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Dissertação de mestrado em Ciências da Educação (área de especialização em Desenvolvimento Curricular e Inovação Educativa)
Dissertação de mestrado em Ciências da Comunicação (área de especialização em Publicidade e Relações Públicas)
Dissertação de mestrado em Ciências da Educação (área de especialização em Sociologia da Educação e Políticas Educativas)
El presente proyecto se desarrolló en tres universidades argentinas, una chilena y una portuguesa. En las universidades latinoamericanas asisten sujetos de distintas etnias (huarpes, aymarás, wichi, mapuches). Fueron objetivos de la investigación: a) identificar las motivaciones del ingreso a la Universidad y la evolución de sus expectativas (de futuro, de trabajo); b) conocer las representaciones que tienen del valor de la educación como vía de progreso; c) conocer las estrategias institucionales (curriculares, de convivencia, de servicios) para integrarlos y retenerlos. Los hallazgos muestran la baja efectividad de los programas implementados, con altos índices de fracaso y abandono.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial
El objetivo de este trabajo es identificar la política óptima (considerando producción, transporte y regulación) para la integración de la industria de gas natural en el Mercosur. Se analizarán factores que promueven o limitan la integración en la región. Utilizando un modelo matemático de flujo de redes, se minimizará el costo total (producción y transporte) para la región en su conjunto, satisfaciendo las restricciones de producción, capacidad de transporte y equilibrio (oferta igual a demanda) en cada nodo. El costo total (CT) de la producción y transporte de gas natural (considerando nodos para cada país en la región) es la función objetivo. El proceso de optimización consiste en identificar el nivel de gas natural producido y transportado que minimiza el costo total del sistema para la región. El modelo es estático, no considerando una optimización dinámica con relación a las reservas remanentes. Restricciones Consideramos cuatro restricciones en operación, a saber: 1. Equilibrio en los nodos: esta ecuación establece el equilibrio entre la oferta y la demanda de gas natural en cada nodo. La oferta incluye la producción local y las importaciones. Por su parte, la demanda incluye el consumo doméstico más las exportaciones. 2. Capacidad de producción en cada cuenca: esta restricción establece que las cantidades producidas en cada cuenca debería ser menor o igual a su capacidad de producción. Ello también permite la existencia de una utilización no plena de la capacidad. La capacidad máxima de producción en cada cuenca está determinada sobre la base de una medida de política para cada país a través de la cual el horizonte de consumo de las reservas probadas está establecido. Dada esta relación, el límite sobre la producción de cada año está fijado. En otras palabras, el nivel de producción no está basado ni en la capacidad instalada de producción ni en los precios, sino en la política de agotamiento decidida sobre las reservas probadas en el año de calibración del modelo. Esto permite diferentes escenarios para el análisis. Para las simulaciones se tomó el ratio de reservas a producción en el año de calibración del modelo. 3. Capacidad de transporte: el gas transportado a través de un gasoducto (los operativos y aquellos que están en plan de construcción), en general, y el gas transportado desde cada cuenca a cada mercado, en particular, debería ser menor o igual a la capacidad del gasoducto. 4. Nivel no negativo de gas natural producido: esto evita la existencia de soluciones inconsistentes no sólo desde un punto de vista económico sino también técnico. Referencias Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo BID (2001). Integración Energética en el Mercosur Ampliado, Washington DC. Beato, Paulina and Juan Benavides (2004). Gas Market Integration in the Southern Cone. Inter-American Development Bank. Washington, D.C. Conrad, Jon M. (1999). Resource Economics. Cambridge University Press. United States of America. Dasgupta, P.S. and G. M. Heal (1979). Economic Theory and Exhaustible Resources. Cambridge University Press. United States of America. Dos Santos, Edmilson M, Victorio E. Oxilia Dávalos, and Murilo T. Werneck Fagá (2006). “Natural Gas Integration in Latin America: Forward or Backwards?”. Revue de l’Energie, Nº 571, mai-juin. Fagundes de Almeida, E.L. y Trebat, N. (2004). “Drivers and barriers to cross-border gas trade in the southern cone”. Oil, Gas & Energy Law Intelligence, Vol. 2, Nº 3, Julio. Givogri, Pablo (2007). “Condiciones de abastecimiento y precios de la industria del gas de Argentina en los próximos años”. Fundación Mediterránea. Julio. Córdoba, Argentina. Kozulj, Roberto (2004). “La industria del gas natural en América del Sur: situación y posibilidades de la integración de los mercados”. Serie Recursos Naturales e Infraestructura. Nº 77. CEPAL. Santiago de Chile, Chile. Diciembre.
El problema que enfrenta la institucionalidad estatal argentina es que existe un serio déficit de información no solamente en el momento de evaluar un resultado, sino ya al momento de diseñar la política. Las estadísticas oficiales de hechos vitales, salud y educación son difundidas en el mejor de los casos con un año de atraso. La información de indicadores de salud por su nivel de desagregación no permite conocer las realidades locales. Es posible constatar la falta de información sobre las medidas tomadas para asegurar el cumplimiento de las obligaciones del Estado en lo relativo a políticas y programas de salud mental. Del mismo modo que los organismos internacionales determinan los deficits de los sistemas de atención a la salud mental a través de las brechas de tratamiento y aun cuando no se dispone de estimaciones precisas se habla de brechas de información, que expresarían la distancia entre la información necesaria y la efectivamente disponible (OPS, 2009). Desde el mes de diciembre de 2007 se conforma la Mesa de Trabajo Permanente en Salud Mental y Derechos Humanos, con el objeto de instalar en agenda la necesidad de contar con una legislación que brinde el marco normativo para la transformación del sector. En los meses de octubre y noviembre de 2010 se aprobaron sendas leyes de salud mental en la Provincia de Córdoba y a nivel nacional. Ambas proponen la transformación progresiva en los sistemas de atención a los problemas de salud mental de la población. Desde la Mesa de Trabajo Permanente en Salud Mental y Derechos Humanos se afirma que la legislación es un marco necesario pero no suficiente, en tanto se constata que las princiales violaciones a los derechos humanos se producen en situaciones concretas. El presente proyecto nace de la necesidad de contar con un sistema de información que permita conocer la transformación de los servicios de salud mental en la provincia de Córdoba a partir de la sanción de la ley 9848 de Salud Mental en el mes de octubre de 2010. Una vez logrado este objetivo legislativo, se pretende monitorear la gestión con la formulación de los siguientes interrogantes: ¿a través de qué indicadores medir, evaluar y monitorear si la producción de los servicios de salud mental se lleva adelante desde la perspectiva del enfoque de derechos sancionada en el marco normativo vigente?; ¿cuáles son los indicadores que desde dicha perspectiva los organismos estatales de producción de servicios deben elaborar para el compromiso de acción y la rendición de cuentas frente a la ciudadanía? ¿cuáles son los indicadores que la ciudadanía debe reclamar a los fines de monitorear el cumplimiento de dichos compromisos? La puesta en marcha del Observatorio de Salud Mental y Derechos Humanos permitirá analizar las políticas y programas de salud mental desde la perspectiva de los derechos humanos y avanzar en el monitoreo de la producción de los servicios de salud mental. Objetivo General: analizar y hacer visible el cumplimiento de los objetivos sancionados en la ley 9848 de Salud Mental a través de la observación, el monitoreo y la incidencia en las políticas de salud mental de la provincia de Córdoba. Metodología: la construcción de indicadores de derechos humanos para la salud mental. El Observatorio de Salud Mental y Derechos Humanos pretende dar cuenta de las transformaciones que van a ocurrir a partir de la sanción de la ley 9848. Los resultados esperados están ligados a la producción y difusión de información sistematizada sobre las transformaciones en salud mental, a la vigilancia y el análisis del efecto/impacto de las políticas e incidir en las decisiones. El Observatorio pretende reconocer e integrar la información disponible y proponer indicadores que den cuenta de la situación inicial al momento de la implementación de los marcos normativos y permitir el monitoreo de las transformaciones emergentes. This project stems from the need for an information system designed to show the transformation of mental health services in the province of Cordoba after the enactment of the Mental Health Act 9848 in October 2010. Once achieved this legislative objective is to monitor the management with the formulation of the following questions: through which indicators to measure, evaluate and monitor whether the production of mental health services are carried forward from the perspective of rights-based approach enacted in two laws?, What are the indicators from that perspective the production agencies should develop services for the commitment to action and accountability to the public? What are the indicators that the public should demand that the purpose of monitoring compliance with these commitments? The launch of the Centre for Mental Health and Human Rights will review the policies and mental health programs from the perspective of human rights and progress in monitoring the production of mental health services. General Objective: to analyze and highlight the achievement of the objectives sanctioned by the Mental Health Act 9848 through the observation, monitoring and impact on mental health policy in the province of Cordoba. Methodology: building human rights indicators for mental health Mental Observatory Health and Human Rights aims to account for the changes that will occur after the enactment of Law 9848. The expected results are linked to production and dissemination of systematic information about changes in mental health, surveillance and analysis of the effect / impact and influence policy decisions. The Centre aims to recognize and integrate the available information and propose indicators that account for the initial situation at the time of implementation of regulatory frameworks and allow monitoring of change emerging.
El informe de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (2001), refiere que en un plazo de 20 años los trastornos mentales pasarán a ser la segunda causa dentro de la carga de morbilidad a nivel mundial, y en la actualidad una de cada cuatro personas padece de algún trastorno mental en alguna etapa de su vida. Los estudios realizados en diversos países revelan que una proporción importante de los consultantes de la atención primaria en salud presentan algún tipo de trastornos mentales. Desde esta perspectiva, la atención primaria de la salud ofrece una oportunidad de intervenir en el manejo de los trastornos mentales de forma temprana y eficaz. En Argentina, es limitada la información acerca del registro epidemiológico en salud mental, no contando con estudios abordados desde la Atención Primaria en la provincia de Córdoba. El objetivo general del proyecto es estimar la prevalencia de trastornos mentales entre los consultantes de atención primaria por problemas de salud general. Para ello se propone: Estimar la prevalencia de trastornos mentales en una muestra representativa de consultantes adultos por problemas de salud general, de centros de atención primaria de la ciudad de Córdoba, identificar y describir los tipos de trastornos mentales que presentan estos consultantes adultos de centros de atención primaria y analizar la prevalencia de los trastornos mentales por sexo y edad de la población en estudio. Metodología: el estudio se realizará en consultorios de Atención Primaria de Salud distribuídos en todo el éjido de la ciudad, teniendo en cuenta la representación de las 12 zonas de CPC. La muestra es probabilística, estratificada, polietápica de pacientes que consultan en el primer nivel de atención. Se entrevistarán 1200 pacientes utilizando la versión computorizada del CIDI 3.0, que proporciona diagnóstico de acuerdo a la DSM IV y la CIE-10. La confiabilidad y la validez del instrumento ha sido ampliamente documentada y la traducción de la encuesta al español fue realizada conforme a las recomendaciones de la OMS. El análisis efectuado será de prevalencia de Trastornos Mentales y del Comportamiento (TMC),asociación entre factores sociodemográficos y TCM estimados calculando las razones de disparidad (odds ratio), regresión logística a fin de ajustar los resultados por la posible interacción entre variables, análisis de la asociación de todas las variables con los TMC, análisis univariado de la asociación de cada variable con los TMC, controlando sexo y edad, se construirá un modelo de regresión logística. En todos los casos el nivel de significación será de 0,05. El equipo de trabajo, de cooperación internacional entre profesionales de la UNC y de la Universidad de Chile, y con la participación en colaboración de los profesionales dependientes de la Secretaría de Salud de la municipalidad de Córdoba, representa un avance para trabajar en los centros de salud de esta ciudad, constituyéndose en un avance, cualitativo y cuantitativo de la actividad científica en Atención Primaria en salud mental con abordaje epidemiológico. Se espera contribuir al conocimiento acerca de la prevalencia de los problemas de salud mental de esta población en la ciudad de Córdoba, proporcionando información a los funcionarios y responsables por la gestión de las áreas vinculadas a la salud mental, aportando conocimiento que promueva una temprana identificación de riesgos iniciales en salud mental y conductas de cuidado en la población como potencial de bienestar.Así mismo, se espera sistematizar una experiencia que pueda ser replicada en otros sitios geográficos. Por todo lo anterior, esta propuesta permitirá conocer por primera vez en la ciudad de Córdoba la frecuencia y características de los problemas de salud mental entre consultantes de Atención Primaria, información fundamental para el desarrollo posterior de estrategias que busquen mejorar la detección y el tratamiento de estos problemas. According to the WHO Report (2001), in 20 years, mental health disorders (MHDs) will be the world’s second most frequent cause of morbidity. Primary care offers the opportunity to handle MHDs efficiently at an early stage. In Argentina, the epidemiologic data on mental health (MH) is limited, and there are no records for Córdoba. The aim of this project is to assess the prevalence of MHDs among consultants who resort to primary health centers (PHCCs) in the city of Córdoba for common health problems, by using a representative sample of adult consultants, identifying and describing the types of MHDs evinced, and analysing prevalence by sex and age group under study. Methodology:the study will be carried out in PHCCs located in the municipal area of Córdoba, covering the 12 zones corresponding to the CPCs (municipal branch offices for each zone). A multi-stage stratified random sample of 1200 patients will be interviewed using the program CIDI 3.0 to produce a diagnostic according to DSM IV and CIE-10, a tool with proven reliability and validity.The aspects to be analysed are prevalence of mental and behavior disorders, their association with socio-demographic factors estimated by odds ratios, logistic regression for adjustment of potential interaction among variables, association with all variables, and univariate analysis for association with each variable. Significance level will be 0.05 in all cases. The international teamwork including professionals from the Universities of Córdoba, Chile and the Public Health Department of the Municipality of Córdoba constitutes a qualitative and quantitative step forward in the field of primary health care studies with an epidemiologic approach. This project aims at providing administrators in the MH area with data for the early detection of initial risks in MH and the promotion of prevention habits. This will be the first study conducted in Córdoba, and is aimed at facilitating replication in other geographical areas.
The purpose of this research is to examine the main economic, legislative, and socio- cultural factors that are currently influencing the pub trade in Ireland and their specific impact on a sample of publicans in both Galway city and county. In approaching this task the author engaged in a comprehensive literature review on the origin, history and evolution of the Irish pub; examined the socio-cultural and economic role of the public house in Ireland and developed a profile of the Irish pub by undertaking a number of semi-structured interviews with pub owners from the area. In doing so, the author obtained the views and opinions of the publicans on the current state of their businesses, the extent to which patterns of trade have changed over recent years, the challenges and factors currently influencing their trade, the actions they believed to be necessary to promote the trade and address perceived difficulties and how they viewed the future of the pub business within the framework of the current regulatory regime. In light of this research, the author identified a number of key findings and put forward a series of recommendations designed to promote the future success and development of the pub trade in Ireland. The research established that public houses are currently operating under a very unfavourable regulatory framework that has resulted in the serious decline of the trade over the last decade. This decline appears to have coincided initially with the introduction of the ban on smoking in the workplace and was exacerbated further by the advent of more severe drink-driving laws, especially mandatory breath testing. Other unfavourable conditions include the high levels of excise duty, value added tax and local authority commercial rates. In addition to these regulatory factors, the research established that a major impediment to the pub trade is the unfair competition from supermarkets and other off-licence retail outlets and especially to the phenomenon of the below-cost selling of alcohol. The recession has also been a major contributory factor to the decline in the trade as also has been the trend towards lifestyle changes and home drinking mirroring the practice in some continental European countries.
This thesis presents the research and development of sustainable design guidelines for the furniture and wood products industry, suitable for sustainably enhancing design, manufacturing and associated activities. This sustainable guideline is based on secondary research conducted on subject areas such as ‘eco’ design, ‘green’ branding and ‘green’ consumerism, as well as an examination of existing certifications and sustainable tools techniques and methodologies, national and international drivers for sustainable development and an overview of sustainability in the Irish furniture manufacturing context. The guideline was further developed through primary research. This consisted of a focus group attended by leading Irish designers, manufacturers and academics in the area of furniture and wood products. This group explored the question of ‘green branding’ saturation in the market and the viability of investing in sustainability just yet. Participants stated that they felt the market for ‘green’ products is evolving very slowly and that there is no metric or legal framework present to audit whether or not companies are producing products that really embody sustainability. All the participants believed that developing and introducing a new certification process to incorporate a sustainable design process was a viable and necessary solution to protecting Irish furniture and wood manufacturers going forward. For the purposes of the case study, the author investigated a ‘sustainable’ design process for Team woodcraft, Ltd., through the design and development of a ‘sustainable’ children’s furniture range. The case study followed a typical design and development process; detailing customer design specifications, concept development and refinement and cumulating in final prototype, as well as associated engineering drawings. Based on this primary and secondary research, seven fundamental core principles for this sustainable guideline have been identified by the author. The author then used these core principles to expand into guidelines for the basis of proposed new Irish sustainable design guidelines for the furniture and wood products industry, the concept of which the author has named ‘Green Dot’. The author suggests that the ‘Green Dot’ brand or logo could be used to market an umbrella network of Irish furniture designers and manufactures who implement the recommended sustainable techniques.
Hepatitis C is a rapidly developing area of medicine – diagnostic tools are ever more refined, and entirely new treatments and treatment strategies are arriving, with more on the horizon. And because the virus affects such a large and varying population – up to 170 million at last count – we think it is important to have a pocket reference especially devoted to hepatitis C. We look forward to your comments on the usefulness of our 2014 Short Guide to Hepatitis C, which is an expansion and update of the HCV chapters in Hepatology – A Clinical Textbook (2014), also published by Flying Publisher. As always, we invite qualified people everywhere to translate this book into other languages, and make them available widely. This web-based free-of- harge concept is made possible by unrestricted educational grants from the pharmaceutical industry and has allowed the material to reach countries usually not covered by print media. We are convinced that this new pocket guide concept, focusing here on hepatitis C, will become a valuable source of information for our readers.
1) It may seem rather strange that, in spite of the efforts of a considerable number of scientists, the problem of the origin of indian corn or maize still has remained an open question. There are no fossil remains or archaeological relics except those which are quite identical with types still existing. (Fig. 1). The main difficulty in finding the wild ancestor- which may still exist - results from the fact that it has been somewhat difficult to decide what it should be like and also where to look for it. 2) There is no need to discuss the literature since an excellent review has recently been published by MANGELSDORF and REEVES (1939). It may be sufficient to state that there are basically two hypotheses, that of ST. HILAIRE (1829) who considered Brazilian pod corn as the nearest relative of wild corn still existing, and that of ASCHERSON (1875) who considered Euchlaena from Central America as the wild ancestor of corn. Later hypotheses represent or variants of these two hypotheses or of other concepts, howewer generally with neither disproving their predecessors nor showing why the new hypotheses were better than the older ones. Since nearly all possible combinations of ideas have thus been put forward, it har- dly seems possible to find something theoretically new, while it is essential first to produce new facts. 3) The studies about the origin of maize received a new impulse from MANGELSDORF and REEVES'S experimental work on both Zea-Tripsacum and Zea-Euchlaena hybrids. Independently I started experiments in 1937 with the hope that new results might be obtained when using South American material. Having lost priority in some respects I decided to withold publication untill now, when I can put forward more concise ideas about the origin of maize, based on a new experimental reconstruction of the "wild type". 4) The two main aspects of MANGELSDORF and REEVES hypothesis are discussed. We agree with the authors that ST. HILAIRE's theory is probably correct in so far as the tunicata gene is a wild type relic gene, but cannot accept the reconstruction of wild corn as a homozygous pod corn with a hermaphroditic tassel. As shown experimentally (Fig. 2-3) these tassels have their central spike transformed into a terminal, many rowed ear with a flexible rachis, while possessing at the same time the lateral ear. Thus no explanation is given of the origin of the corn ear, which is the main feature of cultivated corn (BRIEGER, 1943). The second part of the hypothesis referring to the origin of Euchlaena from corn, inverting thus ASCHERSON's theory, cannot be accepted for several reasons, stated in some detail. The data at hand justify only the conclusion that both genera, Euchlaena and Zea, are related, and there is as little proof for considering the former as ancestor of the latter as there is for the new inverse theory. 5) The analysis of indigenous corn, which will be published in detail by BRIEGER and CUTLER, showed several very primitive characters, but no type was found which was in all characters sufficiently primitive. A genetical analysis of Paulista Pod Corn showed that it contains the same gene as other tunicates, in the IV chromosome, the segregation being complicated by a new gametophyte factor Ga3. The full results of this analysis shall be published elsewhere. (BRIEGER). Selection experiments with Paulista Pod Corn showed that no approximation to a wild ancestor may be obtained when limiting the studies to pure corn. Thus it seemed necessary to substitute "domesticated" by "wild type" modifiers, and the only means for achieving this substitution are hybridizations with Euchlaena. These hybrids have now been analysed init fourth generation, including backcrosses, and, again, the full data will be published elsewhere, by BRIEGER and ADDISON. In one present publication three forms obtained will be described only, which represent an approximation to wild type corn. 6) Before entering howewer into detail, some arguments against ST. HILAIRE's theory must be mentioned. The premendelian argument, referring to the instability of this character, is explained by the fact that all fertile pod corn plants are heterozygous for the dominant Tu factor. But the sterility of the homozygous TuTu, which phenotypically cannot be identified, is still unexplained. The most important argument against the acceptance of the Tunicata faetor as wild type relic gene was removed recently by CUTLER (not yet published) who showed that this type has been preserved for centuries by the Bolivian indians as a mystical "medicine". 7) The main botanical requirements for transforming the corn ear into a wild type structure are stated, and alternative solutions given. One series of these characters are found in Tripsacum and Euchlaena : 2 rows on opposite sides of the rachis, protection of the grains by scales, fragility of the rachis. There remains the other alternative : 4 rows, possibly forming double rows of female and male spikelets, protection of kernels by their glumes, separation of grains at their base from the cob which is thin and flexible. 8) Three successive stages in the reconstruction of wild corn, obtained experimentally, are discussed and illustrated, all characterized by the presence of the Tu gene. a) The structure of the Fl hybrids has already been described in 1943. The main features of the Tunicata hybrids (Fig. -8), when compared with non-tunicate hybrids (Fig. 5-6), consist in the absence of scaly protections, the fragility of the rachis and finally the differentiation of the double rows into one male and one female spikelet. As has been pointed out, these characters represent new phenotypic effects of the tunicate factor which do not appear in the presence of pure maize modifiers. b) The next step was observed among the first backcross to teosinte (Fig. 9). As shown in the photography, Fig. 9D, the features are essencially those of the Fl plants, except that the rachis is more teosinte like, with longer internodes, irregular four-row-arrangement and a complete fragility on the nodes. c) In the next generation a completely new type appeared (Fig. 10) which resembles neither corn nor teosinte, mainly in consequence of one character: the rachis is thin and flexible and not fragile, while the grains have an abscission layer at the base, The medium sized, pointed, brownish and hard granis are protected by their well developed corneous glumes. This last form may not yet be the nearest approach to a wild grass, and I shall try in further experiments to introduce other changes such as an increase of fertile flowers per spikelet, the reduction of difference between terminal and lateral inflorescences, etc.. But the nature of the atavistic reversion is alveadwy such that it alters considerably our expectation when looking for a still existing wild ancestor of corn. 9) The next step in our deductions must now consist in an reversion of our question. We must now explain how we may obtain domesticated corn, starting from a hypothetical wild plant, similar to type c. Of the several changes which must have been necessary to attract the attention of the Indians, the following two seem to me the most important: the disappearance of all abscission layers and the reduction of the glumes. This may have been brought about by an accumulation of mutations. But it seems much more probable to assume that some crossing with a tripsacoid grass or even with Tripsacum australe may have been responsible. In such a cross, the two types of abscission layer would be counterbalanced as shown by the Flhybrids of corn, Tripsacum and Euchlaena. Furthermore in later generations a.tu-allele of Tripsacum may become homozygous and substitute the wild tunicate factor of corn. The hypothesis of a hybrid origin of cultivated corn is not completely new, but has been discussed already by HARSHBERGER and COLLINS. Our hypothesis differs from that of MANGELSDORF and REEVES who assume that crosses with Tripsacum are responsible only for some features of Central and North American corn. 10) The following arguments give indirects evidence in support of our hypothesis: a) Several characters have been observed in indigenous corn from the central region of South America, which may be interpreted as "tripsacoid". b) Equally "zeoid" characters seem to be present in Tripsacum australe of central South-America. c) A system of unbalanced factors, combined by the in-tergeneric cross, may be responsible for the sterility of the wild type tunicata factor when homozygous, a result of the action of modifiers, brought in from Tripsacum together with the tuallele. d) The hybrid theory may explain satisfactorily the presence of so many lethals and semilethals, responsible for the phenomenon of inbreeding in cultivated corn. It must be emphasized that corn does not possess any efficient mechanism to prevent crossing and which could explain the accumulation of these mutants during the evolutionary process. Teosinte which'has about the same mechanism of sexual reproduction has not accumulated such genes, nor self-sterile plants in spite of their pronounced preference for crossing. 11) The second most important step in domestication must have consisted in transforming a four rowed ear into an ear with many rows. The fusion theory, recently revived byLANGHAM is rejected. What happened evidently, just as in succulent pXants (Cactus) or in cones os Gymnosperms, is that there has been a change in phyllotaxy and a symmetry of longitudinal rows superimposed on the original spiral arrangement. 12) The geographical distribution of indigenous corn in South America has been discussed. So far, we may distinguish three zones. The most primitive corn appears in the central lowlands of what I call the Central Triangle of South America: east of the Andies, south of the Amazone-Basin, Northwest of a line formed by the rivers São Prancisco-Paraná and including the Paraguay-Basin. The uniformity of the types found in this extremely large zone is astonishing (BRIEGER and CUTLER). To the west, there is the well known Andian region, characterized by a large number of extremely diverse types from small pop corn to large Cuszco, from soft starch to modified sweet corn, from large cylindrical ears to small round ears, etc.. The third region extends along the atlantic coast in the east, from the Caribean Sea to the Argentine, and is characterized by Cateto, an orange hard flint corn. The Andean types must have been obtained very early, and undoubtedly are the result of the intense Inca agriculture. The Cateto type may be obtained easily by crosses, for instance, of "São Paulo Pointed Pop" to some orange soft corn of the central region. The relation of these three South American zones to Central and North America are not discussed, and it seems essential first to study the intermediate region of Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela. The geograprical distribution of chromosome knobs is rapidly discussed; but it seems that no conclusions can be drawn before a large number of Tripsacum species has been analysed.
The present work is destinated to prove that the castes : workers and queens, in Melipona bees are due to genetic factors and not to differences in food. 2) Material used: Hives of Melipona quadri-fasciata anthidioides (Lep. 1836), M. schenki schenki (Gribodo, 1893), M. fasciata rufiventris (Lep. 1836), M. quadri-fasciata vicina (Lep. 1836), M. marginata marginata (Lep. 1836), Apis mellifera (L. 1758). 3) It should be pointed out that in Melipona bees there are no royal cells for the queens, but all the cells are of the same size independently of being destinated for workers, queens or drones. The numerous queens which are born are killed soon after emerging from their cells. 4) Changes of feeding in quality and in quantity caused no variation of castes. The only variable factor is the size, which becomes bigger when the bee is well nourished. 5) The offsprings of 5 hives were examined : 3 of M. quadri-fasciata anthidioides (n.o 1, n.o 2 and n.o 3), 1 of M. quadri-fasciata vicina (n.o 4) and 1 of M. marginata marginata (n.o 5). Combs of about 40 cells were taken into laboratory and the type of bee registered immediately after emerging. The results of the counts were: BOX COMB WORKER QUEEN PERCENTAGE Σ X2 to 12,5% Nº 1 1th 69 8 10,4% 0, 3139 " 1 2nd 144 18 11,1% 0, 2856 " 2 1th 52 8 13,3% 0, 0384 " 3 1th 45 10 18,2% 1, 6736 " 4 1th 56 4 6,7% 1, 8686 " 4 2nd 29 4 12,1% 0,00432 Σ X2 to 25% " 5 1th 34 14 29,2% 0,44444 "5 2nd 83 27 24,5% 0, 0121 In the 4 first boxes there is a percentage of 11,63% queens and in the last there is a percentage of 25,95%. 6) These percentages are very near two genetical ratios: 12,5% or 7:1, and 25% or 3:1, which correspond to a trifactorial and a bifactorial back-cross. Carrying out a X² test no significant deviations were found ( X² to 12,5% and to 25% and table 1 to 4). 7) We suppose that the formula for the queen in the first case (11,65%) is: AaBbCc. Since the Melipona bees are arrhenotokous hymenopteres, the drones are haploid and may have any one of the following eight formulas, corresponding to the gonic segregation of the queem : ABC, ABc, Abc, Abc, AbC, aBC, aBc, abC, abc. Anyone combination of these males with the queen will give a segregation of 7 workers to 1 queen, since there is always only one triple heterozygote among the eight possible segregates (table 5). 8) In order to explain the second case, it is suffient to assume that in this species there are only two pairs of factors, the queen being the double heterozygote : AaBb, while the drones may have any one of the following constitutions: AB, Ab, aB and ab. Workers are again all diploids which are homozygous for one or both factors, for instance: AABB, AABb, AaBB, aaBb, AAbb, etc. (table 6). 9) It is suggested that the genus Melipona is an intermediary type between the solitary bees, where all females are fertile independently of their feeding, and the genera Apis and Trigona, where without special feeding all females are born sterile, while only specially fed females develop into fertile queens. 10) No speculations are put forward with regards to the evolutionary mechanism which may have been responsible for the development of the genetical determination of castes in Melipona, since it seems advisable point to extend the studies to other insects with complicated caste systems.
We describe the mating behavior of Adelosgryllus rubricephalus Mesa & Zefa, 2004. In trials carried out in laboratory we verified the following mating sequence: (1) sexual recognition by antennation; (2) courtship with male turning his abdomen towards the female, performing mediolateral antennae vibration, jerking its body antero-posteriorly and stridulating intermittently, while receptive female drums on the male's abdomen tip, cerci and hind-tibia with her palpi or foretarsi; the male then stops and stays motionless for some seconds, extrudes the spermatophore and both restart the behavioral sequence described above; (3) copulation: male underneath female; with his tegmina inclined forward, and joins his genitalia to the female's to promote sperm transference ; the female steps off the male, occurring a brief end-to-end position; (4) postcopulation: without guarding behavior; male retains the spermatophore and eats it. We quantified elapsed time of each behavioral sequence and discussed its implications in the observed mating behavior.
Recoveries after recent earthquakes in the U.S. and Japan have shown that large welfare gains can be achieved by reshaping current emergency plans as incentive-compatible contracts. We apply tools from the mechanisms design literature to show ways to integrate economic incentives into the management of natural disasters and discuss issues related to the application to seismic event recovery. The focus is on restoring lifeline services such as the water, gas, transportation, and electric power networks. We put forward decisional procedures that an uninformed planner could employ to set repair priorities and help to coordinate lifeline firms in the post-earthquake reconstruction.