencia de lesiones histológicas, y sobrevida cercana al 100 por ciento. Los controles no vacunados tuvieron una elevada mortalidad. Debido al ciclo biológico del parásito, la defensa efectiva contra el T. cruzi requiere una potente respuesta de anticuerpos contra las formas extracelulares y una eficaz respuesta celular contra los amastigotes intracelulares. En el modelo desarrollado en nuestro laboratorio la protección se asocia con un adecuado equilibrio entre respuesta TH1 y TH2, con leve predominio TH1, disminución de citoquinas (Ck) proinflamatorias e incremento de receptores solubles de Ck. El esquema de inmunización demostró asimismo su eficacia en cobayos y en perros mantenidos en el Laboratorio. Hipótesis de trabajo: - La vacunación con T. rangeli desencadena mecanismos inmunomodulatorios que protegen de la infección con T. cruzi, entre los cuales se encuentran eventos que actúan tempranamente en el sitio de inoculación y en los que están involucradas células y moléculas del sistema inmune innato. - La vacunación a perros constituye una nueva herramienta en la lucha contra la Enfermedad de Chagas. Objetivos: i) profundizar el estudio tendiente a dilucidar los mecanismos involucrados en la resistencia inducida por la inmunización con T. rangeli en ratones; ii) estudiar el efecto que tiene el estrés físico de los ratones sobre la eficacia de la vacunación y iii) analizar la inmunogenicidad de la vacuna en perros de zonas endémicas para Enfermedad de Chagas. Material y metodos: Los ratones y perros serán vacunados con tres dosis de epimastigotes de T. rangeli, fijados con glutaraldehido y los controles solo recibirán PBS. Los ratones seran desafiados con T. cruzi. Se estudiará en liquido peritoneal: a) poblaciones celulares por Citometria de flujo; b) cuantificación de los distintos tipos de inmunoglobulinas, de citoquinas y sus receptores solubles, por ELISA, c) ON y arginasa, por técnicas colorimetricas; d) est.udio de la interacción macrófago-parásito y de receptores celulares por Inmunofluorescencia. e) En perros, se realizarán estudios parasitológicos (xenodiagnostico) y serológicos en vacunados y controles, 12 y 24 meses post vacunación. Resultados esperados e importancia del proyecto: se espera conocer los principales eventos tempranos que participan en la eliminación de los parásitos en los animales vacunados, el efecto del stress sobre la vacunación y asimismo, la inmunogenicidad de la vacuna en perros de campo. Todo ello permitirá obtener información sobre la eficacia de la vacunación experimental y podría aportar una herramienta adicional contra la Enfermedad de Chagas, interfiriendo en la cadena epidemiológica en áreas endémicas.